119 research outputs found

    La Espiral de proyectos como eje conductor de asignaturas de Gestión de Proyectos Informáticos

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    Este trabajo presenta una propuesta para una asignatura de Gestión de Proyectos en el contexto de una titulación de Ingeniería Informática. La novedad de la propuesta consiste en que la asignatura se articula en el desarrollo, progresivo e incremental, de una secuencia de proyectos a lo largo de un cuatrimestre de quince semanas lectivas. Esta organización alternativa, se ha concebido, implantado y validado durante cuatro cursos. En ella se abordan, progresiva e incrementalmente, problemas y soluciones a través de una secuencia de cuatro proyectos, cuya duración, alcance y dificultad de gestión va aumentando conforme el estudiante va incorporando conocimientos teóricos e instrumentales relacionados con las actividades de planificación, seguimiento y control de proyectos. Así, cada proyecto, además de sus propias especificaciones, tiene asociados sus objetivos específicos, tanto los contextuales, como los relativos a las técnicas de gestión y a las competencias de comportamiento, de forma que, sucesivamente, se recurre a las competencias trabajadas anteriormente, mientras se abordan nuevas dificultades y retos.SUMMARY -- This paper presents a proposal for a Project Management course in the context of a Computer Engineering degree. The novelty of the proposal is that the course is articulated through the structured (progressive and incremental) development of a sequence of projects during a semester. This organization has already been designed, implemented and validated for the last four years. It addresses problems and solutions through a sequence of four projects, whose duration, scope and difficulty of management increases as the student gains theoretical and instrumental knowledge related to planning, monitoring and controlling projects. Thus, each project, in addition to their own specifications, has associated specific objectives. Those objectives are, both contextual and technical, such as management techniques and behavioral skills. With this organization, previously worked skills are applied, while new difficulties and challenges are addressed

    Novel Antibacterial and Toughened Carbon-Fibre/Epoxy Composites by the Incorporation of TiO2 Nanoparticles Modified Electrospun Nanofibre Veils

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    The inclusion of electrospun nanofiber veils was revealed as an effective method for enhancing the mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced epoxy resin composites. These veils will eventually allow the incorporation of nanomaterials not only for mechanical reinforcement but also in multifunctional applications. Therefore, this paper investigates the effect of electrospun nanofibrous veils made of polyamide 6 modified with TiO2 nanoparticles on the mechanical properties of a carbon-fiber/epoxy composite. The nanofibers were included in the carbon-fiber/epoxy composite as a single structure. The effect of positioning these veils in different composite positions was investigated. Compared to the reference, the use of unmodified and TiO2 modified veils increased the flexural stress at failure and the fracture toughness of composites. When TiO2 modified veils were incorporated, new antibacterial properties were achieved due to the photocatalytic properties of the veils, widening the application area of these composites.This research is funded by the ELKARTEK Programme, “ACTIMAT”, grupos de investigación del sistema universitario vasco (IT718-13), the Spanish government through the project TEC2015-63838-C3-1-R-OPTONANOSENS and from the Basque government through the project KK-2017/00089-µ4F

    La espiral de proyectos como eje conductor de asignaturas de Gestión de Proyectos Informáticos

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    Este trabajo presenta una propuesta para una asignatura de Gestión de Proyectos en el contexto de una titulación de Ingeniería Informática. La novedad de la propuesta consiste en que la asignatura se articula en el desarrollo, progresivo e incremental, de una secuencia de proyectos a lo largo de un cuatrimestre de quince semanas lectivas. Esta organización alternativa, se ha concebido, implantado y validado durante cuatro cursos. En ella se abordan, progresiva e incrementalmente, problemas y soluciones a través de una secuencia de cuatro proyectos, cuya duración, alcance y dificultad de gestión va aumentando conforme el estudiante va incorporando conocimientos teóricos e instrumentales relacionados con las actividades de planificación, seguimiento y control de proyectos. Así, cada proyecto, además de sus propias especificaciones, tiene asociados sus objetivos específicos, tanto los contextuales, como los relativos a las técnicas de gestión y a las competencias de comportamiento, de forma que, sucesivamente, se recurre a las competencias trabajadas anteriormente, mientras se abordan nuevas dificultades y retos.This paper presents a proposal for a Project Management course in the context of a Computer Engineering degree. The novelty of the proposal is that the course is articulated through the structured (progressive and incremental) development of a sequence of projects during a semester. This organization has already been designed, implemented and validated for the last four years. It addresses problems and solutions through a sequence of four projects, whose duration, scope and difficulty of management increases as the student gains theoretical and instrumental knowledge related to planning, monitoring and controlling projects. Thus, each project, in addition to their own specifications, has associated specific objectives. Those objectives are, both contextual and technical, such as management techniques and behavioral skills. With this organization, previously worked skills are applied, while new difficulties and challenges are addressed

    Anglerfish (Lophius spp.) increasing discards in Spanish OTB fleet (VI-VII ICES). Juveniles availability or sampling artefact?

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    An update of the yearly estimates of angler sh (black angler (Lophius budegassa) and white angler(Lophius piscatorius) discarded by the Spanish bottom trawl operating in the Northeast Atlantic ocean are presented. Black angler discards increased sharply in the last three year, while UShape with a maximum in 2010 is found for white angler. A 2003 - 2010 sampling methodology review has beeen carried out without detecting any shift in the protocol which could produce overestimation for recent years discards. Fishing covariates related to black angler discard data also indicates that shing practices remain stable along the series. We detect a steady increase in the species rst length of retention L50 from 21; 5cm in 2003 to a range 23cm - 25cm between 2004 - 2008 and 28cm since 2009. We conclude that interaction between the industry adoption of a Minimum Weigth Landing (500g) and the strength of recruitment indices explain the increase in amounts of angler discards

    Deep Species Results from Spanish Discard Sampling Programme

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    Estimations of deep species discards from three Spanish bottom otter trawl m etiers operating in the Northeast Atlantic ICES V I, V II, V IIIc and North IXa are presented in this paper. Information has been ob- tained from the `Spanish Discard Sampling Programme' carried out by the IEO. Trip was the sampling unit, being raised to eet level using sh- ing e ort as auxiliary variable. Discard weigth estimates from time series of seven years (2003-2009) is presented for twelve species. Further, dis- card length distributions are presented for those species that have been observed whitin discarded fraction for more than three years. Estimates show high between-years variation in discard amounts, exceeding 35% CV in almost all cases. Results show that the largest amounts of discards of most of the species occur at depths less than 600m. Low market value is the main factor that forces the eet to discard most of deep species

    Elasmobranches Results from Spanish Discard Sampling Programme

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    A discard Elasmobranches species composition estimates for the Spanish bottom otter and pair trawl fleets operating in the Northeast Atlantic ICES Subareas VI, VII, VIII and North IX are presented. Information has been obtained from the “Spanish Discard Sampling Programme” carried out by the IEO. Time series provide information on discarded catch (in weight and number) and length distributions since 2003 to 2009. Eighteen species were selected in order to show the most important ones occurring in Spanish discards. Trip was the sampling unit, being raised to fleet level using fishing effort as auxiliary variable. Discard estimates for these species show high betweenyears variation, exceeding 50% CV in all cases. Further exploratory data analysis was carried for the four most discarded species

    Southern Megrim Species Results from Spanish Discard Sampling Programme

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    A discard megrims (Megrim, Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis and Four spot megrim, L. boscii) composition estimates for the Spanish bottom otter trawl fleets operating in the Northeast Atlantic ICES Divisions VIIIc and North IXa are presented. Information has been obtained by sampling Spanish fleets under the “Spanish Discard Sampling Programme” carried out by the IEO. Trip was the sampling unit, being raised to different fleet level using fishing effort as auxiliary variable and total fleet landings. Raising to total fleet landings was used for discard fleet estimation due to the lower CV obtained. Time series on discards of both species since 1993 to 2010 are presented. Discard age distributions of both southern megrims species, are also showed. Discard estimates for these species show high between-years variation, exceeding almost 25% CV in almost all cases in both species but with lower values in four spot megrim. MLS and low market value for small fish are the main factors that force the fleet to discard most of megrims species

    Aplicación de nuevas tecnologías a la enseñanza

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    La aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (NTIC) en la enseñanza se presenta, a menudo,como una innovación metodológica. Sin embargo, nuestra participación en algunas experiencias como tutores y estudiantes nos lleva a afirmar que no existe una metodología de enseñanza específica para este entorno. En este artículo se hace una revisión crítica de potencialidades y limitaciones de las NTIC en la enseñanza, y se defiende incorporar las NTIC como complemento a la actividad docente universitaria clásica. En ese contexto, se argumentará que la incorporación de herramientas multimedia y de comunicación ha de basarse en un análisis exhaustivo de todos los elementos que constituyen la formación, proponiéndose finalmente una metodología para el desarrollo de complementos formativos

    Incorporando los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en el Grado de Ingeniería Informática a través de asignaturas de Dirección de Proyectos

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    En este trabajo se presenta y analiza la experiencia de incorporación de la Agenda 2030 y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) en dos asignaturas de Dirección de Proyectos del Grado en Ingeniería Informática (GII) en dos universidades colaborando coordinadamente. Se integra el trabajo sobre la Agenda 2030 en el marco de la relación existente entre los ODS y los contenidos de deontología profesional. La propuesta, implantada durante dos cursos académicos, aporta una referencia práctica de inclusión de los ODS en el currículum del GII. En el trabajo se muestra información sobre el punto de partida del alumnado, sus ideas previas y algunos resultados obtenidos. Esta información puede resultar útil para orientar una priorización que evite un acercamiento demasiado genérico a los ODS.This paper presents and analyzes the experience of incorporating the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in two courses of Project Management of the Degree in Computer Science (DCC) in two universities collaborating in a coordinated way. The work on 2030 Agenda is integrated into the framework of the relationship between the SDGs and aspects of professional ethics. The proposal, implemented during two academic years, provides a practical reference for the inclusion of the SDGs in the curriculum of the DCC. This work provides information on the students' starting point, their previous ideas and some of the obtained results. This information might be useful to guide a prioritization that avoids a too generic approach to the SDGs.Este trabajo ha sido subvencionado parcialmente por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 y la U.E. “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR, pr. PDC2021-121128-I00 (ReCREA)