94 research outputs found

    Las habilidades sociales y la entrevista: metodología para la intervención social

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    Si diem que els éssers humans només són capaços de viure com a tals mitjançant la reconstrucció narrativa de les seves experiències, estem tenint en compte conceptes querecorden alguns autors contemporanis que defensen la importància d’ésser reconegut com una creació feta de paraules. En la mesura en què són interpretades i contextualitzadespels professionals, la situació dialogal significativa pren importància. Des d’aquesta perspectiva hem plantejat les assignatures Habilitats socials, Tècniques d’entrevista i Gestióde situació de crisi, dissenyades per integrar els models teòrics i les variables que es presenten en la relació comunicativa amb l’usuari i en particular quan aquesta relació es formalitza en la situació d’entrevista. Es mostrarà també la manera com en el nostre procés formatiu, basat en la simulació de situacions, es fomenta el compromís amb el treball en equip i l’autocomprensió.When we say that human beings are only fully able to live as such through the narrative reconstruction of our experiences, we are making use of concepts deployed by a number of contemporary authors who draw attention to the importance of being recognized as a construct made of words. It is insofar as those words are interpreted and contextualized by professionals that the meaningful dialogical situation takes on importance. With this perspective in view we have created the courses in Social Skills, Interview Techniques and Crisis Situation magement, designed to integrate the theoretical models and the variables that present in the rapport with the service user, particularly where this communicative relationship is formalized in the interview situation. We also show how our training process, based on the simulation of situations, fosters commitment to teamwork and self-understanding.Si decimos que los seres humanos sólo son capaces de vivir como tales mediante la reconstrucción narrativa de sus experiencias, estamos teniendo en cuenta conceptos que recuerdan a algunos autores contemporáneos que defienden la importancia de ser reconocido como una creación hecha de palabras. En la medida en que son interpretadas y con textualizadas por los profesionales, la situación dialogal significativa cobra importancia. Desde esta perspectiva hemos planteado las asignaturas Habilidades sociales, Técnicas de entrevista y Gestión de situación de crisis , diseñadas para integrar los modelos teóricos y las variables que se presentan en la relación comunicativa con el usuario y en particular cuando esta relación se formaliza en la situación de entrevista. Se mostrará también el modo cómo en nuestro proceso formativo, basado en la simulación de situaciones, se fomenta el compromiso con el trabajo en equipo y la autocomprensión

    Sequencing of 6.7 Mb of the melon genome using a BAC pooling strategy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Cucumis melo </it>(melon) belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, whose economic importance among horticulture crops is second only to Solanaceae. Melon has a high intra-specific genetic variation, morphologic diversity and a small genome size (454 Mb), which make it suitable for a great variety of molecular and genetic studies. A number of genetic and genomic resources have already been developed, such as several genetic maps, BAC genomic libraries, a BAC-based physical map and EST collections. Sequence information would be invaluable to complete the picture of the melon genomic landscape, furthering our understanding of this species' evolution from its relatives and providing an important genetic tool. However, to this day there is little sequence data available, only a few melon genes and genomic regions are deposited in public databases. The development of massively parallel sequencing methods allows envisaging new strategies to obtain long fragments of genomic sequence at higher speed and lower cost than previous Sanger-based methods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to gain insight into the structure of a significant portion of the melon genome we set out to perform massive sequencing of pools of BAC clones. For this, a set of 57 BAC clones from a double haploid line was sequenced in two pools with the 454 system using both shotgun and paired-end approaches. The final assembly consists of an estimated 95% of the actual size of the melon BAC clones, with most likely complete sequences for 50 of the BACs, and a total sequence coverage of 39x. The accuracy of the assembly was assessed by comparing the previously available Sanger sequence of one of the BACs against its 454 sequence, and the polymorphisms found involved only 1.7 differences every 10,000 bp that were localized in 15 homopolymeric regions and two dinucleotide tandem repeats. Overall, the study provides approximately 6.7 Mb or 1.5% of the melon genome. The analysis of this new data has allowed us to gain further insight into characteristics of the melon genome such as gene density, average protein length, or microsatellite and transposon content. The annotation of the BAC sequences revealed a high degree of collinearity and protein sequence identity between melon and its close relative <it>Cucumis sativus </it>(cucumber). Transposon content analysis of the syntenic regions suggests that transposition activity after the split of both cucurbit species has been low in cucumber but very high in melon.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results presented here show that the strategy followed, which combines shotgun and BAC-end sequencing together with anchored marker information, is an excellent method for sequencing specific genomic regions, especially from relatively compact genomes such as that of melon. However, in agreement with other results, this map-based, BAC approach is confirmed to be an expensive way of sequencing a whole plant genome. Our results also provide a partial description of the melon genome's structure. Namely, our analysis shows that the melon genome is highly collinear with the smaller one of cucumber, the size difference being mainly due to the expansion of intergenic regions and proliferation of transposable elements.</p


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    En el artículo se definen, describen y ejemplifican los conceptos contradicción interna y externa, además, se proponen tres vías para la identificación de la primera; con el propósito de esclarecer la dinámica en la precisión, identificación y fundamentación de las contradicciones en la investigación científica, especialmente, en el campo de las ciencias pedagógicas, desde la concepción dialéctico-materialista del mundo.  ABSTRACT In this article the concepts of inner contradiction and outer contradiction are defined, described and exemplified. Besides, three different ways for identifying the former one are offered with the aim of clearing out the dynamic in the precision, identification and supporting the contradictions in scientific investigations, especially in the field of Pedagogical Sciences, from a dialectical-materialist conception of the world. KEY WORDS: contradiction, inner contradiction, outer contradiction

    Actividad física en estudiantes universitarios: papel mediador frente al estrés académico y motivación para realizarla (Original)

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    Physical exercise acts as a way to buffer academic stress. Despite this, many young people do not engage in it. The study aims to analyze the physical activity of health students from the Technical University of Machala, their perception of the importance of physical exercise for academic stress, and the motivation to do it. It was an observational, cross-sectional study, with snowball sampling. 123 nursing, medicine, biochemistry and pharmacy students were surveyed. Data on physical activity, duration and dedication, their perception of whether it positively affects academic stress, and motivation were collected. 65% performed physical exercises, being more frequent in men. The most common physical activities are walking/running and using weights, followed by soccer. The Nursing students surveyed were the ones who reported the most physical activity and dedication and the least were those of medicine, which could be related to the semesters in which they are. 95.9% of those surveyed consider that physical activity is beneficial for reducing academic stress. The most motivated students to practice physical exercises were nursing students. The fundamental motivations were health, enjoyment and competition. Significant differences were found in the dimensions by careers, which could be defined by the semesters. The desire, need and intrinsic motivation of students to exercise exists, but it is limited by academic responsibilities.El ejercicio físico actúa como una forma de amortiguar el estrés académico. A pesar de ello muchos jóvenes no lo realizan. El estudio pretende analizar la actividad física de estudiantes de la salud de la Universidad Técnica de Machala, su percepción de la importancia del ejercicio físico para el estrés académico, y la motivación para realizarlo. Se trató de un estudio observacional, transversal, con muestreo en bola de nieve. Fueron encuestados 123 estudiantes de enfermería, medicina, bioquímica y farmacia. Se recogieron datos de la actividad física, duración y dedicación, su percepción acerca si incide positivamente sobre el estrés académico, y la motivación. El 65% realizaban ejercicios físicos, siendo más frecuente en hombres. Las actividades físicas que más realizan son caminar/correr y utilización de pesas, seguido del fútbol. Los estudiantes de Enfermería encuestados eran los que más actividad física deportiva y mayor dedicación refirieron y los que menos fueron los de medicina, lo cual pudiera estar en relación con los semestres en que se encuentran. Consideran que la actividad física es beneficiosa para disminuir el estrés académico el 95,9% de los encuestados. Los estudiantes más motivados a la práctica de ejercicios fueron los de enfermería. Las motivaciones fundamentales fueron la salud, el disfrute y la competencia. Existe el deseo, la necesidad y la motivación intrínseca de los estudiantes de realizar ejercicio, pero se encuentra limitado por las responsabilidades académicas

    Estudio de demanda de Maestría de Enfermería en la Universidad Técnica de Machala (Original).

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    Master's programs in nursing are focused on training qualified nurses for the labor market, with cognitive, scientific, professional, and humanistic skills capable of transforming professional practice. This study was carried out to determine the need for postgraduate training in nursing for professionals in the province of El Oro, in view of selecting and designing a master's program at the Technical University of Machala. It was an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study from December 2022 to January 2023. By snowball sampling, the questionnaire was applied that explored: demographic data, professional training, current employment situation, possible master's degree and topics of interest, times available and cost of the course. A descriptive statistical analysis of the data was performed, and dimension reduction by multiple correspondence analysis. In the 243 professionals, the female gender predominated (83.5%), the age range between 23 and 30 years (51.4%), and those with only third level of study (87.2%). Among the nine programs offered, the professionals selected the master's degree in emergency and emergency nursing as the best rated, followed by the master's degree in clinical-surgical nursing, and the master's degree in maternal and child nursing. Within the subjects or topics of interest: specific interventions, practices, life support courses, pharmacological nursing, and patient safety. It is concluded that the preference of professionals corresponds to professional master's degrees, and courses for the acquisition of skills in direct care.Los programas de Maestría en Enfermería están enfocados a formar enfermeros calificados para el mercado laboral, con destrezas cognitivas, científicas, profesionales y humanísticas, capaces de transformar la práctica profesional. Este estudio se realizó para determinar la necesidad de formación de postgrado en Enfermería de los profesionales de la provincia El Oro, con la finalidad de seleccionar y diseñar un programa de maestría en la Universidad Técnica de Machala. Se trató de un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal de diciembre del 2022 a enero del 2023. Por muestreo en bola de nieve se aplicó el cuestionario que exploraba: datos demográficos, formación profesional, situación laboral actual, posible maestría y temáticas de interés, tiempo disponible y costo del curso. Se realizó el análisis estadístico descriptivo de los datos, y reducción de dimensión por análisis de correspondencia múltiple. En los 243 profesionales predominó el género femenino (83,5%), el rango de edades entre 23 y 30 años (51,4%), y aquellos con solo tercer nivel de estudio (87,2%). Entre los nueve programas ofertados, los profesionales seleccionaron la Maestría en Enfermería en Urgencias y Emergencias como la mejor puntuada, seguida de la Maestría en Enfermería Clínico-Quirúrgica, y la Maestría en Enfermería Materno Infantil. Dentro de las asignaturas o temáticas de interés: las intervenciones específicas, las prácticas, cursos de soporte vital, Enfermería Farmacológica, y&nbsp; Seguridad del Paciente. Se concluye que la preferencia de los profesionales se corresponde con las maestrías profesionalizantes, y cursos para la adquisición de competencias en el cuidado directo.&nbsp;&nbsp

    Percepción de estrés de estudiantes universitarios de las carreras de la salud en etapa postpandemia (Original).

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    The covid-19 pandemic created a crisis in the world population, which had to face situations of compulsory confinement, and the closure of schools and universities forced the academic world to adopt virtual teaching. The clinical practices of university students in health careers were interrupted. This created uncertainty as to how they would achieve the required professional competencies. This study was elaborated with the purpose of analyzing the stress perception of young undergraduate university students of health careers in the post-pandemic stage, in order to identify and prevent damage to their mental health, and therefore to the assimilation of the contents in the teaching-learning process. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in the Faculty of Chemical and Health Sciences of the Technical University of Machala in the months of June-August 2022. The Perceived Stress Scale was used, as well as descriptive statistics. For comparisons, the Student's t-tests and ANOVA I were used. The results show 61.3% of stressed students, mainly due to time management. Significant differences in perceived stress were observed based on age, with younger students being the most affected. Although a slight increase in stress was noted in women and medical students, no statistically significant differences were found. Interventions aimed at promoting mental health and fostering resilience in university students should be implemented.La pandemia por covid-19, creó crisis en la población mundial, la cual tuvo que afrontar situaciones de confinamiento obligatorio, y el cierre de escuelas y universidades obligó al mundo académico a adoptar la enseñanza virtual. Las prácticas clínicas de los estudiantes universitarios de las carreras de la salud fueron interrumpidas. Esto creó incertidumbre de cómo alcanzarían las competencias profesionales requeridas. Este estudio se elaboró con el fin de analizar la percepción de estrés de jóvenes universitarios de pregrado de las carreras de la salud en la etapa postpandemia, para identificar y prevenir daños a su salud mental, y por tanto a la asimilación de los contenidos en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal en la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y de la Salud de la Universidad Técnica de Machala en los meses de junio-agosto del 2022. Se utilizó la Escala de Estrés Percibido, así como la estadística descriptiva. Para comparaciones, las pruebas t de studente y ANOVA I. Los resultados muestran un 61,3% de estudiantes estresados, fundamentalmente por el control del tiempo. Se observaron diferencias significativas de estrés percibido en base a la edad, siendo los estudiantes más jóvenes los más afectados. Si bien se notó un ligero incremento del estrés en las mujeres y los estudiantes de medicina, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Se deben implementar intervenciones dirigidas a promover la salud mental y fomentar la resiliencia en los estudiantes universitarios

    Evaluation of a family intervention programme for the treatment of overweight and obese children (Nereu Programme): a randomized clinical trial study protocol

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    Background: Obesity is mainly attributed to environmental factors. In developed countries, the time spent on physical activity tasks is decreasing, whereas sedentary behaviour patterns are increasing. The purpose of the intervention is to evaluate the effectiveness of an intensive family-based behavioural multicomponent intervention (Nereu programme) and compared it to counselling intervention such as a health centre intervention programme for the management of children"s obesity. Methods/Design: The study design is a randomized controlled multicenter clinical trial using two types of interventions: Nereu and Counselling. The Nereu programme is an 8-month intensive family-based multi-component behavioural intervention. This programme is based on a multidisciplinary intervention consisting of 4 components: physical activity sessions for children, family theoretical and practical sessions for parents, behaviour strategy sessions involving both, parents and children, and lastly, weekend extra activities for all. Counselling is offered to the family in the form of a monthly physical health and eating habits session. Participants will be recruited according the following criteria: 6 to 12 year-old-children, referred from their paediatricians due to overweight or obesity according the International Obesity Task Force criteria and with a sedentary profile (less than 2 hours per week of physical activity), they must live in or near the municipality of Lleida (Spain) and their healthcare paediatric unit must have previously accepted to cooperate with this study. The following variables will be evaluated: a) cardiovascular risk factors (anthropometric parameters, blood test and blood pressure), b) sedentary and physical activity behaviour and dietary intake, c) psychological aspects d) health related quality of life (HRQOL), e) cost-effectiveness of the intervention in relation to HRQOL. These variables will be then be evaluated 4 times longitudinally: at baseline, at the end of the intervention (8 months later), 6 and 12 months after the intervention. We have considered necessary to recruit 100 children and divide them in 2 groups of 50 to detect the differences between the groups. Discussion: This trial will provide new evidence for the long-term effects of childhood obesity management, as well as help to know the impact of the present intervention as a health intervention tool for healthcare centres. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT01878994This research is partially funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III in Spain, from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with the expedient number PI12/02220, the Diputació de Lleida, the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya and the City Council of Lleida “La Paeria - Ajuntament de Lleida”. This research was supported by the Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC), University of Lleida, Spain, (VCP/3570/2010, de 29 d’octubre, DOGC NÚM. 5753 – 11.11.2010; VCP/28/2009, 14 of January, DOGC NÚM. 5302 – 22/01/1999)

    Effectiveness of a Multi-Component Intervention for Overweight and Obese Children (Nereu Program): A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Introduction: Treatment of childhood obesity is a complex challenge for primary health care professionals. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of the Nereu Program in improving anthropometric parameters, physical activity and sedentary behaviours, and dietary intake. Methods: Randomized, controlled, multicentre clinical trial comparing Nereu Program and usual counselling group interventions in primary care settings. The 8-month study recruited 113 children aged 6 to 12 years with overweight/obesity. Before recruitment, eligible participants were randomly allocated to an intensive, family-based multi-component behavioural intervention (Nereu Program group) or usual advice from their paediatrician on healthy eating and physical activity. Anthropometric parameters, objectively measured sedentary and physical activity behaviours, and dietary intake were evaluated pre- and post-intervention. Results: At the end of the study period, both groups achieved a similar decrease in body mass index (BMIsd) compared to baseline. Nereu Program participants (n = 54) showed greater increases in moderate-intense physical activity (+6.27% vs. -0.61%, p<0.001) and daily fruit servings (+0.62 vs. +0.13, p<0.026), and decreased daily soft drinks consumption (-0.26 vs. -0.02, p<0.047), respectively, compared to the counselling group (n = 59). Conclusions: At the end of the 8-month intervention, participants in the Nereu Program group showed improvement in physical activity and dietary behaviours, compared to the counselling group

    The role of viral and host microRNAs in the Aujeszky's disease virus during the infection process

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    Porcine production is a primary market in the world economy. Controlling swine diseases in the farm is essential in order to achieve the sector necessities. Aujeszky's disease is a viral condition affecting pigs and is endemic in many countries of the world, causing important economic losses in the swine industry. microRNAs (miRNAs) are non-coding RNAs which modulates gene expression in animals, plants and viruses. With the aim of understanding miRNA roles during the Aujeszky's disease virus [ADV] (also known as suid herpesvirus type 1 [SuHV-1]) infection, the expression profiles of host and viral miRNAs were determined through deep sequencing in SuHV-1 infected porcine cell line (PK-15) and in an animal experimental SuHV-1 infection with virulent (NIA-3) and attenuated (Begonia) strains. In the in vivo approach miR-206, miR-133a, miR-133b and miR-378 presented differential expression between virus strains infection. In the in vitro approach, most miRNAs were down-regulated in infected groups. miR-92a and miR-92b-3p were up-regulated in Begonia infected samples. Functional analysis of all this over expressed miRNAs during the infection revealed their association in pathways related to viral infection processes and immune response. Furthermore, 8 viral miRNAs were detected by stem loop RT-qPCR in both in vitro and in vivo approaches, presenting a gene regulatory network affecting 59 viral genes. Most described viral miRNAs were related to Large Latency Transcript (LLT) and to viral transcription activators EP0 and IE180, and also to regulatory genes regarding their important roles in the host-pathogen interaction during viral infection