112 research outputs found

    Sinteza upravljanja i optimizacija frekvencije sklapanja DC/DC frekvencijskog pretvarača za superkondenzator

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    The article discusses design of mathematical model buck and boost converter and the analysis of the optimal frequency choice of the PWM signal for IGBT. The converter is dedicated for charging and discharging of hybrid car drive super-capacitor energy storage. The main role of the converter is to optimize energy content in super-capacitor storage used to acceleration and deceleration during driving period. Mathematical model of the system in MATLAB/Simulink and converter prototype with Freescale Digital Signal Processor 56F8257 were designed. Comparing of simulation results and results measured on the prototype are discussed on the end of the article.U radu se prikazuje izvod matematičkog modela silaznog i uzlaznog pretvarača te analiza odabira optimalne frekvencije PWM signala za IGBT. Razmatrani pretvarač namijenjen je za punjenje i pražnjenje superkondenzatora kao skladišta energije u elektromotornom pogonu hibridnog automobila. Glavna je uloga pretvarača optimizacija energije superkondenzatora za ubrzavanje i usporavanje tijekom trajanja vožnje automobila. Matematički model realiziran je u MATLAB/Simulink okruženju, a prototip pretvarača korištenjem Freescale Digital Signal Processora 56F8257. Na kraju rada dana je usporedba simulacijskih rezultata i mjerenja provedenih na prototipu

    Frequency Characteristics of LV Electric Apparatus From the Point of PLC

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    Data transmittion via electric power networkis a new trend at computer communication (PLC- PowerLine Communication). Main advantage – very spread andrealy existing potential transmitting network is rathercomplicated due to strong interferences and network highlyvariable impedance conditions. Therefore different lowvoltage nerwork configuratins and its frequenycytransmitting characterics are studied

    Increasing the Capacity of the Manufacturing Process

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na optimalizaci a modernizaci výrobní linky na svařování lékařských roušek ve firmě Hartmann – Rico a.s. Linka nedosahuje potřebné výrobní kapacity z důvodu nedokonalého vybalancování pracovních operací, špatného layoutu a nedostatečné standardizace pracovního postupu. Práce obsahuje teoretické pojmy z oblasti optimalizace výrobního procesu, analýzu současného stavu a návrh řešení.This bachelor thesis is focused on optimization and renovation of the production line for welding medical drapes in company Hartmann - Rico Inc. The line does not reach the required production capacity because of imperfect balancing of operation with an inappropriate layout and lack standardization of workflow. Thesis includes theoretical concepts from the field of process optimization, analysis of the current situation and draft solutions.

    Konstrukce regulátoru teploty v nádobě fermentoru

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    Modelling of Electric Vehicle Dynamics using dSpace DS1103

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    This article deals with a dynamic model of theelectric vehicle. The model is created in theMATLAB/Simulink and respects electric drive efficiency,traction battery charging/discharging efficiency and limitedbattery capacity. The model is prepared for uploading intothe dSpace DS1103 development hardware and it creates atthe same time the real-time system for modelling the electricvehicle dynamics. This system will allow connection with the80 kW dynamometer for the real energy flow in the electricvehicle. This system will be a part o

    Proposal of Business Activities Development for Company ADALO, s r. o.

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    Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na vymezení nového obchodního modelu vybraného podniku působícího v oblasti vývoje informačních systémů a webových aplikací. Na základě teoretických poznatků je v práci zpracována analýza strategické pozice podniku a následně návrh nového obchodního modelu. Na závěr práce obsahuje ekonomické zhodnocení stanovených variant vývoje a hodnocení rizik.The master thesis focuses on defining a new business model of a selected company operating in the field of information systems development and web applications. Based on theoretical knowledge, the thesis analyzes the strategic position of the company and then proposes a new business model. The final part contains an evaluation of the defined variants of development and risk assessment.