477 research outputs found

    Bifurcation analysis of a normal form for excitable media: Are stable dynamical alternans on a ring possible?

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    We present a bifurcation analysis of a normal form for travelling waves in one-dimensional excitable media. The normal form which has been recently proposed on phenomenological grounds is given in form of a differential delay equation. The normal form exhibits a symmetry preserving Hopf bifurcation which may coalesce with a saddle-node in a Bogdanov-Takens point, and a symmetry breaking spatially inhomogeneous pitchfork bifurcation. We study here the Hopf bifurcation for the propagation of a single pulse in a ring by means of a center manifold reduction, and for a wave train by means of a multiscale analysis leading to a real Ginzburg-Landau equation as the corresponding amplitude equation. Both, the center manifold reduction and the multiscale analysis show that the Hopf bifurcation is always subcritical independent of the parameters. This may have links to cardiac alternans which have so far been believed to be stable oscillations emanating from a supercritical bifurcation. We discuss the implications for cardiac alternans and revisit the instability in some excitable media where the oscillations had been believed to be stable. In particular, we show that our condition for the onset of the Hopf bifurcation coincides with the well known restitution condition for cardiac alternans.Comment: to be published in Chao

    Cultures of caste and rural development in the social network of a south Indian village

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    Cultures of caste in much of rural India have become entangled with institutions of rural development. In community-driven development, emphasis on “local resource persons” and “community spokespersons” has created new opportunities for brokerage and patronage within some villages, which interact with existing forms of authority and community afforded by caste identity and intra-caste headmanship. In this article, we study how these entangled cultures of caste and development translate into social network structures using data on friendship ties from a south Indian village. We find that although caste continues to be important in shaping community structures and leadership in the village’s network, its influence varies across different communities. This fluidity of caste’s influence on community network structures is argued to be the result of multiple distinct yet partially overlapping cultural-political forces, which include sharedness afforded by caste identity and new forms of difference and inequality effected through rural development

    Instability and Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Alternans in Paced Cardiac Tissue

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    We derive an equation that governs the spatiotemporal dynamics of small amplitude alternans in paced cardiac tissue. We show that a pattern-forming linear instability leads to the spontaneous formation of stationary or traveling waves whose nodes divide the tissue into regions with opposite phase of oscillation of action potential duration. This instability is important because it creates dynamically an heterogeneous electrical substrate for inducing fibrillation if the tissue size exceeds a fraction of the pattern wavelength. We compute this wavelength analytically as a function of three basic length scales characterizing dispersion and inter-cellular electrical coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR

    Rubber Impact on 3D Textile Composites

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    A low velocity impact study of aircraft tire rubber on 3D textile-reinforced composite plates was performed experimentally and numerically. In contrast to regular unidirectional composite laminates, no delaminations occur in such a 3D textile composite. Yarn decohesions, matrix cracks and yarn ruptures have been identified as the major damage mechanisms under impact load. An increase in the number of 3D warp yarns is proposed to improve the impact damage resistance. The characteristic of a rubber impact is the high amount of elastic energy stored in the impactor during impact, which was more than 90% of the initial kinetic energy. This large geometrical deformation of the rubber during impact leads to a less localised loading of the target structure and poses great challenges for the numerical modelling. A hyperelastic Mooney-Rivlin constitutive law was used in Abaqus/Explicit based on a step-by-step validation with static rubber compression tests and low velocity impact tests on aluminium plates. Simulation models of the textile weave were developed on the meso- and macro-scale. The final correlation between impact simulation results on 3D textile-reinforced composite plates and impact test data was promising, highlighting the potential of such numerical simulation tools

    Being Tamil, being Hindu:Tamil migrants’ negotiations of the absence of Tamil Hindu spaces in the West Midlands and South West of England

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    This paper considers the religious practices of Tamil Hindus who have settled in the West Midlands and South West of England in order to explore how devotees of a specific ethno-regional Hindu tradition with a well-established UK infrastructure in the site of its adherents’ population density adapt their religious practices in settlement areas which lack this infrastructure. Unlike the majority of the UK Tamil population who live in the London area, the participants in this study did not have ready access to an ethno-religious infrastructure of Tamil-orientated temples and public rituals. The paper examines two means by which this absence was addressed as well as the intersections and negotiations of religion and ethnicity these entailed: firstly, Tamil Hindus’ attendance of temples in their local area which are orientated towards a broadly imagined Hindu constituency or which cater to a non-Tamil ethno-linguistic or sectarian community; and, secondly, through the ‘DIY’ performance of ethnicised Hindu ritual in non-institutional settings
