207 research outputs found

    Tribological studies of polyphenylene sulfide composites filled with micro/nano particles and reinforced with short fibers or carbon nano-tubes/carbon nano-fibers

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    Polymer and its composites have replaced a great number of metal products in industry and are still in a rapid growth in many areas due to their attractive properties such as low density, high specific strength and specific stiffness, corrosion resistance, and manufacturability. The properties of polymers have been considerably improved by the incorporation of fillers and fiber reinforcement. The mechanical and tribological studies on polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) and its composites have not been hitherto carried out extensively and are deserving of attention in view of their potential for being used in a wide variety of applications.;PPS has a great potential in high speed sliding applications owing to its high temperature capability. However, its wide application as a promising matrix material in tribology is still at infancy and so there is a need of the comprehensive study of its mechanical and tribological behaviors. In this dissertation, the effect of fillers and fibers as reinforcements in PPS was performed with respect to the tribological and mechanical properties. A number of fillers based on the minerals abundantly available in Armenia were used in this study along with other inorganic compound fillers and short micro fibers as reinforcement. The fillers used were both in micro and nano sizes. Finally, the effect of carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers as the reinforcements in PPS has also been studied in terms of their thermal, mechanical and tribological properties

    Theory of three-pulse photon echo spectroscopy with dual frequency combs

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    A theoretical analysis is carried out for the recently developed three-pulse photon echo spectroscopy employing dual frequency combs (DFC) as the light sources. In this method, the molecular sample interacts with three pulse trains derived from the DFC and the generated third-order signal is displayed as a two-dimensional (2D) spectrum that depends on the waiting time introduced by employing asynchronous optical sampling method. Through the analysis of the heterodyne-detected signal interferogram using a local oscillator derived from one of the optical frequency combs, we show that the 2D spectrum closely matches the spectrum expected from a conventional approach with four pulses derived from a single femtosecond laser pulse and the waiting time between the second and third field-matter interactions is given by the down-converted detection time of the interferogram. The theoretical result is applied to a two-level model system with solvation effect described by solvatochromic spectral density. The model 2D spectrum reproduces spectral features such as the loss of frequency correlation, dephasing, and spectral shift as a function of the population time. We anticipate that the present theory will be the general framework for quantitative descriptions of DFC-based nonlinear optical spectroscopy.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures are included in the PDF fil

    Quantitative Complementarity of Wave-Particle Duality

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    To test the principle of complementarity and wave-particle duality quantitatively, we need a quantum composite system that can be controlled by experimental parameters. Here, we demonstrate that a double-path interferometer consisting of two parametric downconversion crystals seeded by coherent idler fields, where the generated coherent signal photons are used for quantum interference and the conjugate idler fields are used for which-path detectors with controllable fidelity, is useful for elucidating the quantitative complementarity. We show that the source purity μs\mu_s is tightly bounded by the entanglement measure EE by the relation μs=1E2\mu_s=\sqrt{1-E^2 } and the visibility VV and detector fidelity FF determine the coherence of the quantons, i.e., C=VFC = V|F|. The quantitative complementarity of the double-path interferometer we developed recently is explained in terms of the quanton-detector entanglement or quanton source purity that are expressed as functions of injected seed photon numbers. We further suggest that the experimental scheme utilizing two stimulated parametric downconversion processes is an ideal tool for investigating and understanding wave-particle duality and complementarity quantitatively.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Do osmolytes impact the structure and dynamics of myoglobin?

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    Osmolytes are small organic compounds that can affect the stability of proteins in living cells. The mechanism of osmolytes�� protective effects on protein structure and dynamics has not been fully explained, but in general, two possibilities have been suggested and examined: a direct interaction of osmolytes with proteins (water replacement hypothesis), and an indirect interaction (vitrification hypothesis). Here, to investigate these two possible mechanisms, we studied myoglobin-osmolyte systems using FTIR, UV-vis, CD, and femtosecond IR pump-probe spectroscopy. Interestingly, noticeable changes are observed in both the lifetime of the CO stretch of CO-bound myoglobin and the spectra of UV-vis, CD, and FTIR upon addition of the osmolytes. In addition, the temperature-dependent CD studies reveal that the protein��s thermal stability depends on molecular structure, hydrogen-bonding ability, and size of osmolytes. We anticipate that the present experimental results provide important clues about the complicated and intricate mechanism of osmolyte effects on protein structure and dynamics in a crowded cellular environment. (c) 2018 by the author

    Ultrafast exciton transfers in DNA and its nonlinear optical spectroscopy

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    We have calculated the nonlinear response function of a DNA duplex helix including the contributions from the exciton population and coherence transfers by developing an appropriate exciton theory as well as by utilizing a projector operator technique. As a representative example of DNA double helices, the B-form (dA)10-(dT)10 is considered in detail. The Green functions of the exciton population and coherence transfer processes were obtained by developing the DNA exciton Hamiltonian. This enables us to study the dynamic properties of the solvent relaxation and exciton transfers. The spectral density describing the DNA base-solvent interactions was obtained by adjusting the solvent reorganization energy to reproduce the absorption and steady-state fluorescence spectra. The time-dependent fluorescence shift of the model DNA system is found to be ultrafast and it is largely determined by the exciton population transfer processes. It is further shown that the nonlinear optical spectroscopic techniques such as photon echo peak shift and two-dimensional photon echo can provide important information on the exciton dynamics of the DNA double helix. We have found that the exciton-exciton coherence transfer plays critical roles in the peculiar energy transfer and ultrafast memory loss of the initially created excitonic state in the DNA duplex helix

    Theory of coherent two-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy

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    Two-dimensional (2D) vibrational spectroscopy has emerged as one of the most important experimental techniques useful to study the molecular structure and dynamics in condensed phases. Theory and computation have also played essential and integral roles in its development through the nonlinear optical response theory and computational methods such as molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and electronic structure calculations. In this article, we present the fundamental theory of coherent 2D vibrational spectroscopy and describe computational approaches to simulate the 2D vibrational spectra. The classical approximation to the quantum mechanical nonlinear response function is invoked from the outset. It is shown that the third-order response function can be evaluated in that classical limit by using equilibrium or non-equilibrium MD simulation trajectories. Another simulation method is based on the assumptions that the molecular vibrations can still be described quantum mechanically and that the relevant molecular response functions are evaluated by the numerical integration of the Schrodinger equation. A few application examples are presented to help the researchers in this and related areas to understand the fundamental principles and to use these methods for their studies with 2D vibrational spectroscopic techniques. In summary, this exposition provides an overview of current theoretical efforts to understand the 2D vibrational spectra and an outlook for future developments. c.Published under license by AIP Publishing

    Chiroptical signal enhancement in quasi-null-polarization-detection geometry: Intrinsic limitations

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    Despite its unique capability of distinguishing molecular handedness, chiroptical spectroscopy suffers from the weak-signal problem, which has restricted more extensive applications. The quasi-null-polarization-detection (QNPD) method has been shown to be useful for enhancing the chiroptical signal. Here, the underlying enhancement mechanism in the QNPD method combined with a heterodyne detection scheme is elucidated. It is experimentally demonstrated that the optical rotatory dispersion signal can be amplified by a factor of similar to 400, which is the maximum enhancement effect achievable with our femtosecond laser setup. The upper limit of the QNPD enhancement effect of chiroptical measurements could, in practice, be limited by imperfection of the polarizer and finite detection sensitivity. However, we show that there exists an intrinsic limit in the enhancement with the QNPD method due to the weak but finite contribution from the homodyne chiroptical signal. This is experimentally verified by measuring the optical rotation of linearly polarized light with the QNPD scheme. We further provide discussions on the connection between this intrinsic limitation in the QNPD scheme for enhanced detection of weak chiroptical signals and those in optical enantioselectivity and Raman optical activity with a structured chiral field. We anticipate that the present work could be useful in further developing time-resolved nonlinear chiroptical spectroscopy.111Nsciescopu

    Ultrafast Chemical Exchange Dynamics of Hydrogen Bonds Observed via Isonitrile Infrared Sensors: Implications for Biomolecular Studies

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    Local probes are indispensable to study protein structure and dynamics with site-specificity. The isonitrile functional group is a highly sensitive and H-bonding interaction-specific probe. Isonitriles exhibit large spectral shifts and transition dipole moment changes upon H-bonding while being weakly affected by solvent polarity. These unique properties allow a clear separation of distinct subpopulations of interacting species and an elucidation of their ultrafast dynamics with two-dimensional infrared (2D-IR) spectroscopy. Here, we apply 2D-IR to quantify the picosecond chemical exchange dynamics of solute–solvent complexes forming between isonitrile-derivatized alanine and fluorinated ethanol, where the degree of fluorination controls their H-bond-donating ability. We show that the molecules undergo faster exchange in the presence of more acidic H-bond donors, indicating that the exchange process is primarily dependent on the nature of solvent–solvent interactions. We foresee isonitrile as a highly promising probe for studying of H-bonds dynamics in the active site of enzymes. © 2019 American Chemical Society11sciescopu

    Unveiling the pathway to Z-DNA in the protein-induced B–Z transition

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    Left-handed Z-DNA is an extraordinary conformation of DNA, which can form by special sequences under specific biological, chemical or physical conditions. Human ADAR1, prototypic Z-DNA binding protein (ZBP), binds to Z-DNA with high affinity. Utilizing single-molecule FRET assays for Z-DNA forming sequences embedded in a long inactive DNA, we measure thermodynamic populations of ADAR1-bound DNA conformations in both GC and TG repeat sequences. Based on a statistical physics model, we determined quantitatively the affinities of ADAR1 to both Z-form and B-form of these sequences. We also reported what pathways it takes to induce the B–Z transition in those sequences. Due to the high junction energy, an intermediate B* state has to accumulate prior to the B–Z transition. Our study showing the stable B* state supports the active picture for the protein-induced B–Z transition that occurs under a physiological setting. (c)The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research

    Vibrational Spectroscopic Map, Vibrational Spectroscopy, and Intermolecular Interaction

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    © 2020 American Chemical Society. Vibrational spectroscopy is an essential tool in chemical analyses, biological assays, and studies of functional materials. Over the past decade, various coherent nonlinear vibrational spectroscopic techniques have been developed and enabled researchers to study time-correlations of the fluctuating frequencies that are directly related to solute-solvent dynamics, dynamical changes in molecular conformations and local electrostatic environments, chemical and biochemical reactions, protein structural dynamics and functions, characteristic processes of functional materials, and so on. In order to gain incisive and quantitative information on the local electrostatic environment, molecular conformation, protein structure and interprotein contacts, ligand binding kinetics, and electric and optical properties of functional materials, a variety of vibrational probes have been developed and site-specifically incorporated into molecular, biological, and material systems for time-resolved vibrational spectroscopic investigation. However, still, an all-encompassing theory that describes the vibrational solvatochromism, electrochromism, and dynamic fluctuation of vibrational frequencies has not been completely established mainly due to the intrinsic complexity of intermolecular interactions in condensed phases. In particular, the amount of data obtained from the linear and nonlinear vibrational spectroscopic experiments has been rapidly increasing, but the lack of a quantitative method to interpret these measurements has been one major obstacle in broadening the applications of these methods. Among various theoretical models, one of the most successful approaches is a semiempirical model generally referred to as the vibrational spectroscopic map that is based on a rigorous theory of intermolecular interactions. Recently, genetic algorithm, neural network, and machine learning approaches have been applied to the development of vibrational solvatochromism theory. In this review, we provide comprehensive descriptions of the theoretical foundation and various examples showing its extraordinary successes in the interpretations of experimental observations. In addition, a brief introduction to a newly created repository Web site (http://frequencymap.org) for vibrational spectroscopic maps is presented. We anticipate that a combination of the vibrational frequency map approach and state-of-the-art multidimensional vibrational spectroscopy will be one of the most fruitful ways to study the structure and dynamics of chemical, biological, and functional molecular systems in the future