47 research outputs found

    An experimental approach to analyze aerosol and splatter formations due to a dental procedure

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    Throughout 2020 and beyond, the entire world has observed a continuous increase in the infectious spread of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) otherwise known as COVID-19. The high transmission of this airborne virus has raised countless concerns regarding safety measures employed in the working conditions for medical professionals. Specifically, those who perform treatment procedures on patients which intrinsically create mists of fine airborne droplets, i.e., perfect vectors for this and other viruses to spread. The present study focuses on understanding the splatter produced due to a common dentistry technique to remove plaque buildup on teeth. This technique uses a high-speed dentistry instrument, e.g., a Cavitron ultrasonic scaler, to scrape along the surface of a patient’s teeth. This detailed understanding of the velocity and the trajectory of the droplets generated by the splatter will aid in the development of hygiene mechanisms to guarantee the safety of those performing these procedures and people in clinics or hospitals. Optical flow tracking velocimetry (OFTV) method was employed to obtain droplet velocity and trajectory in a two-dimensional plane. Multiple data collection planes were taken in different orientations around a model of adult mandibular teeth. This technique provided pseudo-three-dimensional velocity information for the droplets within the splatter developed from this high-speed dental instrument. These results indicated that within the three-dimensional splatter produced there were high velocities (1–2 m/s) observed directly below the intersection point between the front teeth and the scaler. The splatter formed a cone-shape structure that propagated 10–15 mm away from the location of the scaler tip. From the droplet trajectories, it was observed that high velocity isolated droplets propagate away from the bulk of the splatter. It is these droplets which are concerning for health safety to those performing the medical procedures. Using a shadowgraphy technique, we further characterize the individual droplets’ size and their individual velocity. We then compare these results to previously published distributions. The obtained data can be used as a first step to further examine flow and transport of droplets in clinics/dental offices. [Image: see text

    Effects of long-term moderate exercise and increase in number of daily steps on serum lipids in women: randomised controlled trial [ISRCTN21921919]

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    BACKGROUND: This study was designed to evaluate the effects of a 24-month period of moderate exercise on serum lipids in menopausal women. METHODS: The subjects (40–60 y) were randomly divided into an exercise group (n = 14) and a control group (n = 13). The women in the exercise group were asked to participate in a 90-minute physical education class once a week and to record their daily steps as measured by a pedometer for 24 months. RESULTS: Mean of daily steps was significantly higher in the exercise group from about 6,800 to over 8,500 steps (P < 0.01). In the control group, the number of daily steps ranged from 5,700 to 6,800 steps throughout the follow-up period. A significant interaction between the exercise group and the control group in the changes og total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) and TC : HDLC ratio could be observed (P < 0.05). By multiple regression analysis, the number of daily steps was related to HDLC and TC : HDLC levels after 24 months, and the changes in TC and HDLC concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that daily exercise as well as increasing the number of daily steps can improve the profile of serum lipids

    Generational distribution of a Candida glabrata population: Resilient old cells prevail, while younger cells dominate in the vulnerable host.

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    Similar to other yeasts, the human pathogen Candida glabrata ages when it undergoes asymmetric, finite cell divisions, which determines its replicative lifespan. We sought to investigate if and how aging changes resilience of C. glabrata populations in the host environment. Our data demonstrate that old C. glabrata are more resistant to hydrogen peroxide and neutrophil killing, whereas young cells adhere better to epithelial cell layers. Consequently, virulence of old compared to younger C. glabrata cells is enhanced in the Galleria mellonella infection model. Electron microscopy images of old C. glabrata cells indicate a marked increase in cell wall thickness. Comparison of transcriptomes of old and young C. glabrata cells reveals differential regulation of ergosterol and Hog pathway associated genes as well as adhesion proteins, and suggests that aging is accompanied by remodeling of the fungal cell wall. Biochemical analysis supports this conclusion as older cells exhibit a qualitatively different lipid composition, leading to the observed increased emergence of fluconazole resistance when grown in the presence of fluconazole selection pressure. Older C. glabrata cells accumulate during murine and human infection, which is statistically unlikely without very strong selection. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that neutrophils constitute the predominant selection pressure in vivo. When we altered experimentally the selection pressure by antibody-mediated removal of neutrophils, we observed a significantly younger pathogen population in mice. Mathematical modeling confirmed that differential selection of older cells is sufficient to cause the observed demographic shift in the fungal population. Hence our data support the concept that pathogenesis is affected by the generational age distribution of the infecting C. glabrata population in a host. We conclude that replicative aging constitutes an emerging trait, which is selected by the host and may even play an unanticipated role in the transition from a commensal to a pathogen state.post-print10768 K

    Hysteresis and ribbons in Taylor-Couette flow of a semidilute noncolloidal suspension

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    In this study, we numerically investigate hysteretic behaviors of secondary bifurcations in the Taylor-Couette flow of a semidilute, neutrally buoyant, and noncolloidal suspension. We consider a suspension with a bulk particle volume fraction φb=0.1, radius ratio η(=ri/ro)=0.877, and particle size ϵ(=d/a)=60, where d is the gap width between two cylinders, a is the radius of the suspended particles, and ri and ro are the radii of the inner and outer cylinders, respectively. The suspension balance model is introduced for numerical simulations to model the dynamics of particles undergoing shear-induced particle migration with rheological constitutive laws. The suspension flow transitions from circular Couette flow via ribbons (RIB), spiral vortex flow (SVF), and wavy spiral vortex flow (WSVF) to wavy vortex flow (WVF) with the increase of suspension Reynolds number (Res). The primary transition arises very slowly with an oscillatory critical mode and appears through a supercritical (or nonhysteretic) bifurcation. However, we find hysteretic behaviors in subsequent bifurcations [spiral vortex flow (SVF) ↔ wavy spiral vortex flow (WSVF) and WSVF ↔ wavy vortex flow (WVF)] during increasing-Re and decreasing-Re procedures with a rapid step change near the transition boundaries. The WSVF and WVF states are more sustained below the transition boundaries, when the Reynolds number is rapidly decreased in stages. However, the SVF and WSVF become WSVF and WVF more sharply with increasing Re, respectively. To conclude this study, we also examine in detail a standing wave of weak counter-rotating vortices that occurs as the primary instability and analyze the wave that oscillates in time but is stationary in space in the RIB state

    A newly designed ergonomic body support for surgeons

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    Background: One of the main ergonomic problems during surgical procedures is the surgeon's awkward body posture, often accompanied by repetitive movements of the upper extremities, increased muscle activity, and prolonged static head and back postures. In addition, surgeons perform surgery so concentrated that they tend to neglect their posture. These observations suggest the advantage of supporting the surgeon's body during surgical procedures. This study aimed to design a body support and to test its potential. Methods: The optimum working condition for a surgeon is a compromise between the spine and arm positions and the level of effort and fatigue experienced performing a procedure. The design vision of the Medisign group has led to the development of an ergonomic body support for surgeons that is suitable for use during both open and minimally invasive procedures. The feasibility of the newly designed ergonomic body support was assessed during seven surgical procedures. Electromyography (EMG) was performed for back and leg muscles using the body support in an experimental setting. Results: Six of seven participating surgeons indicated that the body support was comfortable, safe, and simple to use. The EMG results show that supporting the body is effective in reducing muscle activity. The average reduction using chest support was 44% for the erector spinae muscle, 20% for the semitendinosus muscle, and 74% for the gastrocnemius muscle. The average muscle reduction using semistanding support was 5% for the erector spinae, 12% for the semitendinosus muscle, and for 50% for the gastrocnemius muscle. Conclusion: The results of this study imply that supporting the body is an effective way to reduce muscle activity, which over the long term may reduce physical problems and discomfort. Additionally, the product supports the surgeon in his natural posture during both open and minimally invasive procedures and can easily be adapted to the current layout of the operating theater.Applied Ergonomics & DesignIndustrial Design Engineerin