43,485 research outputs found

    W. E. Griffis on Wang Yang Ming.

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    Sprawozdanie z 28 Międzynarodowego Kongresu Psychologicznego w Beijing (Chiny)

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    28 Międzynarodowy Kongres Psychologii odbył się w Pekinie, w Chinach w dniach 8–13 sierpnia 2004 r. Kongres ten odbywał się pod auspicjami Międzynarodowej Unii Nauk Psychologicznych. Siedzibą było nowoczesne Centrum Kongresowe mieszczące się w azjatyckiej wiosce olimpijskiej, niedaleko Starego Miasta. Kongres zgromadził blisko 5000 reprezentantów. Odbyło się 227 zaproszonych sympozjów, ponad 300 sesji tematycznych i blisko 2600 aktywnych sesji posterowych. Polskę reprezentowało ponad 30 uczestników, w tym dwoje z Instytutu Psychologii Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego

    Fifth Annual Chief Justice Ronald M. George Distinguished Lecture: Veterans in the Judiciary

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    Program Handbook for: October 17, 2013Fifth Annual Chief Justice Ronald M. George Distinguished Lecture: Veterans in the Judiciary Featuring: Associate Justice Ming. W. Chin, Supreme Court of California AND October 18, 2013: First Annual Veterans Law ConferencePresented by the Law Students Veterans Coalition of Northern Californi


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    Embodying an optimistic diplomatic mind in early Joseon Dynasty, haidongzhuguoji written by Shin Suk-ju became a main evidence of Chinese official Ding Yingtai impeaching Joseon in the Jeongyu War occurring in 1597 because of Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s second invasion. Ding Yingtai’s impeachment involved Joseon’s king, Chinese generals in Joseon and officials in Beijing in a political maelstrom, which aroused strong reactions of Joseon king and ministers. In this situation, Joseon’s diplomatic corps were dispatched to Beijing in order to justify and defend. They made preparations and took action zealously, winning the final victory and achieving the goal consequently. However, this book-diplomacy surpassed the problem of justifying a book, thus there were some complicated and subtle meanings in the process. Firstly, This book-diplomacy provided a touchstone of Sino-Korean relationship in Ming Dynasty, explaining the political essence of the relationship. Secondly, This diplomacy resulted from Ming Dynasty’s political fights and calmed down also because of Ming Dynasty’s political fights, intensively showing both Sino-Korean interdependent political fights and each liege fights. Thirdly, The book-diplomacy became an important turning point of the transformation of Joseon’s foreign concept, and Joseon’s “Smaller China” mind began to emphasize excluding barbarians, which made an idealistic preparation for the rising “Smaller China” mind in Qing Dynasty.신숙주의 『해동제국기』는 조선 전기의 낙관적 대외관념을 잘 드러낸다. 그러나 도요토미 히데요시가 재차 조선을 침략한 정유재란 시기에 이 책은 명나라 관원 정응태가 조선을 책망하게 되는 주요한 근거가 되며, 이로 인해 조선의 왕과 신하, 정벌군 장군, 북경 관원 모두가 정치적 소용돌이 속으로 휘말려 들어가게 된다. 정응태의 책망은 조선 왕과 신하들의 격렬한 반응을 야기시켰고, 이런 상황 가운데 조선은 변론과 해명을 위해 북경에 사신을 파견하였다. 조선 사신은 북경에서 적극적으로 계획하고 행동하여 결국 외교적 승리를 얻어냈다. 그러나 금번의 서적 외교는 이미 서적에 대해 해명하는 문제를 넘어서고 있었으며, 복잡하면서도 미묘한 의미를 내포하는 것이었다. 첫째, 금번 서적 외교는 중국과 한국이 종주국과 속국의 관계라는 것을 검증하는 데에 있어서 시금석이 되는 것으로, 양국관계에서 정치관계의 본성을 보여주었다. 둘째, 금번 서적 외교는 명조와 조선의 당쟁에서 비롯되었고 마지막에도 명조와 조선의 당쟁으로 말미암아 해결되었는데, 이때 양국 상호간에 얽혀있는 당쟁 및 군신 간의 투쟁이 드러났다. 셋째, 금번 서적 외교는 조선의 대외 관념에 있어서 중요한 전환점이 되었는데, 조선의 ‘소중화’ 의식에서 ‘양이’관념이 강조되기 시작하였고, 이는 청대에 고조하게 되는 조선의 ‘소중화’ 의식의 사상적 준비기가 되었다고 볼 수 있다.Artykuł dotyczy sytuacji politycznej w Korei Jeongyu podczas wojny, która wybuchła w 1597. Korpus dyplomatyczny Korei został wysłany do Pekinu w celu negocjacji i ochrony kraju. Dyplomaci przygotowywali się do rozmów gorliwie, osiągając ostateczne zwycięstwo i zamierzony cel. Książka o dyplomacji haidongzhuguoji zawiera pewne skomplikowane i subtelne znaczenie. Po pierwsze, ta książka dyplomatyczna stanowiła fundament stosunków chińsko-koreańskich za czasów dynastii Ming, wyjaśniając polityczną istotę związków pomiędzy krajami. Po drugie, stosunki dyplomatyczne wynikały z walk politycznych za czasów dynastii Ming, wyraźnie pokazując chińsko-koreańskie współzawodnictwo polityczne. Po trzecie, książka stała się ważnym punktem zwrotnym transformacji koncepcji polityki zagranicznej Korei

    Highlights from RHIC Spin Physics Program

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    The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory delivers the world's highest energy polarized proton-proton collisions at a center of mass energy up to 500 GeV and provides a unique opportunity to study the quark and gluon spin structure of the proton and QCD dynamics at high energy scale. RHIC has produced many exiting physics results in recent years. The latest data from RHIC significantly constrain the gluon spin contribution to the proton spin, and the parity violating single spin asymmetry are observed for the first time in W production by both the PHENIX and STAR collaborations. In this report, I present the latest results from the PHENIX and STAR experiments, followed by a brief discussion of the future prospects of transverse physics, particularly on the importance of the unique measurements of Drell-Yan single spin asymmetry.Comment: 4 pages, MENU2010 proceeding

    Are Part-Time and Absent Small Farmers Rational? - Questioning Nobel Economics Laureate Theodore W. Schultz

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    Paper presented at the International Farming Systems Association IFSA European Group 5th IFSA European Symposium on Farming and Rural Systems Research and Extension Local Identities and Globalization Florence, Italy 8-11 April 2002Farm Management,

    Book Reviews

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    Obra ressenyada: John W. DARDESS, More Than the Great Wall : The Northern Frontier and Ming National Security, 1368-1644. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020.At over 550 pages, John Dardess' impressive swansong provides a lengthy and detailed overview of that perennial headache of Ming national security: the long, ever-unruly and perilous northern frontier. Mere stability was usually most the imperial leadership could hope for. Despite some offensive campaigns during the early empire, for most of the period under review in this book no attempt was made to expand political control into the steppe and frontier security was usually characterized by a reactive and defensive mindset. Applied policies were legion, but purely military measures occupied the prime position, making this overview a great contribution to military history

    Blue-and-White Wonder: Ming Dynasty Porcelain Plate

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    This authentic Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) plate is a prime example of early export porcelain, a luminous substance that enthralled European collectors. The generous gift of Joyce P. Bishop in honor of her daughter, Kimberly Bishop Connors, Ming Dynasty Blue-and-White Plate is on loan from the Reeves Collection at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. The plate itself is approximately 7.75 inches (20 cm) in diameter, and appears much deeper from the bottom than it does from the top. Gradually sloping forms are what make the dish so deceptively shallow. In fact, from the reverse, it appears closer in shape to a soup-plate. The lip of the bowl is shaped in a barbed pattern, with gentle waves and peaks creating a textured edge. The whole of the plate is evenly shaped, indicating it was shaped on a potter’s wheel and not by hand. [excerpt

    Civil Society in Early Ming China

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    This is the published version, the original can be found here, http://www.umontreal.ca/english