141,515 research outputs found

    Beyond the policy rhetoric: the limitations of gender mainstreaming in South Korea relating to women and childcare

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    This article examines the limitations of the gender mainstreaming discourse regarding the issue of childcare by women in South Korea, an area of responsibility that was transferred from the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MHW) to the Ministry of Gender Equality (MGE)1 in 2003. Through employing a discursive institutionalism approach, this article articulates that whilst the gender mainstreaming discourse has been interpreted at the surface level of politics, it has been formulated differently behind the scenes due to various policy interests. I argue that the discourse has remained at the level of superficial political rhetoric with underdeveloped understanding about the relationship between childcare and gender, thus retaining a stereotypical view of women as caregivers.N/

    Gender Mainstreaming in the Danish Central Administration: (Mis)understandings of the Gendered Impact of Law Proposals

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    Gender mainstreaming is the dominant strategy of the Danish national gender equality efforts. However, gender impact assessments have neither been sufficiently integrated in the policy-making processes of the Danish ministries nor in their organisational cultures, and their impact is minor. Drawing on feminist perspectives on institutional development the article focuses on two case studies – the Ministry of Employment and the Ministry of Transport – with two different practices for doing gender equality assessments. It is important to consider the (lack of) political demand for gender equality assessments in order to understand the (negative) development in terms of their number and content; very few gender equality assessments are produced, and those that are tend to hold little or no transformative potential as they show limited recognition of the gendered consequences of the law proposals

    Gender Mainstreaming in the Danish Central Administration: (Mis)understandings of the Gendered Impact of Law Proposals

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    Gender mainstreaming is the dominant strategy of the Danish national gender equality efforts. However, gender impact assessments have neither been sufficiently integrated in the policy-making processes of the Danish ministries nor in their organisational cultures, and their impact is minor. Drawing on feminist perspectives on institutional development the article focuses on two case studies – the Ministry of Employment and the Ministry of Transport – with two different practices for doing gender equality assessments. It is important to consider the (lack of) political demand for gender equality assessments in order to understand the (negative) development in terms of their number and content; very few gender equality assessments are produced, and those that are tend to hold little or no transformative potential as they show limited recognition of the gendered consequences of the law proposals


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    Gender issues often become a tool in every political contestation in countries that have not achieved gender equality. Likewise, in South Korea, there is still a strong patriarchal culture and the subordination of women as humans, especially in socio-political aspects. The political campaign carried out by on of the presidential candidates, Yoon Seok-Yeol from the People Power Party (PPP), promised to abolish the Ministry of Gender Equality dan Family because it did not have a high work ethic and was gender unfair. The deletion sparked renewed debate between voters young and old and both men and women. This institution has been around for a long time and has made a significant contribution to the struggle for gender equality in South Korea. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method that attempts to search, sort, and collect relevant information and relies on the author’s analytical strength. By using Dan Nimmo’s concept of Political Communication and Sara Mills’s Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), the author tries to answer the campaign strategy carried out by Yoon and PPP which used anti-feminist issues to gain votes. The research results obtained were that Yoon and PPP deliberately divided young men and women because they became the voting base of their opposing political. So it promises to abolish the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family in order to attract votes from young men

    Promoting Gender Equality in Finland

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    At the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health gender equality is promoted by: the Gender Equality Unit, the Ombudsman for Equality, the Council for Gender Equality, the Gender Equality Board. Gender equality is an important value in Finland. Key gender equality themes are: gender-based discrimination, mainstreaming of the gender perspective, gender equality issues in working life, gender pay inequality, gender equality in education and training, reconciliation of work and family life, women and decision-making, violence against women, and men and gender equality.


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    In Greece, sport as a tool for the promotion of gender integration and social justice has been included in the upcoming National Action Plan for Gender Equality (NAPGE) for 2021-2025 by the General Secretariat for Demography and Family Policy and Gender Equality of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. The social space of sport is also included in the currently in effect NAPGE, formulated for 2016-2020 by the General Secretariat for Gender Equality (GSGE) of the Ministry of the Interior. This article begins with a presentation of the upcoming-updated NAPGE 2021-2025 and subsequently examines NAPGE 2016-2020 which is currently in effect. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the strategic goals of the NAPGE are being implemented in the Hellenic Military Higher Education Institutions and specifically in their academic curricula and programs, focusing on coed sport activities. A strategic goal of the NAPGE 2016-2020, as in the one to follow for 2021-2025, is to promote equality in education, culture, sport, and the media. To eliminate gender inequalities the NAPGE, presently in effect in Greek society, sets six strategic goals, and incorporates the gender dimension in all social, political, educational and sports bodies. Following European Commission guidelines, the NAPGE priority areas focus on promoting health; eliminating gender-based violence; supporting equality in education, training, culture, sport, and the media; promoting social integration and equality. As regards education, the main objectives include eliminating gender stereotypes and all forms of discrimination. Research shows that women's sport participation challenges gender stereotypes. Subsequently, women’s integration and gender equality in the military is discussed, using the curricula and sport programs at the five military schools/academies along with the interview data from our previous study with twelve active-duty female officers, former cadets at these five institutions. Our findings indicate that the gender dimension is taken into account: the NAPGE is being implemented, to a certain extent. Our results show that coed sport activities and team sports cultivate acceptance, cohesion, teamwork, and collaborations, leading to women’s integration and inclusion, in addition to a healthier and more productive military environment and culture. Article visualizations

    Implementation of the Gender Perspective in the Undergraduate Curriculum of the Faculty of Security Studies

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    In 2010 the Republic of Serbia adopted the National Action Plan (NAP) for the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace and Security", which stipulates that on the basis of gender equality UN member states should build and adapt mechanisms for conflict resolution and inclusion of women in all levels of decision-making. An important role in the activities undertaken to achieve the goals defined by the National Action Plan is assigned to the ministry in charge of education (currently the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development). These activities include raising awareness of potential conflicts, launching educational programs about gender aspects of conflicts, and introducing the subject matter of gender equality and gender-based violence at all levels of education and specialization in the security sector. Given that the Faculty of Security Studies of the University of Belgrade trains its students to perform a wide range of jobs in the security sector, the introduction of said subject matter at this higher education institution has special importance. In order to determine the extent to which this subject matter is currently being taught at the Faculty of Security Studies and at the same time to work toward the NAP goals, we have conducted a pilot study which included an analysis of the undergraduate forms of teaching such as seminars and workshops. It is our belief that educating male and female students to perform jobs in the security and defense systems and better participate in civil society requires that this subject matter be incorporated into the existing undergraduate curriculum at this higher education institution and that the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia assume a more active role in attaining the goals of the National Action Plan and achieving gender equality as an imperative of democratic societies curriculum and course syllabuses as well as the opinions of first- and second-year male and female students on gender equality. Having analyzed the syllabuses of undergraduate courses, we have established that the issues of gender equality, gender-sensitive address forms, gender-based violence, and the role and position of women in the security and defense systems, are underrepresented in course syllabuses, teaching units and primary literature. Furthermore, the opinion poll of the first- and second-year male and female undergraduate students on gender equality, conducted in June 2015 at the Faculty, led us to the conclusion that despite the students' awareness of this subject matter, certain gender-based stereotypes nonetheless exist. Also, the majority of respondents recognized the need for incorporating this subject matter into the curriculum and for organizing informal

    Women in Ministry: How Conflicts Between God\u27s Purpose and Church Doctrine Impact the Efficacy of Female Church Leaders

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    The following research was a biographical narrative that examined the lived experiences of male and female church leaders and their perspectives on the social, moral, and religious implications of female church leadership. The purpose of this research was to explore the ideologies and identities of women leaders within the faith ministry, the definitions of ministry and leadership, the role of women in church ministry, and their understanding of marketplace ministry. I employed conflict resolution theories relating to power, change, and mental modeling as the basis of analysis for evaluating the impact of church policies and practices on the utilization of female church leaders. Twelve church leaders were invited to participate in this research, comprised of six women and six men from three different church denominations. Results found that the organizational culture had a mediating impact on gender equality and effectiveness of female church leadership. In a sense, female clergymen undermined and challenged the previously well-established patriarchal power within the church, leading to disruption and interpersonal conflicts. Seven salient themes emerged from the analysis: 1) struggle for gender equality; 2) gender vs. competence; 3) male dominated church culture; 4) gender bias and discrimination; 5) kingdom culture debate; 6) women resisting women, and 7) the significance of voice. The research also introduced the strategies for overcoming the patriarchy with critical consciousness and empowering clergywomen via the REFRESH Model

    A Critical Appraisal on the Role of Gender Equality for Economic Growth of Rwanda Since 1995 up to 2023

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    New millennium has integrated gender equality concept as a pillar of sustainable development and African Union agenda 20230 and 2063 in regional integration schemes. This means that the exclusion of women and men issues from national policies and development agendas would lead to the income inequality, unequal share of resources and vicious cycle of poverty. The purpose of this research is to assess the role of gender equality on economic growth in Africa and it was carried out in Rwanda as a case with the following objectives to assess the impacts of gender equality on economic growth of Rwanda, to analyze challenges of gender equality in Rwanda and to asses different policies taken by government of Rwanda to promote gender equality in Rwanda. This study only used secondary data to assess the impacts of gender on development of Rwanda. The data reviewed from different books, journals. Newspapers, articles and other research papers were reviewed about gender and economic growth. As the findings revealed, there is close relationship between gender equality and economic growth. For instance, gender equality increase labor force, it leads to reduction of maternal health, it increase national income and it promote human rights. In addition to that, this study also found that government of Rwanda has brought different policies that lead to the gender equalities. Those policies include establishment of gender monitoring office, ministry of gender and family promotion, national women council and council for parliamentarian’s women. In addition, government has adopted different policies for gender equality and women empowerment. They are related to the inheritance, business, educational and discrimination in society. In collaboration with other development partners, Rwanda has become champion in promoting gender equality. However, this study also found that there are still found some challenges about gender equality and women empowerment. Those include, low education, lack of information, low resources and traditional norms that challenges women to participate full from society development. Therefore, the government should be working on the women’s empowerment, processes of gender mainstreaming and analysis of institutions and revision of some laws and policies. Keywords: Gender equality and mainstreaming; Economic growth, Sustainable development DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/13-9-03 Publication date:May 31st 202
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