327 research outputs found

    Kinerja Agen di atas Kapal dalam Proses Penanganan Kedatangan dan Keberangkatan Kapal di PT. Tirta Permai Bahari Cabang Dumai

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    This final project aims for the agent's performance that has not been maximized in the process of handling ship arrivals and departures, while the research objectives are to determine the agent's performance on the ship, inhibiting factors, and understanding of foreign languages, so that this research is more focused, focused and avoids the discussion being too confusing. large. The limitation of the problem in this study is the effect of the agent's performance on the ship at PT. Tirta Permai Bahari on the process of handling ship arrivals and departures, the author's systematics in order to simplify and provide an overview of the final project proposal preparation method with direct observation research methods (observation), documentation (documentation), document data collection, books and photos while in activities on the ship . The results of this study are the performance of agents on board ships in handling ship arrivals and departures at PT. Tirta Permai Bahari Dumai Branch lack of competence in checking ship documents and certificates when agents are on board and lack of communication due to lack of understanding in foreign languages or English. In improving the performance of agents, a training program is needed. There needs to be special training on how to make good and correct documents for PT. Tirta Permai Bahari. When conditions in the field are also operational staff or agents of PT. Tirta Permai Bahari is required to be more active and thorough in studying checking ship documents and ship clearance systems

    PT. Tirta Permai Bahari

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    The Effect of Nutmeg Leaves Tannin (Myristica fragrans Houtt) as Protein Protecting Agents on In Vitro Nutrient Digestibility

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    This experiment was aimed to study the effect of nutmeg leaf tannin addition on in vitro nutrient digestibility. Treatments in this experiment consisted of: P0 (control without tannin), P1 (feed + 2% tannin) and P2 (feed + 4% tannin). Feed for fermentation substrate consisted of Pennisetum purpureum and soybean meal with ratio 60:40. Fermentation was carried out using Tilley and Terry two stages in vitro technique for 48 hours. Variables measured were the digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, and crude protein in the rumen as well as the total digestive tract digestibility based on in vitro technique. The data obtained were analyzed by One Way ANOVA, and followed by the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that rumen dry matter digestibility was lower (P0.05) in the total dry matter digestibility of P0, P1, and P2 (74.88±5.28, 67.70±3.21, and 64.83±4.96). Organic matter digestibility in the rumen was also lower (P0.05) in total organic matter digestibility from P0, P1, and P2 (64.69±6.44, 64.33±6.34, and 61.20±5.11). The digestibility of crude protein in the rumen at P1 and P2 (45.48±5.12 and 38.47±3.44) was also significantly lower (P0.05). Addition of tannin leaf nutmeg 2% optimally reduced rumen dry matter and crude protein digestibility without causing excessive negative impact on results of in vitro digestibility, so it can be used as a protective agent protein feed

    Salivary cortisol and eye temperature changes during endurance competitions

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    Background The purpose of this study was to investigate the usefulness of salivary cortisol (SC) and eye temperature measured by infrared thermography (IRTET) as biomarkers to manage competitions more effectively and monitor horse welfare in endurance competitions. Based on previous studies, it was hypothesised that pre-exercise baseline SC and IRTET would be higher in younger or less experienced horses, and that post-exercise variation from baseline would be higher in the top finishers. Results Salivary cortisol measured in 61 competing at qualifier 40 km and 80 km rides showed an abrupt variation (93–256% rise) of the baseline SC levels [median ± interquartile range (IQR) = 0.27 ng/dl ± 0.36] obtained at the Pre-Inspection (PI) into Vet Gate (VG)1 independently of the covered distance, but modest or even lower in the subsequent Vet Gates, e.g. VG2 or VG3. The IRTET measured concomitantly in 16 horses showed significant (p < 0.05) higher levels at the PI in less experienced horses participating in the 40 km ride (median ± IQR = 35.7 °C ± 1.4) than their counterparts in the 80 km ride (median ± IQR = 35.0 °C ± 1.5), but not SC. Baseline SC levels at the PI of horses classifying in the Top5 in the 40 km ride category were significantly (p < 0.05) higher median ± IQR = 0.90 ng/ml ±0.61) when compared to horses positioned from 10th position on (median ± IQR = 0.16 ng/ml ±0.40). A lower IRTET in the PI was correlated with better placement (p < 0.05) and those in the Top5 (median ± IQR = 33.9 °C ± 0.0) had a significantly (p < 0.5) higher variation (+ 10.65%) into the last VG. Conclusion Pre-exercise baseline IRTET levels, but not SC, were higher in less experienced horses in the 40 compared to their counterparts in the 80 km ride competitions. SC and IRTET showed different indications according to the competition. In the40 km ride competition, higher baseline pre-exercise SC levels seemed to be linked to a better classification outcome. In contrast, in the 80 km ride horses, the higher IRTET variation from pre-exercise into final Vet Gate was the parameter associated with a better performance. A more controlled environment and a larger sample are needed to confirm these results and monitor horse welfare in competitions

    What Influences Language Impairement in Bilingual Aphasia? A Meta-Analytic Review

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    Patterns of language impairment in multilingual speakers with post-stroke aphasia are diverse: in some cases the language deficits are parallel, that is, all languages are impaired relatively equally, whereas in other cases deficits are differential, that is, one language is more impaired than the other(s). This diversity stems from the intricate structure of the multilingual language system, which is shaped by a complex interplay of influencing factors, such as age of language acquisition, frequency of language use, premorbid proficiency, and linguistic similarity between one’s languages. Previous theoretical reviews and empirical studies shed some light on these factors, however no clear answers have been provided. The goals of this review were to provide a timely update on the increasing number of reported cases in the last decade and to offer a systematic analysis of the potentially influencing variables. One hundred and thirty cases from 65 studies were included in the present systematic review and effect sizes from 119 cases were used in the meta-analysis. Our analysis revealed better performance in L1 compared to L2 in the whole sample of bilingual speakers with post-stroke aphasia. However, the magnitude of this difference was influenced by whether L2 was learned early in childhood or later: those who learned L2 before 7 years of age showed comparable performance in both of their languages contrary to the bilinguals who learned L2 after 7 years of age and showed better performance in L1 compared to L2. These robust findings were moderated mildly by premorbid proficiency and frequency of use. Finally, linguistic similarity did not appear to influence the magnitude of the difference in performance between L1 and L2. Our findings from the early bilingual subgroup were in line with the previous reviews which included mostly balanced early bilinguals performing comparably in both languages. Our findings from the late bilingual subgroup stressed the primacy of L1 and the importance of age of L2 learning. In addition, the evidence from the present review provides support for theories emphasizing the role of premorbid proficiency and language use in language impairment patterns in bilingual aphasia

    Building community capacity to stimulate physical activity and dietary behavior in Dutch secondary schools:Evaluation of the FLASH intervention using the REAIM framework

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    BackgroundBuilding community capacity in secondary schools is a promising strategy for the sustainable implementation of school-based health promotion. The Fit Lifestyle at School and at Home (FLASH) intervention explored how building community capacity works for the prevention of overweight following four strategies: leadership, participatory school culture, tailored health-promotion activities, and local networks. This study evaluates the intervention's impact on community capacity and capacity-building processes over a period of 3 years, as well as its effects on adolescents' BMI and waist circumference. MethodsA mixed-methods design guided by the RE-AIM framework was used. Impact on community capacity was evaluated with semi-structured interviews at the start and end of the intervention and analyzed using an anchored coding scale. Capacity-building processes were evaluated using interviews, journals, questionnaires, and the minutes of meetings. The effects on BMI z-scores and waist circumference were evaluated using a quasi-experimental design comparing an intervention (IG) and reference group (RG), based on multi-level analyses. ResultsCommunity capacity improved across all intervention schools but varied between capacity-building strategies. Leadership recorded the greatest improvements, aided by the appointment of Healthy School Coordinators, who increasingly focused on coordinating processes and fostering collaborations. Participatory school culture also improved through the adoption and implementation of participatory methods and a general increase in awareness concerning the importance of the Healthy School approach. Although additional health-promotion activities were implemented, stakeholders struggled with tailoring these to the specific dynamics of their schools. Limited improvements were observed in setting-up local networks that could help schools encourage healthy behavior among pupils. Differences in BMI z-scores between IG and RG over the total sample were negligible whereas waist circumference increased slightly more in IG (0.99 cm, 95% CI [.04; 1.93]). However, differences were inconsistent over time and between cohorts. ConclusionsThis study highlights the potential of building community capacity. It emphasizes that this is a process in which stakeholders must become acquainted with new leadership roles and responsibilities. To navigate this process, schools need support in improving communication, establishing local networks, and sustaining capacity-building efforts in school policy

    xEMU Space Suit Quick Release and Catch System

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    Astronauts exploring the lunar surface will perform a series of Extravehicular Activities (EVA), which require repeated access to various tools and equipment installed on the Exploration Extravehicular Mobility Unit (xEMU). Carrying tools on the xEMU will improve spacewalk efficiency during end-to-end sampling missions. Tools must interface with the spacesuit through a manually operated and lunar dust-tolerant mechanical subsystem. Therefore, two interlocking components with an integrated double roller catch are designed out of Teflon, Aluminum 6061, and AISI-316L steel to facilitate removal and reattachment of fit-for-purpose tools. Compared to NASA’s previous bayonet probe design, the Vanguard xEMU subsystem safely stows and secures various tools required for lunar surface exploration and provides adequate lunar dust mitigation for proper functionality. The design will be part of several student-inspired solutions to NASA’s present-day challenges for the upcoming 2024 Artemis Mission to the Moon and beyond to Mars

    Expectativa com o mercado de trabalho e satisfação: um estudo comparativo com iniciantes e concluintes de cursos técnicos federais em administração e informática / Labor market expectation and satisfaction: a comparative study of beginners and finishers of federal business administration and computer science courses

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    Esta pesquisa buscou analisar o nível de satisfação dos alunos do IFRN no Campus avançado Lajes/RN e suas expectativas sobre o mercado de trabalho. O estudo apresenta abordagem mista e teve como instrumento de pesquisa um questionário in loco. Posteriormente, foi feita a tabulação e análise de dados quantitativos com auxílio do Excel® 2016, com uso de estatística descritiva e testes de comparação de médias. As questões qualitativas foram analisadas com auxílio da ferramenta Word Cloud Generator®. Sobre o perfil do público pesquisado, é possível dizer que os entrevistados estão na faixa etária entre 14 e 22 anos; em sua maioria apresentam renda familiar de até R$ 937,00 mensais. As médias foram avaliadas para doze itens, que caracterizam as expectativas em relação ao mercado de trabalho e satisfação a respeito da instituição. Os alunos têm satisfação contínua em relação aos serviços prestados pelos professores e instituição, apresentando expectativa negativa em relação ao mercado de trabalho. Além disso, foi evidenciado que não existe diferença de opinião entre os alunos de primeiro e terceiro ano. Fica evidenciado que as ações de integração e engajamento culminam em alta satisfação desde o início do curso técnico, perdurando até o último ano. Em relação a regularidade da baixa expectativa,recomenda-se que a instituição desenvolva ações como feiras de profissões, formações continuadas e articule acordos institucionais com profissionais locais, aproximando instituição e comunidade.   
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