10 research outputs found


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    The article examines the complex role and great responsibility of the education today in development of the moral strength and human values of the children and youth. At the beginning of the article the author reconsiders the pedagogical ideas of Maria Montessori and her concept of education for peace as an instrument for reconstruction of the society and for improvement of the human living. Than the analysis of the moral values in the contemporary society is made and several issues and dilemmas are discussed referring the value disorientation of the youth and the importance of the models of adult’s moral behavior in their search for personal identity. On the basis of this analysis, the human dimension of the education is elaborated enhancing the need for its understanding as support of development, which is based on several crucial elements: love, freedom and spirit of community.&nbsp


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    Since 1983, when Howard Gardner published his theory of multiple intelligences, educators have begun to incorporate this new model into school programs. However, the idea of multimodal teaching is hardly a new concept. Many pioneers of modern education, such as: J. J. Rousseau, J.H. Pestalozzi, M. Montessory, J. Dewey, suggested educational models that oppose uniformity and predominantly verbal teaching. The aim of the research presented in this paper is to identify and compare compatible elements of educational ideas of John Dewey and Howard Gardner. The research is based on historical-comparative method and content analysis technique and is focused on exploring three key elements of intersection: curriculum, methods of teaching and learning, and teachers’ role. Regarding the curriculum, both authors prefer integrated and thematic curriculum based on real-life context. They also agree on student-centred teaching where implementation of variety of active methods of learning will give opportunity to students to express their specific identity. Teacher’s role in both concepts is to link students’ personal experiences and characteristics to the material being studied and to the school life in general. The findings imply that educational implications of Gardner’s theory can be considered as a continuation of Dewey’s progressive vision of classroom teaching and school organization

    The Bologna reform of subject teacher education in the newly founded states in the territory of the former Yugoslavia

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    The article provides an overview of carrying out the principles of the Bologna reform in the education of subject teachers in the newly founded states in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Drawing upon official documents, particularly laws and by-laws, study programmes and constituent documents of individual universities, the comparative analysis of the reform processes between 2004 and 2013 is made within a relatively homogeneous area in teacher education that existed before the break-up of the former joint state. Positive effects and weak points of the reform activities are observed and detected. The analysis has shown that by implementing the Bologna process the differences in the training of subject teachers among the states and universities, and even among individual universities, increased significantly compared to the previous state of education. This is evident not only in the simultaneous implementation of different models (i.e., the duration of studies (3+2, 4+1, 5+0), but also in concurrent application of simultaneous and successive forms of acquiring teacher competences, different academic titles, and particularly in the greatest issue - different levels of education at which teachers acquire teaching competences for the same teacher profile

    The bologna reform of subject teacher education in the newly founded states in the territory of the former Yugoslavia

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    The article provides an overview of carrying out the principles of the Bologna reform in the education of subject teachers in the newly founded states in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. Drawing upon official documents, particularly laws and by-laws, study programmes and constituent documents of individual universities, the comparative analysis of the reform processes between 2004 and 2013 is made within a relatively homogeneous area in teacher education that existed before the break-up of the former joint state. Positive effects and weak points of the reform activities are observed and detected. The analysis has shown that by implementing the Bologna process the differences in the training of subject teachers among the states and universities, and even among individual universities, increased significantly compared to the previous state of education. This is evident not only in the simultaneous implementation of different models (i.e., the duration of studies (3+2, 4+1, 5+0), but also in concurrent application of simultaneous and successive forms of acquiring teacher competences, different academic titles, and particularly in the greatest issue different levels of education at which teachers acquire teaching competences for the same teacher profile

    ECTS and the teaching organization in higher education in the Republic of Macedonia: Students’ views

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    By accepting the Bologna process in 2003, the higher education in the Republic of Macedonia started a wide process of reforms for the purpose of improving its compatibility and connection to European higher education institutions. One of the changes is the implementation of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), which should provide, among other things, the students to be active in the teaching and be involved participants in the learning process. This paper explores the opinions and views of the students at the Faculty of Pedagogy “St. Kliment Ohridski” in Skopje, the Faculty of Pedagogy in Shtip, and the Institute of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, about the teaching organization in accordance with the ECTS of these faculties. This article is part of a wider research of the teaching organization at the faculties of education in Macedonia, conducted in 2010, which encompasses 240 students polled from the three faculties as well as around ten employed staff that have data regarding the conditions for work at the faculties. The attention of the paper is firstly directed to attendance of lectures and tutorials, as well as the time scale and methods of education. The following part focuses on the participation of the students during lectures and tutorials as well as their readiness for the lessons. In the end, it examines the cooperation among the students, and among the students and professors, as well as the opinions of students regarding the changes that should be introduced in the lectures and tutorials

    Espacio, tiempo y educación

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave en español y en inglésSe ofrece una visión general del impacto que tuvo la teoría de la educación del filósofo y educador John Dewey sobre la educación en Macedonia, desde el establecimiento del sistema educativo, después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Dentro de este marco, se identifican y analizan dos periodos. Uno se refiere a cuarenta y cinco años de desarrollo socialista, durante el cual las huellas de la presencia y la influencia de Dewey se reconocen en los documentos de políticas que dieron forma a la educación en la República Socialista de Macedonia como parte de la antigua Federación Yugoslava. El análisis del segundo período comprende los últimos veinticinco años de desarrollo de la educación en el contexto socio-político de un estado soberano, y se centra en las iniciativas de reforma para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza introducido en los años 90 del siglo pasado.ES

    The Educational Theory of John Dewey and its Influence on Educational Policy and Practice in Macedonia

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    The paper gives an overview of the impact that the educational theory of the American philosopher and educator John Dewey has had on education in Macedonia since the establishment of the educational system after the Second World War. Within this framework two periods are identified and analysed. One refers to forty-five years of socialist development, during which the traces of Dewey’s presence and influence are recognized in the policy documents that shaped the education in the Socialist Republic of Macedonia as part of the former Yugoslav federation. The analysis of the second period covers the last twenty-five years of development of education in the socio-political context of a sovereign state, and is focused on reform initiatives for improving the teaching process introduced in the 90s of the past century. They are marked by the implementation of three major international projects that altered the traditional teaching organization and methodology in elementary and secondary public schools in Macedonia: Active teaching-Interactive learning, Step by step and Reading and writing for critical thinking. The theoretical foundations of these projects are explored, and common elements that can be traced back to Dewey’s educational concepts and values are identified and discussed

    Human mission of education

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    The article examines the complex role and great responsibility of the education today in development of the moral strength and human values of the children and youth. At the beginning of the article the author reconsiders the pedagogical ideas of Maria Montessori and her concept of education for peace as an instrument for reconstruction of the society and for improvement of the human living. Than the analysis of the moral values in the contemporary society is made and several issues and dilemmas are discussed referring the value disorientation of the youth and the importance of the models of adult’s moral behavior in their search for personal identity. On the basis of this analysis, the human dimension of the education is elaborated enhancing the need for its understanding as support of development, which is based on several crucial elements: love, freedom and spirit of community

    Мобилноста на наставниците во високото образование

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    Трудот дава приказ на мобилноста на наставниците во високото образование и придобивките кои произлегуваат од него. Акцентот се става на ситуацијата во високото образование во Република Македонија. Законската регулатива врз која се засновува го истакнува значењето на мобилноста што се согледува преку задолжителната мобилност на студентите од трет циклус студии, како и преку обврската што ја имаат универзитетите од една страна да испраќаат свој кадар на странски институции, а од друга страна да ангажираат визитинг професори. Анализата на мал број до сега спроведени истражувања за мобилноста на македонските наставници во високото образование укажува на нивната недоволна вклученост и учество во оваа активност, а истовремено, и на потребата за изнаоѓање на начини за нејзино унапредување

    John dewey’s educational theory and educational implications of howard gardner’s multiple intelligences theory

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    Since 1983, when Howard Gardner published his theory of multiple intelligences, educators have begun to incorporate this new model into school programs. However, the idea of multimodal teaching is hardly a new concept. Many pioneers of modern education, such as: J. J. Rousseau, J.H. Pestalozzi, M. Montessory, J. Dewey, suggested educational models that oppose uniformity and predominantly verbal teaching. The aim of the research presented in this paper is to identify and compare compatible elements of educational ideas of John Dewey and Howard Gardner. The research is based on historical-comparative method and content analysis technique and is focused on exploring three key elements of intersection: curriculum, methods of teaching and learning, and teachers’ role. Regarding the curriculum, both authors prefer integrated and thematic curriculum based on real-life context. They also agree on student-centred teaching where implementation of variety of active methods of learning will give opportunity to students to express their specific identity. Teacher’s role in both concepts is to link students’ personal experiences and characteristics to the material being studied and to the school life in general. The findings imply that educational implications of Gardner’s theory can be considered as a continuation of Dewey’s progressive vision of classroom teaching and school organization