5 research outputs found

    DEPRESSÃO INFANTIL: aspectos gerais, diagnóstico e tratamento

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    A depressão infantil tem sido um transtorno bastante pesquisado nos dias atuais, ao contrário do que acontecia há mais de 30 anos quando era uma doença considerada característica dos adultos. Atualmentejá não se tem mais dúvida de que esta patologia afeta também as crianças, podendo interferir no seu processo de desenvolvimento. São várias as causas para esta doença, entre elas destacam-se os problemas familiares, onde a criança não se sente amada e protegida, passando do isolamento à queda no rendimento escolar. Para um tratamento eficaz, é importante que seja diagnosticada o mais cedo possível, caso contrário poderá acarretar problemas futuros, desencadeando uma depressão ainda maior na idade adulta. Assim sendo, o presente estudo tem o objetivo de realizar um levantamento acerca dos aspectos mais relevantes da depressão infantil, incluindo variáveis que podem desencadear tal distúrbio, sintomatologia,diagnóstico e tratamento.Palavras-chave: Depressão infantil. Sintomatologia. Diagnóstico. Tratamento. Saúde da família. CHILDHOOD DEPRESSION:general aspects, diagnosis and treatmentAbstract: Childhood depression has been a widely researched nowadays, contrary to what happened for more than 30 years when it was considered a characteristic disease of the adults. Currently there is no longer more doubt that this disease also affects children and can interfere with your development process. There are several causes for this disease, among them stand out familiars problems, where the child does not feel loved and protected, going from isolation to poor school performance. For an effective treatment, it is important to be diagnosed as early as possible, otherwise it may lead to future problems, triggering an even greater depression in adulthood. Thus, the present study aims to conduct a survey about the most relevant aspects of childhood depression, including variables that may trigger the disturb, symptomatology, diagnosis and treatment.Keywords: Childhood depression. Symptomatology. Diagnosis. Treatment. Family health. DEPRESIÓN INFANTIL:aspectos generales, diagnóstico y tratamientoResumen: La depresión infantil ha sido un transtorno ampliamente investigado en la actualidad, a diferenciade lo que ocurrió hace más de 30 años, cuando se consideraba una enfermedad propia de los adultos. Actualmente ya no hay más duda de que esta enfermedad también afecta a los niños y puede interferir con su proceso de desarrollo. Hay varias causas para esta enfermedad, entre los que se destacan los problemas familiares, en los que el niño no se siente querido y protegido, pasando del aislamiento a bajo rendimiento escolar. Para un tratamiento eficaz, es importante ser diagnosticado tan pronto como sea posible, de lo contrario puede conducir a problemas en el futuro, lo que podrá provocar una depresión aún mayor en la edad adulta. Por lo tanto, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo realizar una evaluación sobre los aspectos más relevantes de la depresión infantil, incluyendo las variables que pueden desencadenar la enfermedad, sintomatología, diagnóstico y tratamiento.Palabras clave: Depresión infantil. Sintomatología. Diagnóstico. Tratamiento. Salud de la família

    Molluscicidal effect of Euphorbia umbellata (Pax) Bruyns latex on Biomphalaria glabrata, Schistosoma mansoni host snail

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    ABSTRACT Euphorbia umbellata (Pax) Bruyns is an easily cultivated shrub, with occurrence in the tropical regions of the American and African continents. Chemical studies have revealed that the latex of this plant is rich in terpene compounds, which are highly toxic to snails Biomphalaria glabrata (Basommatophora: Planorbidae). The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition and molluscicidal activity of the latex produced by E. umbellata, as well as the safety of its application in aquatic environments. The concentration of latex that killed 90% of the exposed snails after 24 h exposure (LC90) was 3.69 mg/L. Toxicity bioassays using Danio rerio (zebrafish) revealed that these animals were less susceptible to latex than planorbids. However, it is important to perform other toxicity tests to ensure the feasibility of using latex to control populations of mollusks that contribute to schistosomiasis transmission. A phytochemical screening performed with the E. umbellata latex identified the triterpenoid and coumarin class. Further studies are warranted to isolate, identify, and test the active compounds of E. umbellata latex in B. glabrata

    Molluscicidal effect of Euphorbia umbellata (Pax) Bruyns latex on Biomphalaria glabrata, Schistosoma mansoni host snail

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    Euphorbia umbellata (Pax) Bruyns is an easily cultivated shrub, with occurrence in the tropical regions of the American and African continents. Chemical studies have revealed that the latex of this plant is rich in terpene compounds, which are highly toxic to snails Biomphalaria glabrata (Basommatophora: Planorbidae). The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition and molluscicidal activity of the latex produced by E. umbellata, as well as the safety of its application in aquatic environments. The concentration of latex that killed 90% of the exposed snails after 24 h exposure (LC90) was 3.69 mg/L. Toxicity bioassays using Danio rerio (zebrafish) revealed that these animals were less susceptible to latex than planorbids. However, it is important to perform other toxicity tests to ensure the feasibility of using latex to control populations of mollusks that contribute to schistosomiasis transmission. A phytochemical screening performed with the E. umbellata latex identified the triterpenoid and coumarin class. Further studies are warranted to isolate, identify, and test the active compounds of E. umbellata latex in B. glabrata


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    The phytotherapy has been becoming an important alternative to terapeutic all over the world. Thereby, several plants have been commercialized at public markets and fairs in many countries. Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi is a species popularly known as aroeira in Brazil and is considered one of the most consumed plants in our country due to its medicinal properties. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of commercial samples of aroeira, purchased at public markets in São Luis-MA, Brazil. Twelve samples of barks from S. terebinthifolius were purchased and analyzed. Furthermore barks from an identified specimen of this species were used as reference sample. To assure the authentication, the commercial samples were analyzed by morphological and anatomical features, phytochemical profile, moisture content and antibacterial activity and then the results from these samples were compared to reference sample features. Among the 12 samples, the half showed different morphological features from the reference sample.  According to the microscopic study, just five were authenticated as S. terebinthifolius. The phytochemistry evaluation showed different chemistry profiles of commercial samples, mainly regarding to tanins and saponins amount. Five samples were reproved by moisture determination. All samples showed some degree of antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, however, only six were active against Escherichia coli. Although the importance of phytoterapy has grew, these results show the poor quality of this drug and also show the concerned about the quality of the herbal products commercialized worldwide to assure the consumer safety.Keywords: Authenticity; quality control; Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi.A fitoterapia é uma prática terapêutica de grande aceitação pela população em todo o mundo. Como consequência, várias espécies vegetais são comercializadas em mercados públicos ou feiras livres em muitos países, inclusive no Brasil. A espécie Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi, popularmente conhecida como aroeira, está entre as plantas de grande consumo devido à suas propriedades medicinais. Assim, este estudo objetivou avaliar a qualidade de amostras comerciais de aroeira, adquiridas em mercados públicos da cidade de São Luís-MA. Utilizou-se cascas adquiridas em 12 mercados públicos e cascas obtidas de um exemplar previamente identificado, que foram consideradas amostra referência. Realizou-se análise morfológica e anatômica, testes fitoquímicos, avaliação do teor de umidade e da atividade antibacteriana das amostras comerciais comparando os resultados com a amostra referência para atestar sua autenticidade. Após a análise macroscópica, seis amostras apresentaram aspectos morfológicos diferentes da amostra referência. Na análise microscópica, ficou demonstrada que apenas cinco amostras eram autênticas. Na avaliação fitoquímica, as amostras comerciais apresentaram diferenças relacionadas, principalmente, a análise de taninos e saponinas. Cinco amostras ficaram reprovadas na determinação de umidade. Na avaliação da atividade antibacteriana, todas as amostras revelaram algum grau de atividade para Staphylococcus aureus, no entanto, apenas seis foram ativas contra Escherichia coli. A má qualidade de drogas vegetais comercializadas com fins terapêuticos demonstra a necessidade de programas de fiscalização e controle de qualidade, objetivando, assim, a segurança do consumidor.Palavras-chave: Autenticidade. Controle de qualidade. Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi

    Molluscicidal effect of Euphorbia umbellata (Pax) Bruyns latex on Biomphalaria glabrata, Schistosoma mansoni host snail

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    ABSTRACT Euphorbia umbellata (Pax) Bruyns is an easily cultivated shrub, with occurrence in the tropical regions of the American and African continents. Chemical studies have revealed that the latex of this plant is rich in terpene compounds, which are highly toxic to snails Biomphalaria glabrata (Basommatophora: Planorbidae). The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition and molluscicidal activity of the latex produced by E. umbellata, as well as the safety of its application in aquatic environments. The concentration of latex that killed 90% of the exposed snails after 24 h exposure (LC90) was 3.69 mg/L. Toxicity bioassays using Danio rerio (zebrafish) revealed that these animals were less susceptible to latex than planorbids. However, it is important to perform other toxicity tests to ensure the feasibility of using latex to control populations of mollusks that contribute to schistosomiasis transmission. A phytochemical screening performed with the E. umbellata latex identified the triterpenoid and coumarin class. Further studies are warranted to isolate, identify, and test the active compounds of E. umbellata latex in B. glabrata