123 research outputs found

    Une Ă©cole calĂ©donienne en quĂȘte d’identité : modĂšle français, adaptation, contextualisation, Ă©mancipation ?

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    Fruit d’une dizaine d’annĂ©es de nĂ©gociations, le projet Ă©ducatif calĂ©donien a Ă©tĂ© votĂ© au dĂ©but de l’annĂ©e 2016 par le congrĂšs de la Nouvelle-CalĂ©donie, puis sa mise en Ɠuvre concrĂšte a pris la forme d’une charte d’application (plan d’action triennal) votĂ©e Ă  la fin de l’annĂ©e 2016 et entrĂ©e en vigueur lors de la rentrĂ©e scolaire de fĂ©vrier 2017. Ce projet Ă©ducatif donne-t-il naissance Ă  une Ă©cole calĂ©donienne Ă©mancipĂ©e et Ă  l’identitĂ© propre ? Je rappelle d’abord les Ă©tapes qui ont permis la construction progressive et chaotique du projet Ă©ducatif. J’étudie ensuite la nouvelle place donnĂ©e aux langues et Ă  la culture kanak dans le parcours scolaire des Ă©lĂšves en me demandant si l’identitĂ© kanak a rĂ©ellement trouvĂ© sa place dans l’école calĂ©donienne. J’aborde enfin la maniĂšre dont le projet Ă©ducatif et sa charte d’application s’intĂ©ressent Ă  la formation du citoyen de la Nouvelle-CalĂ©donie Ă  l’école.New Caledonia began creating its first educational project in the early 2000s. After more than ten years of negotiations, this project was voted at the beginning of 2016 by the Congress of New Caledonia and its implementation was made possible thanks to a three-year plan voted at the end of 2016 and applied in February 2017. Does this educational project entail the creation of an emancipated Caledonian school system and identity? First, I recall the steps that enabled the gradual and chaotic construction of this educational project. Next, I study the new place given to Kanak languages and culture by asking if the Kanak identity has really found its place in the Caledonian school system. Finally, I discuss how the educational project and the three-year plan focus on New Caledonian citizenship

    Les ménages de Charleville aux xviiie-xixe siÚcles

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    En France, depuis les annĂ©es 1950, l’étude des recensements est longtemps restĂ©e marginale par rapport Ă  la reconstitution des familles, essentiellement, Ă  la diffĂ©rence d’autres pays europĂ©ens, parce que les listes nominatives disponibles pour donner lieu Ă  des enquĂȘtes sĂ©rielles sont rares. À Charleville, celles Ă©tablies entre le milieu du xviiie siĂšcle et le dĂ©but du xxe siĂšcle sont un observatoire exceptionnel pour scruter de maniĂšre trĂšs fine les caractĂ©ristiques dĂ©mographiques des mĂ©nages sur une longue pĂ©riode : taille, structure, composition, etc. Surtout, la rĂ©pĂ©tition annuelle de ces recensements permet une approche longitudinale qui rĂ©vĂšle la profonde instabilitĂ© des formes de corĂ©sidence dans les populations du passĂ©.In France, the study of census results has been marginalized since the 1950s by the method of family reconstruction because, unlike in other European countries, too few census data are available to develop large-scale studies. The census conducted in Charleville from the mid-18th to early 20th centuries is therefore an exceptional source for studying household demographics – size, structure, composition, etc. – in detail and over the long term. Above all, as the census was conducted annually, it is possible to take a longitudinal approach that reveals the acute instability of forms of co-residence in the past

    La gouvernance territoriale agricole : l’exemple de la viticulture et de l’olĂ©iculture dans l’agglomĂ©ration de Toulon (France)

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    Viticulture et olĂ©iculture occupent une place significative au cƓur des villes mĂ©diterranĂ©ennes. Ces espaces agricoles, bien que menacĂ©s par la progression de l’urbanisation, rĂ©sistent grĂące Ă  la volontĂ© des acteurs locaux. Nous nous proposons d’étudier, de façon trĂšs prĂ©cise, l’évolution de l’occupation du sol de la vigne et de l’olivier, au sein de l’agglomĂ©ration de Toulon (France), ces dix derniĂšres annĂ©es. L’objectif est de rĂ©aliser un diagnostic paysager, Ă  l’échelle de la parcelle, afin d’identifier des pĂ©rimĂštres agricoles cohĂ©rents susceptibles d’ĂȘtre protĂ©gĂ©s par des outils fonciers adaptĂ©s.Vine-growing and olive-growing areas are a significant land use in Mediterranean towns. These agricultural areas have endured thanks to efforts by local stakeholders, despite the fact they are threatened by the effects of continued urbanization. Our aim is to closely examine the evolution of vine-growing and olive-growing spaces in the past ten years across the Toulon (France) metropolitan area. We provide a diagnosis of the landscape at the plot level in order to identify coherent agricultural areas, which could be protected by revised land policy tools

    The dChip survival analysis module for microarray data

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Genome-wide expression signatures are emerging as potential marker for overall survival and disease recurrence risk as evidenced by recent commercialization of gene expression based biomarkers in breast cancer. Similar predictions have recently been carried out using genome-wide copy number alterations and microRNAs. Existing software packages for microarray data analysis provide functions to define expression-based survival gene signatures. However, there is no software that can perform survival analysis using SNP array data or draw survival curves interactively for expression-based sample clusters. RESULTS: We have developed the survival analysis module in the dChip software that performs survival analysis across the genome for gene expression and copy number microarray data. Built on the current dChip software's microarray analysis functions such as chromosome display and clustering, the new survival functions include interactive exploring of Kaplan-Meier (K-M) plots using expression or copy number data, computing survival p-values from the log-rank test and Cox models, and using permutation to identify significant chromosome regions associated with survival. CONCLUSIONS: The dChip survival module provides user-friendly way to perform survival analysis and visualize the results in the context of genes and cytobands. It requires no coding expertise and only minimal learning curve for thousands of existing dChip users. The implementation in Visual C++ also enables fast computation. The software and demonstration data are freely available at http://dchip-surv.chenglilab.org

    The shaping and functional consequences of the dosage effect landscape in multiple myeloma

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    Background: Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignant proliferation of plasma B cells. Based on recurrent aneuploidy such as copy number alterations (CNAs), myeloma is divided into two subtypes with different CNA patterns and patient survival outcomes. How aneuploidy events arise, and whether they contribute to cancer cell evolution are actively studied. The large amount of transcriptomic changes resultant of CNAs (dosage effect) pose big challenges for identifying functional consequences of CNAs in myeloma in terms of specific driver genes and pathways. In this study, we hypothesize that gene-wise dosage effect varies as a result from complex regulatory networks that translate the impact of CNAs to gene expression, and studying this variation can provide insights into functional effects of CNAs. Results: We propose gene-wise dosage effect score and genome-wide karyotype plot as tools to measure and visualize concordant copy number and expression changes across cancer samples. We find that dosage effect in myeloma is widespread yet variable, and it is correlated with gene expression level and CNA frequencies in different chromosomes. Our analysis suggests that despite the enrichment of differentially expressed genes between hyperdiploid MM and non-hyperdiploid MM in the trisomy chromosomes, the chromosomal proportion of dosage sensitive genes is higher in the non-trisomy chromosomes. Dosage-sensitive genes are enriched by genes with protein translation and localization functions, and dosage resistant genes are enriched by apoptosis genes. These results point to future studies on differential dosage sensitivity and resistance of pro- and anti-proliferation pathways and their variation across patients as therapeutic targets and prognosis markers. Conclusions: Our findings support the hypothesis that recurrent CNAs in myeloma are selected by their functional consequences. The novel dosage effect score defined in this work will facilitate integration of copy number and expression data for identifying driver genes in cancer genomics studies. The accompanying R code is available at http://www.canevolve.org/dosageEffect/

    Une jeunesse soumise ? Les familles des Ă©lites bordelaises au XVIIIe siĂšcle

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    Eine untergeordnete Jugend ? Die Familien der Bordelaiser Elite im 18. Jahrhundert. Viele Historiker gehen von der Annahme aus, dass die Familien der stĂ€dtischen Eliten des Ancien Regime ihre jugendlichen Mitglieder stark kontrollierten. Dies insbesonders durch ihre Heiratspolitik, deren Ziel die Reproduktion der sozialen Elite von Generation zu Generation war. Dabei spielte die Erziehung der jungen Leute eine entscheidende Rolle, ebenso wie die Wahl des Ehepartners der Kinder und die EinschrĂ€nkung der materiellen UnabhĂ€ngigkeit der Jungen auch nach der Hochzeit. FĂŒr die jungen Leute war es meist sehr schwer, sich aus dieser verlĂ€ngerten AbhĂ€ngigkeit herauszulösen. Dennoch finden wir in den elitĂ€ren Kreisen in Bordeaux neben dem bekannten Schema einer untergeordneten Jugend auch andere Verhaltensmuster, die das hergebrachte Bild einschrĂ€nken : zum einen verloren viele junge Leute sehr frĂŒh ihre Eltern, andere wiederum zögerten nicht, ihre Stimme gegen die elterliche AutoritĂ€t zu erheben, um ihren Willen durchzusetzen und ihre SelbststĂ€ndigkeit zu erlangen.A Subdued Youth ? Families of Bordeaux’s Elites in the 18th Century. Many historians have become accustomed to consider that elite families during the Old Regime formed a population that strongly controlled its youth, especially through strategies designed to assure social reproduction from one generation to the next. They had several means to achieve this goal such as the education that they gave, the fact of playing an important role in the choice of marriage partners or in limiting as much as possible their material independance after marriage. For very many young people, it was thus difficult to get out from under the prolonged dependance they had on their parents. In Bordeaux’s 18th Century elites, however, if the normal model of a subdued youth seems to be imposed in appearance, other behavior suggests the necessity to modify this point of view. Many young people lost their parents at a young age but also, and perhaps more importantly, some of them did not hesitate to rebell against parental autority in order to impose their choices and thus give themselves the means of having a life to which they aspired.De nombreux historiens ont pris l’habitude de considĂ©rer que, sous l’Ancien RĂ©gime, les familles des Ă©lites formaient une population qui contrĂŽlait fortement ses jeunes, essentiellement par le biais de stratĂ©gies destinĂ©es Ă  assurer au mieux une reproduction sociale de gĂ©nĂ©ration en gĂ©nĂ©ration. Elles avaient pour cela divers moyens, comme l’éducation qu’elles leur donnaient, le fait de jouer un rĂŽle dĂ©terminant dans le choix des conjoints de leurs enfants ou en limitant autant que possible leur indĂ©pendance matĂ©rielle aprĂšs le mariage. Ainsi, pour de trĂšs nombreux jeunes, il Ă©tait bien difficile de se dĂ©faire d’une situation de dĂ©pendance prolongĂ©e Ă  l’égard de leurs parents. Pourtant, dans les Ă©lites bordelaises du XVIIIe siĂšcle, si le schĂ©ma habituel d’une jeunesse soumise semble s’imposer en apparence, d’autres comportements invitent Ă  nuancer le propos, Ă  la fois car de nombreux jeunes perdent rapidement leurs parents mais aussi, voire surtout, parce que certains n’hĂ©sitent pas Ă  s’élever contre l’autoritĂ© parentale pour imposer leurs choix et se donner les moyens d’avoir la vie Ă  laquelle ils aspirent.ÂżUna juventud sumisa ? Las familias de las Ă©lites bordelesas en el siglo XVIII. Numerosos historiadores suelen considerar que bajo el Antiguo RĂ©gimen las familias de las Ă©lites formaban una poblaciĂłn que ejercĂ­a un control estricto de sus jĂłvenes mediante estrategias que aseguraban lo mejor posible una reproducciĂłn social de generaciĂłn en generaciĂłn. Para eso se valĂ­an de varios medios tales como la educaciĂłn que les daban, el que los padres desempeñaran un papel crucial en la elecciĂłn de los consortes de sus hijos o el que limitaran el la medida de lo posible su independencia econĂłmica despuĂ©s de casados. AsĂ­, para muchos jĂłvenes, era muy difĂ­cil romper con una situaciĂłn de dependencia prolongada respecto a sus padres. Sin embargo, en las Ă©lites bordelesas del siglo XVIII, si bien el esquema consabido de una juventud sumisa parece imponerse, otras formas de portarse llevan a matizar tal aseveraciĂłn, a la vez porque muchos jĂłvenes quedan huĂ©rfanos temprano pero tambiĂ©n, incluso sobre todo porque algunos no vacilan en rebelarse contra la autoridad de los padres para imponer sus opiniones y conseguir la vida a la que aspiran.Minvielle StĂ©phane. Une jeunesse soumise ? Les familles des Ă©lites bordelaises au XVIIIe siĂšcle. In: Annales du Midi : revue archĂ©ologique, historique et philologique de la France mĂ©ridionale, Tome 122, N°271, 2010. Le GĂ©vaudan au haut Moyen Âge. pp. 377-389

    36. Une influence française en Autriche : les opĂ©rettes d’Offenbach

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    Jacques Offenbach est nĂ© Ă  Cologne en 1819 dans une famille juive. Alors que le jeune garçon montre des dons prĂ©coces pour le violoncelle, son pĂšre l’envoie avec son frĂšre parfaire sa formation Ă  Paris oĂč il est admis Ă  l’ñge de 14 ans au Conservatoire. TrĂšs rapidement, il intĂšgre l’orchestre de l’OpĂ©ra-Comique, puis est nommĂ© directeur musical de la ComĂ©die-Française Ă  28 ans. À cette date, il jouit dĂ©jĂ  d’une rĂ©putation de violoncelliste virtuose qu’il a construite, jusqu’au milieu des annĂ©..
