2,158 research outputs found

    The Meticci in the framework of school separation between the colonizers and the colonized in Italian Eritrea

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    L’organització escolar a Eritrea va ser bipartida durant tot el període colonial italià: escoles per a italians i escoles per a nadius. L’estructura separatista de la vida social colonial estava amenaçada pels italo-eritreus. Els meticci creaven ambigüitat perquè eren en part italians, en part africans. A quines escoles podrien anar els italo-eritreus? A les per a italians? A les per a nadius? Fins a 1939 pocs meticci, reconeguts pel seu pare italià, tenien dret a assistir a escoles per a italians. Els italoeritreus també podrien rebre una educació italiana en internats dirigits per missioners catòlics. Aquests serveis educatius també estaven oberts als meticci no reconeguts. Durant la segona meitat dels anys trenta, la política colonial cap als ítalo-eritreus va adquirir un caràcter segregacionista. Aquest canvi es va produir sota la influència del racisme biològic feixista: els meticci eren considerats la manifestació de la degradació biològica ja que tenien sang africana a les venes. Per tant, no podien ser tractats com a italians: eren africans. En conseqüència, la llei núm. 822 del 13 de maig de 1940 va negar als ítalo-eritreus l’accés a les escoles per a italians i va prohibir els instituts educatius missioners destinats específicament als meticci. Les persones de «raça» mixta només eren admeses a les escoles per a nadius.School organization was bipartite in Eritrea throughout the Italian colonial period: schools for Italians and schools for natives. The separatist structure of colonial social life was threatened by the presence of Italian Eritreans. The Meticci created ambiguity because they were partly Italian partly African. What schools could Italian Eritreans go to? To those for Italians? To those for natives? Until 1939, the few meticci acknowledged by the Italian father had the right to attend schools for Italians. Italian Eritreans could also receive an Italian education in boarding schools run by catholic missionaries. These facilities were also open to unacknowledged meticci. During the second half of the 1930s colonial policy towards Italian Eritreans assumed a segregational character. This change took place under the influence of fascist biological racism: meticci were considered the manifestation of biological degradation since they had African blood in their veins. They therefore could not be treated as Italian: they were African. Consequently, law no. 822 of 13 May 1940 denied Italian Eritreans access to schools for Italians and banned missionary boarding schools specifically designed for outcasts. Mixed «race» people were allowed only to attend schools for natives.La organización escolar en Eritrea fue bipartita durante todo el período colonial italiano: escuelas para italianos y escuelas para nativos. La estructura separatista de la vida social colonial se vio amenazada por los italo-eritreos. Los meticci creaban ambigüedad porque eran en parte italianos, en parte africanos. ¿A qué escuelas podrían ir los italo-eritreos? ¿A las para italianos? ¿A las para nativos? Hasta 1939 pocos meticci, reconocidos por su padre italiano, tenían derecho a asistir a escuelas para italianos. Los italo-eritreos también podrían recibir una educación italiana en internados dirigidos por misioneros católicos. Estos servicios educativos también estaban abiertos a los meticci no reconocidos. Durante la segunda mitad de los años treinta, la política colonial hacia los ítalo-eritreos adquirió un carácter segregacionista. Este cambio se produjo bajo la influencia del racismo biológico fascista: los meticci eran considerados la manifestación de la degradación biológica ya que tenían sangre africana en sus venas. Por lo tanto, no podían ser tratados como italianos: eran africanos. En consecuencia, la ley núm. 822 del 13 de mayo de 1940 negó a los ítalo-eritreos el acceso a las escuelas para italianos y prohibió los institutos educativos misioneros destinados específicamente a los meticci. Las personas de «raza» mixta solo eran admitidas en las escuelas para nativos

    What Is Our Point of View on “Energy Independence and Research for Economic and Environmental Sustainability”?

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    The scope of this contribution is to stimulate critical debate on what are the implication of “energy independence” and “energy research” on the sustainable development of society. We point out how energy independence is strongly related to the penetration of renewable energy sources; and how the country's energy independence is not expected to be achieved in a short-medium period. Moreover, the trends of low found to the research on energy topics are not consistent with the pursuit of sustainable development of society. With these observations, we want to contribute to the debate on what policies that will have an impact on the sustainable development of society, suggesting to focus on the point of view of those actors that will play the main role in the next future

    Follow the Grass: a Smart Material Interactive Pervasive Display

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    Smart materials offer new possibilities for creating engaging and interesting forms of interaction and ways of displaying information in a material way. In this paper we describe Follow the Grass, a concept of an interactive pervasive display for public spaces. The display will be built up out of a number of blades of grass that are actuated in eight directions using nitinol muscle wires (i.e. a shape-memory alloy). A Microsoft Kinect-based tracking system is employed to detect users’ presence. Follow the Grass can be used for entertainment purposes by displaying animations through movement of the grass, as well as for indoor way-finding and ambient persuasive guidance.We present a number of scenarios with varying scales of interaction, and different applications, followed by a description of the initial hardware design of a single blade of grass and its actuated root. We will give a description of the tracking system, and how it tracks users and is capable of identifying individuals. Finally we will provide suggestions for the further development

    Smart Material Interfaces: A Material Step to the Future

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    Quantum gradient evaluation through quantum non-demolition measurements

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    We discuss a Quantum Non-Demolition Measurement (QNDM) protocol to estimate the derivatives of a cost function with a quantum computer. %This is a key step for the implementation of variational quantum circuits. The cost function, which is supposed to be classically hard to evaluate, is associated with the average value of a quantum operator. Then a quantum computer is used to efficiently extract information about the function and its derivative by evolving the system with a so-called variational quantum circuit. To this aim, we propose to use a quantum detector that allows us to directly estimate the derivatives of an observable, i.e., the derivative of the cost function. With respect to the standard direct measurement approach, this leads to a reduction of the number of circuit iterations needed to run the variational quantum circuits. The advantage increases if we want to estimate the higher-order derivatives. We also show that the presented approach can lead to a further advantage in terms of the number of total logical gates needed to run the variational quantum circuits. These results make the QNDM a valuable alternative to implementing the variational quantum circuits

    Applicability evaluation of draft test protocol for functional inspection of solid fumigant applicators.

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    The applicability of draft test protocol for functional inspection of solid fumigant applicators has been checked. Two widespread machine models, normally used in horticultural farm of Liguria Region (north-west Italy) for broadcast soil fumigation were tested. Pre-inspection phase does not show specific problems; also the functional inspection phase, both for visual check operation -presence or not of some devices on the machines- and for test of they function if present, does not show specific hurdles. In particular the test of distribution uniformity, performed using rubber granules as blank test, give some indications on how to modify the current test protocol draft. The modification consist in change the admissible threshold; the maximum deviation of each distribution pipe, relative to the mean value, have to be varied from 10% (current draft) to 15%. Furthermore, it is suggested an alternate method to assess the distribution uniformity of rubber granules; this method considers the use of horizontal patternator fitted by grooves similar to that used to check the distribution uniformity of boom sprayers. The proposed method will facilitate the coefficient of variation (CV) calculation.The applicability of draft test protocol for functional inspection of solid fumigant applicators has been checked. Two widespread machine models, normally used in horticultural farm of Liguria Region (north-west Italy) for broadcast soil fumigation were tested. Pre-inspection phase does not show specific problems; also the functional inspection phase, both for visual check operation -presence or not of some devices on the machines- and for test of they function if present, does not show specific hurdles. In particular the test of distribution uniformity, performed using rubber granules as blank test, give some indications on how to modify the current test protocol draft. The modification consist in change the admissible threshold; the maximum deviation of each distribution pipe, relative to the mean value, have to be varied from 10% (current draft) to 15%. Furthermore, it is suggested an alternate method to assess the distribution uniformity of rubber granules; this method considers the use of horizontal patternator fitted by grooves similar to that used to check the distribution uniformity of boom sprayers. The proposed method will facilitate the coefficient of variation (CV) calculation