6 research outputs found

    Correlation Between Vocabulary Achievement of Computer Engineering Network (TKJ) Students and Their Learning Habit Using Computer at SMKN 1 Pulubala

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    The objective of this research is to obtain the empirical data about the correlation between vocabulary achievement of Computer Engineering Network (TKJ) students and their learning habit using computer at SMKN 1 Pulubala. This research use correlation method and quantitative descriptive design to measure the correlation. This research was conducted to 67 Computer Engineering Network (TKJ) students at SMKN 1 Pulubala. After doing the research, the researcher concluded that there is a correlation between vocabulary achievement of Computer Engineering Network (TKJ) students and their learning habit using computer. It can be seen through the result of the correlation calculate using SPSS Computer for Windows show a value of 0.507. Based on the interpretation of the correlation result, it can be concluded that correlation between vocabulary achievement of Computer Engineering Network (TKJ) students and their learning habit using computer has medium correlation. The researcher has also measured the influence of correlation between vocabulary achievement of Computer Engineering Network (TKJ) students and their learning habit using computer found 91.04% in the frequency of learning habit and 80.59% in verb. Keyword: vocabulary, learning habit, correlatio


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    The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not the use of anagram technique can improve the students' English vocabulary mastery in science class A SMA Negeri 1 Paguyaman eleventh-grade students. This study used a pre-experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test, with the difference between the pre-test and post-test score indicating the effects of treatments. The data sample consisted of eleventh grade students from Science class A at SMA Negeri 1 Paguyaman. Twenty-five students were chosen as the sample by the researcher. The data was collected by the researcher using an instrument test that included a pre- and post-test. The T-test is being used to analyze the data in this study. The pre-test mean score of the students is (45.6). By the end of the study, the students' mean score is (75.2). The t-test result tcount 2.747 was higher than ttable 1.711. The outcome indicates that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) has been accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho) has been rejected. As a result, it is possible to conclude that the anagram technique can help students improve their vocabulary mastery

    Students perceptions of the use of English as medium of instruction

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    This study aims to explore the students’ perception of the use of English as Medium of Instruction (EMI) in teaching and learning at SMA Negeri 1 Kota Gorontalo. This explorative qualitative study employed a purposive sampling method. This study involved 112 twelve-grade students from IPA, IPS, and BAHASA majors of SMA Negeri 1 Kota Gorontalo as the subjects.  This study utilized questionnaires for data collection, while the Likert Scale and Percentage Formula were performed in data analysis. The result showed that the students had positive perceptions of the three EMI types of perception: visual, auditory, and speech perception. The average results in visual, auditory, and speech perceptions were 70.96% (‘strongly agree’ category), 70.49% (‘strongly agree’ category), and 57.90% (‘agree’ category). Further study with bigger samples and different subjects is recommended since this research only focuses on students perception of the Use of EMI in Teaching and Learning at SMA Negeri 1 Kota Gorontalo

    The Implementation of Outdoor Learning Strategy Focusing on Outdoor Project to Enhance Students' Ability in Writing Descriptive Text

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    ABSTRACT Writing is the process of expressing and developing ideas in written form. Students face some difficulties in writing descriptive text, to solve this problem the researcher tried to enhance students writing ability in descriptive text by using Outdoor Learning Strategy. Outdoor learning strategy is a strategy that use natural or environment as a place to learn and it purpose to help students can understand the material. Therefore, this study aimed to know the students improvement after got treatment of outdoor learning strategy. This research used a descriptive quantitative method, with pre – experimental design with the type one group pre – test post – test design. Population of this study is all students of class X IPA SMA Negeri 1 Suwawa and sample of this research were the students class X IPA 3. The data were collected by doing test and scoring with rubric. This research were analyzing by using t test. The result of this research shows that the mean score of pre – test is 6.84 and post – test is 14.4. Moreover, the result of hypothesis verification, it is found that T count = 74.8 at the level of significance (a = 0.05) and degree of freedom (df) = 25 – 1= 24. Then, it is found that T table= 2.064. It can be concluded that Outdoor Learning strategy can enhance students ability in writing descriptive text, because based on the criteria above shows that t count is more than t table 74.8 ≥ 2.064. Thus, it can be concluded that Outdoor Learning strategy can enhance students’ ability in writing descriptive text. Keywords: writing, descriptive text, outdoor learning strateg


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    This study aims to find out and understand more deeply and comprehensivelyabout English learning conducted at SMK Negeri I Gorontalo. Sources of data in this study are English teachers and students of SMK Negeri I Gorontalo grade XI second semester of 2015/2016 school academic year. Data were collected through observation, interview and data recording and documentation. The approach used in this research was thequalitative approach through ethnography method. The results showed that the methods and approaches used by teachers in learning arean integrated approach of genre-based scientific using whole language method. Sufficient learning media to support the learning and the role of teachers and learners who support each other in learning is constructive so that the learning process becomes interesting and fun. The conclusion that the use of English language, achievement and competing for culture is done to help learners develop English proficiency

    Some Extended Results on the Search for Good Convolutional Codes

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    We provide useful results on two classes of convolutional codes: binary codes and nonbinary codes. The best codes or the best known codes for these two classes of convolutional codes are found by computer search. Some of them are better than those found in the past. We specify these codes by their transfer function matrices, distance spectra, and information-weight spectra. Furthermore, we derive an upper bound on the free distances of binary-to-M-ary codes and q-ary-to-M-ary codes. Numerical values of this bound closely fit the computer-searched values