120 research outputs found

    Lensing effect on Black Carbon particles by secondary organic aerosols and sulfates in Barcelona

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    Black carbon (BC) or elemental carbon (EC) is considered the second most important climate warming agent after CO2. BC is one of the components of ambient particulate matter (PM). The high absorption efficiency of BC is due to its electronic structure and composition that allows BC particles to absorb electromagnetic radiation over a wide range of wavelengths. The mass absorption crosssection (MAC) represents the efficiency that a BC particle has for absorbing light at a given wavelength and it is related to EC via eq. 1. Photochemical ageing of BC due to mixing with nonabsorbing (or less absorbing) particles, such as sulfate or organic aerosols, can increase the apparent MAC of BC above that of an uncoated BC particle.Peer reviewe

    Changes in air quality during the lockdown in Barcelona (Spain) one month into the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic

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    Lockdown measures came into force in Spain from March 14th, two weeks after the start of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, to reduce the epidemic curve. Our study aims to describe changes in air pollution levels during the lockdown measures in the city of Barcelona (NE Spain), by studying the time evolution of atmospheric pollutants recorded at the urban background and traffic air quality monitoring stations. After two weeks of lockdown, urban air pollution markedly decreased but with substantial differences among pollutants. The most significant reduction was estimated for BC and NO2 (−45 to −51%), pollutants mainly related to traffic emissions. A lower reduction was observed for PM10 (−28 to −31.0%). By contrast, O3 levels increased (+33 to +57% of the 8 h daily maxima), probably due to lower titration of O3 by NO and the decrease of NOx in a VOC-limited environment. Relevant differences in the meteorology of these two periods were also evidenced. The low reduction for PM10 is probably related to a significant regional contribution and the prevailing secondary origin of fine aerosols, but an in-depth evaluation has to be carried out to interpret this lower decrease. There is no defined trend for the low SO2 levels, probably due to the preferential reduction in emissions from the least polluting ships. A reduction of most pollutants to minimal concentrations are expected for the forthcoming weeks because of the more restrictive actions implemented for a total lockdown, which entered into force on March 30th. There are still open questions on why PM10 levels were much less reduced than BC and NO2 and on what is the proportion of the abatement of pollution directly related to the lockdown, without meteorological interferences.The present work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing, Food and Environment, Madrid City Council and Madrid Regional Government, by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and FEDER funds under the project HOUSE (CGL2016-78594-R), and by the Generalitat de Catalunya (AGAUR 2015 SGR33), and by the Spanish Ministry of Sciences, Innovation and Universities (EQC2018-004598-P).Peer reviewe

    Testing the performance of one and two box models as tools for risk assessment of particle exposure during packing of inorganic fertilizer

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    Modelling of particle exposure is a useful tool for preliminary exposure assessment in workplaces. However, actual exposure measurements are needed to assess models reliability. Worker exposure was monitored during packing of a complex inorganic granulate fertilizer at industrial scale using small and big bags. Particle concentrations were modelled with one and two box models, where the emission source was estimated with the fertilizer’s dustiness index. The exposure levels were used to calculate inhaled dose rates and test accuracy of the exposure modellings. The particle number concentrations were measured from worker area by using a mobility and optical particle sizer which were used to calculate surface area and mass30 concentrations. The concentrations in the worker area during pre-activity ranged from 63797 - 81073 cm-3, 4.6x106 to 7.5x106 um2 cm-3, and 354 to 634 μg m-3 31 (respirable mass fraction) and during packing from 50300 to 85949 cm-3, 4.3x106 to 7.6x106 um2 32 cm-3, and 279 to 668 μg m-3 33 (respirable mass fraction). Thus, the packing process did not significantly increase the exposure levels. High particle number concentration was partly due to the use of diesel-powered forklifts. The particle surface area deposition rate in respiratory tract was up to 7.6x106 μm2 min-1 during packing, with 52% - 61% of deposition occurring in the alveolar region. Ratios of the modelled and measured concentrations were 0.98 ± 0.19 and 0.84 ± 0.12 for small and big bags, respectively, when using the one box model, and 0.88 ± 0.25 and 0.82 ± 0.12, for small and big bags, respectively, when using the one box model, and 0.88 ± 0.25 and 0.82 ± 0.12, respectively, when using the two box model. The modelling precision improved for both models when outdoor particle concentrations were included. This study shows that exposure concentrations during packing of fertilizers can be predicted with a reasonable accuracy by using a concept of dustiness and mass balance models

    Air quality comparison between two European ceramic tile clusters

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    The European ceramic tile industry is mostly concentrated in two clusters, one in Castelló (Spain) and another one in Modena (Italy). Industrial clusters may have problems to accomplish the EU air quality regulations because of the concentration of some specific pollutants and, hence, the feasibility of the industrial clusters can be jeopardised. The present work assesses the air quality in these ceramic clusters in 2008, when the new EU emission regulations where put into force. PM10 samples were collected at two sampling sites in the Modena ceramic cluster and one sampling site in the Castelló ceramic cluster. PM10 annual average concentrations were 12–14 μg m−3 higher in Modena than in Castelló, and were close to or exceeded the European limit. Air quality in Modena was mainly influenced by road traffic and, in a lower degree, the metalmechanical industry, as evidenced by the high concentrations of Mn, Cu, Zn, Sn and Sb registered. The stagnant weather conditions from Modena hindering dispersion of pollutants also contributed to the relatively high pollution levels. In Castelló, the influence of the ceramic industry is evidenced by the high concentrations of Ti, Se, Tl and Pb, whereas this influence is not seen in Modena. The difference in the impact of the ceramic industry on the air quality in the two areas was attributed to: better abatement systems in the spray-drier facilities in Modena, higher coverage of the areas for storage and handling of dusty raw materials in Modena, presence of two open air quarries in the Castelló region, low degree of abatement systems in the ceramic tile kilns in Castelló, and abundance of ceramic frit, glaze and pigment manufacture in Castelló as opposed to scarce manufacture of these products in Modena. The necessity of additional measures to fulfil the EU air quality requirements in the Modena region is evidenced, despite the high degree of environmental measures implemented in the ceramic industry. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) identified four factors in Modena, attributed to: road traffic + metalmechanical industry, mineral, ceramic, and background; and three factors in Castelló, attributed to: mineral, ceramic (with influence of road traffic) and regional background. The additional measures to improve the air quality should be focused mainly on road traffic in Modena, and on the ceramic industry in Castelló

    Characterisation of Airborne Particulate Matter in Different European Subway Systems

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    Air quality sampling campaigns in three European subway systems (Barcelona, Athens and Oporto) were conducted in order to characterise particulate matter (PM) to better understand the main factors controlling it. PM mass concentrations varied among the European subway platforms, and also within the same underground system, this being mainly associated to differences in the design of the stations and tunnels, system age, train frequency, ventilation and air‐conditioning systems, commuter\u27s density, rails geometry and outdoor air quality. PM concentrations displayed clear diurnal patterns, depending largely on the operation and frequency of the trains and the ventilation system. Chemically, subway PM2.5 on the platforms consisted of iron, carbonaceous material, crustal matter, secondary inorganic compounds, insoluble sulphate, halite and trace elements. Fe was the most abundant element, accounting for 19–46% of the bulk PM2.5, which is generated mainly from mechanical wear at rail‐wheel‐brake interfaces. A source apportionment analysis allowed the identification of outdoor (sea salt, fuel‐oil combustion and secondary aerosol) and subway sources on platforms. The use of air‐conditioning inside the trains was an effective approach to reduce exposure concentrations, being more efficient removing coarser particles. PM concentrations inside the trains were greatly affected by the surrounding (i.e. platforms and tunnels) air quality conditions

    Health risk assessment from exposure to particles during packing in working environments

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    Packing of raw materials in work environments is a known source of potential health impacts (respiratory, cardiovascular) due to exposure to airborne particles. This activity was selected to test different exposure and risk assessment tools, aiming to understand the effectiveness of source enclosure as a strategy to mitigate particle release. Worker exposure to particle mass and number concentrations was monitored during packing of 7 ceramic materials in 3 packing lines in different settings, with low (L), medium (M) and high (H) degrees of source enclosure. Results showed that packing lines L and M significantly increased exposure concentrations (119-609 μg m-3 respirable, 1150-4705 μg m-3 inhalable, 24755-51645 cm-3 particle number), while nonsignificant increases were detected in line H. These results evidence the effectiveness of source enclosure as a mitigation strategy, in the case of packing of ceramic materials. Total deposited particle surface area during packing ranged between 5.4-11.8x105 μm2 min-1, with particles depositing mainly in the alveoli (51-64%) followed by head airways (27-41%) and trachea bronchi (7-10%). The comparison between the results from different risk assessment tools (Stoffenmanager, ART, NanoSafer) and the actual measured exposure concentrations evidenced that all of the tools overestimated exposure concentrations, by factors of 1.5-8. Further research is necessary to bridge the current gap between measured and modelled health risk assessments

    Compositional changes of PM2.5 in NE Spain during 2009–2018: a trend analysis of the chemical composition and source apportionment

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    In this work, time-series analyses of the chemical composition and source contributions of PM2.5 from an urban background station in Barcelona (BCN) and a rural background station in Montseny (MSY) in northeastern Spain from 2009 to 2018 were investigated and compared. A multisite positive matrix factorization analysis was used to compare the source contributions between the two stations, while the trends for both the chemical species and source contributions were studied using the Theil–Sen trend estimator. Between 2009 and 2018, both stations showed a statistically significant decrease in PM2.5 concentrations, which was driven by the downward trends of levels of chemical species and anthropogenic source contributions, mainly from heavy oil combustion, mixed combustion, industry, and secondary sulfate. These source contributions showed a continuous decrease over the study period, signifying the continuing success of mitigation strategies, although the trends of heavy oil combustion and secondary sulfate have flattened since 2016. Secondary nitrate also followed a significant decreasing trend in BCN, while secondary organic aerosols (SOA) very slightly decreased in MSY. The observed decreasing trends, in combination with the absence of a trend for the organic aerosols (OA) at both stations, resulted in an increase in the relative proportion of OA in PM2.5 by 12% in BCN and 9% in MSY, mostly from SOA, which increased by 7% in BCN and 4% in MSY. Thus, at the end of the study period, OA accounted for 40% and 50% of the annual mean PM2.5 at BCN and MSY, respectively. This might have relevant implications for air quality policies aiming at abating PM2.5 in the study region and for possible changes in toxicity of PM2.5 due to marked changes in composition and source apportionment

    Thermal-optical analysis for the measurement of elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) in ambient air a literature review

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    Thermal-optical analysis is currently under consideration by the European standardization body (CEN) as the reference method to quantitatively determine organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) in ambient air. This paper presents an overview of the critical parameters related to the thermal-optical analysis including thermal protocols, critical factors and interferences of the methods examined, method inter-comparisons, inter-laboratory exercises, biases and artifacts, and reference materials. The most commonly used thermal protocols include NIOSH-like, IMPROVE_A and EUSAAR_2 protocols either with light transmittance or reflectance correction for charring. All thermal evolution protocols are comparable for total carbon (TC) concentrations but the results vary significantly concerning OC and especially EC concentrations. Thermal protocols with a rather low peak temperature in the inert mode like IMPROVE_A and EUSAAR_2 tend to classify more carbon as EC compared to NIOSH-like protocols, while charring correction based on transmittance usually leads to smaller EC values compared to reflectance. The difference between reflectance and transmittance correction tends to be larger than the difference between different thermal protocols. Nevertheless, thermal protocols seem to correlate better when reflectance is used as charring correction method. The difference between EC values as determined by the different protocols is not only dependent on the optical pyrolysis correction method, but also on the chemical properties of the samples due to different contributions from various sources. The overall conclusion from this literature review is that it is not possible to identify the "best" thermal-optical protocol based on literature data only, although differences attributed to the methods have been quantified when possible.This work was undertaken under Mandate M/503 “Standardisation mandate to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI in support of the implementation of the Ambient Air Quality Legislation”, ENX “Ambient air – Measurement of airborne lemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) in PM 2.5 deposited on filters”.EUR 1,920 APC fee funded by the EC FP7 Post-Grant Open Access PilotPeer reviewe

    Quantitative sampling and analysis of trace elements in atmospheric aerosols: impactor characterization and Synchrotron-XRF mass calibration.

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    he presented work is partly funded by theSwiss Federal Roads Office (ASTRA), the Swiss Federal Office forthe Environment (BAFU) and a post-doc contract sponsored by theSpanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN). Parts ofthe work were performed at the Swiss Light Source, Paul ScherrerInstitut, Villigen, Switzerland.We thank Andreas Jaggi fortechnical support at the beamline X05DA. Portions of this researchwere carried out at the light source facility DORIS III at HASY-LAB/DESY. DESY is a member of the Helmholtz Association(HGF)

    Source apportionment of size and time resolved trace elements and organic aerosols from an urban courtyard site in Switzerland

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    Time and size resolved data of trace elements were obtained from measurements with a rotating drum impactor (RDI) and subsequent X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Trace elements can act as indicators for the identification of sources of particulate matter <10 μm (PM10) in ambient air. Receptor modeling was performed with positive matrix factorization (PMF) for trace element data from an urban background site in Zürich, Switzerland. Eight different sources were identified for the three examined size ranges (PM1-0.1, PM2.5-1 and PM 10-2.5): secondary sulfate, wood combustion, fire works, road traffic, mineral dust, de-icing salt, industrial and local anthropogenic activities. The major component was secondary sulfate for the smallest size range; the road traffic factor was found in all three size ranges. This trace element analysis is complemented with data from an Aerodyne high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS), assessing the PM1 fraction of organic aerosols. A separate PMF analysis revealed three factors related to three of the sources found with the RDI: oxygenated organic aerosol (OOA, related to inorganic secondary sulfate), hydrocarbon-like organic aerosol (HOA, related to road traffic) and biomass burning organic aerosol (BBOA), explaining 60 %, 22 % and 17 % of total measured organics, respectively. Since different compounds are used for the source classification, a higher percentage of the ambient PM10 mass concentration can be apportioned to sources by the combination of both methods. © 2011 Author(s)