10 research outputs found

    Results of a survey among opioid addiction treatment providers on the importance of physical exercise

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    Background: Physical exercise has significant benefits for mental and physical health. The Federal Office of Public Health in Switzerland defined exercise as a medium-term treatment goal in the manual of heroin-assisted treatment. Methods: Sixty-four opioid agonist treatment providers and specialized psychosocial treatment centers across the German-speaking part of Switzerland were asked to fill in a brief, self-developed questionnaire to find out whether exercise programs are offered and what they consist of. The questionnaire additionally addressed the caregivers’ assessment of their respec- tive treatment facilities importance to their patients, their attitude towards exercising programs, and the frequency of mentioning exercise in patient encounters. In addition, we asked what kind of sports programs caregivers would like to see introduced in their treatment services. Results: Fifty-one questionnaires were returned. According to the caregivers, 76% of patients considered their treatment facility to be the first point of contact in case of an emergency. Caregivers who deemed the provision of exercise programs more important also mentioned exercise more often in their patient encounters and motivated patients more often. While the importance of exercise programs was rated high by 45% of caregivers, only seven respondents reported that regular exercise has been implemented as part of their treatment services. The most com- mon suggestion of a sports program was (Nordic) walking, followed by yoga and endurance sports. Conclusions: There is a mismatch between what is recommended and known regarding cost effectiveness of physical exercise in general, any form of walking in opioid addiction treatment, and what is actually offered and put into practice. Since this intervention allows the inclusion of most patients regardless of their fitness level or health condition, the reasons for this mismatch remain elusive and should be further explored

    Sex- and age-related differences in the management and outcomes of chronic heart failure: an analysis of patients from the ESC HFA EORP Heart Failure Long-Term Registry

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    Aims: This study aimed to assess age- and sex-related differences in management and 1-year risk for all-cause mortality and hospitalization in chronic heart failure (HF) patients. Methods and results: Of 16 354 patients included in the European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Long-Term Registry, 9428 chronic HF patients were analysed [median age: 66 years; 28.5% women; mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 37%]. Rates of use of guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) were high (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers, beta-blockers and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists: 85.7%, 88.7% and 58.8%, respectively). Crude GDMT utilization rates were lower in women than in men (all differences: P\ua0 64 0.001), and GDMT use became lower with ageing in both sexes, at baseline and at 1-year follow-up. Sex was not an independent predictor of GDMT prescription; however, age >75 years was a significant predictor of GDMT underutilization. Rates of all-cause mortality were lower in women than in men (7.1% vs. 8.7%; P\ua0=\ua00.015), as were rates of all-cause hospitalization (21.9% vs. 27.3%; P\ua075 years. Conclusions: There was a decline in GDMT use with advanced age in both sexes. Sex was not an independent predictor of GDMT or adverse outcomes. However, age >75 years independently predicted lower GDMT use and higher all-cause mortality in patients with LVEF 6445%

    "About the impetuosity of hearts and the stroking of ego". Autoethnography of the experience of own psychotherapy in the context of the illusion of objectivity

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    O obiektywizmie mówi się, że jest potrzebny. By prawidłowo oceniać rzeczywistość, by podejmować racjonalne decyzje, by móc ustalać rozmaite, uniwersalne, obowiązujące w świecie normy i weryfikować ich przestrzeganie. Co zatem jeśli uznamy, że obiektywizm nie istnieje? Że nasz ukochany strażnik ładu i porządku jest bardziej podobny do postaci mitycznej, niż do jakiegokolwiek namacalnego zjawiska, którego istnienie można poprzeć dowodami? Czy w naszym życiu zapanuje chaos i niepewność? Czy też odczujemy ulgę, swobodę i wolność? Niewątpliwie istnieją dziedziny, w których dążenie do obiektywizmu jest uznawane za pożądane, czy wręcz niezbędne. Kontrowersje budzi kwestia, czy psychoterapia powinna być jedną z nich, czy też na wstępie można stwierdzić, że nie ma tutaj do czego dążyć, ponieważ bycie realnie obiektywnym jest w tym przypadku zwyczajnie niemożliwe. Niniejsza praca jest zapisem literackiej, autobiograficznej narracji, ukazującej perspektywę pacjenta w procesie terapeutycznym, przeplatanej z naukową i filozoficzną dociekliwością dotyczącą zagadnienia psychoterapii, obiektywizmu i naiwnego realizmu, będącego jego oczywistym zaprzeczeniem.Objectivity is said to be needed. To correctly assess reality, to make rational decisions, to be able to settle various universal, effective standards and verify compliance with them. So what if we think that objectivity does not exist? That our beloved guardian of order is more like a mythical figure than any tangible phenomenon whose existence can be supported by evidence? Will chaos and uncertainty set in our lives? Or rather we will feel release, liberty and freedom? Undoubtedly, there are areas in which the pursuit of objectivity is considered desirable or even necessary. The question of whether psychotherapy should be one of them, or at the beginning it can be said that there is nothing to strive for here, because being really objective is simply impossible in this case, is strongly controversial. This work is a record of a literary, autobiographical narrative, showing the patient's perspective in the therapeutic process, interspersed with scientific and philosophical inquisitiveness regarding the issue of psychotherapy, objectivity and naive realism, which is considered to be its obvious negation

    Solar Heating for Pit Thermal Energy Storage – Comparison of Solar Thermal and Photovoltaic Systems in TRNSYS 18

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    Solar collectors and photovoltaic panels are devices widely used for heating water for both heating and domestic purposes. Due to the variable nature of solar radiation, it is advisable to include in solar energy-based systems thermal storages that accumulate energy at times of overproduction and discharge it at times of demand. In this paper, we present the results of simulation research to compare the possibility of two different charging systems for a 24000 m3 seasonal pit thermal energy storage (PTES). The first uses electricity generated by photovoltaic panels and converted to heat in an electrode boiler to charge the heat store. The second is utilising a solar collector for this purpose. Based on the simulation calculations carried out in TRNSYS 18, it can be concluded that, from an investment perspective, a system based on solar collectors is more cost-effective. In addition, the installation takes up less space compared to a photovoltaic panel farm

    Über Nutzen und Machbarkeit von Bewegungsinterventionsstudien bei Patienten, die an einer Opioidabhängigkeit oder einer Abhängigkeit von illegalen Substanzen leiden

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    Einleitung: Patienten mit einer Opioidabhängigkeit oder mit einer Abhängigkeit von illegalen Substanzen leiden häufig auch an weiteren psychischen und somatischen Erkrankungen. Für viele Erkrankungen wurde bereits gezeigt, dass sich Bewegungsinterventionen positiv auf Krankheitssymptome auswirken. Inwiefern gezeigt wurde, ob Patienten mit einer Opioidabhängigkeit oder mit einer Abhängigkeit von illegalen Substanzen von Bewegung profitieren und falls ja, inwiefern Behandlungsempfehlungen hiervon abgeleitet werden können, ist Gegenstand dieses Reviews. Methoden: Es erfolgte eine systematische Literaturrecherche mit der Suchmaschine pubmed. Die folgenden Suchbegriffe wurden verwendet: (Illicit drug*) AND (addiction OR SUD OR drug dependence OR drug abuse OR substance use disorder) AND (exercise OR physical activity) AND (treatment OR therapy). Berücksichtigt wurden randomisierte, kontrollierte Studien. Die Suche ergab 106 Artikel, wovon zwei Artikel schlussendlich berücksichtigt wurden – zusammen mit zwei weiteren, durch eine unsystematische Suche gefundene Artikel. Ergebnisse: Die erste Studie zeigte, dass eine Bewegungsintervention mit Patienten, die an einer Opioidabhängigkeit leiden, machbar ist; insgesamt gab es wenige Patienten, die als compliant eingestuft wurden. Die zweite Studie zeigte, dass Patienten mit einer Abhängigkeit von Methamphetamin von einer angeleiteten Bewegungsgruppe profitieren, da hierunter Ausdauer und Muskelkraft signifikant zunahmen. Die dritte Studie zeigte, dass sich bei Patienten mit einer Methamphetaminabhängigkeit während einer achtwöchigen Abstinenzphase, in welcher ein Bewegungsprogramm angeboten wird, die Bindungsaffinität von D2/D3-Rezeptoren signifikant verbessert. In der vierten Studie zeigte sich, dass sich der Schlaf bei Patientinnen mit einer Abhängigkeit von Amphetaminen durch Tai Chi verbessern kann. Schlussfolgerung: Die Literaturrecherche zeigt, dass es nur eine geringe Anzahl Studien gibt, die Bewegungsinterventionen bei dieser Patientenklientel untersuchen, solche Studien jedoch machbar sind und die Auswirkungen auf den Körper und die Psyche positiv ausfallen können. English Version: Introduction: Patients with a dependency of opioids or illicit drugs often suffer from other psychiatric or somatic illnesses. It has been shown that exercise can have positive effects on many diseases. Whether patients with a dependency of opioids or illicit drugs profit from exercise and whether recommendations can be derived is in the focus of this literature review. Methods: A systematic literature research was conducted with the search machine pubmed. The following search terms were used: (Illicit drug*) AND (addiction OR SUD OR drug dependence OR drug abuse OR substance use disorder) AND (exercise OR physical activity) AND (treatment OR therapy). Randomized, controlled trials were considered. Overall 106 articles were found, from which 2 articles matched the inclusion-criteria. Two more articles were found via an unsystematic search. Results: The first study demonstrated that an exercise intervention with patients suffering from an opioid dependency is feasible;the overall number of patients who were considered as compliant with the study protocol was small. The second study demonstrated that patients with a dependency of methamphetamines profit from a supervised exercise intervention: in their study, endurance and muscular strength increased significantly. In the third study patients with a dependency of methamphetamines expressed a higher D2/D3-receptor availability after having participated in an eight weeks exercise regime. The fourth study demonstrated that sleep can be enhanced by Tai Chi in patients suffering from a dependency of amphetamines. Conclusion: This literature search demonstrates that the amount of studies focusing on exercise interventions in patients suffering from opioid or illicit drug dependence is scarce; however, exercise interventions with this clientele are feasible and the impact on mental and physical well-being can be positive

    Unravelling the interplay between hyperkalaemia, renin\u2013angiotensin\u2013aldosterone inhibitor use and clinical outcomes. Data from 9222 chronic heart failure patients of the ESC-HFA-EORP Heart Failure Long-Term Registry

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    Aims: We assessed the interplay between hyperkalaemia (HK) and renin\u2013angiotensin\u2013aldosterone system inhibitor (RAASi) use, dose and discontinuation, and their association with all-cause or cardiovascular death in patients with chronic heart failure (HF). We hypothesized that HK-associated increased death may be related to RAASi withdrawal. Methods and results: The ESC-HFA-EORP Heart Failure Long-Term Registry was used. Among 9222 outpatients (HF with reduced ejection fraction: 60.6%, HF with mid-range ejection fraction: 22.9%, HF with preserved ejection fraction: 16.5%) from 31 countries, 16.6% had HK ( 655.0 mmol/L) at baseline. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi) or angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) was used in 88.3%, a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist (MRA) in 58.7%, or a combination in 53.2%; of these, at 6550% of target dose in ACEi: 61.8%; ARB: 64.7%; and MRA: 90.3%. At a median follow-up of 12.2 months, there were 789 deaths (8.6%). Both hypokalaemia and HK were independently. associated with higher mortality, and ACEi/ARB prescription at baseline with lower mortality. MRA prescription was not retained in the model. In multivariable analyses, HK at baseline was independently associated with MRA non-prescription at baseline and subsequent discontinuation. When considering subsequent discontinuation of RAASi (instead of baseline use), HK was no longer found associated with all-cause deaths. Importantly, all RAASi (ACEi, ARB, or MRA) discontinuations were strongly associated with mortality. Conclusions: In HF, hyper- and hypokalaemia were associated with mortality. However, when adjusting for RAASi discontinuation, HK was no longer associated with mortality, suggesting that HK may be a risk marker for RAASi discontinuation rather than a risk factor for worse outcomes

    Hyponatraemia and changes in natraemia during hospitalization for acute heart failure and associations with in-hospital and long-term outcomes - from the ESC HFA EORP Heart Failure Long-Term Registry

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    Aims: To comprehensively assess hyponatraemia in acute heart failure (AHF) regarding prevalence, associations, hospital course, and post-discharge outcomes. Methods and results: Of 8,298 patients in the ESC-HF Long-Term Registry hospitalized for AHF with any ejection fraction, 20% presented with hyponatraemia (serum sodium <135 mmol/L). Independent predictors included lower systolic blood pressure, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and haemoglobin, along with diabetes, hepatic disease, use of thiazide diuretics, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, digoxin, higher doses of loop diuretics, and non-use of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers and beta-blockers. In-hospital death occurred in 3.3%. The prevalence of hyponatraemia and in-hospital mortality with different combinations were: 9% hyponatraemia both at admission and discharge (hyponatraemia Yes/Yes, in-hospital mortality 6.9%), 11% Yes/No (in-hospital mortality 4.9%), 8% No/Yes (in-hospital mortality 4.7%), and 72% No/No (in-hospital mortality 2.4%). Correction of hyponatraemia was associated with improvement in eGFR. In-hospital development of hyponatraemia was associated with greater diuretic use and worsening eGFR but also more effective decongestion. Among hospital survivors, 12-month mortality was 19% and adjusted hazard ratios were for hyponatraemia Yes/Yes 1.60 (1.35-1.89), Yes/No 1.35 (1.14-1.59), and No/Yes 1.18 (0.96-1.45). For death or HF hospitalization they were 1.38 (1.21-1.58), 1.17 (1.02-1.33), and 1.09 (0.93-1.27), respectively. Conclusion: Among patients with AHF, 20% had hyponatraemia at admission, which was associated with more advanced HF and normalized in half of patients during hospitalization. Admission hyponatraemia (possibly dilutional), especially if it did not resolve, was associated with worse in-hospital and post-discharge outcomes. Hyponatraemia developing during hospitalization (possibly depletional) was associated with lower risk. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Sex- and age-related differences in the management and outcomes of chronic heart failure: an analysis of patients from the ESC HFA EORP Heart Failure Long-Term Registry

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    677siAims: This study aimed to assess age- and sex-related differences in management and 1-year risk for all-cause mortality and hospitalization in chronic heart failure (HF) patients. Methods and results: Of 16 354 patients included in the European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Long-Term Registry, 9428 chronic HF patients were analysed [median age: 66 years; 28.5% women; mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 37%]. Rates of use of guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) were high (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers, beta-blockers and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists: 85.7%, 88.7% and 58.8%, respectively). Crude GDMT utilization rates were lower in women than in men (all differences: P ≤ 0.001), and GDMT use became lower with ageing in both sexes, at baseline and at 1-year follow-up. Sex was not an independent predictor of GDMT prescription; however, age >75 years was a significant predictor of GDMT underutilization. Rates of all-cause mortality were lower in women than in men (7.1% vs. 8.7%; P = 0.015), as were rates of all-cause hospitalization (21.9% vs. 27.3%; P 75 years. Conclusions: There was a decline in GDMT use with advanced age in both sexes. Sex was not an independent predictor of GDMT or adverse outcomes. However, age >75 years independently predicted lower GDMT use and higher all-cause mortality in patients with LVEF ≤45%.nonenoneLainscak M.; Milinkovic I.; Polovina M.; Crespo-Leiro M.G.; Lund L.H.; Anker S.D.; Laroche C.; Ferrari R.; Coats A.J.S.; McDonagh T.; Filippatos G.; Maggioni A.P.; Piepoli M.F.; Rosano G.M.C.; Ruschitzka F.; Simic D.; Asanin M.; Eicher J.-C.; Yilmaz M.B.; Seferovic P.M.; Gale C.P.; Chair G.B.; Branko Beleslin R.S.; Andrzej Budaj P.L.; Chioncel R.O.; Nikolaos Dagres D.E.; Nicolas Danchin F.R.; David Erlinge S.E.; Jonathan Emberson G.B.; Michael Glikson I.L.; Alastair Gray G.B.; Meral Kayikcioglu T.R.; Aldo Maggioni I.T.; Klaudia Vivien Nagy H.U.; Aleksandr Nedoshivin R.U.; Anna-Sonia Petronio I.T.; Jolien Roos-Hesselink N.L.; Lars Wallentin S.E.; Uwe Zeymer D.E.; Mebazaa A.; Coats A.; A. Goda A.L.; M. Diez A.R.; A. Fernandez A.R.; F. Fruhwald A.T.; Fazlibegovic E.; P. Gatzov B.G.; A. Kurlianskaya B.Y.; R. Hullin C.H.; T. Christodoulides C.Y.; J. Hradec C.Z.; O. Wendelboe Nielsen D.K.; R. Nedjar D.Z.; T. Uuetoa E.E.; M. Hassanein E.G.; J. F. Delgado Jimenez E.S.; V-P. Harjola F.I.; D. Logeart F.R.; V. Chumburidze G.E.; D. Tousoulis G.R.; D. Milicic H.R.; B. Merkely H.U.; O'Donoghue IE E.; O. Amir I.L.; A. Shotan I.L.; D. Shafie I.R.; M. Metra I.T.; A. Matsumori J.P.; E. Mirrakhimov K.G.; A. Kavoliuniene L.T.; A. Erglis L.V.; Vataman E.; M. Otljanska M.K.; E. Srbinovska Kostovska M.K.; D. Cassar DeMarco M.T.; J. Drozdz P.L.; Fonseca C.; M. Dekleva R.S.; E. Shkolnik R.U.; U. Dahlstrom S.E.; M. Lainscak S.I.; E. Goncalvesova S.K.; A. Temizhan T.R.; V. Estrago U.Y.; G. Bajraktari X.K.; Auer J.; Ablasser K.; Fruhwald F.; Dolze T.; Brandner K.; Gstrein S.; Poelzl G.; Moertl D.; Reiter S.; Podczeck-Schweighofer A.; Muslibegovic A.; Vasilj M.; Cesko M.; Zelenika D.; Palic B.; Pravdic D.; Cuk D.; Vitlianova K.; Katova T.; Velikov T.; Kurteva T.; Gatzov P.; Kamenova D.; Antova M.; Sirakova V.; Krejci J.; Mikolaskova M.; Spinar J.; Krupicka J.; Malek F.; Hegarova M.; Lazarova M.; Monhart Z.; Hassanein M.; Sobhy M.; El Messiry F.; El Shazly A.H.; Elrakshy Y.; Youssef A.; Moneim A.A.; Noamany M.; Reda A.; Dayem T.K.A.; Farag N.; Halawa S.I.; Hamid M.A.; Said K.; Saleh A.; Ebeid H.; Hanna R.; Aziz R.; Louis O.; Enen M.A.; Ibrahim B.S.; Nasr G.; Elbahry A.; Sobhy H.; Ashmawy M.; Gouda M.; Aboleineen W.; Bernard Y.; Luporsi P.; Meneveau N.; Pillot M.; Morel M.; Seronde M.-F.; Schiele F.; Briand F.; Delahaye F.; Damy T.; de Groote P.; Fertin M.; Lamblin N.; Isnard R.; Lefol C.; Thevenin S.; Hagege A.; Jondeau G.; Logeart D.; Le Marcis V.; Ly J.-F.; Coisne D.; Lequeux B.; Le Moal V.; Mascle S.; Lotton P.; Behar N.; Donal E.; Thebault C.; Ridard C.; Reynaud A.; Basquin A.; Bauer F.; Codjia R.; Galinier M.; Tourikis P.; Stavroula M.; Tousoulis D.; Stefanadis C.; Chrysohoou C.; Kotrogiannis I.; Matzaraki V.; Dimitroula T.; Karavidas A.; Tsitsinakis G.; Kapelios C.; Nanas J.; Kampouri H.; Nana E.; Kaldara E.; Eugenidou A.; Vardas P.; Saloustros I.; Patrianakos A.; Tsaknakis T.; Evangelou S.; Nikoloulis N.; Tziourganou H.; Tsaroucha A.; Papadopoulou A.; Douras A.; Polgar L.; Merkely B.; Kosztin A.; Nyolczas N.; Nagy A.C.; Halmosi R.; Elber J.; Alony I.; Shotan A.; Fuhrmann A.V.; Amir O.; Romano S.; Marcon S.; Penco M.; Di Mauro M.; Lemme E.; Carubelli V.; Rovetta R.; Metra M.; Bulgari M.; Quinzani F.; Lombardi C.; Bosi S.; Schiavina G.; Squeri A.; Barbieri A.; Di Tano G.; Pirelli S.; Fucili A.; Passero T.; Musio S.; Di Biase M.; Correale M.; Salvemini G.; Brognoli S.; Zanelli E.; Giordano A.; Agostoni P.; Italiano G.; Salvioni E.; Copelli S.; Modena M.G.; Reggianini L.; Valenti C.; Olaru A.; Bandino S.; Deidda M.; Mercuro G.; Dessalvi C.C.; Marino P.N.; Di Ruocco M.V.; Sartori C.; Piccinino C.; Parrinello G.; Licata G.; Torres D.; Giambanco S.; Busalacchi S.; Arrotti S.; Novo S.; Inciardi R.M.; Pieri P.; Chirco P.R.; Galifi M.A.; Teresi G.; Buccheri D.; Minacapelli A.; Veniani M.; Frisinghelli A.; Priori S.G.; Cattaneo S.; Opasich C.; Gualco A.; Pagliaro M.; Mancone M.; Fedele F.; Cinque A.; Vellini M.; Scarfo I.; Romeo F.; Ferraiuolo F.; Sergi D.; Anselmi M.; Melandri F.; Leci E.; Iori E.; Bovolo V.; Pidello S.; Frea S.; Bergerone S.; Botta M.; Canavosio F.G.; Gaita F.; Merlo M.; Cinquetti M.; Sinagra G.; Ramani F.; Fabris E.; Stolfo D.; Artico J.; Miani D.; Fresco C.; Daneluzzi C.; Proclemer A.; Cicoira M.; Zanolla L.; Marchese G.; Torelli F.; Vassanelli C.; Voronina N.; Erglis A.; Tamakauskas V.; Smalinskas V.; Karaliute R.; Petraskiene I.; Kazakauskaite E.; Rumbinaite E.; Kavoliuniene A.; Vysniauskas V.; Brazyte-Ramanauskiene R.; Petraskiene D.; Stankala S.; Switala P.; Juszczyk Z.; Sinkiewicz W.; Gilewski W.; Pietrzak J.; Orzel T.; Kasztelowicz P.; Kardaszewicz P.; Lazorko-Piega M.; Gabryel J.; Mosakowska K.; Bellwon J.; Rynkiewicz A.; Raczak G.; Lewicka E.; Dabrowska-Kugacka A.; Bartkowiak R.; Sosnowska-Pasiarska B.; Wozakowska-Kaplon B.; Krzeminski A.; Zabojszcz M.; Mirek-Bryniarska E.; Grzegorzko A.; Bury K.; Nessler J.; Zalewski J.; Furman A.; Broncel M.; Poliwczak A.; Bala A.; Zycinski P.; Rudzinska M.; Jankowski L.; Kasprzak J.D.; Michalak L.; Soska K.W.; Drozdz J.; Huziuk I.; Retwinski A.; Flis P.; Weglarz J.; Bodys A.; Grajek S.; Kaluzna-Oleksy M.; Straburzynska-Migaj E.; Dankowski R.; Szymanowska K.; Grabia J.; Szyszka A.; Nowicka A.; Samcik M.; Wolniewicz L.; Baczynska K.; Komorowska K.; Poprawa I.; Komorowska E.; Sajnaga D.; Zolbach A.; Dudzik-Plocica A.; Abdulkarim A.-F.; Lauko-Rachocka A.; Kaminski L.; Kostka A.; Cichy A.; Ruszkowski P.; Splawski M.; Fitas G.; Szymczyk A.; Serwicka A.; Fiega A.; Zysko D.; Krysiak W.; Szabowski S.; Skorek E.; Pruszczyk P.; Bienias P.; Ciurzynski M.; Welnicki M.; Mamcarz A.; Folga A.; Zielinski T.; Rywik T.; Leszek P.; Sobieszczanska-Malek M.; Piotrowska M.; Kozar-Kaminska K.; Komuda K.; Wisniewska J.; Tarnowska A.; Balsam P.; Marchel M.; Opolski G.; Kaplon-Cieslicka A.; Gil R.J.; Mozenska O.; Byczkowska K.; Gil K.; Pawlak A.; Michalek A.; Krzesinski P.; Piotrowicz K.; Uzieblo-Zyczkowska B.; Stanczyk A.; Skrobowski A.; Ponikowski P.; Jankowska E.; Rozentryt P.; Polonski L.; Gadula-Gacek E.; Nowalany-Kozielska E.; Kuczaj A.; Kalarus Z.; Szulik M.; Przybylska K.; Klys J.; Prokop-Lewicka G.; Kleinrok A.; Aguiar C.T.; Ventosa A.; Pereira S.; Faria R.; Chin J.; De Jesus I.; Santos R.; Silva P.; Moreno N.; Queiros C.; Lourenco C.; Pereira A.; Castro A.; Andrade A.; Guimaraes T.O.; Martins S.; Placido R.; Lima G.; Brito D.; Francisco A.R.; Cardiga R.; Proenca M.; Araujo I.; Marques F.; Moura B.; Leite S.; Campelo M.; Silva-Cardoso J.; Rodrigues J.; Rangel I.; Martins E.; Correia A.S.; Peres M.; Marta L.; da Silva G.F.; Severino D.; Durao D.; Leao S.; Magalhaes P.; Moreira I.; Cordeiro A.F.; Ferreira C.; Araujo C.; Ferreira A.; Baptista A.; Radoi M.; Bicescu G.; Vinereanu D.; Sinescu C.-J.; Macarie C.; Popescu R.; Daha I.; Dan G.-A.; Stanescu C.; Dan A.; Craiu E.; Nechita E.; Aursulesei V.; Christodorescu R.; Otasevic P.; Simeunovic D.; Ristic A.D.; Celic V.; Pavlovic-Kleut M.; Lazic J.S.; Stojcevski B.; Pencic B.; Stevanovic A.; Andric A.; Iric-Cupic V.; Jovic M.; Davidovic G.; Milanov S.; Mitic V.; Atanaskovic V.; Antic S.; Pavlovic M.; Stanojevic D.; Stoickov V.; Ilic S.; Ilic M.D.; Petrovic D.; Stojsic S.; Kecojevic S.; Dodic S.; Adic N.C.; Cankovic M.; Stojiljkovic J.; Mihajlovic B.; Radin A.; Radovanovic S.; Krotin M.; Klabnik A.; Goncalvesova E.; Pernicky M.; Murin J.; Kovar F.; Kmec J.; Semjanova H.; Strasek M.; Iskra M.S.; Ravnikar T.; Suligoj N.C.; Komel J.; Fras Z.; Jug B.; Glavic T.; Losic R.; Bombek M.; Krajnc I.; Krunic B.; Horvat S.; Kovac D.; Rajtman D.; Cencic V.; Letonja M.; Winkler R.; Valentincic M.; Melihen-Bartolic C.; Bartolic A.; Vrckovnik M.P.; Kladnik M.; Pusnik C.S.; Marolt A.; Klen J.; Drnovsek B.; Leskovar B.; Anguita M.J.F.; Page J.C.G.; Martinez F.M.S.; Andres J.; Bayes-Genis A.; Mirabet S.; Mendez A.; Garcia-Cosio L.; Roig E.; Leon V.; Gonzalez-Costello J.; Muntane G.; Garay A.; Alcade-Martinez V.; Fernandez S.L.; Rivera-Lopez R.; Puga-Martinez M.; Fernandez-Alvarez M.; Serrano-Martinez J.L.; Grille-Cancela Z.; Marzoa-Rivas R.; Blanco-Canosa P.; Paniagua-Martin M.J.; Barge-Caballero E.; Cerdena I.L.; Baldomero I.F.H.; Padron A.L.; Rosillo S.O.; Gonzalez-Gallarza R.D.; Montanes O.S.; Manjavacas A.M.I.; Conde A.C.; Araujo A.; Soria T.; Garcia-Pavia P.; Gomez-Bueno M.; Cobo-Marcos M.; Alonso-Pulpon L.; Cubero J.S.; Sayago I.; Gonzalez-Segovia A.; Briceno A.; Subias P.E.; Hernandez M.V.; Cano M.J.R.; Sanchez M.A.G.; Jimenez J.F.D.; Garrido-Lestache E.B.; Pinilla J.M.G.; de la Villa B.G.; Sahuquillo A.; Marques R.B.; Calvo F.T.; Perez-Martinez M.T.; Gracia-Rodenas M.R.; Garrido-Bravo I.P.; Pastor-Perez F.; Pascual-Figal D.A.; Molina B.D.; Orus J.; Gonzalo F.E.; Bertomeu V.; Valero R.; Martinez-Abellan R.; Quiles J.; Rodrigez-Ortega J.A.; Mateo I.; ElAmrani A.; Fernandez-Vivancos C.; Valero D.B.; Almenar-Bonet L.; Sanchez-Lazaro I.J.; Marques-Sule E.; Facila-Rubio L.; Perez-Silvestre J.; Garcia-Gonzalez P.; Ridocci-Soriano F.; Garcia-Escriva D.; Pellicer-Cabo A.; de la Fuente Galan L.; Diaz J.L.; Platero A.R.; Arias J.C.; Blasco-Peiro T.; Julve M.S.; Sanchez-Insa E.; Aured-Guallar C.; Portoles-Ocampo A.; Melin M.; Hagglund E.; Stenberg A.; Lindahl I.-M.; Asserlund B.; Olsson L.; Dahlstrom U.; Afzelius M.; Karlstrom P.; Tengvall L.; Wiklund P.-A.; Olsson B.; Kalayci S.; Temizhan A.; Cavusoglu Y.; Gencer E.; Gunes H.Lainscak, M.; Milinkovic, I.; Polovina, M.; Crespo-Leiro, M. G.; Lund, L. H.; Anker, S. D.; Laroche, C.; Ferrari, R.; Coats, A. J. S.; Mcdonagh, T.; Filippatos, G.; Maggioni, A. P.; Piepoli, M. F.; Rosano, G. M. C.; Ruschitzka, F.; Simic, D.; Asanin, M.; Eicher, J. -C.; Yilmaz, M. B.; Seferovic, P. M.; Gale, C. P.; Chair, G. B.; Branko Beleslin, R. S.; Andrzej Budaj, P. L.; Chioncel, R. O.; Nikolaos Dagres, D. E.; Nicolas Danchin, F. R.; David Erlinge, S. E.; Jonathan Emberson, G. B.; Michael Glikson, I. L.; Alastair Gray, G. B.; Meral Kayikcioglu, T. R.; Aldo Maggioni, I. T.; Klaudia Vivien Nagy, H. U.; Aleksandr Nedoshivin, R. U.; Anna-Sonia Petronio, I. T.; Jolien Roos-Hesselink, N. L.; Lars Wallentin, S. E.; Uwe Zeymer, D. E.; Mebazaa, A.; Coats, A.; A. Goda A., L.; M. Diez A., R.; A. Fernandez A., R.; F. Fruhwald A., T.; Fazlibegovic, E.; P. Gatzov B., G.; A. Kurlianskaya B., Y.; R. Hullin C., H.; T. Christodoulides C., Y.; J. Hradec C., Z.; O. Wendelboe Nielsen D., K.; R. Nedjar D., Z.; T. Uuetoa E., E.; M. Hassanein E., G.; J. F. Delgado Jimenez E., S.; V-, P. Harjola F. I.; D. Logeart F., R.; V. Chumburidze G., E.; D. Tousoulis G., R.; D. Milicic H., R.; B. Merkely H., U.; O'Donoghue IE, E.; O. Amir I., L.; A. Shotan I., L.; D. Shafie I., R.; M. Metra I., T.; A. Matsumori J., P.; E. Mirrakhimov K., G.; A. Kavoliuniene L., T.; A. Erglis L., V.; Vataman, E.; M. Otljanska M., K.; E. Srbinovska Kostovska M., K.; D. Cassar DeMarco M., T.; J. Drozdz P., L.; Fonseca, C.; M. Dekleva R., S.; E. Shkolnik R., U.; U. Dahlstrom S., E.; M. Lainscak S., I.; E. Goncalvesova S., K.; A. Temizhan T., R.; V. Estrago U., Y.; G. Bajraktari X., K.; Auer, J.; Ablasser, K.; Fruhwald, F.; Dolze, T.; Brandner, K.; Gstrein, S.; Poelzl, G.; Moertl, D.; Reiter, S.; Podczeck-Schweighofer, A.; Muslibegovic, A.; Vasilj, M.; Cesko, M.; Zelenika, D.; Palic, B.; Pravdic, D.; Cuk, D.; Vitlianova, K.; Katova, T.; Velikov, T.; Kurteva, T.; Gatzov, P.; Kamenova, D.; Antova, M.; Sirakova, V.; Krejci, J.; Mikolaskova, M.; Spinar, J.; Krupicka, J.; Malek, F.; Hegarova, M.; Lazarova, M.; Monhart, Z.; Hassanein, M.; Sobhy, M.; El Messiry, F.; El Shazly, A. H.; Elrakshy, Y.; Youssef, A.; Moneim, A. A.; Noamany, M.; Reda, A.; Dayem, T. K. A.; Farag, N.; Halawa, S. I.; Hamid, M. A.; Said, K.; Saleh, A.; Ebeid, H.; Hanna, R.; Aziz, R.; Louis, O.; Enen, M. A.; Ibrahim, B. S.; Nasr, G.; Elbahry, A.; Sobhy, H.; Ashmawy, M.; Gouda, M.; Aboleineen, W.; Bernard, Y.; Luporsi, P.; Meneveau, N.; Pillot, M.; Morel, M.; Seronde, M. -F.; Schiele, F.; Briand, F.; Delahaye, F.; Damy, T.; de Groote, P.; Fertin, M.; Lamblin, N.; Isnard, R.; Lefol, C.; Thevenin, S.; Hagege, A.; Jondeau, G.; Logeart, D.; Le Marcis, V.; Ly, J. -F.; Coisne, D.; Lequeux, B.; Le Moal, V.; Mascle, S.; Lotton, P.; Behar, N.; Donal, E.; Thebault, C.; Ridard, C.; Reynaud, A.; Basquin, A.; Bauer, F.; Codjia, R.; Galinier, M.; Tourikis, P.; Stavroula, M.; Tousoulis, D.; Stefanadis, C.; Chrysohoou, C.; Kotrogiannis, I.; Matzaraki, V.; Dimitroula, T.; Karavidas, A.; Tsitsinakis, G.; Kapelios, C.; Nanas, J.; Kampouri, H.; Nana, E.; Kaldara, E.; Eugenidou, A.; Vardas, P.; Saloustros, I.; Patrianakos, A.; Tsaknakis, T.; Evangelou, S.; Nikoloulis, N.; Tziourganou, H.; Tsaroucha, A.; Papadopoulou, A.; Douras, A.; Polgar, L.; Merkely, B.; Kosztin, A.; Nyolczas, N.; Nagy, A. C.; Halmosi, R.; Elber, J.; Alony, I.; Shotan, A.; Fuhrmann, A. V.; Amir, O.; Romano, S.; Marcon, S.; Penco, M.; Di Mauro, M.; Lemme, E.; Carubelli, V.; Rovetta, R.; Metra, M.; Bulgari, M.; Quinzani, F.; Lombardi, C.; Bosi, S.; Schiavina, G.; Squeri, A.; Barbieri, A.; Di Tano, G.; Pirelli, S.; Fucili, A.; Passero, T.; Musio, S.; Di Biase, M.; Correale, M.; Salvemini, G.; Brognoli, S.; Zanelli, E.; Giordano, A.; Agostoni, P.; Italiano, G.; Salvioni, E.; Copelli, S.; Modena, M. G.; Reggianini, L.; Valenti, C.; Olaru, A.; Bandino, S.; Deidda, M.; Mercuro, G.; Dessalvi, C. C.; Marino, P. N.; Di Ruocco, M. V.; Sartori, C.; Piccinino, C.; Parrinello, G.; Licata, G.; Torres, D.; Giambanco, S.; Busalacchi, S.; Arrotti, S.; Novo, S.; Inciardi, R. M.; Pieri, P.; Chirco, P. R.; Galifi, M. A.; Teresi, G.; Buccheri, D.; Minacapelli, A.; Veniani, M.; Frisinghelli, A.; Priori, S. G.; Cattaneo, S.; Opasich, C.; Gualco, A.; Pagliaro, M.; Mancone, M.; Fedele, F.; Cinque, A.; Vellini, M.; Scarfo, I.; Romeo, F.; Ferraiuolo, F.; Sergi, D.; Anselmi, M.; Melandri, F.; Leci, E.; Iori, E.; Bovolo, V.; Pidello, S.; Frea, S.; Bergerone, S.; Botta, M.; Canavosio, F. G.; Gaita, F.; Merlo, M.; Cinquetti, M.; Sinagra, G.; Ramani, F.; Fabris, E.; Stolfo, D.; Artico, J.; Miani, D.; Fresco, C.; Daneluzzi, C.; Proclemer, A.; Cicoira, M.; Zanolla, L.; Marchese, G.; Torelli, F.; Vassanelli, C.; Voronina, N.; Erglis, A.; Tamakauskas, V.; Smalinskas, V.; Karaliute, R.; Petraskiene, I.; Kazakauskaite, E.; Rumbinaite, E.; Kavoliuniene, A.; Vysniauskas, V.; Brazyte-Ramanauskiene, R.; Petraskiene, D.; Stankala, S.; Switala, P.; Juszczyk, Z.; Sinkiewicz, W.; Gilewski, W.; Pietrzak, J.; Orzel, T.; Kasztelowicz, P.; Kardaszewicz, P.; Lazorko-Piega, M.; Gabryel, J.; Mosakowska, K.; Bellwon, J.; Rynkiewicz, A.; Raczak, G.; Lewicka, E.; Dabrowska-Kugacka, A.; Bartkowiak, R.; Sosnowska-Pasiarska, B.; Wozakowska-Kaplon, B.; Krzeminski, A.; Zabojszcz, M.; Mirek-Bryniarska, E.; Grzegorzko, A.; Bury, K.; Nessler, J.; Zalewski, J.; Furman, A.; Broncel, M.; Poliwczak, A.; Bala, A.; Zycinski, P.; Rudzinska, M.; Jankowski, L.; Kasprzak, J. D.; Michalak, L.; Soska, K. W.; Drozdz, J.; Huziuk, I.; Retwinski, A.; Flis, P.; Weglarz, J.; Bodys, A.; Grajek, S.; Kaluzna-Oleksy, M.; Straburzynska-Migaj, E.; Dankowski, R.; Szymanowska, K.; Grabia, J.; Szyszka, A.; Nowicka, A.; Samcik, M.; Wolniewicz, L.; Baczynska, K.; Komorowska, K.; Poprawa, I.; Komorowska, E.; Sajnaga, D.; Zolbach, A.; Dudzik-Plocica, A.; Abdulkarim, A. -F.; Lauko-Rachocka, A.; Kaminski, L.; Kostka, A.; Cichy, A.; Ruszkowski, P.; Splawski, M.; Fitas, G.; Szymczyk, A.; Serwicka, A.; Fiega, A.; Zysko, D.; Krysiak, W.; Szabowski, S.; Skorek, E.; Pruszczyk, P.; Bienias, P.; Ciurzynski, M.; Welnicki, M.; Mamcarz, A.; Folga, A.; Zielinski, T.; Rywik, T.; Leszek, P.; Sobieszczanska-Malek, M.; Piotrowska, M.; Kozar-Kaminska, K.; Komuda, K.; Wisniewska, J.; Tarnowska, A.; Balsam, P.; Marchel, M.; Opolski, G.; Kaplon-Cieslicka, A.; Gil, R. J.; Mozenska, O.; Byczkowska, K.; Gil, K.; Pawlak, A.; Michalek, A.; Krzesinski, P.; Piotrowicz, K.; Uzieblo-Zyczkowska, B.; Stanczyk, A.; Skrobowski, A.; Ponikowski, P.; Jankowska, E.; Rozentryt, P.; Polonski, L.; Gadula-Gacek, E.; Nowalany-Kozielska, E.; Kuczaj, A.; Kalarus, Z.; Szulik, M.; Przybylska, K.; Klys, J.; Prokop-Lewicka, G.; Kleinrok, A.; Aguiar, C. T.; Ventosa, A.; Pereira, S.; Faria, R.; Chin, J.; De Jesus, I.; Santos, R.; Silva, P.; Moreno, N.; Queiros, C.; Lourenco, C.; Pereira, A.; Castro, A.; Andrade, A.; Guimaraes, T. O.; Martins, S.; Placido, R.; Lima, G.; Brito, D.; Francisco, A. R.; Cardiga, R.; Proenca, M.; Araujo, I.; Marques, F.; Moura, B.; Leite, S.; Campelo, M.; Silva-Cardoso, J.; Rodrigues, J.; Rangel, I.; Martins, E.; Correia, A. S.; Peres, M.; Marta, L.; da Silva, G. F.; Severino, D.; Durao, D.; Leao, S.; Magalhaes, P.; Moreira, I.; Cordeiro, A. F.; Ferreira, C.; Araujo, C.; Ferreira, A.; Baptista, A.; Radoi, M.; Bicescu, G.; Vinereanu, D.; Sinescu, C. -J.; Macarie, C.; Popescu, R.; Daha, I.; Dan, G. -A.; Stanescu, C.; Dan, A.; Craiu, E.; Nechita, E.; Aursulesei, V.; Christodorescu, R.; Otasevic, P.; Simeunovic, D.; Ristic, A. D.; Celic, V.; Pavlovic-Kleut, M.; Lazic, J. S.; Stojcevski, B.; Pencic, B.; Stevanovic, A.; Andric, A.; Iric-Cupic, V.; Jovic, M.; Davidovic, G.; Milanov, S.; Mitic, V.; Atanaskovic, V.; Antic, S.; Pavlovic, M.; Stanojevic, D.; Stoickov, V.; Ilic, S.; Ilic, M. D.; Petrovic, D.; Stojsic, S.; Kecojevic, S.; Dodic, S.; Adic, N. C.; Cankovic, M.; Stojiljkovic, J.; Mihajlovic, B.; Radin, A.; Radovanovic, S.; Krotin, M.; Klabnik, A.; Goncalvesova, E.; Pernicky, M.; Murin, J.; Kovar, F.; Kmec, J.; Semjanova, H.; Strasek, M.; Iskra, M. S.; Ravnikar, T.; Suligoj, N. C.; Komel, J.; Fras, Z.; Jug, B.; Glavic, T.; Losic, R.; Bombek, M.; Krajnc, I.; Krunic, B.; Horvat, S.; Kovac, D.; Rajtman, D.; Cencic, V.; Letonja, M.; Winkler, R.; Valentincic, M.; Melihen-Bartolic, C.; Bartolic, A.; Vrckovnik, M. P.; Kladnik, M.; Pusnik, C. S.; Marolt, A.; Klen, J.; Drnovsek, B.; Leskovar, B.; Anguita, M. J. F.; Page, J. C. G.; Martinez, F. M. S.; Andres, J.; Bayes-Genis, A.; Mirabet, S.; Mendez, A.; Garcia-Cosio, L.; Roig, E.; Leon, V.; Gonzalez-Costello, J.; Muntane, G.; Garay, A.; Alcade-Martinez, V.; Fernandez, S. L.; Rivera-Lopez, R.; Puga-Martinez, M.; Fernandez-Alvarez, M.; Serrano-Martinez, J. L.; Grille-Cancela, Z.; Marzoa-Rivas, R.; Blanco-Canosa, P.; Paniagua-Martin, M. J.; Barge-Caballero, E.; Cerdena, I. L.; Baldomero, I. F. H.; Padron, A. L.; Rosillo, S. O.; Gonzalez-Gallarza, R. D.; Montanes, O. S.; Manjavacas, A. M. I.; Conde, A. C.; Araujo, A.; Soria, T.; Garcia-Pavia, P.; Gomez-Bueno, M.; Cobo-Marcos, M.; Alonso-Pulpon, L.; Cubero, J. S.; Sayago, I.; Gonzalez-Segovia, A.; Briceno, A.; Subias, P. E.; Hernandez, M. V.; Cano, M. J. R.; Sanchez, M. A. G.; Jimenez, J. F. D.; Garrido-Lestache, E. B.; Pinilla, J. M. G.; de la Villa, B. G.; Sahuquillo, A.; Marques, R. B.; Calvo, F. T.; Perez-Martinez, M. T.; Gracia-Rodenas, M. R.; Garrido-Bravo, I. P.; Pastor-Perez, F.; Pascual-Figal, D. A.; Molina, B. D.; Orus, J.; Gonzalo, F. E.; Bertomeu, V.; Valero, R.; Martinez-Abellan, R.; Quiles, J.; Rodrigez-Ortega, J. A.; Mateo, I.; Elamrani, A.; Fernandez-Vivancos, C.; Valero, D. B.; Almenar-Bonet, L.; Sanchez-Lazaro, I. J.; Marques-Sule, E.; Facila-Rubio, L.; Perez-Silvestre, J.; Garcia-Gonzalez, P.; Ridocci-Soriano, F.; Garcia-Escriva, D.; Pellicer-Cabo, A.; de la Fuente Galan, L.; Diaz, J. L.; Platero, A. R.; Arias, J. C.; Blasco-Peiro, T.; Julve, M. S.; Sanchez-Insa, E.; Aured-Guallar, C.; Portoles-Ocampo, A.; Melin, M.; Hagglund, E.; Stenberg, A.; Lindahl, I. -M.; Asserlund, B.; Olsson, L.; Dahlstrom, U.; Afzelius, M.; Karlstrom, P.; Tengvall, L.; Wiklund, P. -A.; Olsson, B.; Kalayci, S.; Temizhan, A.; Cavusoglu, Y.; Gencer, E.; Gunes, H

    Sex- and age-related differences in the management and outcomes of chronic heart failure: an analysis of patients from the ESC HFA EORP Heart Failure Long-Term Registry

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    none693siAims: This study aimed to assess age- and sex-related differences in management and 1-year risk for all-cause mortality and hospitalization in chronic heart failure (HF) patients. Methods and results: Of 16 354 patients included in the European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Long-Term Registry, 9428 chronic HF patients were analysed [median age: 66 years; 28.5% women; mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 37%]. Rates of use of guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) were high (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers, beta-blockers and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists: 85.7%, 88.7% and 58.8%, respectively). Crude GDMT utilization rates were lower in women than in men (all differences: P ≤ 0.001), and GDMT use became lower with ageing in both sexes, at baseline and at 1-year follow-up. Sex was not an independent predictor of GDMT prescription; however, age >75 years was a significant predictor of GDMT underutilization. Rates of all-cause mortality were lower in women than in men (7.1% vs. 8.7%; P = 0.015), as were rates of all-cause hospitalization (21.9% vs. 27.3%; P 75 years. Conclusions: There was a decline in GDMT use with advanced age in both sexes. Sex was not an independent predictor of GDMT or adverse outcomes. However, age >75 years independently predicted lower GDMT use and higher all-cause mortality in patients with LVEF ≤45%.noneLainscak M.; Milinkovic I.; Polovina M.; Crespo-Leiro M.G.; Lund L.H.; Anker S.D.; Laroche C.; Ferrari R.; Coats A.J.S.; McDonagh T.; Filippatos G.; Maggioni A.P.; Piepoli M.F.; Rosano G.M.C.; Ruschitzka F.; Simic D.; Asanin M.; Eicher J.-C.; Yilmaz M.B.; Seferovic P.M.; Gale C.P.; Chair G.B.; Branko Beleslin R.S.; Andrzej Budaj P.L.; Ovidiu Chioncel R.O.; Nikolaos Dagres D.E.; Nicolas Danchin F.R.; David Erlinge S.E.; Jonathan Emberson G.B.; Michael Glikson I.L.; Alastair Gray G.B.; Meral Kayikcioglu T.R.; Aldo Maggioni I.T.; Klaudia Vivien Nagy H.U.; Aleksandr Nedoshivin R.U.; Anna-Sonia Petronio I.T.; Jolien Roos-Hesselink N.L.; Lars Wallentin S.E.; Uwe Zeymer D.E.; Crespo-Leiro M.; Anker S.; Mebazaa A.; Coats A.; Filippatos G.; Ferrari R.; Maggioni A.P.; Piepoli M.F.; A. Goda A.L.; M. Diez A.R.; A. Fernandez A.R.; F. Fruhwald A.T.; Fazlibegovic E.; P. Gatzov B.G.; A. Kurlianskaya B.Y.; R. Hullin C.H.; T. Christodoulides C.Y.; J. Hradec C.Z.; O. Wendelboe Nielsen D.K.; R. Nedjar D.Z.; T. Uuetoa E.E.; M. Hassanein E.G.; J. F. Delgado Jimenez E.S.; V-P. Harjola F.I.; D. Logeart F.R.; V. Chumburidze G.E.; D. Tousoulis G.R.; D. Milicic H.R.; B. Merkely H.U.; O'Donoghue IE E.; O. Amir I.L.; A. Shotan I.L.; D. Shafie I.R.; M. Metra I.T.; A. Matsumori J.P.; E. Mirrakhimov K.G.; A. Kavoliuniene L.T.; A. Erglis L.V.; Vataman E.; M. Otljanska M.K.; E. Srbinovska Kostovska M.K.; D. Cassar DeMarco M.T.; J. Drozdz P.L.; Fonseca C.; O. Chioncel R.O.; M. Dekleva R.S.; E. Shkolnik R.U.; U. Dahlstrom S.E.; M. Lainscak S.I.; E. Goncalvesova S.K.; A. Temizhan T.R.; V. Estrago U.Y.; G. Bajraktari X.K.; Auer J.; Ablasser K.; Fruhwald F.; Dolze T.; Brandner K.; Gstrein S.; Poelzl G.; Moertl D.; Reiter S.; Podczeck-Schweighofer A.; Muslibegovic A.; Vasilj M.; Fazlibegovic E.; Cesko M.; Zelenika D.; Palic B.; Pravdic D.; Cuk D.; Vitlianova K.; Katova T.; Velikov T.; Kurteva T.; Gatzov P.; Kamenova D.; Antova M.; Sirakova V.; Krejci J.; Mikolaskova M.; Spinar J.; Krupicka J.; Malek F.; Hegarova M.; Lazarova M.; Monhart Z.; Hassanein M.; Sobhy M.; El Messiry F.; El Shazly A.H.; Elrakshy Y.; Youssef A.; Moneim A.A.; Noamany M.; Reda A.; Dayem T.K.A.; Farag N.; Halawa S.I.; Hamid M.A.; Said K.; Saleh A.; Ebeid H.; Hanna R.; Aziz R.; Louis O.; Enen M.A.; Ibrahim B.S.; Nasr G.; Elbahry A.; Sobhy H.; Ashmawy M.; Gouda M.; Aboleineen W.; Bernard Y.; Luporsi P.; Meneveau N.; Pillot M.; Morel M.; Seronde M.-F.; Schiele F.; Briand F.; Delahaye F.; Damy T.; Eicher J.-C.; de Groote P.; Fertin M.; Lamblin N.; Isnard R.; Lefol C.; Thevenin S.; Hagege A.; Jondeau G.; Logeart D.; Le Marcis V.; Ly J.-F.; Coisne D.; Lequeux B.; Le Moal V.; Mascle S.; Lotton P.; Behar N.; Donal E.; Thebault C.; Ridard C.; Reynaud A.; Basquin A.; Bauer F.; Codjia R.; Galinier M.; Tourikis P.; Stavroula M.; Tousoulis D.; Stefanadis C.; Chrysohoou C.; Kotrogiannis I.; Matzaraki V.; Dimitroula T.; Karavidas A.; Tsitsinakis G.; Kapelios C.; Nanas J.; Kampouri H.; Nana E.; Kaldara E.; Eugenidou A.; Vardas P.; Saloustros I.; Patrianakos A.; Tsaknakis T.; Evangelou S.; Nikoloulis N.; Tziourganou H.; Tsaroucha A.; Papadopoulou A.; Douras A.; Polgar L.; Merkely B.; Kosztin A.; Nyolczas N.; Nagy A.C.; Halmosi R.; Elber J.; Alony I.; Shotan A.; Fuhrmann A.V.; Amir O.; Romano S.; Marcon S.; Penco M.; Di Mauro M.; Lemme E.; Carubelli V.; Rovetta R.; Metra M.; Bulgari M.; Quinzani F.; Lombardi C.; Bosi S.; Schiavina G.; Squeri A.; Barbieri A.; Di Tano G.; Pirelli S.; Ferrari R.; Fucili A.; Passero T.; Musio S.; Di Biase M.; Correale M.; Salvemini G.; Brognoli S.; Zanelli E.; Giordano A.; Agostoni P.; Italiano G.; Salvioni E.; Copelli S.; Modena M.G.; Reggianini L.; Valenti C.; Olaru A.; Bandino S.; Deidda M.; Mercuro G.; Dessalvi C.C.; Marino P.N.; Di Ruocco M.V.; Sartori C.; Piccinino C.; Parrinello G.; Licata G.; Torres D.; Giambanco S.; Busalacchi S.; Arrotti S.; Novo S.; Inciardi R.M.; Pieri P.; Chirco P.R.; Galifi M.A.; Teresi G.; Buccheri D.; Minacapelli A.; Veniani M.; Frisinghelli A.; Priori S.G.; Cattaneo S.; Opasich C.; Gualco A.; Pagliaro M.; Mancone M.; Fedele F.; Cinque A.; Vellini M.; Scarfo I.; Romeo F.; Ferraiuolo F.; Sergi D.; Anselmi M.; Melandri F.; Leci E.; Iori E.; Bovolo V.; Pidello S.; Frea S.; Bergerone S.; Botta M.; Canavosio F.G.; Gaita F.; Merlo M.; Cinquetti M.; Sinagra G.; Ramani F.; Fabris E.; Stolfo D.; Artico J.; Miani D.; Fresco C.; Daneluzzi C.; Proclemer A.; Cicoira M.; Zanolla L.; Marchese G.; Torelli F.; Vassanelli C.; Voronina N.; Erglis A.; Tamakauskas V.; Smalinskas V.; Karaliute R.; Petraskiene I.; Kazakauskaite E.; Rumbinaite E.; Kavoliuniene A.; Vysniauskas V.; Brazyte-Ramanauskiene R.; Petraskiene D.; Stankala S.; Switala P.; Juszczyk Z.; Sinkiewicz W.; Gilewski W.; Pietrzak J.; Orzel T.; Kasztelowicz P.; Kardaszewicz P.; Lazorko-Piega M.; Gabryel J.; Mosakowska K.; Bellwon J.; Rynkiewicz A.; Raczak G.; Lewicka E.; Dabrowska-Kugacka A.; Bartkowiak R.; Sosnowska-Pasiarska B.; Wozakowska-Kaplon B.; Krzeminski A.; Zabojszcz M.; Mirek-Bryniarska E.; Grzegorzko A.; Bury K.; Nessler J.; Zalewski J.; Furman A.; Broncel M.; Poliwczak A.; Bala A.; Zycinski P.; Rudzinska M.; Jankowski L.; Kasprzak J.D.; Michalak L.; Soska K.W.; Drozdz J.; Huziuk I.; Retwinski A.; Flis P.; Weglarz J.; Bodys A.; Grajek S.; Kaluzna-Oleksy M.; Straburzynska-Migaj E.; Dankowski R.; Szymanowska K.; Grabia J.; Szyszka A.; Nowicka A.; Samcik M.; Wolniewicz L.; Baczynska K.; Komorowska K.; Poprawa I.; Komorowska E.; Sajnaga D.; Zolbach A.; Dudzik-Plocica A.; Abdulkarim A.-F.; Lauko-Rachocka A.; Kaminski L.; Kostka A.; Cichy A.; Ruszkowski P.; Splawski M.; Fitas G.; Szymczyk A.; Serwicka A.; Fiega A.; Zysko D.; Krysiak W.; Szabowski S.; Skorek E.; Pruszczyk P.; Bienias P.; Ciurzynski M.; Welnicki M.; Mamcarz A.; Folga A.; Zielinski T.; Rywik T.; Leszek P.; Sobieszczanska-Malek M.; Piotrowska M.; Kozar-Kaminska K.; Komuda K.; Wisniewska J.; Tarnowska A.; Balsam P.; Marchel M.; Opolski G.; Kaplon-Cieslicka A.; Gil R.J.; Mozenska O.; Byczkowska K.; Gil K.; Pawlak A.; Michalek A.; Krzesinski P.; Piotrowicz K.; Uzieblo-Zyczkowska B.; Stanczyk A.; Skrobowski A.; Ponikowski P.; Jankowska E.; Rozentryt P.; Polonski L.; Gadula-Gacek E.; Nowalany-Kozielska E.; Kuczaj A.; Kalarus Z.; Szulik M.; Przybylska K.; Klys J.; Prokop-Lewicka G.; Kleinrok A.; Aguiar C.T.; Ventosa A.; Pereira S.; Faria R.; Chin J.; De Jesus I.; Santos R.; Silva P.; Moreno N.; Queiros C.; Lourenco C.; Pereira A.; Castro A.; Andrade A.; Guimaraes T.O.; Martins S.; Placido R.; Lima G.; Brito D.; Francisco A.R.; Cardiga R.; Proenca M.; Araujo I.; Marques F.; Fonseca C.; Moura B.; Leite S.; Campelo M.; Silva-Cardoso J.; Rodrigues J.; Rangel I.; Martins E.; Correia A.S.; Peres M.; Marta L.; da Silva G.F.; Severino D.; Durao D.; Leao S.; Magalhaes P.; Moreira I.; Cordeiro A.F.; Ferreira C.; Araujo C.; Ferreira A.; Baptista A.; Radoi M.; Bicescu G.; Vinereanu D.; Sinescu C.-J.; Macarie C.; Popescu R.; Daha I.; Dan G.-A.; Stanescu C.; Dan A.; Craiu E.; Nechita E.; Aursulesei V.; Christodorescu R.; Otasevic P.; Seferovic P.M.; Simeunovic D.; Ristic A.D.; Celic V.; Pavlovic-Kleut M.; Lazic J.S.; Stojcevski B.; Pencic B.; Stevanovic A.; Andric A.; Simic D.; Asanin M.; Iric-Cupic V.; Jovic M.; Davidovic G.; Milanov S.; Mitic V.; Atanaskovic V.; Antic S.; Pavlovic M.; Stanojevic D.; Stoickov V.; Ilic S.; Ilic M.D.; Petrovic D.; Stojsic S.; Kecojevic S.; Dodic S.; Adic N.C.; Cankovic M.; Stojiljkovic J.; Mihajlovic B.; Radin A.; Radovanovic S.; Krotin M.; Klabnik A.; Goncalvesova E.; Pernicky M.; Murin J.; Kovar F.; Kmec J.; Semjanova H.; Strasek M.; Iskra M.S.; Ravnikar T.; Suligoj N.C.; Komel J.; Fras Z.; Jug B.; Glavic T.; Losic R.; Bombek M.; Krajnc I.; Krunic B.; Horvat S.; Kovac D.; Rajtman D.; Cencic V.; Letonja M.; Winkler R.; Valentincic M.; Melihen-Bartolic C.; Bartolic A.; Vrckovnik M.P.; Kladnik M.; Pusnik C.S.; Marolt A.; Klen J.; Drnovsek B.; Leskovar B.; Anguita M.J.F.; Page J.C.G.; Martinez F.M.S.; Andres J.; Genis A.B.; Mirabet S.; Mendez A.; Garcia-Cosio L.; Roig E.; Leon V.; Gonzalez-Costello J.; Muntane G.; Garay A.; Alcade-Martinez V.; Fernandez S.L.; Rivera-Lopez R.; Puga-Martinez M.; Fernandez-Alvarez M.; Serrano-Martinez J.L.; Crespo-Leiro M.; Grille-Cancela Z.; Marzoa-Rivas R.; Blanco-Canosa P.; Paniagua-Martin M.J.; Barge-Caballero E.; Cerdena I.L.; Baldomero I.F.H.; Padron A.L.; Rosillo S.O.; Gonzalez-Gallarza R.D.; Montanes O.S.; Manjavacas A.M.I.; Conde A.C.; Araujo A.; Soria T.; Garcia-Pavia P.; Gomez-Bueno M.; Cobo-Marcos M.; Alonso-Pulpon L.; Cubero J.S.; Sayago I.; Gonzalez-Segovia A.; Briceno A.; Subias P.E.; Hernandez M.V.; Cano M.J.R.; Sanchez M.A.G.; Jimenez J.F.D.; Garrido-Lestache E.B.; Pinilla J.M.G.; de la Villa B.G.; Sahuquillo A.; Marques R.B.; Calvo F.T.; Perez-Martinez M.T.; Gracia-Rodenas M.R.; Garrido-Bravo I.P.; Pastor-Perez F.; Pascual-Figal D.A.; Molina B.D.; Orus J.; Gonzalo F.E.; Bertomeu V.; Valero R.; Martinez-Abellan R.; Quiles J.; Rodrigez-Ortega J.A.; Mateo I.; ElAmrani A.; Fernandez-Vivancos C.; Valero D.B.; Almenar-Bonet L.; Sanchez-Lazaro I.J.; Marques-Sule E.; Facila-Rubio L.; Perez-Silvestre J.; Garcia-Gonzalez P.; Ridocci-Soriano F.; Garcia-Escriva D.; Pellicer-Cabo A.; de la Fuente Galan L.; Diaz J.L.; Platero A.R.; Arias J.C.; Blasco-Peiro T.; Julve M.S.; Sanchez-Insa E.; Aured-Guallar C.; Portoles-Ocampo A.; Melin M.; Hagglund E.; Stenberg A.; Lindahl I.-M.; Asserlund B.; Olsson L.; Dahlstrom U.; Afzelius M.; Karlstrom P.; Tengvall L.; Wiklund P.-A.; Olsson B.; Kalayci S.; Temizhan A.; Cavusoglu Y.; Gencer E.; Yilmaz M.B.; Gunes H.Lainscak, M.; Milinkovic, I.; Polovina, M.; Crespo-Leiro, M. G.; Lund, L. H.; Anker, S. D.; Laroche, C.; Ferrari, R.; Coats, A. J. S.; Mcdonagh, T.; Filippatos, G.; Maggioni, A. P.; Piepoli, M. F.; Rosano, G. M. C.; Ruschitzka, F.; Simic, D.; Asanin, M.; Eicher, J. -C.; Yilmaz, M. B.; Seferovic, P. M.; Gale, C. P.; Chair, G. B.; Branko Beleslin, R. S.; Andrzej Budaj, P. L.; Ovidiu Chioncel, R. O.; Nikolaos Dagres, D. E.; Nicolas Danchin, F. R.; David Erlinge, S. E.; Jonathan Emberson, G. B.; Michael Glikson, I. L.; Alastair Gray, G. B.; Meral Kayikcioglu, T. R.; Aldo Maggioni, I. T.; Klaudia Vivien Nagy, H. U.; Aleksandr Nedoshivin, R. U.; Anna-Sonia Petronio, I. T.; Jolien Roos-Hesselink, N. L.; Lars Wallentin, S. E.; Uwe Zeymer, D. E.; Crespo-Leiro, M.; Anker, S.; Mebazaa, A.; Coats, A.; Filippatos, G.; Ferrari, R.; Maggioni, A. P.; Piepoli, M. F.; A. Goda A., L.; M. Diez A., R.; A. Fernandez A., R.; F. Fruhwald A., T.; Fazlibegovic, E.; P. Gatzov B., G.; A. Kurlianskaya B., Y.; R. Hullin C., H.; T. Christodoulides C., Y.; J. Hradec C., Z.; O. Wendelboe Nielsen D., K.; R. Nedjar D., Z.; T. Uuetoa E., E.; M. Hassanein E., G.; J. F. Delgado Jimenez E., S.; V-, P. Harjola F. I.; D. Logeart F., R.; V. Chumburidze G., E.; D. Tousoulis G., R.; D. Milicic H., R.; B. Merkely H., U.; O'Donoghue IE, E.; O. Amir I., L.; A. Shotan I., L.; D. Shafie I., R.; M. Metra I., T.; A. Matsumori J., P.; E. Mirrakhimov K., G.; A. Kavoliuniene L., T.; A. Erglis L., V.; Vataman, E.; M. Otljanska M., K.; E. Srbinovska Kostovska M., K.; D. Cassar DeMarco M., T.; J. Drozdz P., L.; Fonseca, C.; O. Chioncel R., O.; M. Dekleva R., S.; E. Shkolnik R., U.; U. Dahlstrom S., E.; M. Lainscak S., I.; E. Goncalvesova S., K.; A. Temizhan T., R.; V. Estrago U., Y.; G. Bajraktari X., K.; Auer, J.; Ablasser, K.; Fruhwald, F.; Dolze, T.; Brandner, K.; Gstrein, S.; Poelzl, G.; Moertl, D.; Reiter, S.; Podczeck-Schweighofer, A.; Muslibegovic, A.; Vasilj, M.; Fazlibegovic, E.; Cesko, M.; Zelenika, D.; Palic, B.; Pravdic, D.; Cuk, D.; Vitlianova, K.; Katova, T.; Velikov, T.; Kurteva, T.; Gatzov, P.; Kamenova, D.; Antova, M.; Sirakova, V.; Krejci, J.; Mikolaskova, M.; Spinar, J.; Krupicka, J.; Malek, F.; Hegarova, M.; Lazarova, M.; Monhart, Z.; Hassanein, M.; Sobhy, M.; El Messiry, F.; El Shazly, A. H.; Elrakshy, Y.; Youssef, A.; Moneim, A. A.; Noamany, M.; Reda, A.; Dayem, T. K. A.; Farag, N.; Halawa, S. I.; Hamid, M. A.; Said, K.; Saleh, A.; Ebeid, H.; Hanna, R.; Aziz, R.; Louis, O.; Enen, M. A.; Ibrahim, B. S.; Nasr, G.; Elbahry, A.; Sobhy, H.; Ashmawy, M.; Gouda, M.; Aboleineen, W.; Bernard, Y.; Luporsi, P.; Meneveau, N.; Pillot, M.; Morel, M.; Seronde, M. -F.; Schiele, F.; Briand, F.; Delahaye, F.; Damy, T.; Eicher, J. -C.; de Groote, P.; Fertin, M.; Lamblin, N.; Isnard, R.; Lefol, C.; Thevenin, S.; Hagege, A.; Jondeau, G.; Logeart, D.; Le Marcis, V.; Ly, J. -F.; Coisne, D.; Lequeux, B.; Le Moal, V.; Mascle, S.; Lotton, P.; Behar, N.; Donal, E.; Thebault, C.; Ridard, C.; Reynaud, A.; Basquin, A.; Bauer, F.; Codjia, R.; Galinier, M.; Tourikis, P.; Stavroula, M.; Tousoulis, D.; Stefanadis, C.; Chrysohoou, C.; Kotrogiannis, I.; Matzaraki, V.; Dimitroula, T.; Karavidas, A.; Tsitsinakis, G.; Kapelios, C.; Nanas, J.; Kampouri, H.; Nana, E.; Kaldara, E.; Eugenidou, A.; Vardas, P.; Saloustros, I.; Patrianakos, A.; Tsaknakis, T.; Evangelou, S.; Nikoloulis, N.; Tziourganou, H.; Tsaroucha, A.; Papadopoulou, A.; Douras, A.; Polgar, L.; Merkely, B.; Kosztin, A.; Nyolczas, N.; Nagy, A. C.; Halmosi, R.; Elber, J.; Alony, I.; Shotan, A.; Fuhrmann, A. V.; Amir, O.; Romano, S.; Marcon, S.; Penco, M.; Di Mauro, M.; Lemme, E.; Carubelli, V.; Rovetta, R.; Metra, M.; Bulgari, M.; Quinzani, F.; Lombardi, C.; Bosi, S.; Schiavina, G.; Squeri, A.; Barbieri, A.; Di Tano, G.; Pirelli, S.; Ferrari, R.; Fucili, A.; Passero, T.; Musio, S.; Di Biase, M.; Correale, M.; Salvemini, G.; Brognoli, S.; Zanelli, E.; Giordano, A.; Agostoni, P.; Italiano, G.; Salvioni, E.; Copelli, S.; Modena, M. G.; Reggianini, L.; Valenti, C.; Olaru, A.; Bandino, S.; Deidda, M.; Mercuro, G.; Dessalvi, C. C.; Marino, P. N.; Di Ruocco, M. V.; Sartori, C.; Piccinino, C.; Parrinello, G.; Licata, G.; Torres, D.; Giambanco, S.; Busalacchi, S.; Arrotti, S.; Novo, S.; Inciardi, R. M.; Pieri, P.; Chirco, P. R.; Galifi, M. A.; Teresi, G.; Buccheri, D.; Minacapelli, A.; Veniani, M.; Frisinghelli, A.; Priori, S. G.; Cattaneo, S.; Opasich, C.; Gualco, A.; Pagliaro, M.; Mancone, M.; Fedele, F.; Cinque, A.; Vellini, M.; Scarfo, I.; Romeo, F.; Ferraiuolo, F.; Sergi, D.; Anselmi, M.; Melandri, F.; Leci, E.; Iori, E.; Bovolo, V.; Pidello, S.; Frea, S.; Bergerone, S.; Botta, M.; Canavosio, F. G.; Gaita, F.; Merlo, M.; Cinquetti, M.; Sinagra, G.; Ramani, F.; Fabris, E.; Stolfo, D.; Artico, J.; Miani, D.; Fresco, C.; Daneluzzi, C.; Proclemer, A.; Cicoira, M.; Zanolla, L.; Marchese, G.; Torelli, F.; Vassanelli, C.; Voronina, N.; Erglis, A.; Tamakauskas, V.; Smalinskas, V.; Karaliute, R.; Petraskiene, I.; Kazakauskaite, E.; Rumbinaite, E.; Kavoliuniene, A.; Vysniauskas, V.; Brazyte-Ramanauskiene, R.; Petraskiene, D.; Stankala, S.; Switala, P.; Juszczyk, Z.; Sinkiewicz, W.; Gilewski, W.; Pietrzak, J.; Orzel, T.; Kasztelowicz, P.; Kardaszewicz, P.; Lazorko-Piega, M.; Gabryel, J.; Mosakowska, K.; Bellwon, J.; Rynkiewicz, A.; Raczak, G.; Lewicka, E.; Dabrowska-Kugacka, A.; Bartkowiak, R.; Sosnowska-Pasiarska, B.; Wozakowska-Kaplon, B.; Krzeminski, A.; Zabojszcz, M.; Mirek-Bryniarska, E.; Grzegorzko, A.; Bury, K.; Nessler, J.; Zalewski, J.; Furman, A.; Broncel, M.; Poliwczak, A.; Bala, A.; Zycinski, P.; Rudzinska, M.; Jankowski, L.; Kasprzak, J. D.; Michalak, L.; Soska, K. W.; Drozdz, J.; Huziuk, I.; Retwinski, A.; Flis, P.; Weglarz, J.; Bodys, A.; Grajek, S.; Kaluzna-Oleksy, M.; Straburzynska-Migaj, E.; Dankowski, R.; Szymanowska, K.; Grabia, J.; Szyszka, A.; Nowicka, A.; Samcik, M.; Wolniewicz, L.; Baczynska, K.; Komorowska, K.; Poprawa, I.; Komorowska, E.; Sajnaga, D.; Zolbach, A.; Dudzik-Plocica, A.; Abdulkarim, A. -F.; Lauko-Rachocka, A.; Kaminski, L.; Kostka, A.; Cichy, A.; Ruszkowski, P.; Splawski, M.; Fitas, G.; Szymczyk, A.; Serwicka, A.; Fiega, A.; Zysko, D.; Krysiak, W.; Szabowski, S.; Skorek, E.; Pruszczyk, P.; Bienias, P.; Ciurzynski, M.; Welnicki, M.; Mamcarz, A.; Folga, A.; Zielinski, T.; Rywik, T.; Leszek, P.; Sobieszczanska-Malek, M.; Piotrowska, M.; Kozar-Kaminska, K.; Komuda, K.; Wisniewska, J.; Tarnowska, A.; Balsam, P.; Marchel, M.; Opolski, G.; Kaplon-Cieslicka, A.; Gil, R. J.; Mozenska, O.; Byczkowska, K.; Gil, K.; Pawlak, A.; Michalek, A.; Krzesinski, P.; Piotrowicz, K.; Uzieblo-Zyczkowska, B.; Stanczyk, A.; Skrobowski, A.; Ponikowski, P.; Jankowska, E.; Rozentryt, P.; Polonski, L.; Gadula-Gacek, E.; Nowalany-Kozielska, E.; Kuczaj, A.; Kalarus, Z.; Szulik, M.; Przybylska, K.; Klys, J.; Prokop-Lewicka, G.; Kleinrok, A.; Aguiar, C. T.; Ventosa, A.; Pereira, S.; Faria, R.; Chin, J.; De Jesus, I.; Santos, R.; Silva, P.; Moreno, N.; Queiros, C.; Lourenco, C.; Pereira, A.; Castro, A.; Andrade, A.; Guimaraes, T. O.; Martins, S.; Placido, R.; Lima, G.; Brito, D.; Francisco, A. R.; Cardiga, R.; Proenca, M.; Araujo, I.; Marques, F.; Fonseca, C.; Moura, B.; Leite, S.; Campelo, M.; Silva-Cardoso, J.; Rodrigues, J.; Rangel, I.; Martins, E.; Correia, A. S.; Peres, M.; Marta, L.; da Silva, G. F.; Severino, D.; Durao, D.; Leao, S.; Magalhaes, P.; Moreira, I.; Cordeiro, A. F.; Ferreira, C.; Araujo, C.; Ferreira, A.; Baptista, A.; Radoi, M.; Bicescu, G.; Vinereanu, D.; Sinescu, C. -J.; Macarie, C.; Popescu, R.; Daha, I.; Dan, G. -A.; Stanescu, C.; Dan, A.; Craiu, E.; Nechita, E.; Aursulesei, V.; Christodorescu, R.; Otasevic, P.; Seferovic, P. M.; Simeunovic, D.; Ristic, A. D.; Celic, V.; Pavlovic-Kleut, M.; Lazic, J. S.; Stojcevski, B.; Pencic, B.; Stevanovic, A.; Andric, A.; Simic, D.; Asanin, M.; Iric-Cupic, V.; Jovic, M.; Davidovic, G.; Milanov, S.; Mitic, V.; Atanaskovic, V.; Antic, S.; Pavlovic, M.; Stanojevic, D.; Stoickov, V.; Ilic, S.; Ilic, M. D.; Petrovic, D.; Stojsic, S.; Kecojevic, S.; Dodic, S.; Adic, N. C.; Cankovic, M.; Stojiljkovic, J.; Mihajlovic, B.; Radin, A.; Radovanovic, S.; Krotin, M.; Klabnik, A.; Goncalvesova, E.; Pernicky, M.; Murin, J.; Kovar, F.; Kmec, J.; Semjanova, H.; Strasek, M.; Iskra, M. S.; Ravnikar, T.; Suligoj, N. C.; Komel, J.; Fras, Z.; Jug, B.; Glavic, T.; Losic, R.; Bombek, M.; Krajnc, I.; Krunic, B.; Horvat, S.; Kovac, D.; Rajtman, D.; Cencic, V.; Letonja, M.; Winkler, R.; Valentincic, M.; Melihen-Bartolic, C.; Bartolic, A.; Vrckovnik, M. P.; Kladnik, M.; Pusnik, C. S.; Marolt, A.; Klen, J.; Drnovsek, B.; Leskovar, B.; Anguita, M. J. F.; Page, J. C. G.; Martinez, F. M. S.; Andres, J.; Genis, A. B.; Mirabet, S.; Mendez, A.; Garcia-Cosio, L.; Roig, E.; Leon, V.; Gonzalez-Costello, J.; Muntane, G.; Garay, A.; Alcade-Martinez, V.; Fernandez, S. L.; Rivera-Lopez, R.; Puga-Martinez, M.; Fernandez-Alvarez, M.; Serrano-Martinez, J. L.; Crespo-Leiro, M.; Grille-Cancela, Z.; Marzoa-Rivas, R.; Blanco-Canosa, P.; Paniagua-Martin, M. J.; Barge-Caballero, E.; Cerdena, I. L.; Baldomero, I. F. H.; Padron, A. L.; Rosillo, S. O.; Gonzalez-Gallarza, R. D.; Montanes, O. S.; Manjavacas, A. M. I.; Conde, A. C.; Araujo, A.; Soria, T.; Garcia-Pavia, P.; Gomez-Bueno, M.; Cobo-Marcos, M.; Alonso-Pulpon, L.; Cubero, J. S.; Sayago, I.; Gonzalez-Segovia, A.; Briceno, A.; Subias, P. E.; Hernandez, M. V.; Cano, M. J. R.; Sanchez, M. A. G.; Jimenez, J. F. D.; Garrido-Lestache, E. B.; Pinilla, J. M. G.; de la Villa, B. G.; Sahuquillo, A.; Marques, R. B.; Calvo, F. T.; Perez-Martinez, M. T.; Gracia-Rodenas, M. R.; Garrido-Bravo, I. P.; Pastor-Perez, F.; Pascual-Figal, D. A.; Molina, B. D.; Orus, J.; Gonzalo, F. E.; Bertomeu, V.; Valero, R.; Martinez-Abellan, R.; Quiles, J.; Rodrigez-Ortega, J. A.; Mateo, I.; Elamrani, A.; Fernandez-Vivancos, C.; Valero, D. B.; Almenar-Bonet, L.; Sanchez-Lazaro, I. J.; Marques-Sule, E.; Facila-Rubio, L.; Perez-Silvestre, J.; Garcia-Gonzalez, P.; Ridocci-Soriano, F.; Garcia-Escriva, D.; Pellicer-Cabo, A.; de la Fuente Galan, L.; Diaz, J. L.; Platero, A. R.; Arias, J. C.; Blasco-Peiro, T.; Julve, M. S.; Sanchez-Insa, E.; Aured-Guallar, C.; Portoles-Ocampo, A.; Melin, M.; Hagglund, E.; Stenberg, A.; Lindahl, I. -M.; Asserlund, B.; Olsson, L.; Dahlstrom, U.; Afzelius, M.; Karlstrom, P.; Tengvall, L.; Wiklund, P. -A.; Olsson, B.; Kalayci, S.; Temizhan, A.; Cavusoglu, Y.; Gencer, E.; Yilmaz, M. B.; Gunes, H