137 research outputs found

    Ideals of general forms and the ubiquity of the Weak Lefschetz property

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    Let d1,...,drd_1,...,d_r be positive integers and let I=(F1,...,Fr)I = (F_1,...,F_r) be an ideal generated by general forms of degrees d1,...,drd_1,...,d_r, respectively, in a polynomial ring RR with nn variables. When all the degrees are the same we give a result that says, roughly, that they have as few first syzygies as possible. In the general case, the Hilbert function of R/IR/I has been conjectured by Fr\"oberg. In a previous work the authors showed that in many situations the minimal free resolution of R/IR/I must have redundant terms which are not forced by Koszul (first or higher) syzygies among the FiF_i (and hence could not be predicted from the Hilbert function), but the only examples came when r=n+1r=n+1. Our second main set of results in this paper show that further examples can be obtained when n+1≤r≤2n−2n+1 \leq r \leq 2n-2. We also show that if Fr\"oberg's conjecture on the Hilbert function is true then any such redundant terms in the minimal free resolution must occur in the top two possible degrees of the free module. Related to the Fr\"oberg conjecture is the notion of Weak Lefschetz property. We continue the description of the ubiquity of this property. We show that any ideal of general forms in k[x1,x2,x3,x4]k[x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4] has it. Then we show that for certain choices of degrees, any complete intersection has it and any almost complete intersection has it. Finally, we show that most of the time Artinian ``hypersurface sections'' of zeroschemes have it.Comment: 24 page

    On the intersection of ACM curves in \PP^3

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    Bezout's theorem gives us the degree of intersection of two properly intersecting projective varieties. As two curves in P^3 never intersect properly, Bezout's theorem cannot be directly used to bound the number of intersection points of such curves. In this work, we bound the maximum number of intersection points of two integral ACM curves in P^3. The bound that we give is in many cases optimal as a function of only the degrees and the initial degrees of the curves

    Cohomological characterization of vector bundles on multiprojective spaces

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    We show that Horrock's criterion for the splitting of vector bundles on \PP^n can be extended to vector bundles on multiprojective spaces and to smooth projective varieties with the weak CM property (see Definition 3.11). As a main tool we use the theory of nn-blocks and Beilinson's type spectral sequences. Cohomological characterizations of vector bundles are also showed

    Families of determinantal schemes

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    Given integers a_0 \le a_1 \le ... \le a_{t+c-2} and b_1 \le ... \le b_t, we denote by W(b;a) \subset Hilb^p(\PP^{n}) the locus of good determinantal schemes X \subset \PP^{n} of codimension c defined by the maximal minors of a t x (t+c-1) homogeneous matrix with entries homogeneous polynomials of degree a_j-b_i. The goal of this short note is to extend and complete the results given by the authors in [10] and determine under weakened numerical assumptions the dimension of W(b;a), as well as whether the closure of W(b;a) is a generically smooth irreducible component of the Hilbert scheme Hilb^p(\PP^{n}).Comment: The non-emptiness of W(b;a) is restated as (2.2) in this version; the codimension c=2 case in (2.5)-(2.6) is reconsidered, and c > 2 (c > 3) is now an assumption in (2.16)-(2.17). 13 page
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