10,133 research outputs found

    Ipteks Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keuangan Daerah pada Uptd Balai Pelatihan Kesehatan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    Implementation of SIMDA at UPTD Health Training Center of North Sulawesi Province used method applied finance SIMDA2.7.0.12 accrual based at UPTD Health Training Center of North Sulawesi Province was based on the Ordinance Ministry of Home Affairs No. 13 2006 about financial management is started of stages of planning, administration, accounting and reporting. Application techniqueSIMDA2.7.0.12version accrual based : according to the Ordinance Ministry of Home Affairs No. 13 2006 IPTEKS technique who applied on manufacture of SIMDA are covers by Budgeting Planning : RKA, RAPBD and other of DPA. Administration :Letter of Provision of Funds (SPD), Letter of Request Payment (SPP). From implementation of examination result finance at UPTD Health Training Center of North Sulawesi Province is showed : implementation of SIMDA based has already done through the products produced, namely budgeting and administration have no constraints, while the obstacles faced in accounting and reporting products in producing Operational Reports (LO) and Budgeting and Administration is carried out according to the Ordinance Ministry of Home Affairs No. 13 2006about financial regional management, while the accounting reporting process is carried out according to the Ordinance Ministry of Home Affairs No. 642013 about the application of accrual based government accounting standards

    Community Financial Institutions in Bali: Some empirical findings

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    The Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) in Bali are the most recent form of local finance in Indonesia. Their establishment was initiated by the provincial government of Bali after several studies on local financial institutions in Indonesia had been presented at a seminar carried out by the Ministry of Home Affairs in 1984. By 1992, the government had established 650 of the 1,600 LPDs planned to be set up in each desa adat (custom village). --

    First Flight – Student Experiences from Field Research in Barcelona, Spain

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    The volume was made with the support of the Hungarian Ministry of Home Affair


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    This study aims to understand the conflict of authority in reviewing Aceh's Qanun between the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Supreme Court. As a special autonomous province, Aceh is the only region given the authority to formally implement sharia law. These status was legitimized by the three national laws, namely the Law of Aceh as Special Region (No. 44/1999), which was strengthened by the Law of Special Autonomy of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (No. 18/2001), and the Law of the Governing of Aceh (LOGA, No. 14/2006). To regulate the Aceh’s privileges and sharia’s implementation, the Aceh Government is allowed to issue a regional regulation called as a Qanun. LOGA orders the authorities to review and annul the Aceh’s Qanun. The Qanuns that are against the public interest and higher laws are examined through an executive review by the Ministry of Home Affairs. Meanwhile, the qanuns that regulate the implementation of sharia are evaluated through a judicial review by the Supreme Court. However, the Central Government regards the Qanun equal to the regional regulations in other provinces. This has led to the neglect of the privilege of Qanun as a special rule in realizing Aceh's privileges, particularly in the implementation of sharia. As such, the central government can delegate all authority to the ministry of Home Affairs in order to review and annul the Aceh’s Qanuns, referring to Law no. 5/2015 on Regional Government. As a result, it is found that there are 65 Qanuns that have been recently canceled by the Ministry of Home Affairs through an executive review mechanism.  &nbsp


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    Human Resources (HR) is one of the crucial factors which cannot be separated from an organization. In this era, developing HR is in VUCA World (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) is a challenge that an institution must deal with. State Civil Apparatus competency development institute, particularly in the Ministry of Home Affairs, is PPSDM in Makassar Region. The strategy for developing competency in the VUCA world era is a vital task. The method used in this research is literary study, while the research location is in PPSDM of the Ministry of Home Affairs Makassar Region. The present research result is that the correct strategy to develop state civil apparatus competency corresponding to Coronavirus Pandemic is to employ digital service (digitalization) through optimizing institutional and program activities to face the VUCA world. This method was applied to support LMS (Learning Management System) in PPSDM of the Ministry of Home Affairs Makassar Region creatively and innovatively. It is supported by a synergic inter-institutional managerial system and learning organization; subsequently, it holds on training rate indicator concept and learning concepts corresponding to the current circumstances by involving all stakeholders

    Penerapan Peraturan Menteri dalam Negeri Nomor 113 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa (Studi pada Desa di Kecamatan Tapaktuan Kabupaten Aceh Selatan)

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the suitability of village financial management (planning, implementation, administrative, reporting, and accountability) in Tapaktuan sub-district according to Ministry of Home Affairs Regulation No. 113 2014 concerning Village Financial Management. This research is an descriptive model by using qualitative approach. This research using census method. The population was 16 villages in Tapaktuan sub-district. The research was conducted by interviewing the village financial management official, respondents interviewed amounted to 47 people. The result of this research showed that in general the management of village finances in Tapaktuan sub-district in the planning, implementation and accountability stages are in accordance with the Ministry of Home Affairs Regulation No. 113 2014, but there are discrepancies in the administrative and financial reporting stages of the village

    Analisis Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa Lubuk Sakat dalam Mewujudkan Pembangunan Desa Lubuk Sakat Tahun 2012

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    The issuance of ministry of home affairs No. 37/2007 on rural budget managementprovides the foundation for autonomous rural village in practice, not just a normative. Releaseof this regulation was followed by the release of ministry of home affairs 66/2007 on ruraldevelopment planning, so that there is continuity between the rules on planning with ruralbudget management. However, ideal conditions as stated in ministry of home affairs 37/2007was not easy as the practice in the field. Therefore, this study wanted to see the villagesbudgeting management in the case study in Perhentian Raja village, Lubuk Sakat Sub-districtof Kampar district.This study used a qualitative approach in obtaining and analyzing the data, to analysisthe data then theory of the role of organizational and policy form the basis for the study of dataanalysis. The withdrawal technique of informant is conducted with a purposive approach, thedata in this study was obtained through interviews and observation techniques and studydocumentation.The results of this study indicate that rural budget management of Lubuk Sakat villagehas composed and run well. Financial management process that begins the process ofplanning, budgeting, administration, financial reporting, financial accountability and financialoversight. All processes were passed by the village government Lubuk Sakat in managingvillage finances sourced from revenue villages, the balance funds, taxes and levies and othersources that are not binding and lawful. Furthermore, the rural budget management of theLubuk Sakat village administratively but not both in the empirical. Thats because many of thebarriers in the financial management techniques Sakat Lubuk village. The obstacles that arebarriers to education officials, unbalanced budget allocation, support facilities, lack ofparticipation, lack of supervision and capacity factor village.Keywords; Management, Finance, Government, Rura

    The Implementation of the Principle of Justice in Post-nuptial Agreement towards Mixed Marriage: Hope or Challenge?

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    Introduction to the Problem: this research focuses on the actors of mixed marriage in Indonesia who have hope at the practice level. The hope arises from the Constitutional Court decision No. 69/VII/PUU/2015, which allows the formation of an asset separation agreement after the marriage takes place (post-nuptial agreement). The decision is followed up by two Circular Letters of relevant ministries: one is from the Ministry of Home Affairs No. 472.2/5876/Dukcapil, which guarantees that post-nuptial agreement is allowed in the Civil Registry (Dukcapil); as well as the one from Directorate Generals of Community Guidance under the Ministry of Religion No. B.2674/DJ/III/KW.00/9/2017. By enacting these instruments, Indonesia facilitates a hope to the mixed marriage, which is the hope of the ownership of the assets.Objectives of the Study: To identify the implication of the Constitutional Court decision No. 69/VII/PUU/2015 in practice, in lieu with the implication of the Circular Letters of the Ministry of Home Affairs No. 472.2/5876/Dukcapil and Directorate Generals of Community Guidance under the Ministry of Religion No. B.2674/DJ/III/KW.00/9/2017; also, to review the possibilities of those decisions and Circular Letters in the perspective of Indonesian family law, would it be a hope or a challenge?Methodology: This is normative-juridical research, which implements a doctrinal approach to analyze the problems.Findings: Post-nuptial agreement is allowed and having legal implications to the parties to the marriage bond. Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Religion have facilitated the Constitutional Court decision by enacting their respective Circular Letters to guide the civil registry officials in responding to the post-nuptial agreement.Paper Type: Research Articl

    Contestation for land towards Kampong Adat of Sakai Minas in Riau:

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    This research discussed the Kampong Adat in Minas Barat Village, Minas District, Siak Regency. Regional Regulation Number 2 concerning the determination of Kampong Adat had issued since 2015. However, the completeness of requirements for the Ministry of Home Affairs approval has not been completed until November 2021. This study used an ethnography design; the researcher lived in the research site for two months. The data were collected by participatory observation, in-depth interviews with selected informants due to their knowledge and experience in the establishment of Kampong Adat. The data were analyzed descriptively by discussing with theory and resulted in the general trend as this research's findings. This research found, first, Since Minas Barat Village of determined as Kampong Adat, the community of Sakai Tribe have been minority citizen. Second, the Sakai community has some difficulties preparing the complete requirements for approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs because there are many interests involved in the village. Third, the government has not given severe attempts for Kampong Adat. The government let the completeness of approval has not yet been fulfilled for almost seven years. This study contributed to the anthropology of policy, specifically for indigenous peoples, in issuing affirmative policies to fulfill the rights of indigenous peoples

    Analysis of Merit System in the Open Promotion of High Leadership Positions for Women in the Ministry of Home Affairs

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    This research aims to analyze the application of the merit system in the open promotion of High Leadership Positions (JPT) for women and find out the factors that influence women's vertical mobility in the bureaucracy. This research was conducted at the Ministry of Home Affairs using a postpositivist research approach and qualitative data collection technique. The results showed that filling in the JPT at the Ministry of Home Affairs has not been based on a succession plan, and there is a Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) JPT with a term exceeding the applicable provisions. In addition, there were differences in administrative requirements for selection vacancies with relevant regulations. The track record tracking process was only carried out through curriculum evaluation and monitoring and evaluation of High-ranking Officials (PPT) performance appraisals only based on Employee Performance Target (SKP) every year. Women's interest in registering for selection tends to be slight, and incomplete facilities support women's productivity. The results also showed differences from previous research. The merit system policy in this study refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Permenpanrb) Number 15 of 2019. Besides, it also proves the inaccuracy of The Theory of Organizational Barries, Self-imposed Barriers, and Gender Role Congruity
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