3,993 research outputs found

    Guidelines for developing vectorizable computer programs

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    Some fundamental principles for developing computer programs which are compatible with array-oriented computers are presented. The emphasis is on basic techniques for structuring computer codes which are applicable in FORTRAN and do not require a special programming language or exact a significant penalty on a scalar computer. Researchers who are using numerical techniques to solve problems in engineering can apply these basic principles and thus develop transportable computer programs (in FORTRAN) which contain much vectorizable code. The vector architecture of the ASC is discussed so that the requirements of array processing can be better appreciated. The "vectorization" of a finite-difference viscous shock-layer code is used as an example to illustrate the benefits and some of the difficulties involved. Increases in computing speed with vectorization are illustrated with results from the viscous shock-layer code and from a finite-element shock tube code. The applicability of these principles was substantiated through running programs on other computers with array-associated computing characteristics, such as the Hewlett-Packard (H-P) 1000-F

    Addition of silicon improves oxidation resistance of nickel based superalloys

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    Specific weight changes of nickel-base superalloy B-1900 and B-1900 + 1% Si specimens were tested at 1273 K. B-1900 was losing weight at an increasing rate due to spalling of oxide scale while B-1900 + 1% Si was still gaining weight at low, nearly constant rate. Similar comparison in weight change was observed for specimens tested at 1373 K

    Computer user's guide for a chemically reacting viscous shock-layer program

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    A description is given of the computer code for predicting viscous shock-layer flows over nonanalytic blunt bodies (Program VISLNABB) for hypersonic, low Reynolds number flows. Four specific and one general body geometries are considered. In addition to sphere-cones, cylinder wedges and geometries defined in tabular form, options for hyperboloids and paraboloids are included. Details of the theory and results are included in a separate engineering report. The program, subroutines, variables in common, and input and output data are described. Listings of the program code, output data for a sample case, and the input data for this sample case are included

    Hypersonic ionizing air viscous shock-layer flows over nonanalytic blunt bodies

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    The equations which govern the viscous shock-layer flow are presented and the method by which the equations are solved is discussed. The predictions of the present finite-difference method are compared with other numerical predictions as well as with experimental data. The principal emphasis is placed on predictions of the viscous flowfield for the windward plane of symmetry of the space shuttle orbiter and other axisymmetric bodies which approximate the shuttle orbiter geometry. Experimental data on two slender sphere-cones at hypersonic conditions are also considered. The present predictions agreed well with experimental data and with the past predictions. Substantial differences were found between present predictions and more approximate methods

    A finite difference method for predicting supersonic turbulent boundary layer flows with tangential slot injection

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    An implicit finite difference method has been applied to tangential slot injection into supersonic turbulent boundary layer flows. In addition, the effects induced by the interaction between the boundary layer displacement thickness and the external pressure field are considered. In the present method, three different eddy viscosity models have been used to specify the turbulent momentum exchange. One model depends on the species concentration profile and the species conservation equation has been included in the system of governing partial differential equations. Results are compared with experimental data at stream Mach numbers of 2.4 and 6.0 and with results of another finite difference method. Good agreement was generally obtained for the reduction of wall skin friction with slot injection and with experimental Mach number and pitot pressure profiles. Calculations with the effects of pressure interaction included showed these effects to be smaller than effects of changing eddy viscosity models

    Effects of silicon additions on oxidation and mechanical behavior of the nickel-base superalloy B-1900

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    Test specimens with nominal additions of Si were tested in oxidation, thermal fatigue, sulfidation, tension, and stress rupture, and were also extensively studied metallographically. Alloy B-1900 modified with 0.6- or 1.2-wt% Si exhibited oxidation resistance equivalent to that of aluminide-coated B-1900 during cyclic, high-gas-velocity oxidation tests. Resistances to thermal fatigue and sulfidation were improved by the Si additions, but were not superior to aluminide-coated B-1900. Stress-rupture tests at 1000 C of specimens given the standard heat treatment to simulate an aluminide coating cycle showed Si to be detrimental. However, application of another heat treatment increased the rupture life of the alloy with 0.6-wt% Si to that of the unmodified B-1900 given the standard heat treatment

    Isolated sequences from the linked Myf-5 and MRF4 genes drive distinct patterns of muscle-specific expression in transgenic mice

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    In developing mouse embryos, MyoD family regulatory genes are expressed specifically in muscle precursors and mature myofibers. This pattern, taken together with the well-established ability of MyoD family members to convert a variety of cell types to skeletal muscle, suggests a significant role for these genes in regulating skeletal myogenesis. The possibility that expression of these genes may be causally associated with segregation of the myogenic lineage from other mesodermal derivatives, or with the subsequent maintenance of muscle phenotypes at later times, raises the issue of how MyoD family genes are themselves regulated during development. In this work, we have initiated studies to identify DNA sequences that govern Myf-5 and MRF4 (herculin, myf-6) transcription. Myf-5 is the first of the MyoD family to be expressed in the developing mouse embryo, while MRF4 is the most abundantly expressed myogenic factor in postnatal animals. In spite of their strikingly divergent patterns of expression, Myf-5 and MRF4 are tightly linked in the mouse genome; their translational start codons are only 8.5 kilobases apart. Here, the 5' flanking regions of the mouse Myf-5 and MRF4 genes were separately linked to a bacterial β-galactosidase (lacZ) gene, and these constructs were each used to produce several lines of transgenic mice. Transgene expression was monitored by X-gal staining of whole embryos and by in situ hybridization of embryo sections. For the Myf-5/lacZ lines, the most intense transgene expression was in the visceral arches and their craniofacial muscle derivatives, beginning at day 8.75 post coitum (p.c.). This correlates with endogenous Myf-5 expression in visceral arches. However, while Myf-5 is also expressed in somites starting at day 8 p.c., transgene expression in the trunk is not observed until day 12 p.c. Thus, the Myf-5/lacZ construct responds to early Myf-5 activators in the visceral arches but not in the somites, suggesting that myogenic determination in the nonsomitic head mesoderm may be under separate control from that of the somitic trunk mesoderm. MRF4/lacZ lines displayed an entirely different pattern from Myf-5. Transgene expression appeared in muscles starting at day 16.5 p.c. and became increasingly prominent at later times. However, an early wave of myotomal expression that is characteristic of the endogenous MRF4 was not recapitulated by the transgene

    Investigation of the Temporal Characteristics of Absolute Pitch and Relative Pitch Using EEG

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    Itoh, Suwazono, Arao, Miyazaki, and Nakada, (2005) compared relative pitch (RP), with absolute pitch (AP) and found a left posterior-temporal negative Event Related Potential (ERP) at 150ms for pitch listening and pitch naming in AP. The present study tested if AP is due to pitch expertise that is not present in RP by comparing pitch naming with instrument naming. Recordings were performed during instrument naming, instrument listening, pitch naming, and pitch listening tasks. At a negatively deflected ERP (156-228ms) a three-way interaction was found, such that voltage differed between instrument listening and instrument naming tasks, but not between pitch listening and pitch naming. At two positively deflected ERPs (240-340 and 380-440ms), interactions were found, such that voltage differed between pitches and instruments. These data indicated expertise for instrument naming, but not pitch naming in this musically untrained group, which provides hypotheses for future studies with AP and RP

    A Photographic Ontology: Being Haunted Within The Blue Hour And Expanding Field

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    What are the current boundaries of the photographic and how can an ontology of photography take form as a material and conceptual program of research? Responding to the difficulty inherent in any definitive attempt to grasp photography, this dissertation places emphasis on the less determined act of evoking as a model of dialogue, and engagement, with the photographic. This dissertation is composed of two parts that engage both the question “What is photography?” and the ontological anxiety that shadows it. These lines of questioning are pursued in two ways: directly through considering the qualities of the photographic as elucidated by the subjects of the blue hour and the expanding field, and indirectly through the author’s own artistic practice. Part One of this dissertation is a written thesis; Part Two presents a selection of work from the author’s material practice developed during his doctoral program: two solo exhibitions, two group exhibitions, an artist publication, and an artist project. Since photography, as the imagistic and material, produces meaning through conjunction and paradox, the author identifies it as a compelling field in which to situate his own artistic practice