205 research outputs found

    La información económica : concepto, características y marco

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    La información económica ha adquirido gran relieve en los últimos quince años. Ha protagonizado una de las evoluciones más sorprendentes de la comunicación en España. En este período se ha pasado de no tener ningún periódico económico diario a tener en 1998 tres cabeceras distintas. Además, se ha llegado a que la información económica pueda ser motivo de apertura de los distintos medios de comunicación, lo que resultaba sorprendente hace algunos años. El concepto de información económica es el que enmarca este tipo de información, que ocupa el tercer puesto en interés de los lectores, según una encuesta realizada en la que se pedía calificar la importancia y mostrar el grado de interés. La información económica tiene características muy propias, en tanto que tiene un tratamiento, un lenguaje, unas áreas, muy propias. Se hace más preciso, que en otras informaciones, el análisis y la interpretación, además de unos recursos gráficos que le caracterizan y facilitan al lector su interés y accesibilida

    A Mediterranean Dietary Pattern Is Associated with Greater Participation in Physical Activity and Better Health-Related Quality of Life among Students and Professors at the Melilla Campus (University of Granada)

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    The objective of this study was to assess Mediterranean diet (MD) scores (i.e., alignment with a MD pattern) among students and professors, in addition to assessing how adherence to the MD was associated with other lifestyle behaviors. A cross-sectional observational study was conducted with a sample of 127 university professors and 272 students of the Melilla Campus at the University of Granada (Spain). Students were more physically active than professors (mean difference = 1058 METs, p < 0.001) and reported lower negative affect (NA; mean difference = −1.70, p < 0.001) whereas professors reported nominally better perceived mental health. For the total sample, the physical health component (β = 0.03, p = 0.03) and physical activity (β = 0.0001, p = 0.01) were significantly associated with higher MD scores. Health behaviors, including MD scores and physical activity, were suboptimal among both students and professors. The results suggest that a dietary pattern reflective of the MD is positively associated with both physical and mental health outcomes among students and professors, though the direction of the associations remains to be clarified

    Mediterranean Diet and the Emotional Well-Being of Students of the Campus of Melilla (University of Granada)

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    A certain link exists between the consumption of particular groups of food and well-being. In this study, we analyzed in depth the relationship between strict adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) and emotional well-being through a descriptive, exploratory, transversal, and correlational study of students from the Campus of Melilla, University of Granada, Spain. The sample consisted of 272 individuals. Adherence to the MD was measured with the PREvención con DIetaMEDiterránea (PREDIMED) questionnaire, emotional well-being (both positive and negative affection) with the Spanish version of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), the state of perceived health with the Short Form-36 (SF36), and the degree of physical activity using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-SF). A strict adherence to the MD was found to be significantly related to positive emotional state (β = 0.018, p = 0.009). The perceived state of health (β = 0.192, p < 0.001), mental role (β = 0.346, p < 0.001), and physical activity (β = 0.155, p = 0.007) were found to be predictive factors of a positive emotional state. Conversely, the relationship between the adherence to the MD and a negative emotional state was not significant. Various components of the MD were found to be independently connected to well-being. The results suggest that adopting a nutritional pattern such as the MD is linked to an improvement in emotional well-being

    Análisis comparativo de adhesión a la dieta mediterránea entre niñas y adolescentes de gimnasia rítmica

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    Introduction: Eating habits are one of the underlying aspects in rhythmic gymnastics as a sport with an aesthetic component. Objective: To evaluate adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MD) in girls and adolescents who perform rhythmic gymnastics, and the relationship of this adherence with Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference. Methods: A prospective, descriptive comparative cross-sectional study with the participation of 221 gymnasts aged between 7 and 17 years. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was analyzed using the KIDMED test. The waist circumference, height and weight of each gymnast were measured and the BMI calculated. Results: 41.63%, 52.94% and 5.43% of the total sample exhibited high, medium and low adherence, respectively, to the Mediterranean diet. The Mann-Whitney U test indicated significant differences in the rate of adherence to the Mediterranean diet between the two age groups, U = 5007.0, p = .016, r = .162. The adolescent gymnasts had greater adherence than the younger gymnasts. The total sample showed a positive correlation of the rate of adherence with weight (Rho = .143, p = .034), BMI (Rho = .152, p = .024) and waist circumference (Rho = .180, p = .007). Conclusions: The eating habits of adolescent gymnasts with regard to the Mediterranean diet are healthier than those of the younger gymnasts. All participants had normal BMI values. The KIDMED values of the total sample were related to weight and BMI. The high percentages of younger gymnasts with mean adherence to the MD evidenced the need to approximate their eating habits with Mediterranean standards.Introducción: Los hábitos alimentarios son uno de los aspectos fundamentales en la gimnasia rítmica como deporte de componente estético. Objetivo: Evaluar la adhesión a la dieta mediterránea (DM) en niñas y adolescentes de gimnasia rítmica y su relación con el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) y el perímetro de cintura. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo, transversal, descriptivo y comparativo en donde participaron 221 gimnastas entre 7 y 17 años. Se analizó la adhesión a la dieta mediterránea a través del test KIDMED. Fueron medidos el perímetro de cintura, así como la altura y el peso de cada gimnasta, calculando el IMC. Resultados: 41,63%, 52,94% y 5,43% de la muestra total demostraron la adhesión a la dieta mediterránea alta, mediana y baja respectivamente. El test U de Mann-Whitney apuntó diferencias significativas del índice de adhesión a la dieta mediterránea entre los dos grupos de edad, U = 5007,0, p = ,016, r = ,162. Las gimnastas adolescentes presentaron mayor adhesión que las niñas. La muestra total mostró una correlación positiva del índice de adhesión con el peso (Rho = ,143, p = ,034), IMC (Rho = ,152, p = ,024), y perímetro de cintura (Rho = ,180, p = ,007). Conclusiones: Los hábitos de las gimnastas adolescentes con relación a la dieta mediterránea son más saludables que los de las gimnastas niñas. Todas presentaron valores normales de IMC. Los valores de Kidmed de la muestra total se relacionaron al peso y al IMC. Los elevados porcentajes de gimnastas niñas con adhesión mediana a la DM evidencian la necesidad de aproximar sus hábitos a los estándares mediterráneos. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudio de diagnóstico comparativo

    Simultaneous Effect of Temperature and Irradiance on Growth and Okadaic Acid Production from the Marine Dinoflagellate Prorocentrum belizeanum

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    Benthic marine dioflagellate microalgae belonging to the genus Prorocentrum are a major source of okadaic acid (OA), OA analogues and polyketides. However, dinoflagellates produce these valuable toxins and bioactives in tiny quantities, and they grow slowly compared to other commercially used microalgae. This hinders evaluation in possible large-scale applications. The careful selection of producer species is therefore crucial for success in a hypothetical scale-up of culture, as are appropriate environmental conditions for optimal growth. A clone of the marine toxic dinoflagellate P. belizeanum was studied in vitro to evaluate its capacities to grow and produce OA as an indicator of general polyketide toxin production under the simultaneous influence of temperature (T) and irradiance (I0). Three temperatures and four irradiance levels were tested (18, 25 and 28 °C; 20, 40, 80 and 120 µE·m−2·s−1), and the response variables measured were concentration of cells, maximum photochemical yield of photosystem II (PSII), pigments and OA. Experiments were conducted in T-flasks, since their parallelepipedal geometry proved ideal to ensure optically thin cultures, which are essential for reliable modeling of growth-irradiance curves. The net maximum specific growth rate (µm) was 0.204 day−1 at 25 °C and 40 µE·m−2·s−1. Photo-inhibition was observed at I0 > 40 μEm−2s−1, leading to culture death at 120 µE·m−2·s−1 and 28 °C. Cells at I0 ≥ 80 µE·m−2·s−1 were photoinhibited irrespective of the temperature assayed. A mechanistic model for µm-I0 curves and another empirical model for relating µm-T satisfactorily interpreted the growth kinetics obtained. ANOVA for responses of PSII maximum photochemical yield and pigment profile has demonstrated that P. belizeanum is extremely light sensitive. The pool of photoprotective pigments (diadinoxanthin and dinoxanthin) and peridinin was not able to regulate the excessive light-absorption at high I0-T. OA synthesis in cells was decoupled from optimal growth conditions, as OA overproduction was observed at high temperatures and when both temperature and irradiance were low. T-flask culture observations were consistent with preliminary assays outdoors

    Women slaves in Classical Antiquity. Production and reproduction in the domestic units

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    Este artículo aborda el análisis del origen y caracterización de la esclavitud femenina en Grecia y Roma, un tema que habitualmente ha sido estudiado sin contemplar la categoría de género. Para ello, hemos considerado dos aspectos. En primer lugar, la aparición de la esclavitud femenina con características propias, diferentes a las que dieron lugar a la esclavitud masculina, a la que parece preceder en el tiempo. En segundo lugar, el papel de las esclavas en las unidades domésticas, células vitales de la sociedad y la economía antiguas, donde se interrelacionan estrechamente lo productivo y lo reproductivo. De este modo, la esclavitud femenina supondría un recurso utilizado por estas sociedades para satisfacer necesidades tanto de índole productiva como reproductiva.This article undertakes the analysis of origin and characterization of women slavery in Greece and Rome, a theme that has been usually studied not taking account of the category of gender. We have considered two aspects in our research. Firstly, the appearance of women slavery as a phenomenon with their own characteristics, and probably previous in time to men slavery, whose nature is different. Secondly, the role of women slaves in the domestic units, basic cells of ancient society and economy, and where production and reproduction were intimately interrelated. In this way, women slavery was a resource used by these societies in order to satisfy both productive and reproductive necessities

    La subfamilia Donaciinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) en México

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    The subfamily Donaciinae is distinguished from the rest of the leaf beetles by the aquatic larvae and semiaquatic adults. In Mexico, there are records for Donacia Fabricius, Neohaemonia Székessy, and Plateumaris Thomson. The study of this subfamily in Mexico is poor; thus, in the present work, a dichotomic key for the genera distributed in the country, a diagnosis, and photographs for the species are provided, with the objective of providing a tool that facilitates the identification of the Mexican Donaciinae that could be found in collections or in material from recent collects and thus increase the taxonomic and ecological knowledge of this subfamily. In addition, Neohaemonia flohri (Jacoby) is reported for the first time in Tlaxcala.La subfamilia Donaciinae se caracteriza del resto de los crisomélidos porque sus larvas son acuáticas y los adultos semiacuáticos. En México se han registrado los géneros Donacia Fabricius, Neohaemonia Székessy y Plateumaris Thomson. El estudio de esta subfamilia en México es limitado, por lo que en el presente trabajo se presenta una clave para los géneros distribuidos en el país y una diagnosis e ilustraciones de las especies con el objetivo de proveer una herramienta que facilite la identificación de los Donaciinae mexicanos que pudieran encontrarse en colecciones o en material de recientes colectas, y así incrementar el conocimiento taxonómico y ecológico de esta subfamilia. Se reporta a Neohaemonia flohri (Jacoby) por primera vez en Tlaxcala

    La paz desde la perspectiva de los estudios de género: una aportación fundamental para construir un mundo más igualitario, justo y pacífico

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    Las mujeres y la paz están íntimamente relacionadas. Una primera conexión es el hecho de que el estudio sobre ambas realidades es reciente, y su historia, conceptualización y metodologías se están construyendo en estos momentos. Se trata, en ambos casos, de investigaciones innovadoras y evolucionarias en el pensamiento actual, puesto que sus objetos de estudio han tenido históricamente escasa consideración, en un mundo dominado por lo masculino y por la mayor visibilidad el uso de la violencia para resolver los conflictos. Pero, además de por su novedad, los Estudios de las Mujeres y del Género y los Estudios de la Paz tienen puntos de contacto más profundos, puesto que los Estudios de la Mujeres contribuyen de manera directa a la construcción de un mundo más justo e igualitario y, por tanto, de la cultura de la paz

    PInCom project: SaaS Big Data Platform for and Communication Channels

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    The problem of optimization will be addressed in this article, based on the premise that the successful implementation of Big Data solutions requires as a determining factor not only effective -it is assumed- but the efficiency of the responsiveness of management information get the best value offered by the digital and technological environment for gaining knowledge. In adopting Big Data strategies should be identified storage technologies and appropriate extraction to enable professionals and companies from different sectors to realize the full potential of the data. A success story is the solution PInCom: Intelligent-Communications Platform that aims customer loyalty by sending multimedia communications across heterogeneous transmission channels