10 research outputs found

    Solvability for a third order discontinuous fully equation with nonlinear functional boundary conditions

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    We prove an existence and location result for the third order functional nonlinear boundary value problem u′′′(t) = f(t,u,u′(t),u′′(t)), for t∈[a,b], 0 = L₀(u,u′,u(t₀)), 0 = L₁(u,u′,u′(a),u′′(a)), 0 = L₂(u,u′,u′(b),u′′(b)), with t₀∈[a,b] given, f:I×C(I)×R²→R is a L¹- Carathéodory function allowing some discontinuities on t and L₀,L₁, L₂ are continuous functions depending functionally on u and u′. The arguments make use of an a priori estimate on u′′, lower and upper solutions method and degree theory. Applications to a multipoint problem and to a beam equation will be presented

    A note on a class of problems for a higher-order fully nonlinear equation under one-sided Nagumo-type condition

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    The purpose of this work is to establish existence and location results for the higher order fully nonlinear differential equation u⁽ⁿ⁾(t)=f(t,u(t),u′(t),…,u⁽ⁿ⁻¹⁾(t)), n≥2, with the boundary conditions u^{(i)}(a) = A, for i=0,⋯,n-3, u⁽ⁿ⁻¹⁾(a) = B, u⁽ⁿ⁻¹⁾(b)=C or u^{(i)}(a)=A, for i=0,⋯,n-3, c₁u⁽ⁿ⁻²⁾(a)-c₂u⁽ⁿ⁻¹⁾(a)=B, c₃u⁽ⁿ⁻²⁾(b)+c₄u⁽ⁿ⁻¹⁾(b)=C, with A_{i},B,C∈R, for i=0,⋯,n-3, and c₁, c₂, c₃, c₄ real positive constants. It is assumed that f:[a,b]×Rⁿ⁻¹→R is a continuous function satisfying one-sided Nagumo-type conditions which allows an asymmetric unbounded behavior on the nonlinearity. The arguments are based on Leray-Schauder topological degree and lower and upper solutions method

    On a elastic beam fully equation with nonlinear boundary conditions

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    We study the fourth-order nonlinear boundary value problem u^{iv}=f(t,u,u′,u′′,u′′′), 0<t<1, u(0)=A, u′(0)=B, g(u′′(0), u′′′(0))=0, h(u′′(1),u′′′(1))=0, with f:[0,1]×R⁴→R a continuous function veryfing a Nagumo-type condition, A,B∈R and g,h:R²→R are continuous functions with adequate monotonicities. For this model of the bending of an elastic beam, clamped at the left end-point, we obtained an existence and location result by lower and upper-solution method and degree theory. Similar results are presented for the same beam fully equation with different types of boundary conditions

    A fourth order BVP of Sturm-Liouville with asymmetric unbounded nonlinearities

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    It is obtained an existence and location result for the fourth order boundary value problem of Sturm-Liouville type u^{(iv)}(t)=f(t,u(t),u′(t),u′′(t),u′′′(t)), for t∈[0,1], u(0)=u(1)=A, k₁u′′′(0)-k₂u′′(0)=0, k₃u′′′(1)+k₄u′′(1)=0, where f:[0,1]×R⁴→R is a continuous function and A,k_{i}∈R, for i=1,...,4, are such that k₁,k₃>0, k₂,k₄≥0. We assume that f verifies a one-sided Nagumo type growth condition which allows an asymmetric unbounded behaviour on the nonlinearity. The arguments make use of an a priori estimate on the third derivative of a class of solutions, the lower and upper solutions method and degree theory

    Lower and upper solutions for a fully nonlinear beam equation

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    In this paper the two point fourth order boundary value problem is considered u^{(iv)}=f(t,u,u',u'',u'''), 0<t<1, u(0)=u'(1)=u''(0)=u'''(1)=0, where is a continuous function satisfying a Nagumo-type condition. We prove the existence of a solution lying between lower and upper solutions using an a priori estimation, lower and upper solutions method and degree theory. The same arguments can be used, with adequate modifications, for any type of two-point boundary value problem, including all derivatives until order three, with the second and the third derivatives given in different end-points. An application to the extended Fisher-Kolmogorov problem will be obtained

    Existence and location result for a fourth order boundary value problems

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    In the present work we prove an existence and location result for the fourth order fully nonlinear equation u^{(iv)}=f(t,u,u′,u′′,u′′′), 0<t<1, with the Lidstone boundary conditions u(0)=u′′(0)=u(1)=u′′(1)=0, where f:[0,1]×R⁴→R is a continuous function satisfying a Nagumo type condition. The existence of at least a solution lying between a pair of well ordered lower and upper solutions is obtained using an a priori estimates, lower and upper solutions method and degree theory

    Solvability of some third order boundary value problem with asymmetric unbounded nonlinearities

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    The purpose of this work is to establish existence and location results for the higher order fully nonlinear differential equation u⁽ⁿ⁾(t)=f(t,u(t),u′(t),…,u⁽ⁿ⁻¹⁾(t)), n≥2, with the boundary conditions u^{(i)}(a) = A_{i}, for i=0,⋯,n-3, u⁽ⁿ⁻¹⁾(a) = B, u⁽ⁿ⁻¹⁾(b)=C or u^{(i)}(a)=A_{i}, for i=0,⋯,n-3, c₁u⁽ⁿ⁻²⁾(a)-c₂u⁽ⁿ⁻¹⁾(a)=B, c₃u⁽ⁿ⁻²⁾(b)+c₄u⁽ⁿ⁻¹⁾(b)=C, with A_{i},B,C ∈ R, for i=0,⋯,n-3, and c₁, c₂, c₃, c₄ real positive constants. It is assumed that f:[a,b]×Rⁿ⁻¹→R is a continuous function satisfying one-sided Nagumo-type conditions which allows an asymmetric unbounded behaviour on the nonlinearity. The arguments are based on Leray-Schauder topological degree and lower and upper solutions method

    Existence result for a third-order ODE with nonlinear boundary conditions in presence of a sign-type Nagumo control

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    In this work we provide an existence and location result for the third order nonlinear differential equation u′′′(t)=f(t,u(t),u′(t),u′′(t)) where f:[a,b]×R³→R is a continuous function, and two types of boundary conditions u(a)=A, φ(u′(b),u′′(b))=0, u′′(a)=B, or u(a)=A, ψ(u′(a),u′′(a))=0, u′′(b)=C, with φ, ψ:R²→R continuous functions and monotonous in the second variable and A,B,C∈R. We assume that f satisfy a one-sided Nagumo-type condition which allows an asymmetric unbounded behavior on the nonlinearity. The arguments used concern Leray-Schauder degree theory and lower and upper solutions technique

    A third order boundary value problem with one-sided Nagumo condition

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    In this paper we present an existence and location result for the third order separated boundary value problem composed by the differential equation u′′′(t)=f(t,u(t),u′(t),u′′(t)) with the boundary conditons u(a)=A, u′′(a)=0 and u′′(b)=0, where f:[a,b]×R³→R is a continuous funtion and A∈R. One-sided Nagumo condition, lower and upper solutions, a priori estimates and Leray-Schauder degree play an important role in the arguments