49 research outputs found

    Point-Map-Probabilities of a Point Process and Mecke's Invariant Measure Equation

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    A compatible point-shift FF maps, in a translation invariant way, each point of a stationary point process Φ\Phi to some point of Φ\Phi. It is fully determined by its associated point-map, ff, which gives the image of the origin by FF. It was proved by J. Mecke that if FF is bijective, then the Palm probability of Φ\Phi is left invariant by the translation of f-f. The initial question motivating this paper is the following generalization of this invariance result: in the non-bijective case, what probability measures on the set of counting measures are left invariant by the translation of f-f? The point-map probabilities of Φ\Phi are defined from the action of the semigroup of point-map translations on the space of Palm probabilities, and more precisely from the compactification of the orbits of this semigroup action. If the point-map probability exists, is uniquely defined, and if it satisfies certain continuity properties, it then provides a solution to this invariant measure problem. Point-map probabilities are objects of independent interest. They are shown to be a strict generalization of Palm probabilities: when FF is bijective, the point-map probability of Φ\Phi boils down to the Palm probability of Φ\Phi. When it is not bijective, there exist cases where the point-map probability of Φ\Phi is singular with respect to its Palm probability. A tightness based criterion for the existence of the point-map probabilities of a stationary point process is given. An interpretation of the point-map probability as the conditional law of the point process given that the origin has FF-pre-images of all orders is also provided. The results are illustrated by a few examples.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figure

    Stable transports between stationary random measures

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    We give an algorithm to construct a translation-invariant transport kernel between ergodic stationary random measures Φ\Phi and Ψ\Psi on Rd\mathbb R^d, given that they have equal intensities. As a result, this yields a construction of a shift-coupling of an ergodic stationary random measure and its Palm version. This algorithm constructs the transport kernel in a deterministic manner given realizations φ\varphi and ψ\psi of the measures. The (non-constructive) existence of such a transport kernel was proved in [8]. Our algorithm is a generalization of the work of [3], in which a construction is provided for the Lebesgue measure and an ergodic simple point process. In the general case, we limit ourselves to what we call constrained densities and transport kernels. We give a definition of stability of constrained densities and introduce our construction algorithm inspired by the Gale-Shapley stable marriage algorithm. For stable constrained densities, we study existence, uniqueness, monotonicity w.r.t. the measures and boundedness.Comment: In the second version, we change the way of presentation of the main results in Section 4. The main results and their proofs are not changed significantly. We add Section 3 and Subsection 4.6. 25 pages and 2 figure

    Doeblin Trees

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    This paper is centered on the random graph generated by a Doeblin-type coupling of discrete time processes on a countable state space whereby when two paths meet, they merge. This random graph is studied through a novel subgraph, called a bridge graph, generated by paths started in a fixed state at any time. The bridge graph is made into a unimodular network by marking it and selecting a root in a specified fashion. The unimodularity of this network is leveraged to discern global properties of the larger Doeblin graph. Bi-recurrence, i.e., recurrence both forwards and backwards in time, is introduced and shown to be a key property in uniquely distinguishing paths in the Doeblin graph, and also a decisive property for Markov chains indexed by Z\mathbb{Z}. Properties related to simulating the bridge graph are also studied.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figure

    Optimal Paths on the Space-Time SINR Random Graph

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    We analyze a class of Signal-to-Interference-and-Noise-Ratio (SINR) random graphs. These random graphs arise in the modeling packet transmissions in wireless networks. In contrast to previous studies on the SINR graphs, we consider both a space and a time dimension. The spatial aspect originates from the random locations of the network nodes in the Euclidean plane. The time aspect stems from the random transmission policy followed by each network node and from the time variations of the wireless channel characteristics. The combination of these random space and time aspects leads to fluctuations of the SINR experienced by the wireless channels, which in turn determine the progression of packets in space and time in such a network. This paper studies optimal paths in such wireless networks in terms of first passage percolation on this random graph. We establish both "positive" and "negative" results on the associated time constant. The latter determines the asymptotics of the minimum delay required by a packet to progress from a source node to a destination node when the Euclidean distance between the two tends to infinity. The main negative result states that this time constant is infinite on the random graph associated with a Poisson point process under natural assumptions on the wireless channels. The main positive result states that when adding a periodic node infrastructure of arbitrarily small intensity to the Poisson point process, the time constant is positive and finite

    Unimodular Hausdorff and Minkowski Dimensions

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    This work introduces two new notions of dimension, namely the unimodular Minkowski and Hausdorff dimensions, which are inspired from the classical analogous notions. These dimensions are defined for unimodular discrete spaces, introduced in this work, which provide a common generalization to stationary point processes under their Palm version and unimodular random rooted graphs. The use of unimodularity in the definitions of dimension is novel. Also, a toolbox of results is presented for the analysis of these dimensions. In particular, analogues of Billingsley's lemma and Frostman's lemma are presented. These last lemmas are instrumental in deriving upper bounds on dimensions, whereas lower bounds are obtained from specific coverings. The notions of unimodular Hausdorff size, which is a discrete analogue of the Hausdorff measure, and unimodular dimension function are also introduced. This toolbox allows one to connect the unimodular dimensions to other notions such as volume growth rate, discrete dimension and scaling limits. It is also used to analyze the dimensions of a set of examples pertaining to point processes, branching processes, random graphs, random walks, and self-similar discrete random spaces. Further results of independent interest are also presented, like a version of the max-flow min-cut theorem for unimodular one-ended trees and a weak form of pointwise ergodic theorems for all unimodular discrete spaces.Comment: 89 pages, 1 figure. This version of the paper is a merging of the previous version with arXiv:1808.02551. Earlier versions of this paper were titled `On the Dimension of Unimodular Discrete Spaces, Part I: Definitions and Basic Properties

    Preclustering Algorithms for Imprecise Points

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