1,557 research outputs found

    Allen v. Allen - Who\u27s at Fault?

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    The Role of Temporal Evolution in Modeling Atmospheric Emissions from Tropical Fires

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    Fire emissions associated with tropical land use change and maintenance influence atmospheric composition, air quality, and climate. In this study, we explore the effects of representing fire emissions at daily versus monthly resolution in a global composition-climate model. We find that simulations of aerosols are impacted more by the temporal resolution of fire emissions than trace gases such as carbon monoxide or ozone. Daily-resolved datasets concentrate emissions from fire events over shorter time periods and allow them to more realistically interact with model meteorology, reducing how often emissions are concurrently released with precipitation events and in turn increasing peak aerosol concentrations. The magnitude of this effect varies across tropical ecosystem types, ranging from smaller changes in modeling the low intensity, frequent burning typical of savanna ecosystems to larger differences when modeling the short-term, intense fires that characterize deforestation events. The utility of modeling fire emissions at a daily resolution also depends on the application, such as modeling exceedances of particulate matter concentrations over air quality guidelines or simulating regional atmospheric heating patterns

    Aggrecan is required for growth plate cytoarchitecture and differentiation

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    AbstractThe proteoglycan aggrecan is a prominent component of the extracellular matrix in growth plate cartilage. A naturally occurring, recessive, perinatally lethal mutation in the aggrecan core protein gene, cmdbc (Acancmd-Bc), that deletes the entire protein-coding sequence provided a model in which to characterize the phenotypic and morphologic effects of aggrecan deletion on skeletal development. We also generated a novel transgenic mouse, Tg(COL2A1-ACAN), that has the chick ACAN coding sequence driven by the mouse COL2A1 promoter to enable the production of cmdbc/cmdbc; Tg(COL2A1-ACAN) rescue embryos. These were used to assess the impact of aggrecan on growth plate organization, chondrocyte survival and proliferation, and the expression of mRNAs encoding chondrocyte differentiation markers and growth factors. Homozygous mutant (cmdbc/cmdbc) embryos exhibited severe defects in all skeletal elements with deformed and shortened (50%) limb elements. Expression of aggrecan in rescue embryos reversed the skeletal defects to varying degrees with a 20% increase in limb element length and near-full reversal (80%) of size and diameter of the ribcage and vertebrae. Aggrecan-null growth plates were devoid of matrix and lacked chondrocyte organization and differentiation, while those of the rescue embryos exhibited matrix production concomitant with partial zonation of chondrocytes having proliferative and hypertrophic morphologies. Deformation of the trachea, likely the cause of the mutation׳s lethality, was reduced in the rescue embryos. Aggrecan-null embryos also had abnormal patterns of COL10A1, SOX9, IHH, PTCH1, and FGFR3 mRNA expression in the growth plate. Expression of chick aggrecan in the rescue embryos notably increased COLX expression, accompanied by the reappearance of a hypertrophic zone and IHH expression. Significantly, in transgenic rescue embryos, the cell death and decreased proliferation phenotypes exhibited by the mutants were reversed; both were restored to wild-type levels. These findings suggest that aggrecan has a major role in regulating the expression of key growth factors and signaling molecules during development of cartilaginous tissue and is essential for proper chondrocyte organization, morphology, and survival during embryonic limb development


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    Com a publicação de Conferências e diálogos: saberes e práticas antropológicas, a ABA torna disponível, para um público mais amplo, algumas das principais atividades que tiveram lugar durante a última reunião bianual da Associação, realizada em junho de 2006 em Goiânia. Neste aspecto, o livro conjuga a reunião das conferências proferidas durante a 25ª RBA ou em atividades conexas ao evento, com as “Conversas com Autores”

    Some factors influencing case classification in a public welfare agency

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    This group project represented an attempt to study some factors pertaining to the formation of a system of case classification in a county public welfare agency, Multnomah County Public Welfare Commission, Portland, Oregon. The classification tool was a Case Planning Schedule intended to encourage diagnostic thinking on the part of the caseworker and to enhance planning and service for the client. The focus of the study was limited to two areas: (1) whether or not the use of the Schedule resulted in agreement among caseworkers in classification and in consistency on prognoses, (2) the attitudes of the caseworkers in various departments toward the Case Classification Program and the Case Planning Schedule. Background for the study involved a search of the literature surrounding new approaches to the problems of multi-problem families and public assistance caseloads. Consideration was given to agency structure and the circumstances surrounding the creation of the Oregon Program for Case Classification. Five main hypotheses were tested. With one a comparison was made between classification and prognostication of cases with and without a case classification Schedule. The other testable hypotheses were dealt with by administration of an interviewing schedule designed to gather data regarding staff attitudes toward the Program and the Schedule. Appropriate statistical tests of significance were employed and a content analysis was used in connection with an open-ended attitudinal question. Qualitative and quantitative findings were consistent in demonstrating that caseworkers tended to be favorable toward the intent of the Program but critical toward implementation procedures. Divergent viewpoints were shown in comparing responses of workers by categories of work-load assignments departmental assignments, and length of service in the agency. These findings suggest that additional research include an evaluation of the validity of such systems

    Strategic Management of Grazing Grassland Systems to Maintain and Increase Organic Carbon in Soils

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    Understanding management-induced C sequestration potential in soils under agriculture, forestry, and other land use systems and their quantification to offset increasing greenhouse gases are of global concern. This chapter reviews management-induced changes in C storage in soils of grazing grassland systems, their impacts on ecosystem functions, and their adaptability and needs of protection across socio-economic and cultural settings. In general, improved management of grassland/pasture such as manuring/slurry application, liming and rotational grazing, and low to medium livestock units could sequester C more than under high intensity grazing conditions. Converting cultivated land to pasture, restoration of degraded land, and maximizing pasture phases in mixed-cropping, pasture with mixed-livestock, integrated forestry-pasturage of livestock (silvopastoral) and crop-forestry-pasturage of livestock (agro-silvopastoral) systems could also maintain and enhance soil organic C density (SOCρ). In areas receiving low precipitation and having high erodibility, grazing exclusion might restore degraded grasslands and increase SOCρ. Yet, optimizing C sequestration rates, sowing of more productive grass varieties, judicial inorganic and organic fertilization, rotational grazing, and other climate-resilient approaches could improve overall farm productivity and profitability and attain sustainability in livestock farming systems

    The size matters? A computational tool to design bivalent ligands

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    Bivalent ligands are increasingly important such as for targeting G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) dimers or proteolysis targeting chimeras (PROTACs). They contain two pharmacophoric units that simultaneously bind in their corresponding binding sites, connected with a spacer chain. Here, we report a molecular modelling tool that links the pharmacophore units via the shortest pathway along the receptors van der Waals surface and then scores the solutions providing prioritization for the design of new bivalent ligands. Bivalent ligands of known dimers of GPCRs, PROTACs and a model bivalent antibody/antigen system were analysed. The tool could rapidly assess the preferred linker length for the different systems and recapitulated the best reported results. In the case of GPCR dimers the results suggest that in some cases these ligands might bind to a secondary binding site at the extracellular entrance (vestibule or allosteric site) instead of the orthosteric binding site