124 research outputs found

    A mão e a luva: a respeito de um soneto escrito por Jorge de Lima

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    Analysis of a poem from Livro de sonetos, published in 1949 by Jorge de Lima. Beginning with a "close reading of the text," the reflection becomes a comparative practice, confronting the poem with a passage from the 1939 novel A mulher obscura. Finally, it focuses on the love found in both texts, highlighting the love for the sonnet form and the love for "woman who delivers herself unto death" - an image that, with evident fin-de-siècle traces, is finely imprinted by the author from Alagoas.Análise de poema contido no Livro de sonetos, publicado em 1949, por Jorge de Lima. Partindo de uma "leitura rente ao texto", a reflexão chega à prática comparativa, confrontando o poema a uma passagem do romance A mulher obscura, de 1939. Por último, há o enfoque do amor contido nos dois textos. Destacam-se o amor pela forma do soneto e o amor pela "mulher que se entrega à morte", imagem que, portando rastros de tendências finisseculares, adquire marcas impressas pelo autor alagoano

    Paisagens amenas

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    A partir do "locus amoenus" -topos identificado por Curtius na poesia latina - comentam-se cenas extraídas das narrativas O homem que matou o diabo, de Aquilino Ribeiro, e Grande sertão: Veredas, de Guimarães Rosa. O trabalho integra pesquisa sobre amor e literatura

    Personas – Vínculos familiares no filme Jogo de Cena

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    Este artigo analisa o filme Jogo de Cena, dirigido por Eduardo Coutinho, ao passo em que este dialoga com obras literárias, como de Carlos Drummond de Andrade e Machado de Assis. Analisamos como ocorre o processo de desvelamento e exposição para várias mulheres, sob uma perspectiva crítica capaz de perceber como Jogo de Cena reedita, em nova versão, o anseio de conhecimento e representação da realidade social do país, uma das marcas do diretor. Resistentes, mas sem idealismos, boa parte das experiências femininas relatadas perpassam dor e melancolia, e em grande medida reverberam lacunas deixadas pelo Estado brasileiro

    Before the 2020 Pandemic: an observational study exploring public knowledge, attitudes, plans, and preferences towards death and end of life care in Wales

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    Background Understanding public attitudes towards death and dying is important to inform public policies around End of Life Care (EoLC). We studied the public attitudes towards death and dying in Wales. Methods An online survey was conducted in 2018. Social media and the HealthWiseWales platform were used to recruit participants. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. Results 2,210 people participated. Loss of independence (84%), manner of death, and leaving their beloved behind were the biggest fears around death and dying. In terms of EoLC, participants sought timely access to care (84%) and being surrounded by loved ones (62%). Being at home was less of a priority (24%). Only 50% were familiar with Advance Care Planning (ACP). A lack of standard procedures as well as of support for the execution of plans and the ability to revisit those plans hindered uptake. The taboo around death conversations, the lack of opportunities and skills to initiate discussion, and personal fear and discomfort inhibited talking about death and dying. 72% felt that we do not talk enough about death and dying and advocated normalising talking by demystifying death with a positive approach. Health professionals could initiate and support this conversation, but this depended on communication skills and manageable workload pressure. Participants encouraged a public health approach and endorsed the use of: a) social media and other public platforms, b) formal education, c) formal and legal actions, and d) signposting and access to information. Conclusions People are ready to talk about death and dying and COVID-19 has increased awareness. A combination of top-down and bottom-up initiatives across levels and settings can increase awareness, knowledge, and service-utilisation-drivers to support health professionals and people towards shared decisions which align with people’s end of life wishes and preferences

    Using the nominal group technique to involve young people in an evidence synthesis which explored 'risk' in inpatient mental healthcare

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    Background In this paper we demonstrate how our application of the nominal group technique was used as a method of involving young people with previous experience of using inpatient mental health services in an evidence synthesis. Methods Nominal group technique is an approach to group decision-making that places weight on all participants having an equal opportunity to express a view, and to influence decisions which are made. It is an effective way to enable people who might otherwise be excluded from decision-making to contribute. Results In this study, the focus of the evidence synthesis was significantly shaped following using the nominal group technique in our stakeholder advisory group meeting. The young people present in the group invited the research group to think differently about which ‘risks’ were important, to consider how young people conceptualised risk differently, focussing on risks with long term impact and quality of life implications, rather than immediate clinical risks. Conclusions Using the nominal group technique with young people did offer a method of promoting the equality of decision making within a stakeholder advisory group to an evidence synthesis project, but care needs to be taken to invite sufficient young people to attend so they can be proportionally represented


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    Análise do tema da disjunção parental em Lavoura Arcaica (1975) de Raduan Nassar e em O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo (1991) de José Saramago, levando em consi-deração o diálogo intertextual entre essas obras e o texto da Bíblia. Considerando que essas obras promovem rasuras em relação às narrativas do Novo Testamento, propõe-se uma leitura das dissemelhanças entre a congregação familiar que aparece no texto sagrado e a dissolução desse grupo nos romances em estudo. Levanta-se a hipótese de que as obras literárias, ao in-vestir nos vazios e nas lacunas deixadas pela forma narrativa da Bíblia, fazem uma revisitação das histórias que representam.FAMILY DISSOLUTION IN THE BIBLE AND ITS INTERTEXTUAL RELATIONS AMONG TWO NOVELS: TO THE LEFT OF THE FATHER AND THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JESUS CHRISTAnalysis of two novels, Lavoura Arcaica (1975), by Raduan Nassar and O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo (1991), by José Saramago. This article proposes the compar-ative study of those literary texts and the Bible, regarding the parental union seen on the sa-cred narrative and the parental dissolution perceived on both novels. The hypothesis raised is: based on the gaps and the blanks the Bible has, the authors of the novels create a new way to look at those histories