439 research outputs found

    When resources collide: Towards a theory of coincidence in information spaces

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    This paper is an attempt to lay out foundations for a general theory of coincidence in information spaces such as the World Wide Web, expanding on existing work on bursty structures in document streams and information cascades. We elaborate on the hypothesis that every resource that is published in an information space, enters a temporary interaction with another resource once a unique explicit or implicit reference between the two is found. This thought is motivated by Erwin Shroedingers notion of entanglement between quantum systems. We present a generic information cascade model that exploits only the temporal order of information sharing activities, combined with inherent properties of the shared information resources. The approach was applied to data from the world's largest online citizen science platform Zooniverse and we report about findings of this case study

    Biochemical and molecular diagnosis of erythropoietic protoporphyria in an Ashkenazi Jewish family

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    Summary: Erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) is a rare hereditary disorder due to a partial deficiency of ferrochelatase (FECH). The genotype of EPP patients features a mutation on one allele of the FECH gene and a common hypomorphic FECH IVS3-48c on the other allele (M/c). The resulting enzyme activity in patients is ∼35% of that in normal individuals. Ferrochelatase deficiency results in the accumulation of protoporphyrin in the skin, which is responsible for the clinical symptom of cutaneous photosensitivity in patients. In this study, we report the identification of a novel FECH mutation delT23 in an 11-member EPP family of Jewish origin. Two EPP siblings shared an identical genotype of delT23/IVS3-48c (M/c). They were both photosensitive and showed highly increased erythrocyte protoporphyrin. The genotype of the patients' mother, who did not present with any EPP clinical symptoms, was delT23/IVS3-48t (M/t). The patients' father, an offspring of consanguineous parents, was homozygous IVS3-48 c/c. He exhibited a mild photosensitivity, and an increase of 4-fold in erythrocyte protoporphyrin. His FECH mRNA amount was 71% of that of genotype t/t. It is the first reported case of an individual with c/c genotype who exhibits both biochemical and clinical indications of EPP. These results suggest that IVS3-48c is a functional variant of ferrochelatase. The clinical symptoms and biochemical abnormalities in the patients' father could be the result of an interaction between genetic and environmental factors. In addition, the frequency of IVS3-48c in the Ashkenazi Jewish population was estimated at 8%, which is similar to that in the European population

    Crystal structure of the human ATP-dependent splicing and export factor UAP56

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    Pre-mRNA splicing requires the function of a number of RNA-dependent ATPases/helicases, yet no three-dimensional structure of any spliceosomal ATPases/helicases is known. The highly conserved DECD-box protein UAP56/Sub2 is an essential splicing factor that is also important for mRNA export. The expected ATPase/helicase activity appears to be essential for the UAP56/Sub2 functions. Here, we show that purified human UAP56 is an active RNA-dependent ATPase, and we also report the crystal structures of UAP56 alone and in complex with ADP, as well as a DECD to DEAD mutant. The structures reveal a unique spatial arrangement of the two conserved helicase domains, and ADP-binding induces significant conformational changes of key residues in the ATP-binding pocket. Our structural analyses suggest a specific protein-RNA displacement model of UAP56/Sub2. The detailed structural information provides important mechanistic insights into the splicing function of UAP56/Sub2. The structures also will be useful for the analysis of other spliceosomal DExD-box ATPases/helicases


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    This paper discusses the applicability of a knowledge based system to resource management in the context of information centers. The Information Center Expert (ICE) system has been developed in the MIS Department of the University of Arizona to support the consultation process of information center personnel. The system determines the (software) resource requirements of the end-users and makes appropriate recommendations. ICE further aids the management of the IC software resources by keeping track of user consultations and the recommendations made. Issues of knowledge requirements, acquisition, representation and implementation of ICE are discussed. ICE is currently being tested at IBM/Endicott (New York), IBM/Tucson (Arizona) and the Center for the Management of Information at the University of Arizona. Preliminary feedback from users has confirmed the applicability of the knowledge based approach to resource management. The implications of this approach for future research are discussed

    Synthesizing a σ^z\hat{\sigma}_z spin-dependent force for optical, metastable, and ground state trapped-ion qubits

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    A single bichromatic field near-resonant to a qubit transition is typically used for σ^x\hat{\sigma}_x or σ^y\hat{\sigma}_y M{\o}lmer-S{\o}rensen type interactions in trapped ion systems. Using this field configuration, we present a novel scheme to synthesize a σ^z\hat{\sigma}_z spin-dependent force instead; this basis change merely requires adjusting the beat-note frequency of the bichromatic field. We implement this scheme with a laser near-resonant to a quadrupole transition in 88^{88}Sr+^+. We characterise its robustness to optical phase and qubit frequency offsets and demonstrate its versatility by entangling optical, metastable, and ground state qubits.Comment: O. B\u{a}z\u{a}van and S. Saner contributed equally to this wor

    Breaking the entangling gate speed limit for trapped-ion qubits using a phase-stable standing wave

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    All laser-driven entangling operations for trapped-ion qubits have hitherto been performed without control of the optical phase of the light field, which precludes independent tuning of the carrier and motional coupling. By placing 88^{88}Sr+^+ ions in a λ=674\lambda=674 nm standing wave, whose relative position is controlled to λ/100\approx\lambda/100, we suppress the carrier coupling by a factor of 1818, while coherently enhancing the spin-motion coupling. We experimentally demonstrate that the off-resonant carrier coupling imposes a speed limit for conventional traveling-wave M{\o}lmer-S{\o}rensen gates; we use the standing wave to surpass this limit and achieve a gate duration of $15\ \mu$s, restricted by the available laser power.Comment: S. Saner and O. B\u{a}z\u{a}van contributed equally to this wor

    Geomorphology variables predict fish assemblages for forested and endorheic rivers of two continents

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    Stream fishes are restricted to specific environments with appropriate habitats for feeding and reproduction. Interactions between streams and surrounding landscapes influence the availability and type of fish habitat, nutrient concentrations, suspended solids, and substrate composition. Valley width and gradient are geomorphological variables that influence the frequency and intensity that a stream interacts with the surrounding landscape. For example, in constrained valleys, canyon walls are steeply sloped and valleys are narrow, limiting the movement of water into riparian zones. Wide valleys have long, flat floodplains that are inundated with high discharge. We tested for differences in fish assemblages with geomorphology variation among stream sites. We selected rivers in similar forested and endorheic ecoregion types of the United States and Mongolia. Sites where we collected were defined as geomorphologically unique river segments (i.e., functional process zones; FPZs) using an automated ArcGIS-based tool. This tool extracts geomorphic variables at the valley and catchment scales and uses them to cluster stream segments based on their similarity. We collected a representative fish sample from replicates of FPZs. Then, we used constrained ordinations to determine whether river geomorphology could predict fish assemblage variation. Our constrained ordination approach using geomorphology to predict fish assemblages resulted in significance using fish taxonomy and traits in several watersheds. The watersheds where constrained ordinations were not successful were next analyzed with unconstrained ordinations to examine patterns among fish taxonomy and traits with geomorphology variables. Common geomorphology variables as predictors for taxonomic fish assemblages were river gradient, valley width, and valley slope. Significant geomorphology predictors of functional traits were valley width-to-floor width ratio, elevation, gradient, and channel sinuosity. These results provide evidence that fish assemblages respond similarly and strongly to geomorphic variables on two continents

    Phase noise characterisation of a 2-km hollow-core nested antiresonant nodeless fibre for twin-field quantum key distribution

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    The performance of quantum key distribution (QKD) is heavily dependent on the physical properties of the channel over which it is executed. Propagation losses and perturbations in the encoded photons' degrees of freedom, such as polarisation or phase, limit both the QKD range and key rate. The maintenance of phase coherence over optical fibres has lately received considerable attention as it enables QKD over long distances, e.g., through phase-based protocols like Twin-Field (TF) QKD. While optical single mode fibres (SMFs) are the current standard type of fibre, recent hollow core fibres (HCFs) could become a superior alternative in the future. Whereas the co-existence of quantum and classical signals in HCF has already been demonstrated, the phase noise resilience required for phase-based QKD protocols is yet to be established. This work explores the behaviour of HCF with respect to phase noise for the purpose of TF-QKD-like protocols. To achieve this, two experiments are performed. The first, is a set of concurrent measurements on 2 km of HCF and SMF in a double asymmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometer configuration. The second, uses a TF-QKD interferometer consisting of HCF and SMF channels. These initial results indicate that HCF is suitable for use in TF-QKD and other phase-based QKD protocols