46 research outputs found

    Provision of sustainable economic business development by improving the health and safety at work

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    Sustainability is a concept and practice within the plans for managing of people, organizations, corporations and even governments for the common development path of the present and future generations in the process of search of a better quality of life. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3087

    Latent Mastoiditis And Facial Paralysis In A Child As Complications After A Coxsackie Virus Infection. Clinical Case

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    Coxsackie virus infection usually presents with mild to moderate clinical manifestations. Within 10 - 14 days a complete cure is achieved. The development of complications occurs rarely.We present a clinical case of “mouth-hand-foot“ disease in a 3-year-old child who developed complications of the lung, heart, middle ear, and facial nerve. The disease develops on undamaged terrain. Complications occur after a 30-day light period from the viral infection, which is treated on an outpatient basis. The appearance of complications and the child’s sharply deteriorated general condition become a reason for hospitalization. After the medical and surgical treatment, the child was discharged healthy, without medical risk.Acute suppurative otitis media after a coxsackie virus infection is not common. Complaints may be atypical and therefore missed. The diagnosis is made late, after complications have occurred

    Simulated 3D Model of the Middle Ear for Theoretical and Practical Training for Students, Post-Graduate ENT Diseases Students and Beginning Otosurgeons

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    Post-graduate ENT diseases students and beginning otosurgeons go through a very important initial training period. The first steps in otosurgery are taken step by step. The transition from theoretical knowledge to temporal bone dissection courses is long and difficult. The lack of preliminary preparation vitiates and increases the cost of temporal bone dissection exercises.Simulated models bridge the gap between theory and practice and contribute to a more effective training.Aim: Developing a simulated 3D model of the mastoid process in real size and the part of the facial nerve passing through it; using a simulated 3D model of mastoid process for anatomical visualization of the hard to find and invisible structures of the middle ear and facial nerve and for nosological training.Material and methods:1. Cadaver temporal bone on which postauricular facial nerve decompression has been performed.2. Elaborating a silicone model based on a print taken from the operative cavity3. 3D printing of the models and colouring4. Putting electrical conductors and their connection to a tactile pointer and light indicatorsResults:The model:–– presents the hard to find and invisible microstructures of the middle ear and the part of the facial nerve passing through it–– allows work in two modes: anatomical and nosological–– contributes to more lasting preservation of knowledge, using the principle of active learning and training visual and tactile memory.Conclusion:The model is developed for tuition, precedes training models and can be improved. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Специализантите по УНГ болести и начинаещите отохирурзи преминават през много важен начален период на обучение. Първите стъпки в отохирургията се осъществяват step by step. Преходът от теоретични познания към курсовете по Temporal Bone Dissection е труден и продължителен. Липсата на предварителнаподготовка опорочава и оскъпява упражненията по дисекция на темпорална кост.Симулационните модели прехвърлят мост между теорията и практиката и допринасят за по-висока ефективност на обучението.Цел: Създаване на симулационен 3D модел в реални размери на processus mastoideus и частта на лицевия нерв, преминаваща през него; използване на симулационен 3D модел на processus mastoideus за анатомично онагледяване на трудно откриваемите и невидими структури на средното ухо и лицевия нерв и за нозологично обучение.Материал и методи:1. трупна темпорална кост, върху която е извършена Postauricular Facial Nerve decompression2. изработване на силиконов модел по взет отпечатък от оперативната кухина3. 3Д принтинг на моделите и оцветяване4. полагане на електрически проводници и свързването им към тактилна показалка и светлинни индикаториРезултати:Моделът:–– представя трудно откриваемите и невидими микроструктури на средното ухо и частта на лицевия нерв, преминаваща през него–– позволява работа в два режима: анатомичен и нозологичен–– допринася за по-трайно запазване на знанията, използвайки принципа на активното обучение и тренирането на зрителната и тактилната паметЗаключение:Моделът е създаден за обучение, предхожда моделите за тренинг и може да бъде усъвършенстван

    The application of ultrasound examination in the treatment of Acute Sinusitis. Comparing X-ray to ultrasound of paranasal sinuses

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    Background: Acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) is one of the most common diseases encountered in the out-patient setting. X-ray of the paranasal sinuses is the gold standard in the diagnosis of ARS with its accessibility and accuracy. Ultrasound examination of the paranasal sinuses is a noninvasive diagnostic method which is an acceptable alternative in the follow-up of the treatment.Aim: To present the application of portable sinuson in the out-patient setting on patients with ARS and its effectiveness.Materials and Methods: 22 patients (12m/10f) underwent X-ray of the paranasal sinuses, which resulted in ARS. The results of the X-rays were compared with the ultrasound examination of the paranasal sinuses with a portable sinuson (SINUSULTRA ULTRAMAX). The examination was repeated on the 1-st and 2-nd week and 2 months after the treatment for ARS.Results: From the 22 patients – 10 were with unilateral maxillary sinusitis, 7 with bilateral sinusitis and 5 with pansinusitis. 5 (22%) false positives were registered from the ultrasound examination on the initial check-up, 3 (13%) false negatives were registered on the follow-ups on the 1-st and the 2-nd week, 2 (9%) false negatives were registered 2 months after the treatment for ARS.Conclusion: Ultrasound examination of the paranasal sinuses is a noninvasive, painless, fast and with an adequate degree of accuracy. It is a good alternative for children and pregnant women. Ultrasound examination can be applied in the follow-up of ARS

    Our experience in the surgical treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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    Background: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a sleep-related breathing disorder, leading to decreased quality of life, increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, increased frequency of automobile accidents. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) remains the first line of treatment for OSA. Many patients are unwilling or incapable to tolerate the treatment and therefore turn to surgical options to alleviate symptoms and sequela of the disease.Аim: To present our experience in the surgical treatment of OSA.Materials and Methods: 50 patients (48 male / 2 female) underwent surgical treatment for OSA in our clinic for a period of 10 years. Subjective complaints were evaluated by interview of the patient and partner pre- and postoperatively, with key factors studied being snoring level (visual analogue 1–10) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). Objective data were Body Mass Index (BMI), nasal endoscopy, pre and postoperative polysomnographic data, rhinomanometry, Mallampati score, diagnostic imaging of the nose and sinuses.Results: The mean BMI of the patients was 29.8± 3.4. 21 patients had nasal obstruction for which they underwent surgical treatment. 5 patients had micro or retrognathia. 37 Pateints had a Mallampati score of 3 and 13 of 4. All 50 patients underwent Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) and 6 patients also had Radiofrequency tongue base reduction. There were no serious complications. Subjective improvement in the severity of the symptoms was obtained in 88% (44) of patients. Objective success was obtained in 56% (28) of the patients.Conclusions: Surgical treatment of OSA leads to a significant subjective improvement in the severity of symptoms and acceptable objective results. For maximal results a multidisciplinary approach is required for the complex treatment of OSA

    Frontline Science: Employing enzymatic treatment options for management of ocular biofilm-based infections

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced corneal keratitis is a sight-threatening disease. The rise of antibiotic resistance among P. aeruginosa keratitis isolates makes treatment of this disease challenging, emphasizing the need for alternative therapeutic modalities. By comparing the responses to P. aeruginosa infection between an outbred mouse strain (Swiss Webster, SW) and a susceptible mouse strain (C57BL6/N), we found that the inherent neutrophil-killing abilities of these strains correlated with their susceptibility to infection. Namely, SW-derived neutrophils were significantly more efficient at killing P. aeruginosa in vitro than C57BL6/N-derived neutrophils. To interrogate whether the distinct neutrophil killing capacities were dependent on endogenous or exogenous factors, neutrophil progenitor cell lines were generated. The in vitro differentiated neutrophils from either SW or C57BL6/N progenitors retained the differential killing abilities, illustrating that endogenous factors conferred resistance. Consistently, quantitative LC-MS/MS analysis revealed strain-specific and infection-induced alterations of neutrophil proteomes. Among the distinctly elevated proteins in the SW-derived proteomes were alpha-mannosidases, potentially associated with protection. Inhibition of alpha-mannosidases reduced neutrophil bactericidal functions in vitro. Conversely, topical application of alpha-mannosidases reduced bacterial biofilms and burden of infected corneas. Cumulatively, these data suggest novel therapeutic approaches to control bacterial biofilm assembly and improve bacterial clearance via enzymatic treatments

    Genetic diversity and host alternation of the egg parasitoid Oencyrtus pityocampae between the pine processionary moth and caper bug

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    Research ArticleThe increased use of molecular tools for species identification in recent decades revealed that each of many apparently generalist parasitoids are actually a complex of morphologically similar congeners, most of which have a rather narrow host range. Ooencyrtus pityocampae (OP), an important egg parasitoid of the pine processionary moth (PPM), is considered a generalist parasitoid. OP emerges from PPM eggs after winter hibernation, mainly in spring and early summer, long before the eggs of the next PPM generation occurs. The occurrence of OP in eggs of the variegated caper bug (CB) Stenozygum coloratum in spring and summer suggests that OP populations alternate seasonally between PPM and CB. However, the identity of OP population on CB eggs seemed uncertain; unlike OP-PPM populations, the former displayed apparently high male/female ratios and lack of attraction to the PPM sex pheromone. We studied the molecular identities of the two populations since the morphological identification of the genus Ooencyrtus, and OP in particular, is difficult. Sequencing of COI and ITS2 DNA fragments and AFLP analysis of individuals from both hosts revealed no apparent differences between the OP-PPM and the OP-CB populations for both the Israeli and the Turkish OPs, which therefore supported the possibility of host alternation. Sequencing data extended our knowledge of the genetic structure of OP populations in the Mediterranean area, and revealed clear separation between East and West Mediterranean populations. The overall level of genetic diversity was rather small, with the Israeli population much less diverse than all others; possible explanations for this finding are discussed. The findings support the possibility of utilizing the CB and other hosts for enhancing biological control of the PPMinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio