40 research outputs found
Graph Neural Networks for an Accurate and Interpretable Prediction of the Properties of Polycrystalline Materials
Various machine learning models have been used to predict the properties of
polycrystalline materials, but none of them directly consider the physical
interactions among neighboring grains despite such microscopic interactions
critically determining macroscopic material properties. Here, we develop a
graph neural network (GNN) model for obtaining an embedding of polycrystalline
microstructure which incorporates not only the physical features of individual
grains but also their interactions. The embedding is then linked to the target
property using a feed-forward neural network. Using the magnetostriction of
polycrystalline Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2 alloys as an example, we show that a single GNN
model with fixed network architecture and hyperparameters allows for a low
prediction error of ~10% over a group of remarkably different microstructures
as well as quantifying the importance of each feature in each grain of a
microstructure to its magnetostriction. Such microstructure-graph-based GNN
model therefore enables an accurate and interpretable prediction of the
properties of polycrystalline materials.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures
Ăvaluation de l'approche neurolinguistique (ANL) auprĂšs d'apprenants chinois de français en premiĂšre et en deuxiĂšme annĂ©e d'universitĂ©
Dans cet article, nous prĂ©sentons les rĂ©sultats dâune expĂ©rimentation de lâANL pendant deux ans. Nous comparons les rĂ©sultats en production orale et en production Ă©crite de deux classes expĂ©rimentales aprĂšs un an puis deux ans dâutilisation de lâANL (an I : n=28; an II : n= 26) aux rĂ©sultats de deux classes (an I : n= 27; an II : n=28) dâune autre universitĂ© chinoise ayant plutĂŽt recours Ă la âmĂ©thode traditionnelle chinoiseâ. En dĂ©pit de quelques variantes portant sur des critĂšres spĂ©cifiques Ă lâĂ©crit, les rĂ©sultats des tests montrent que les rĂ©sultats sont supĂ©rieurs dans le groupe expĂ©rimental. Ces rĂ©sultats sont semblables Ă ceux obtenus auprĂšs de jeunes Ă©lĂšves anglophones et allophones (ĂągĂ©s de 11 et 12 ans) lors de lâapplication antĂ©rieure de lâANL au Canada, dĂ©signĂ©e comme âle français intensifâ. Contrairement Ă nos attentes, pareils rĂ©sultats semblent suggĂ©rer une grande ouverture des Ă©tudiants chinois Ă des maniĂšres plus interactives dâapprendre une langue Ă©trangĂšre.A two-year experiment of the NLA is presented. Results in oral and written production for two experimental classes after one and two years of instruction (1 year: n=28; 2 years: n=26) are compared with those of two classes (1 year: n=27; 2 years: n=28) at another Chinese university using the âtraditional Chinese methodâ. Despite some variations on specific criteria for writing, test results indicate superior performance for the experimental group. These findings tend to replicate those for young anglophone and allophone students (11 or 12 years old) in Intensive French, the application of NLA in Canada. Contrary to expectations, these results suggest a tendency for chinese students to be open to more interactive ways of learning a foreign language
Graph Neural Network for Predicting the Effective Properties of Polycrystalline Materials: A Comprehensive Analysis
We develop a polycrystal graph neural network (PGNN) model for predicting the
effective properties of polycrystalline materials, using the Li7La3Zr2O12
ceramic as an example. A large-scale dataset with >5000 different
three-dimensional polycrystalline microstructures of finite-width grain
boundary is generated by Voronoi tessellation and processing of the electron
backscatter diffraction images. The effective ion conductivities and elastic
stiffness coefficients of these microstructures are calculated by
high-throughput physics-based simulations. The optimized PGNN model achieves a
low error of <1.4% in predicting all three diagonal components of the effective
Li-ion conductivity matrix, outperforming a linear regression model and two
baseline convolutional neural network models. Sequential forward selection
method is used to quantify the relative importance of selecting individual
grain (boundary) features to improving the property prediction accuracy,
through which both the critical and unwanted node (edge) feature can be
determined. The extrapolation performance of the trained PGNN model is also
investigated. The transfer learning performance is evaluated by using the PGNN
model pretrained for predicting conductivities to predict the elastic
properties of the same set of microstructures.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures; added testing results on a new dataset and
sequential feature selectio
Characterization of the Toxicities of Cd-Ni and Cd-Cr Binary Mixtures Using Combination Index Method
Direct equipartition ray design was used to construct Cd-Ni and Cd-Cr binary mixtures. Microplate toxicity analysis was used to evaluate the toxicity of individual substance and the Cd-Ni and Cd-Cr mixtures on Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Selenastrum capricornutum. The interacting toxicity of the mixture was analyzed with concentration addition (CA) model. In addition, combination index method (CI) was proposed and used to quantitatively characterize the toxicity of the binary mixtures of CdNi and Cd-Cr observed in experiment and find the degree of deviation from the predicted outcome of the CA model, that is, the intensity of interacting toxicity. Results indicate that most of the 20 binary mixtures exhibit enhancing and synergistic effect, and only Cd-Cr-R4 and Cd-Cr-R5 mixtures have relatively high antagonistic effects against C. pyrenoidosa. Based on confidence interval, CI can compare the intensities of interaction of the mixtures under varying levels of effect. The characterization methods are applicable for analyzing binary mixture with complex interaction
Development and evaluation of a new luciferase immunosorbent assay to detect GII.6 norovirus-specific IgG in different domestic and wild animals
Noroviruses (NoVs) are the leading viral pathogens globally causing acute gastroenteritis (AGE) in humans, posing a significant global health threat and economic burden. Recent investigations revealed that human NoVs had been detected in different animals, which raises concerns about whether NoVs are potential zoonotic diseases. This study developed a novel luciferase immunosorbent assay (LISA) to detect GII.6 NoV IgG based on P protein of VP1. The LISA showed high specificity (99.20%) and sensitivity (92.00%) with 4â16 times more sensitivity compared with an ELISA. NoV-LISA was reproducible with human serum regarding the inter- and intra-assay coefficient of variance values. Potential cross-reactivity was also evaluated using mice serum immunized by other antigens, which showed that NoV-LISA could differentiate GII.6 NoV from rotavirus and various genotypes of NoV. Specific GII.6 NoV IgG was widely detected in different domestic and wild animals, including dogs, pigs, bats, rats, and home shrews, with various IgG-positive rates ranging from 2.5 to 74.4%. In conclusion, our newly developed NoV-LISA assay is suitable for NoV-specific IgG detection in humans and animals. The wide distribution of IgG antibodies against human NoV indicates potential zoonotic transmission between humans and animals
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Poleward energy transport: is the standard definition physically relevant at all time scales?
Poleward energy transport in the atmosphere and oceans constitutes an important branch of the global energy budget, and its role in the climate system has been
the subject of many studies. In the atmosphere, the transport is affected by âeddiesâ and large scale meridional cells, both with zero net mass transport across latitude circles, but also partly by processes associated with a net transport of mass across latitude circles. The latter must cease to operate in steady state, but they may be significant when time variability of the heat budget is considered. Indeed, examination of reanalysis data on short (daily to monthly) timescales shows that mass variations on these timescales result in surprisingly large fluctuations (in excess of 10^15 W
= 1 PW) in the poleward heat transport. These fluctuations are referred to as âextensiveâ, for they primarily alter the mass integrated energy of the region considered, but not its averaged value. It is suggested that extensive fluctuations mask more meaningful climate signals present in the heat transport variability on monthly and interannual timescales, and a new formulation is proposed to isolate the latter. This new formulation is applied successfully to reanalysis data and climate model simulations
The atmospheric heating patterns: a new heat transport perspective
The standard definition of poleward heat transport was found to lead to surprisingly large fluctuations (in excess of W = 1PW) on timescales shorter than a few years. We have argued in this thesis the standard definition masks more meaningful climate signals present in the heat transport variability, and a new definition is proposed to isolate the latter.
Utilising the new definition of heat transport, large/weak heat transport events are identified. The atmospheric heating patterns by the mean flow and eddies under these enhanced heat transport events are also discussed. It is found that for every 1PW increase in heat transport across latitude, a surface heating and cooling dipole at the rate of about 0.3 K/day is observed. This is largely attributed to stationary (transient) eddies in the NH (SH). The same dipole structure is noticeable in the upper troposphere but tilted towards the pole when analysing the heating patterns by eddies (but is partially compensated by the mean flow). This tilted dipole might be linked to poleward energy propagation. For the sub-tropics, when the atmosphere carries more heat across latitude, a vertically coherent heating/cooling, extending from the surface to the upper troposphere, is observed, with values being about 0.5K/day. This heating pattern is closely linked to the strengthening of the Hadley circulation.
Using the standard definition of heat transport, similar heating patterns are also found, although the magnitude is much smaller. This further confirms our hypothesis that the new definition may shed further light on the intuitive link between energy transport and climate variability.
The above analysis is carried out under the Eulerian mean framework. Next, we analyse the cancellation effect between the mean flow and eddies using the three most popular frameworks under pressure coordinates: the Eulerian mean, the conventional transformed Eulerian mean, and the modified transformed Eulerian mean. It is found that the choice of framework largely depends on the domain one is interested in, and there is no one framework that is more favourable than the others. We further conclude that Eulerian mean framework is adequate for the analysis of the heating patterns under enhanced heat transport events as discussed in this thesis.Open Acces
The meaning of the experience of being cared for by elderly Chinese immigrants in Sweden
Background: The elderly Chinese group is growing in Sweden but no studies about their experiences of being cared for were found. In order to meet the elderly Chinese need for care, it is necessary to understand their perspectives of being cared for. Aim: To describe the meaning of the experiences of being cared for by elderly Chinese immigrants in a Swedish context. Method: For this phenomenological study, open-end interviews were carried out with 7 informants originally from Mainland China and Hong Kong. Result and Conclusion: For the elderly Chinese in Sweden, âbeing cared forâ means being involved in a caring community, to have a mutual relationship with someone who can see and understand their needs. In such a relationship, they felt that they were included and respected. They were being treated as valuable with a genuine manner. They had a feeling of satisfaction, happiness, peacefulness, closeness, togetherness, and wholeness when âbeing cared forâ. For these elderly Chinese immigrants, informal care was indispensable even when they were receiving formal care. They wished that their family could show concern and formal caregivers could understand and give space to the informal caregivers on caregiving
Revendications didactiques des enseignants de FLE en Chine, mobilitĂ© et construction professionnelle : en finir avec âlenseignant-chinois-type » ? â Regards franco-chinois
Nurses' experiences with working during the COVID-19 pandemic within emergency care : An interview study
Bakgrund: Sedan COVID-19 pandemins början har sjuksköterskor mött utmaningar som hög stress och psykiska besvĂ€r. Det finns en brist pĂ„ forskning om sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta och vĂ„rda COVID-19 patienter pĂ„ akutkliniker i Sverige. En djupare förstĂ„else om hur vĂ„rden ser ut frĂ„n sjuksköterskors perspektiv behövs för att förbĂ€ttra och förbereda vĂ„rden för framtidens pandemier.Syfte:Var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta under COVID-19 pandemin pĂ„ akutkliniker. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie anvĂ€ndes. Totalt genomfördes tio semistrukturerade intervjuer med sjuksköterskor frĂ„n tvĂ„ sjukhus i södra Sverige. Data analyserades med hjĂ€lp av kvalitativ innehĂ„llsanalys. Resultat: Tre kategorier framkom: att kĂ€mpa mot svĂ„righeter, att anpassa sig till nya omstĂ€ndigheter, ochatt vara beskyddaren inom vĂ„rden. Sjuksköterskor pĂ„ akutkliniker har upplevt frustration och kĂ€nslor av otillrĂ€cklighet nĂ€r de vĂ„rdat patienter under pandemin. De ansĂ„g att kunskap och resurser behövde utökas för att klara av stressen och den höga arbetsbelastningen. Det fanns ett behov av anpassning till nya arbetssĂ€tt för de nya omstĂ€ndigheterna. Sjuksköterskornas yrkesplikt motiverade dem att arbeta Ă€ven om de led av olika psykiska besvĂ€r. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor har blivit sĂ„rbara i sitt vĂ„rdande beroende pĂ„ utmaningarna som hög arbetsbelastning och brist pĂ„ resurser och skyddsmaterial. Ett tillrĂ€ckligt stöd och förberedelser frĂ„n akutkliniker och hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rdsorganisations sida behövs för att klara framtidens pandemier. Genom att ta lĂ€rdom av sjuksköterskornas upplevelser kan den evidensbaserade omvĂ„rdnaden utvecklas ytterligare. Det kan i sin tur skapa möjligheter att hantera svĂ„righeter och utmaningar i vĂ„rdandet pĂ„ akutkliniker pĂ„ ett bĂ€ttre sĂ€tt vid framtida pandemier.Background: Since the COVID-19 pandemic began nurses have encountered different challenges such as working under high pressure and suffering from psychological distress. However there is a lack of research about nursesâ working and caring experiences for COVID-19 patients in the emergency clinics in Sweden. In order to provide better care and better preparation for the future pandemics, it is necessary to understand nursesâ perspectives of caring during the pandemic. Aim: Was to describe the nursesâ experiences with working during COVID-19 pandemic in the emergency clinics. Method: A qualitative interview study was conducted for this study. Ten semi-structured interviews were carried out in two hospitals that were located in the south of Sweden. A qualitative content analysis method was applied for the analysis. Results: Three categories were described: Struggling against difficulties, adapting to new circumstancesand being a protector in the context of caring. Nurses experienced frustration and feelings of inadequacy when caring for patients during the pandemic in the emergency clinics. They mentioned that knowledge and resources should be enhanced in order to cope with the pressure and heavy workload. It required them to adjust and adapt the new ways of working under new circumstances. The nurses' professional duty motivated them to work even if they suffered from various psychological distresses. Conclusion: Nurses became vulnerable while working under the challenges such as heavy workload, lack of human resources and shortage of protection materials under pandemic. It is required that emergency clinics and healthcare organizations be sufficiently prepared and provide necessary support in order to overcome the future pandemics. The evidence-based nursing can be developed through learning the nursesâ experiences. It can provide opportunities for them to handle difficulties and challenges in the emergency care in a better way in the future pandemics. By providing opportunities to practice evidence-based nursing, nurses can retain their physical and psychological health and increase coping abilities towards the difficulties during the pandemic.