57 research outputs found

    Country-level correlates of e-cigarette use in the European Union

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    Objectives The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between the prevalence of e-cigarette use and country-level factors across 28 European countries. Methods The study objectives were addressed in an ecological design in which both exposures and outcomes were measured at the country level. Data from the Eurobarometer Report, the Eurostat database and the WHO observatory were analyzed. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed considering the rates of current and ever smokers of e-cigarettes as dependent variables, and socio-economic factors, health status and policies against tobacco as independent variables. Results Both the rate of current smokers and ever smokers of e-cigarette were positively associated to the offer of help to quit tobacco use (P\0.01; P = 0.04) and to the raise of taxes on tobacco (P = 0.01; P = 0.01). The warn on dangers of tobacco negatively correlated with the rate of e-cigarette current smokers. The rate of current e-cigarette smokers correlated with the rate of current smokers and with national Gross Domestic Product, while the rate of ever e-cigarette smokers did not correlate with any socio-economic factor. Conclusions Our analysis suggests that both policy and non-policy factors are associated with the geographical variability seen in the prevalence of e-cigarette use. Policies against the consumption of conventional tobacco products may lead to an increase of e-cigarette smokers

    Smoke and thriving: An ecological study

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    Studies suggest a possible inverse correlation between smoking attitude and happiness levels. The present paper investigates the relation between males and females smoking prevalence and happiness levels in 155 countries worldwide. Analyses, after adjusting for socio-economic factors, reveal a different relationship between happiness and prevalence of tobacco smoking in the two genders. Countries with highest prevalence of males smoking show the lowest wellbeing levels (Beta coefficient: -0.350; P Value <0.001) while countries with highest prevalence of females smoking show the highest levels of wellbeing (Beta coefficient: 0.144; P Value: 0.030). The countries with the highest prevalence of people thriving are those with the highest prevalence of women smoking and the lowest prevalence of males smoking

    Economic evaluation of HBV vaccination: a systematic review of recent publications (2000-2013).

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    Aim: To conduct a systematic review of the economic evaluations (EE) of HBV vaccination, taking also into account the studies published in the new millennium. Methods: An extensive scientific literature review was conducted using two electronic medical journal databases: Scopus and PubMed engines for published studies on EE of HBV vaccination. Results: 22 articles were reviewed, 9, 5 and 8 cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit and cost-utility analysis, respectively. Studies were mainly concerning EE of universal vaccination (UV), mostly with regards to low or low-medium income countries. For high income countries, EE were focused on the possible implementation of HBV vaccination in particular settings, such as diabetic, renal and other chronic conditions care, as well as infectious diseasesUV has usually a very good cost-effectiveness ratio (80%), ranging from cost-saving (China) or few Euro per LY/QALY gained (in Thailand, and Vietnam) to 630.00$/ QALY in USA (Asian and Pacific Islands) Moreover, EE of HBV vaccination are favorable in the infectious diseases field as well as for chronic conditions. In relation to diabetes the studies gave controversial results. Conclusion: This systematic review highlighted the importance of introducing HBV vaccination not only for infant UV program but also for other settings in which patients are people affected by communicable and non-communicable diseases

    Suspensory materials for surgery of blepharoptosis: a systematic review of observational studies

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    Background Frontalis suspension surgery is considered the procedure of choice in cases of blepharoptosis. Among all the materials used in this type of surgery, ophthalmic and plastic surgeons prefer to use autologous Fascia Lata. However, during years, other autogenous and exogenous materials have been introduced. Objectives The aim of this study was therefore that of systematically reviewing the functional results and the rate of complications of different synthetic materials, as compared to autogenous Fascia Lata. The primary objective was to determine the rates of Successful Surgeries (SSs) of these materials. The secondary objective was to assess the onset of complications. The following materials were investigated: Fascia Lata, Mersilene, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and Silicon. Data Source and Methods Following the Prisma procedure, on January 30th, 2016 we used the following electronic databases to select the studies: MEDLINE and Scopus. Results The search strategy retrieved 48 publications that met the eligibility criteria of the systematic review. All studies were non-comparative. PTFE (n = 5) showed the best rate of SSs among the materials compared (statistically significant). Surgeries performed with autogenous Fascia Lata (n = 19) had a 87% rate of success those performed with Mersilene (n = 12)had 92% and those performed with Silicon (n = 17)88%. PTFE had the best outcome, with 99% success rate. As for complications, surgeries performed with PTFE had a higher rate of suture infections (1.9%) as compared to Fascia Lata, but lower incidence for all other complications. Conclusions Although most studies were good quality cohort studies, the overall quality of this evidence should be regarded as low due to their non-comparative design. Our data suggest that PTFE seems to be the most valid alternative material for frontalis suspension surgery, with low recurrence rates and good cosmetic and functional results

    The geographical distribution and prevalence of Echinococcus multilocularis in animals in the European Union and adjacent countries : a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background This study aimed to provide a systematic review on the geographical distribution of Echinococcus multilocularis in definitive and intermediate hosts in the European Union (EU) and adjacent countries (AC). The relative importance of the different host species in the life-cycle of this parasite was highlighted and gaps in our knowledge regarding these hosts were identified. Methods Six databases were searched for primary research studies published from 1900 to 2015. From a total of 2,805 identified scientific papers, 244 publications were used for meta-analyses. Results Studies in 21 countries reported the presence of E. multilocularis in red foxes, with the following pooled prevalence (PP): low (≤ 1 %; Denmark, Slovenia and Sweden); medium (> 1 % to 10 %; Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Liechtenstein and Switzerland). Studies from Finland, Ireland, the United Kingdom and Norway reported the absence of E. multilocularis in red foxes. However, E. multilocularis was detected in Arctic foxes from the Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard in Norway. Conclusions Raccoon dogs (PP 2.2 %), golden jackals (PP 4.7 %) and wolves (PP 1.4 %) showed a higher E. multilocularis PP than dogs (PP 0.3 %) and cats (PP 0.5 %). High E. multilocularis PP in raccoon dogs and golden jackals correlated with high PP in foxes. For intermediate hosts (IHs), muskrats (PP 4.2 %) and arvicolids (PP 6.0 %) showed similar E. multilocularis PP as sylvatic definitive hosts (DHs), excluding foxes. Nutrias (PP 1.0 %) and murids (PP 1.1 %) could play a role in the life-cycle of E. multilocularis in areas with medium to high PP in red foxes. In areas with low PP in foxes, no other DH was found infected with E. multilocularis. When fox E. multilocularis PP was >3 %, raccoon dogs and golden jackals could play a similar role as foxes. In areas with high E. multilocularis fox PP, the wolf emerged as a potentially important DH. Dogs and cats could be irrelevant in the life-cycle of the parasite in Europe, although dogs could be important for parasite introduction into non-endemic areas. Muskrats and arvicolids are important IHs. Swine, insectivores, murids and nutrias seem to play a minor or no role in the life-cycle of the parasite within the EU and ACs

    The relationship between physical activity and quality of life in prisoners: a pilot study

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    IntroductionImprisoned people have usually a poor health status in comparison with the general population. The aim is to investigate a possible association between the quality of life and physical activity level in male inmates. MethodsA cross-sectional pilot study was carried out between 2010 and 2011. A questionnaire contained SF12 and International Physical Activity Questionnaire  was administered. Mental Component Score  (MCS) and Physical Component Score   (PCS) were computed. The physical activity level was measured using Metabolic Equivalents score (MET)Results121 inmates entered the survey. MCS is directly correlated to MET of physical activity (r= 0.23; P=0.03) and negatively to BMI variations (r= -0.24; P= 0.02) and smoking status (r= -0.24; P= 0.02).DiscussionThis pilot study  suggests to improve the investigation to support the promotion of physical activity programs  in Italian prisons in order to improve inmates QoL and allow a better social integration at the end of detention
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