27 research outputs found

    Note on Generalized Cuckoo Hashing with a Stash

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    Cuckoo hashing is a common hashing technique, guaranteeing constant-time lookups in the worst case. Adding a stash was proposed by Kirsch, Mitzenmacher, and Wieder at SICOMP 2010, as a way to reduce the probability of rehash. It has since become a standard technique in areas such as cryptography, where a superpolynomially low probability of rehash is often required. Another extension of cuckoo hashing is to allow multiple items per bucket, improving the load factor. That extension was also analyzed by Kirsch et al. in the presence of a stash. The purpose of this note is to repair a bug in that analysis. Letting dd be the number of items per bucket, and ss be the stash size, the original claim was that the probability that a valid cuckoo assignment fails to exist is O(n(1d)(s+1))O(n^{(1-d)(s+1)}). We point to an error in the argument, and show that it is Θ(nds)\Theta(n^{-d-s}).Comment: 6 pages, 0 figur

    Linear Biases in AEGIS Keystream

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    AEGIS is an authenticated cipher introduced at SAC 2013, which takes advantage of AES-NI instructions to reach outstanding speed in software. Like LEX, Fides, as well as many sponge-based designs, AEGIS leaks part of its inner state each round to form a keystream. In this paper, we investigate the existence of linear biases in this keystream. Our main result is a linear mask with bias 2892^{-89} on the AEGIS-256 keystream. The resulting distinguisher can be exploited to recover bits of a partially known message encrypted 21882^{188} times, regardless of the keys used. We also consider AEGIS-128, and find a surprising correlation between ciphertexts at rounds ii and i+2i+2, although the biases would require 21402^{140} data to be detected. Due to their data requirements, neither attack threatens the practical security of the cipher

    Forward and Backward Private Searchable Encryption from Constrained Cryptographic Primitives

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    Using dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption, a user with limited storage resources can securely outsource a database to an untrusted server, in such a way that the database can still be searched and updated efficiently. For these schemes, it would be desirable that updates do not reveal any information a priori about the modifications they carry out, and that deleted results remain inaccessible to the server a posteriori. If the first property, called forward privacy, has been the main motivation of recent works, the second one, backward privacy, has been overlooked. In this paper, we study for the first time the notion of backward privacy for searchable encryption. After giving formal definitions for different flavors of backward privacy, we present several schemes achieving both forward and backward privacy, with various efficiency trade-offs. Our constructions crucially rely on primitives such as constrained pseudo-random functions and puncturable encryption schemes. Using these advanced cryptographic primitives allows for a fine-grained control of the power of the adversary, preventing her from evaluating functions on selected inputs, or decrypting specific ciphertexts. In turn, this high degree of control allows our SSE constructions to achieve the stronger forms of privacy outlined above. As an example, we present a framework to construct forward-private schemes from range-constrained pseudo-random functions. Finally, we provide experimental results for implementations of our schemes, and study their practical efficiency

    Improved Reconstruction Attacks on Encrypted Data Using Range Query Leakage

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    We analyse the security of database encryption schemes supporting range queries against persistent adversaries. The bulk of our work applies to a generic setting, where the adversary's view is limited to the set of records matched by each query (known as access pattern leakage). We also consider a more specific setting where certain rank information is also leaked. The latter is inherent to multiple recent encryption schemes supporting range queries, including Kerschbaum's FH-OPE scheme (CCS 2015), Lewi and Wu's order-revealing encryption scheme (CCS 2016), and the recently proposed Arx scheme of Poddar et al. (IACR eprint 2016/568, 2016/591). We provide three attacks. First, we consider full reconstruction, which aims to recover the value of every record, fully negating encryption. We show that for dense datasets, full reconstruction is possible within an expected number of queries NlogN+O(N)Nlog⁡N+O(N), where NN is the number of distinct plaintext values. This directly improves on a O(N2logN)O(N2log⁡N) bound in the same setting by Kellaris et al. (CCS 2016). We also provide very efficient, data-optimal algorithms that succeed with the minimum possible number of queries (in a strong, information theoretical sense), and prove a matching data lower bound for the number of queries required. Second, we present an approximate reconstruction attack recovering all plaintext values in a dense dataset within a constant ratio of error (such as a 5% error), requiring the access pattern leakage of only O(N)O(N) queries. We also prove a matching lower bound. Third, we devise an attack in the common setting where the adversary has access to an auxiliary distribution for the target dataset. This third attack proves highly effective on age data from real-world medical data sets. In our experiments, observing only 25 queries was sufficient to reconstruct a majority of records to within 5 years. In combination, our attacks show that current approaches to enabling range queries offer little security when the threat model goes beyond snapshot attacks to include a persistent server-side adversary

    Weighted Oblivious RAM, with Applications to Searchable Symmetric Encryption

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    Existing Oblivious RAM protocols do not support the storage of data items of variable size in a non-trivial way. While the study of ORAM for items of variable size is of interest in and of itself, it is also motivated by the need for more performant and more secure Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) schemes. In this article, we introduce the notion of weighted ORAM, which supports the storage of blocks of different sizes. In a standard ORAM scheme, each data block has a fixed size BB. In weighted ORAM, the size (or weight) of a data block is an arbitrary integer wi[1,B]w_i \in [1,B]. The parameters of the weighted ORAM are entirely determined by an upper bound BB on the block size, and an upper bound NN on the total weight wi\sum w_i of all blocks\textemdash regardless of the distribution of individual weights wiw_i. During write queries, the client is allowed to arbitrarily change the size of the queried data block, as long as the previous upper bounds continue to hold. We introduce a framework to build efficient weighted ORAM schemes, based on an underlying standard ORAM satisfying a certain suitability criterion. This criterion is fulfilled by various Tree ORAM schemes, including Simple ORAM and Path ORAM. We deduce several instantiations of weighted ORAM, with very little overhead compared to standard ORAM. As a direct application, we obtain efficient SSE constructions with attractive security properties

    Hermes: I/O-Efficient Forward-Secure Searchable Symmetric Encryption

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    Dynamic Symmetric Searchable Encryption (SSE) enables a user to outsource the storage of an encrypted database to an untrusted server, while retaining the ability to privately search and update the outsourced database. The performance bottleneck of SSE schemes typically comes from their I/O efficiency. Over the last few years, a line of work has substantially improved that bottleneck. However, all existing I/O-efficient SSE schemes have a common limitation: they are not forward-secure. Since the seminal work of Bost at CCS 2016, forward security has become a de facto standard in SSE. In the same article, Bost conjectures that forward security and I/O efficiency are incompatible. This explains the current status quo, where users are forced to make a difficult choice between security and efficiency. The central contribution of this paper it to show that, contrary to what the status quo suggests, forward security and I/O efficiency can be realized simultaneously. This result is enabled by two new key techniques. First, we make use of a controlled amount of client buffering, combined with a deterministic update schedule. Second, we introduce the notion of SSE supporting dummy updates. In combination, those two techniques offer a new path to realizing forward security, which is compatible with I/O efficiency. Our new SSE scheme, Hermes, achieves sublogarithmic I/O efficiency O(loglogNp)O(\log\log \frac{N}{p}), storage efficiency O(1)O(1), with standard leakage, as well as backward and forward security. Practical experiments confirm that Hermes achieves excellent performance

    The Iterated Random Permutation Problem with Applications to Cascade Encryption

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    We introduce and study the iterated random permutation problem, which asks how hard it is to distinguish, in a black-box way, the r-th power of a random permutation from a uniformly random permutation of a set of size N. We show that this requires Omega(N) queries (even for a two-sided, adaptive adversary). As a direct application of this result, we show that cascading a block cipher with the same key cannot degrade its security (as a pseudorandom permutation) more than negligibly

    Cryptanalysis of the New Multilinear Map over the Integers

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    This article describes a polynomial attack on the new multilinear map over the integers presented by Coron, Lepoint and Tibouchi at CRYPTO 2015 (CLT15). This version is a fix of the first multilinear map over the integers presented by the same authors at CRYPTO 2013 (CLT13) and broken by Cheon et al. at EUROCRYPT 2015. The attack essentially downgrades CLT15 to its original version CLT13, and leads to a full break of the multilinear map for virtually all applications. In addition to the main attack, we present an alternate probabilistic attack underpinned by a different technique, as well as an instant-time attack on the optimized variant of the scheme

    A Generic Approach to Invariant Subspace Attacks: Cryptanalysis of Robin, iSCREAM and Zorro

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    Invariant subspace attacks were introduced at CRYPTO 2011 to cryptanalyze PRINTcipher. The invariant subspaces for PRINTcipher were discovered in an ad hoc fashion, leaving a generic technique to discover invariant subspaces in other ciphers as an open problem. Here, based on a rather simple observation, we introduce a generic algorithm to detect invariant subspaces. We apply this algorithm to the CAESAR candidate iSCREAM, the closely related LS-design Robin, as well as the lightweight cipher Zorro. For all three candidates invariant subspaces were detected, and result in practical breaks of the ciphers. A closer analysis of independent interest reveals that these invariant subspaces are underpinned by a new type of self-similarity property. For all ciphers, our strongest attack shows the existence of a weak key set of density 2322^{-32}. These weak keys lead to a simple property on the plaintexts going through the whole encryption process with probability one. All our attacks have been practically verified on reference implementations of the ciphers

    On Recovering Affine Encodings in White-Box Implementations

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    Ever since the first candidate white-box implementations by Chow et al. in 2002, producing a secure white-box implementation of AES has remained an enduring challenge. Following the footsteps of the original proposal by Chow et al., other constructions were later built around the same framework. In this framework, the round function of the cipher is encoded by composing it with non-linear and affine layers known as encodings. However, all such attempts were broken by a series of increasingly efficient attacks that are able to peel off these encodings, eventually uncovering the underlying round function, and with it the secret key. These attacks, however, were generally ad-hoc and did not enjoy a wide applicability. As our main contribution, we propose a generic and efficient algorithm to recover affine encodings, for any Substitution-Permutation-Network (SPN) cipher, such as AES, and any form of affine encoding. For AES parameters, namely 128-bit blocks split into 16 parallel 8-bit S-boxes, affine encodings are recovered with a time complexity estimated at 2322^{32} basic operations, independently of how the encodings are built. This algorithm is directly applicable to a large class of schemes. We illustrate this on a recent proposal due to Baek, Cheon and Hong, which was not previously analyzed. While Baek et al. evaluate the security of their scheme to 110 bits, a direct application of our generic algorithm is able to break the scheme with an estimated time complexity of only 2352^{35} basic operations. As a second contribution, we show a different approach to cryptanalyzing the Baek et al. scheme, which reduces the analysis to a standalone combinatorial problem, ultimately achieving key recovery in time complexity 2312^{31}. We also provide an implementation of the attack, which is able to recover the secret key in about 12 seconds on a standard desktop computer