14 research outputs found

    Wave attenuation in viscoelastic hierarchical plates

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    Phononic crystals (PCs) are periodic structures obtained by the spatial arrangement of materials with contrasting properties, which can be designed to efficiently manipulate mechanical waves. Plate structures can be modeled using the Mindlin–Reissner plate theory and have been extensively used to analyze the dispersion relations of PCs. Although the analysis of the propagating characteristics of PCs may be sufficient for simple elastic structures, analyzing the evanescent wave behavior becomes fundamental if the PC contains viscoelastic components. Another complication is that increasingly intricate material distributions in the unit cell of PCs with hierarchical configuration may render the calculation of the complex band structure (i.e., considering both propagating and evanescent waves) prohibitive due to excessive computational workload. In this work, we propose a new extended plane wave expansion formulation to compute the complex band structure of thick PC plates with arbitrary material distribution using the Mindlin–Reissner plate theory containing constituents with a viscoelastic behavior approximated by a Kelvin–Voigt model. We apply the method to investigate the evanescent behavior of periodic hierarchically structured plates for either (i) a hard purely elastic matrix with soft viscoelastic inclusions or (ii) a soft viscoelastic matrix with hard purely elastic inclusions. Our results show that for (i), an increase in the hierarchical order leads to a weight reduction with relatively preserved attenuation characteristics, including attenuation peaks due to locally resonant modes that present a decrease in attenuation upon increasing viscosity levels. For (ii), changing the hierarchical order implies in opening band gaps in distinct frequency ranges, with an overall attenuation improved by an increase in the viscosity levels

    Extended plane wave expansion formulation for viscoelastic phononic thin plates

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    The extended plane wave expansion (EPWE) formulation is derived to obtain the complex band structure of flexural waves in viscoelastic thin phononic crystal plates considering the Kirchhoff–Love plate theory. The presented formulation yields the evanescent behavior of flexural waves in periodic thin plates considering viscoelastic effects. The viscosity is modeled by the standard linear solid model (SLSM), typically used to closely model the behavior of polymers. It is observed that the viscoelasticity influences significantly both the propagating and evanescent Bloch modes. The highest wave attenuation of the viscoelastic phononic thin plate is found around a unit cell filling fraction of 0.37 for higher frequencies considering the least attenuated wave mode. This EPWE formulation broadens the suitable methods to handle evanescent flexural waves in 2-D thin periodic plate systems considering the effects of viscoelasticity on wave attenuation

    Estresse ocupacional: avaliação de enfermeiros intensivistas que atuam no período noturno

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    Estudo descritivo, transversal, que teve como objetivo avaliar o nível de estresse de enfermeiros intensivistas do período noturno. Aplicou-se a Escala Bianchi de Stress em 26 (100%) enfermeiros de cinco hospitais. Na análise dos dados, utilizou-se o teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson e constatou-se que o estresse entre enfermeiros da instituição pública (3,36 pontos) e privada (3,02 pontos) se classificou em nível mediano e que não houve relevância estatística (p=0,90) à sua ocorrência, conforme o tipo de instituição. Os domínios que mais contribuíram ao acontecimento de estresse foram: condições de trabalho (labor noturno, setor crítico e fechado), gravidade do paciente e atividades gerenciais associadas à assistência direta. Concluiu-se que o ambiente laboral se associou positivamente ao estresse em enfermeiros do turno noturno e que o seu aparecimento e efeitos podem ser minimizados por meio de melhorias na estrutura e na organização dos locais onde atuam.

    Análise de parâmetros funcionais relacionados aos fatores de risco ocupacionais da atividade de enfermeiros de UTI

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    La evaluación de factores como fatiga y aspectos funcionales pueden identificar sobrecargas durante la actividad de los enfermeros. El objetivo fue evaluar la necesidad de descanso, prevalencia de molestias musculoesqueléticas, capacidad de trabajo y esfuerzo físico de enfermeros de UTI. Participaron 24 enfermeros (edad 40±8 años; 14 hombres/10 mujeres). Fueron aplicados: cuestionario nórdico de síntomas, índice de capacidad para el trabajo (ICT), escala de necesidad de descanso (ENEDE) y escala de esfuerzo percibido (Borg). Diferencias entre sexos fueron verificadas por el test t de Student y la prevalencia por el test exacto de Fisher. Se verificó la prevalencia del 75% en los últimos 12 meses, siendo el 100% de las mujeres y 42% de los hombres (diferencia significativa; p=0,024). Las mujeres clasificaron el trabajo como más intenso en comparación a los hombres (pEvaluating factors such as fatigue and functional aspects can identify overloads during nursing activities. The aim was to evaluate need for recovery, prevalence of musculoskeletal discomfort, working capacity and perceived exertion of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses. Twenty-four nurses participated (aged 40±8 years; 10 men and 14 women). The Nordic musculoskeletal questionnaire, work ability index (WAI), need for recovery scale (NRE) and scale of perceived exertion (Borg) were applied. Gender differences were evaluated by Student's t-test and the prevalence by Fisher's exact test. There was a prevalence of 75% in the last 12 months, 100% of women and 42% of men (significant difference; p=0.024). Women rated work as more intense than men (pA avaliação de fatores como fadiga e aspectos funcionais pode identificar sobrecargas durante a atividade de enfermeiros. O objetivo foi avaliar a necessidade de descanso, prevalência de desconfortos musculoesqueléticos, capacidade de trabalho e esforço físico de enfermeiros de Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Participaram 24 enfermeiros (idade 40±8 anos; 14 homens e 10 mulheres). Foram aplicados: questionário nórdico de sintomas, índice de capacidade para trabalho (ICT), escala de necessidade de descanso (ENEDE) e escala de esforço percebido (Borg). Diferenças entre sexos foram verificadas pelo teste t de Student e na prevalência pelo teste exato de Fisher. Verificou-se prevalência de 75% nos últimos 12 meses, sendo 100% das mulheres e 42% dos homens (diferença significante; p=0,024). As mulheres classificaram o trabalho como mais intenso em comparação aos homens (