707 research outputs found

    La competencia matemática a través del Test BIN en 4 años

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    El presente documento se va a desarrollar en torno al concepto de Competencia Matemática en la infancia, mediante la consulta de información en fuentes bibliográficas, para realizar una justificación teórica. A continuación, se ha puesto en práctica la realización del Test de Batería para la evaluación de la Inteligencia Numérica (BIN) y el Test de Evaluación Matemática Temprana (TEMT), en un contexto educativo real, con una muestra niños y niñas de 4 años. Se ha llevado a cabo una recogida de datos de ambos test, sin embargo, la investigación se ha centrado en el análisis del test BIN, estableciendo una serie de variables. Asimismo, después de la discusión e interpretación de los datos de dicho test, ha sido necesario sacar unas conclusiones en base a los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas del test TEMT, realizando una comparación entre ellos. Por último, se expone una reflexión final, donde se mencionan líneas futuras de mejora.Grado en Educación Infanti

    Intervenciones no farmacológicas en la osteoporosis

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    Introducción: La osteoporosis es el proceso metabólico óseo más frecuente, caracterizado por la disminución de la resistencia ósea, que conlleva un aumento del riesgo de fracturas. Es causa además de un problema sanitario de primera magnitud en todo el mundo por su elevado coste social y económico y su elevada prevalencia. Los pacientes que sufren osteoporosis presentan a menudo trastornos psicológicos, dificultades en la adherencia al tratamiento, así como problemas físicos relacionados con el dolor, la discapacidad o las deformidades que la enfermedad puede causar. Objetivo: Identificar las intervenciones no farmacológicas más efectivas disponibles para el control y la prevención de la osteoporosis. Método: Revisión sistemática de la literatura Discusión: La prevención es el tratamiento más eficaz para combatir la osteoporosis. El rol de la Enfermera es fundamental, para mejorar la calidad de vida de estos pacientes promoviendo hábitos de vida saludables. Los programas de educación son considerados parte esencial del tratamiento no farmacológico en pacientes con osteoporosis. Los cuidados enfermeros, en esta patología, son fundamentales para facilitar el autocuidado y el afrontamiento eficaz de la enfermedad. Existen suficientes recomendaciones para realizar intervenciones no farmacológicas en el tratamiento de la osteoporosis, como son una dieta equilibrada, rica en calcio y vitamina D, ejercicio y una buena educación sanitaria por parte de la enfermera.Grado en Enfermerí

    An Institutional Analysis of Cost Accounting Practices in the Spanish Eighteenth Century

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    A growing body of literature (Johnson, 1972; Tyson, 1990; Fleischman and Parker, 1990 and 1991; Edwards and Newell, 1991 and Fleischman et al., 1996) has evidenced that sophisticated costing techniques were used in the early stages of the Industrial Revolution for efficiency reasons. However, some scholars have questioned the role of efficiency (Hoskin and Macve, 1988; Miller, 1994, Carmona et al., 1997, 1998 and 2002 and Gutiérrez et al., 2005) and have suggested institutional explanations for the development of cost accounting. The purpose of this research is to extend this institutional explanation of accounting spreading in the second half of the 18th century, Enlightenment Century Spain. With this aim, this work explores the changes that took place in six organizations depended of the Crown. The study reveals the importance of the role played by a group of managers belonging to the Spanish Enlightenment Movement.Institutional Analysis, Cost Accounting, Spanish Eighteenth Century.

    El reconocimiento y la tutela de los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales frente a las omisiones estatales. Los límites presupuestarios

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    [Resumen] Los principios derivados del régimen jurídico de los derechos humanos, con jerarquía constitucional en el ordenamiento jurídico argentino desde el año 1994, han inundado los campos interpretativos internos en las diversas ramas del derecho. En tal marco, corresponde resaltar la obligación que pesa sobre el Estado de asegurar efectivamente el mínimo estándar requerido en materia de derechos económicos, sociales y culturales dado su tratamiento constitucional. A esos fines, el presupuesto público, adquiere una relevancia significativa como instrumento ordenador de las diversas necesidades que corresponden ser satisfechas, así como las prioridades y la equidad en la distribución de los fondos públicos. La falta de previsión presupuestaria original o la insuficiencia sobreviniente de recursos durante la ejecución no pueden, por principio, constituirse en una valla infranqueable frente a la efectivización de tales derechos por parte del Estado.[Abstract] The principles derived from the human rights legal system, with constitutional status in Argentina´s law since 1994, have overrun the domestic interpretative fields in the different law branches. In such a frame, it corresponds to emphasize the duties that weigh on the State in order to assure, in an effective way, the minimum standards required in the matter of economic, social and cultural rights as a result of their constitutional treatment. In order to accomplish those aims, the public budget acquires a significant relevance as an instrument for the alignment of the several necessities to be satisfied, as well as the priorities and the fairness in the distribution of the public funds. The original lack of budgetary prevision or the supervening insufficiency of resources during budget execution cannot, by principle, constitute an insurmountable fence to the accomplishment of such rights by the Stat

    A He I upper atmosphere around the warm Neptune GJ 3470 b

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    High resolution transit spectroscopy has proven to be a reliable technique for the characterization of the chemical composition of exoplanet atmospheres. Taking advantage of the broad spectral coverage of the CARMENES spectrograph, we initiated a survey aimed at characterizing a broad range of planetary systems. Here, we report our observations of three transits of GJ 3470 b with CARMENES in search of He (23S) absorption. On one of the nights, the He I region was heavily contaminated by OH− telluric emission and, thus, it was not useful for our purposes. The remaining two nights had a very different signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) due to weather. They both indicate the presence of He (2^(3)S) absorption in the transmission spectrum of GJ 3470 b , although a statistically valid detection can only be claimed for the night with higher S/N. For that night, we retrieved a 1.5 ± 0.3% absorption depth, translating into a R_(p)(λ)/R_(p) = 1.15 ± 0.14 at this wavelength. Spectro-photometric light curves for this same night also indicate the presence of extra absorption during the planetary transit with a consistent absorption depth. The He (2^(3)S) absorption is modeled in detail using a radiative transfer code, and the results of our modeling efforts are compared to the observations. We find that the mass-loss rate, Ṁ , is confined to a range of 3 × 10^(10) g s^(−1) for T = 6000 K to 10 × 10^(10) g s^(−1) for T = 9000 K. We discuss the physical mechanisms and implications of the He I detection in GJ 3470 b and put it in context as compared to similar detections and non-detections in other Neptune-size planets. We also present improved stellar and planetary parameter determinations based on our visible and near-infrared observations

    Precise mass and radius of a transiting super-Earth planet orbiting the M dwarf TOI-1235: a planet in the radius gap?

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    We report the confirmation of a transiting planet around the bright weakly active M0.5 V star TOI-1235 (TYC 4384–1735–1, V ≈ 11.5 mag), whose transit signal was detected in the photometric time series of sectors 14, 20, and 21 of the TESS space mission. We confirm the planetary nature of the transit signal, which has a period of 3.44 d, by using precise RV measurements with the CARMENES, HARPS-N, and iSHELL spectrographs, supplemented by high-resolution imaging and ground-based photometry. A comparison of the properties derived for TOI-1235 b with theoretical models reveals that the planet has a rocky composition, with a bulk density slightly higher than that of Earth. In particular, we measure a mass of M_(p) = 5.9 ± 0.6 M_(⊕) and a radius of Rp = 1.69 ± 0.08 R_(⊕), which together result in a density of ρ_(p) = 6.7^(+1.3)_(−1.1) g cm^(−3) . When compared with other well-characterized exoplanetary systems, the particular combination of planetary radius and mass places our discovery in the radius gap, which is a transition region between rocky planets and planets with significant atmospheric envelopes. A few examples of planets occupying the radius gap are known to date. While the exact location of the radius gap for M dwarfs is still a matter of debate, our results constrain it to be located at around 1.7 R_(⊕) or larger at the insolation levels received by TOI-1235 b (∼60 S_(⊕)). This makes it an extremely interesting object for further studies of planet formation and atmospheric evolution

    The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs: The HeI infrared triplet lines in PHOENIX models of M 2-3 V stars

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    The He I infrared (IR) line at a vacuum wavelength of 10 833 Å is a diagnostic for the investigation of atmospheres of stars and planets orbiting them. For the first time, we study the behavior of the He I IR line in a set of chromospheric models for M-dwarf stars, whose much denser chromospheres may favor collisions for the level population over photoionization and recombination, which are believed to be dominant in solar-type stars. For this purpose, we use published PHOENIX models for stars of spectral types M2 V and M3 V and also compute new series of models with different levels of activity following an ansatz developed for the case of the Sun. We perform a detailed analysis of the behavior of the He I IR line within these models. We evaluate the line in relation to other chromospheric lines and also the influence of the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation field. The analysis of the He I IR line strengths as a function of the respective EUV radiation field strengths suggests that the mechanism of photoionization and recombination is necessary to form the line for inactive models, while collisions start to play a role in our most active models. Moreover, the published model set, which is optimized in the ranges of the Na I D_(2), Hα, and the bluest Ca II IR triplet line, gives an adequate prediction of the He I IR line for most stars of the stellar sample. Because especially the most inactive stars with weak He I IR lines are fit worst by our models, it seems that our assumption of a 100% filling factor of a single inactive component no longer holds for these stars

    The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs High-resolution optical and near-infrared spectroscopy of 324 survey stars

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    The CARMENES radial velocity (RV) survey is observing 324 M dwarfs to search for any orbiting planets. In this paper, we present the survey sample by publishing one CARMENES spectrum for each M dwarf. These spectra cover the wavelength range 520-1710 nm at a resolution of at least R > 80 000, and we measure its RV, Ha emission, and projected rotation velocity. We present an atlas of high-resolution M-dwarf spectra and compare the spectra to atmospheric models. To quantify the RV precision that can be achieved in low-mass stars over the CARMENES wavelength range, we analyze our empirical information on the RV precision from more than 6500 observations. We compare our high-resolution M-dwarf spectra to atmospheric models where we determine the spectroscopic RV information content, Q, and signal-to-noise ratio. We find that for all M-type dwarfs, the highest RV precision can be reached in the wavelength range 700-900 nm. Observations at longer wavelengths are equally precise only at the very latest spectral types (M8 and M9). We demonstrate that in this spectroscopic range, the large amount of absorption features compensates for the intrinsic faintness of an M7 star. To reach an RV precision of 1 m s(-1) in very low mass M dwarfs at longer wavelengths likely requires the use of a 10 m class telescope. For spectral types M6 and earlier, the combination of a red visual and a near-infrared spectrograph is ideal to search for low-mass planets and to distinguish between planets and stellar variability. At a 4m class telescope, an instrument like CARMENES has the potential to push the RV precision well below the typical jitter level of 3-4 m s(-1)