531 research outputs found

    Motius folklĂČrics al Tristany i Iseut

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    L’article aplega i analitza els principals motius folklĂČrics de Tristany i Iseut i els classifica segons l’índex del folklorista Stith Thompson

    La reescritura de la leyenda de TristĂĄn e Iseo en "CligĂšs"

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    La obra "CligÚs", de Chrétien de Troyes, ha sido tradicionalmente considerada por la crítica como una reescritura moralista de la leyenda de Tristån e Iseo. El nuevo sen aplicado por este poeta francés no solo se aplica en el sentido de una relectura del amor cortés mås ortodoxa, sino también en el de un mayor realismo literario, mås racional y moderno en términos estilísticos. Amor, pasión y adulterio, bajo la pluma de Chrétien, se convierten en nuevos conceptos aptos para establecer una distancia e incluso una confrontación contra el libertinaje poético de sus coetåneos normandos

    El Llibre de l'orde de cavalleria en el context sociocultural medieval

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    Ramon Llull va redactar el seu Llibre de l’orde de cavalleria sota la influĂšncia d’un temps i d’una mentalitat fortament marcats pel context sociocultural medieval. L’article explica com cal entendre la realitzaciĂł d’aquesta obra en funciĂł de l’etapa quaternĂ ria de l’Art lul·liana, amb les seves virtuts i els seus pecats; de la situaciĂł geopolĂ­tica del segle xiii, especialment tot allĂČ relacionat amb la cavalleria, i dels tractats de cavalleria produĂŻts o coneguts a la Corona d’AragĂł de l’ùpoca

    Estudi d'alternatives per a la dissipaciĂł d'impactes: dels sacs de sorra als metamaterials

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    L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte Ă©s estudiar diferents sistemes de dissipaciĂł d’energia que es poden trobar actualment. S’han analitzat i comparat els sistemes amb l’objectiu de poder treure conclusions que puguin ser Ăștils perquĂš es pugui seguir evolucionant en l’estudi de nous sistemes de dissipaciĂł d’energia que puguin millor les prestacions dels actuals. Abans d’analitzar les caracterĂ­stiques principals dels diferents sistemes, es fa un breu repĂ s a la seva histĂČria. Es fa una anĂ lisi de cada sistema i es presenten els resultats en una taula on apareixen les seves caracterĂ­stiques principals. Un cop analitzats els siste-mes, es recopilen tots els resultats i es realitzen grĂ fics i taules per ajudar i facilitar la comparativa entre els diferents sistemes. Un cop analitzats els sistemes de dissipaciĂł d’energia que podem trobar actualment, es proposen nous sistemes de dissipaciĂł d’energia que podrien tenir futur en nous estudis d’aquest Ă mbit i podrien fer que les prestacions dels sistemes actuals evolucionessin tant en l’àmbit d’un millor rendiment, com en l’àmbit d’una millora a nivell mediambiental. Es sug-gereixen noves alternatives d’aplicaciĂł per als nous sistemes de dissipaciĂł d’energia. Es realitza una comparativa on es poden veure les diferents caracterĂ­stiques principals de tots els sistemes de dissipaciĂł d’energia estudiats en aquest treball. Aquesta comparativa, permet veure les similituds de cadascun dels nous sistemes de dissipaciĂł d’energia amb els nous sistemes proposats.The main objective of this project is to study different energy dissipation systems that can be currently found. The systems have been analyzed and compared with the aim of being able to draw conclusions that may be useful to continue evolving in the study of new energy dissipation systems that can better provide the current ones. Before analyzing the main characteristics of the different systems, a brief review of their history is made. An analysis of each system is carried out and the results are presented in a table showing their main characteristics. Once the systems have been analyzed, all the results are compiled and graphs and tables are made to help and facilitate the comparison between the different systems. Once the energy dissipation systems that we can currently find have been analyzed, new energy dissipation systems are proposed that could have a future in new studies in this field and could make the performance of current systems evolve both in the field of better performance and in the field of environmental improvement. New application alternatives for new energy dissipation systems are suggested. A comparison is made in which the different main characteristics of all the energy dissipation systems studied in this work can be seen. This comparative allows to see the similarities of each of the new energy dissipation systems with the new proposed systems

    Seguiment de mol·luscs opistobranquis a la platja des Caials (Cadaqués, Alt Empordà). Contribució al catàleg del Parc Natural de Cap de Creus

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    Es presenten els resultats de les observacions de mol‱luscs opistobranquis realitzades a la platja des Caials (CadaquĂ©s, Parc Natural de Cap de Creus). Els mostrejos es realitzaren durant el dia, entre els 0 i 28 metres de fondĂ ria, que comprenien comunitats d’algues fotĂČfiles de llocs encalmats, comunitats infralapidĂ­coles, alguers de posidĂČnia, comunitats d’algues esciĂ files de llocs encalmats o precoral‱ligen, coral‱ligen i fons detrĂ­tics, incloent les restes del vaixell enfonsat Llanishen, que constitueixen un substrat entre els 13 i 17 metres de fondĂ ria. El nĂșmero d’espĂšcies observades ha estat 48: Cephalaspidea (1), Anaspidea (2), Notaspidea (1), Umbraculoidea (2), Ascoglossa (4); Nudibranchia (38) desglossats en: Doridacea (18) Arminacea (1),Dendronotacea (3) iAeolidacea (16). Es cita per primer cop a Catalunya l’eolidaci Piseinotecus gabinierei.This paper presents the results of our observations of opisthobranch molluscs in platja (beach) des Caials (CadaquĂ©s, Cap de Creus Natural Park, Girona, Spain). Samplings were conducted during the day, between 0 and 28 meters of water, including well lit algal communities, species that live beneath stones, Posidonia meadows, poorly lit algal environments, precoralligenous, coralligenous and detritic biocoenosis, and the remains of the Llanishen shipwreck, that conform a biotope between 13 and 17 meters of depth. The total number of species positively identified was 48, distributed as follows: Cephalaspidea (1),Anaspidea (2), Notaspidea (1), Umbraculoidea (2), Ascoglossa (4); Nudibranchia (38) subdivided into Doridacea (18) Arminacea (1), Dendronotacea (3) i Aeolidacea (16). Among these, for the first time in the Catalonian coastal waters, we recorded the aeolidacean Piseinotecus gabinierei

    A comparison between experimental and theoretical excitation functions for the O+ + H2 (4A'') system using trajectory calculations over a wide energy range

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    The O++H2 prototypic ion-molecule reaction was recently studied in our group using the quasiclassical trajectory method on a ground model potential‐energy surface of the system inferred from both experimental and theoretical information and reasonable assumptions, fitted using a London-Eyring-Polanyi-Sato surface modified to include an ion-induced‐dipole interaction term. The theoretical results previously reported agreed rather well with the available experimental information. In view of the latest experimental findings, we present in this contribution the results of new trajectory calculations on the above‐mentioned surface, covering a wide range of relative translational energies of reactants. The accord between the experimental determinations and the present theoretical evaluations is excellent at relative energies below 1.0 eV, while for higher energies the potential‐energy surface, even though still yielding reasonably good results, provides a worse agreement. The observed discrepancies should be attributed either to the too attractive character of the surface or to the interfering influence of the competing O++H2→O+H2+ charge‐transfer process

    Validity and sensitivity of instrumented postural and gait assessment using low-cost devices in Parkinson's disease

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    [EN] Background Accurate assessment of balance and gait is necessary to monitor the clinical progress of Parkinson's disease (PD). Conventional clinical scales can be biased and have limited accuracy. Novel interactive devices are potentially useful to detect subtle posture or gait-related impairments. Methods Posturographic and single and dual-task gait assessments were performed to 54 individuals with PD and 43 healthy controls with the Wii Balance Board and the Kinect v2 and the, respectively. Individuals with PD were also assessed with the Tinetti Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment, the Functional Gait Assessment and the 10-m Walking Test. The influence of demographic and clinical variables on the performance in the instrumented posturographic and gait tests, the sensitivity of these tests to the clinical condition and phenotypes, and their convergent validity with clinical scales were investigated. Results Individuals with PD in H&Y I and I.5 stages showed similar performance to controls. The greatest differences in posture and gait were found between subjects in H&Y II.5 and H&Y I-I.5 stage, as well as controls. Dual-tasking enhanced the differences among all groups in gait parameters. Akinetic/rigid phenotype showed worse postural control and gait than other phenotypes. High significant correlations were found between the limits of stability and most of gait parameters with the clinical scales. Conclusions Low-cost devices showed potential to objectively quantify posture and gait in established PD (H&Y >= II). Dual-tasking gait evaluation was more sensitive to detect differences among PD stages and compared to controls than free gait. Gait and posture were more impaired in akinetic/rigid PD.This study has been funded by project VALORA, Grant 201701-10 of the Fundacio la Marato de la TV3 (Barcelona, Spain) and the European Union through the Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the Valencian Community 2014-2020 (IDIFEDER/2018/029) to RL, and Alter Laboratories SA to PP.Álvarez, I.; Latorre, J.; Aguilar, M.; Pastor, P.; Llorens RodrĂ­guez, R. (2020). Validity and sensitivity of instrumented postural and gait assessment using low-cost devices in Parkinson's disease. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. 17(1):1-10. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12984-020-00770-7S110171Nussbaum RL, Ellis CE. Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease. N Engl J Med. 2003;13:56–64.Hass CJ, Malczak P, Nocera J, Stegemöller EL, Shukala A, Malaty I, et al. Quantitative normative Gait data in a large cohort of ambulatory persons with parkinson’s disease. 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