21 research outputs found


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    Action of Humicola lanuginosa lipase on mixed monomolecular films of tricaprylin and polyethylene glycol stearate

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    The hydrolysis catalyzed by Humicola lanuginosa lipase (HLL) of pure tricaprylin (TC) or stearate of polyethylene glycol 1500 (PEG-St) as well as their mixtures spread as monomolecular films were studied. The catalytic transformation of the two substrates TC or PEG-St into their respective reaction products was detected by measuring simultaneously the decrease in the film area and the surface potential using the "zero order" trough at constant surface pressure. A kinetic model describing the enzymatic hydrolysis was developed. The surface concentrations of the two substrates and their respective reaction products as well as the values of the global kinetic constants of hydrolysis were determined. The experimentally obtained global kinetic constants of the catalytic action of HLL against TC and PEG-St present in mixed monolayers of TC/PEG-St are approximately the same as in the case of pure monolayers. These obtained results give some indications that the activity of enzyme is not significantly affected by the different molecular environments in the mixed monolayers

    Influence of some anticoagulants on dynamics of sugar concentration in the goats’ blood

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    Досліджено динаміку вмісту глюкози в крові кіз (у момент відбору проби, через 3, 6 та 24 години) під впливом чотирьох антикоагулянтів (розчини фториду та цитрату натрію, гепарину, комплек­сону III). При тривалому зберіганні проб крові відмічено зниження рівня глюкози, най­більше виражене при застосуванні цитрату натрію. Досліджено динаміку вмісту глюкози в крові кіз (у момент відбору проби, через 3, 6 та 24 години) під впливом чотирьох антикоагулянтів (розчини фториду та цитрату натрію, гепарину, комплек­сону III). При тривалому зберіганні проб крові відмічено зниження рівня глюкози, най­більше виражене при застосуванні цитрату натрію. Dynamics of the content in the goats’ blood (at the instant the sample was taken, and then after 3, 6 and 24 hours) under influence of 4 anticoagulants (sodium fluoride, sodium citrate, heparin and complexon III) were studied. Long term storage of the blood samples resulted in the glucose level decrease. It was mostly pronounced under the sodium citrate treatment.

    A review of career devoted to biophotonics-in memoriam to Ekaterina Borisova (1978-2021)

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    Regretfully, because of her sudden demise, Assoc. Prof. Ekaterina Borisova is no longer amongst us. COVID-19 pulled away a brilliant scientist during the peak of her scientific career (see Fig. 1). All authors would like to express deepest condolences and sincere support to her family, friends, relatives and colleagues! We, therefore, rightfully commemorate her dedicated and devoted contribution to biophotonics, her readiness to always support, help, motivate and inspire all her colleagues and collaborators

    Towards a compound-event-oriented climate model evaluation: A decomposition of the underlying biases in multivariate fire and heat stress hazards

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    Climate models' outputs are affected by biases that need to be detected and adjusted to model climate impacts. Many climate hazards and climate-related impacts are associated with the interaction between multiple drivers, i.e. by compound events. So far climate model biases are typically assessed based on the hazard of interest, and it is unclear how much a potential bias in the dependence of the hazard drivers contributes to the overall bias and how the biases in the drivers interact. Here, based on copula theory, we develop a multivariate bias-assessment framework, which allows for disentangling the biases in hazard indicators in terms of the underlying univariate drivers and their statistical dependence. Based on this framework, we dissect biases in fire and heat stress hazards in a suite of global climate models by considering two simplified hazard indicators: the wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT) and the Chandler burning index (CBI). Both indices solely rely on temperature and relative humidity. The spatial pattern of the hazard indicators is well represented by climate models. However, substantial biases exist in the representation of extreme conditions, especially in the CBI (spatial average of absolute bias: 21g C) due to the biases driven by relative humidity (20g C). Biases in WBGT (1.1g C) are small compared to the biases driven by temperature (1.9g C) and relative humidity (1.4g C), as the two biases compensate for each other. In many regions, also biases related to the statistical dependence (0.85g C) are important for WBGT, which indicates that well-designed physically based multivariate bias adjustment procedures should be considered for hazards and impacts that depend on multiple drivers. The proposed compound-event-oriented evaluation of climate model biases is easily applicable to other hazard types. Furthermore, it can contribute to improved present and future risk assessments through increasing our understanding of the biases' sources in the simulation of climate impacts

    Female sex pheromone of Cameraria ohridella Desch and Dim. (Lepidoptera : Gracillariidae): Structure confirmation, synthesis and biological activity of (8E,10Z)-8,10- tetradecadienal and some analogues

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    Mass spectrometric investigations confirmed the structure of the female produced sex pheromone of the horse-chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella Desch. and Dim. to be (8E,10Z)- 8,10-tetradecadienal. Pure samples prepared in a straightforward synthesi