14 research outputs found
La alimentacion y la cocina en Guinea Ecuatorial : (cultivo, caza y pesca)
Cooperación Sanitaria Española con Guinea Ecuatoria
Comparative efficacy of two primary care interventions to assist withdrawal from long term benzodiazepine use: A protocol for a clustered, randomized clinical trial
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although benzodiazepines are effective, long-term use is not recommended because of potential adverse effects; the risks of tolerance and dependence; and an increased risk of hip fractures, motor vehicle accidents, and memory impairment. The estimated prevalence of long-term benzodiazepine use in the general population is about 2,2 to 2,6%, is higher in women and increases steadily with age. Interventions performed by General Practitioners may help patients to discontinue long-term benzodiazepine use. We have designed a trial to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of two brief general practitioner-provided interventions, based on gradual dose reduction, and will compare the effectiveness of these interventions with that of routine clinical practice.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>In a three-arm cluster randomized controlled trial, general practitioners will be randomly allocated to: a) a group in which the first patient visit will feature a structured interview, followed by visits every 2-3 weeks to the end of dose reduction; b) a group in which the first patient visit will feature a structured interview plus delivery of written instructions to self-reduce benzodiazepine dose, or c) routine care. Using a computerized pharmaceutical prescription database, 495 patients, aged 18-80 years, taking benzodiazepine for at least 6 months, will be recruited in primary care health districts of three regions of Spain (the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, and Valencia). The primary outcome will be benzodiazepine use at 12 months. The secondary outcomes will include measurements of anxiety and depression symptoms, benzodiazepine dependence, quality of sleep, and alcohol consumption.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Although some interventions have been shown to be effective in reducing benzodiazepine consumption by long-term users, the clinical relevance of such interventions is limited by their complexity. This randomized trial will compare the effectiveness and safety of two complex stepped care interventions with that of routine care in a study with sufficient statistical power to detect clinically relevant differences.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials: <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN13024375">ISRCTN13024375</a></p
Rev. esp. salud pública
Texos en español; resúmenes en español e inglé
Taking stock of Roma health policies in Spain: Lessons for health governance
Roma health inequities are a wicked problem. Despite concerted efforts to reduce them under the Decade of Roma Inclusion initiative, the health gap between Roma and non-Roma populations in Europe persists. To address this problem, the European Commission devised the National Roma Integration Strategies (NRIS). This paper provides a critical assessment of the implementation of the NRIS’ health strand (NRIS-H) in Spain and proposes an evaluation tool to monitor Roma health policies – the Roma Health Integration Policy Index (RHIPEX). It also makes recommendations to promote Roma health governance. To achieve these goals, four community forums, 33 stakeholder interviews and a scoping review were conducted.
Results show that the NRIS-H implementation is hindered by lack of political commitment and poor resource allocation. This has a negative impact on Roma’s entitlement to healthcare and on their participation in decision-making processes, jeopardising the elimination of the barriers that undermine their access to healthcare and potentially contributing to reproduce inequalities. These unintended effects point out the need to rethink Roma health governance by strengthening intersectional and intersectoral policies, enabling transformative Roma participation in policymaking and guaranteeing shared socio-political responsibility and accountability.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
Guia de boas práticas para o diagnóstico das perturbações do espectro autista
[ES] Introducción. El proceso diagnóstico en los trastornos del espectro autista (TEA) es una actividad que requiere especialización y experiencia, tanto en relación al conocimiento del autismo como para trabajar en equipo con diferentes profesionales, muchas veces adscritos a distintos servicios clínicos, y con las familias. Objetivo. Recomendar un protocolo diagnóstico consensuado por el Grupo de Estudio del Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Desarrollo. Se enfatiza la necesidad de obtener una historia clínica adecuada, para lo que se han de recoger antecedentes personales, familiares y psicosociales, y detallar los ámbitos básicos afectados en los TEA: interacción social, comunicación y patrones restringidos de comportamiento, actividades e intereses. Asimismo, se recogen y analizan las pruebas diagnósticas (tanto de carácter psicoevolutivo como biomédico) que deben realizarse en todos los casos, y se contemplan paralelamente las pruebas indicadas en caso de sospecha de otros trastornos físicos identificables y aquellas pruebas médicas que deben considerarse únicamente para la investigación. Conclusiones. El procedimiento diagnóstico requiere una estrategia de evaluación coordinada de carácter multidisciplinar, que asegure la participación de especialistas de muy distintos campos en activa colaboración con la familia; dicha labor coordinada tendría su colofón en la elaboración y entrega de un informe personalizado. Todo diagnóstico se ha de acompañar de un plan de acción que incluya el apoyo inmediato a la persona con TEA y la provisión de información a su familia sobre recursos e iniciativas comunitarias en su zona. [EN] Introduction. The autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnostic process requires expertise both in the knowledge of autism as in teamwork strategies with different professionals, often working in different clinic services, and with parents. Aim. To recommend a consensus diagnostic procedure for ASD, that has been designed by the Study Group of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Development. The reports emphasize the need to obtain a complete clinical history, covering personal, family and psychosocial antecedents; detailing the basic areas affected in ASD –social interaction, communication and restricted patterns of behaviour, activities and interests–. Diagnostic tests to be used as a routine in all cases are described and analysed –including both psychoeducational and biomedical tests–. Also, tests indicated in cases with suspected identifiable physical disorders are covered, as well as those medical tests to be used for research purposes only. Conclusion. The diagnostic procedure requires the implementation of a coordinated interdisciplinary assessment strategy, that needs to ensure the participation of professionals from very different fields in active collaboration with the family. Their role culminates in the preparation and delivery of a personalized report. Every diagnostic procedure needs to be accompanied by an action plan that includes immediate support to the person with ASD, as well as information to the family on resources and community initiatives in their living area. [PT] Introdução. O processo diagnóstico nos perturbações do espectro autista (PEA) é uma actividade que requer especialização e experiência, tanto em relação ao conhecimento do autismo, como trabalhar em equipa com diferentes profissionais, muitas vezes adscritos a distintos serviços clínicos e com as famílias. Objectivo. Recomendar um protocolo diagnóstico consensual pelo Grupo de Estudo do Instituto de Saúde Carlos III. Desenvolvimento. Enfatizase a necessidade de obter uma história clínica adequada, para o que se devem recolher antecedentes pessoais, familiares e psicosociais, e detalhar os âmbitos básicos afectados nos PEA: interacção social, comunicação e padrões restringidos de comportamento, actividades e interesses. Desta forma, recolhem-se e analisamse as provas de diagnóstico (tanto de carácter psico-evolutivo como biomédico) que devem realizar-se em todos os casos, e contemplamse paralelamente as provas indicadas no caso de suspeita de outras alterações físicas identificáveis e aquelas provas médicas que devem considerar-se unicamente para a investigação. Conclusões. O procedimento diagnóstico requer uma estratégia de avaliação coordenada de carácter multidisciplinar, que assegure a participação de especialistas de muitos campos distintos em activa colaboração com a família; este trabalho coordenado teria a sua identificação na elaboração e entrega de um formulário personalizado. Todo o diagnóstico deve ser acompanhado de um plano de acção que inclua o apoio imediato à pessoa com PEA e a provisão de informação à sua família sobre recursos e iniciativas comunitárias na sua zona.S