353 research outputs found

    Quasi 2D Bose-Einstein condensation in an optical lattice

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    We study the phase transition of a gas of Rb atoms to quantum degeneracy in the combined potential of a harmonically confining magnetic trap and the periodic potential of an optical lattice. For high optical lattice potentials we observe a significant change in the temperature dependency of the population of the ground state of the system. The experimental results are explained by the subsequent formation of quasi 2D condensates in the single lattice sites.Comment: 7 pages (including 3 figures

    PM2.5 Size Distribution and Characterization by Carbon Isotope in Tuscany (Italy)

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    This study is focused on the numerical distribution and isotopic description of PM2.5 developed within the PATOS II (Particolato Atmosferico TOScana) regional project about the characterization and source apportionment of atmospheric aerosol (PM2.5) in Tuscany. PM isotopic analysis can play an important role in the individuation of primary and secondary sources and also in the determination of the natural/biogenic or anthropogenic/combustion contribution to the measured concentration. In addition, the PM2.5 particle number concentrations and the relative contribution of ultrafine particles are interpreted to identify the emission sources, the main atmospheric processes and the factors related with the dispersion of atmospheric pollutants. The analytical results in term of δ13C parameter show a greater variability in the urban and suburban background sites than in the urban traffic site, where the δ13C parameter does not vary significantly: this could be strictly correlated with traffic emissions and independently from the total particles number. On the contrary, urban and suburban background sites are affected by the meteorology and atmospheric processes. For this reason we can observe a wider variability in the δ13C values due to the contribution of different emissions sources. Despite all, in urban background we can observe lower δ13C values related with high number of total particles; this effect could be related with a traffic emission transport, because the δ13C parameter is similar to the δ13C value of urban traffic site

    An estimate of attributable cases of alzheimer disease and vascular dementia due to modifiable risk factors. the impact of primary prevention in europe and in italy

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    Background: Up to 53.7% of all cases of dementia are assumed to be due to Alzheimer disease (AD), while 15.8% are considered to be due to vascular dementia (VaD). In Europe, about 3 million cases of AD could be due to 7 potentially modifiable risk factors: diabetes, midlife hypertension and/or obesity, physical inactivity, depression, smoking, and low educational level. Aims: To estimate the number of VaD cases in Europe and the number of AD and VaD cases in Italy attributable to these 7 potentially modifiable risk factors. Methods: Assuming the nonindependence of the 7 risk factors, the adjusted combined population attributable risk (PAR) was estimated for AD and VaD. Results: In Europe, adjusted combined PAR was 31.4% for AD and 37.8% for VaD. The total number of attributable cases was 3,033,000 for AD and 873,000 for VaD. In Italy, assuming a 20% reduction of the prevalence of each risk factor, adjusted combined PAR decreased from 45.2 to 38.9% for AD and from 53.1 to 46.6% for VaD, implying a 6.4 and 6.5% reduction in the prevalence of AD and VaD, respectively. Conclusion: A relevant reduction of AD and VaD cases in Europe and Italy could be obtained through primary prevention


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    ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pendalaman konsep dasar fisika melalui metode praktikum atau eksperimen menggunakan alat peraga serta pengenalan mikrokontroler untuk pembuatan alat peraga sederhana. Tempat pelaksanaan pengabdian di Ponpes Darul Aminin NW Aikmual Lombok Tengah. Kegiatan ini dibagi menjadi beberapa tahapan yang pertama pemberian materi mengenai pendalaman konsep-konsep dasar fisika dan materi pengenalan mikrokonroler sebagai komponen alat peraga, tahapan kedua Tim PKM mendemonstrasikan penggunaan alat peraga pada materi gerak Jatuh (GJB), bandul matematis, kinematika, dan konsep konversi energi, tahapan terakhir yaitu tim PKM memberikan kesempatan peserta untuk mencoba langsung menggunakan alat peraga yang disediakan. Kegiatan ini memberikan manfaat dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep fisika pada siswa melalui metode eksperimen. Dengan metode ini siswa juga lebih aktif dan dapat melihat langsung fenomena fisika yang terjadi melalui pengamatan. Keterbatasan alat peraga di sekolah dapat disiasati dengan pembuatan set eksperimen berbasis mikrokontroler yang penggunaanya sangat mudah dan luas. Pembelajaran menggunakan metode eksperimen ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran di sekolah. Kata kunci: alat peraga; metode eksperimen; mikrokontroler. ABSTRACTThis service activity aims to understand the basic concepts of physics through practicum or experimental methods using props and microcontroller introduction training for making simple props. Implementation of community service at Darul Aminin Islamic Boarding School, NW Aikmual, Central Lombok. This activity is divided into several stages. The first is providing material regarding the deepening of  physics concepts and material for the introduction of microcontrollers as props components, the second stage of the PKM Team which uses props on Fall motion material (GJB), mathematical pendulum, kinematics, and concepts conversion of energy inthe last stage, the PKM team, allowed participants to try directly using the tools provided. This activity provides benefits in improving students' understanding of physics concepts through the experimental method. With this method, students are also more active and can see first hand the physical phenomena that occur through observation. The limitations of teaching aids in schools can be overcome by making microcontroller-based experimental sets that are very easy and widely used. Learning using the experimental method is expected to improve the quality of learning in schools. Keywords: props; experimental method; mikrokontroler.

    Shape of the spatial mode function of photons generated in noncollinear spontaneous parametric downconversion

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    We show experimentally how noncollinear geometries in spontaneous parametric downconversion induce ellipticity of the shape of the spatial mode function. The degree of ellipticity depends on the pump beam width, especially for highly focused beams. We also discuss the ellipticity induced by the spectrum of the pump beam

    Incidencia de Sida en España, por Comunidades Autónomas, enfermedades indicativas de referencia y por vía de transmisión y sexo (1981-1998)

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    Fundamentos: Analizar la velocidad de aparición de SIDA y su evolución a lo largo de los años en España, porComunidades Autónomas, enfermedades indicativas referidas y por vía de transmisión y sexo.Método: Estudio epidemiológico, longitudinal, descriptivo, de morbilidad por SIDA en España durante el periodo1981-1998. Se calcula la tasa de incidencia como indicador sanitario.Resultados: Desde la aparición de SIDA en España en 1981 la tasa de incidencia ha ido aumentando hasta alcanzaren 1994, valores de 183.6 casos por millón de habitantes. Las vías de transmisión más importantes son: adictosa drogas vía parenteral (59%), transmisión heterosexual (21%) y transmisión homosexual (12%).Conclusiones: La incidencia está disminuyendo en los últimos años, fundamentalmente debida a los avances en laterapia antirretroviral. Esta disminución se observa en todas las vías de transmisión. El mayor número de casosen hombres (79%) que en mujeres, se debe, sobretodo por la transmisión en relaciones homosexuales y al uso dedrogas por vía parenteral mayoritario en varones. No obstante, el porcentaje de mujeres está aumentando, debidoa que a partir de 1994 la segunda vía de transmisión pasa a ser las relaciones heterosexuales en lugar de lashomosexuales

    Aids in Spain: Incidence by autonomous communities, transmission rules and sex (1981-1998)

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    Fundamentos: Analizar la velocidad de aparición de SIDA y su evolución a lo largo de los años en España, por Comunidades Autónomas, enfermedades indicativas referidas y por vía de transmisión y sexo. Método: Estudio epidemiológico, longitudinal, descriptivo, de morbilidad por SIDA en España durante el periodo 1981-1998. Se calcula la tasa de incidencia como indicador sanitario. Resultados: Desde la aparición de SIDA en España en 1981 la tasa de incidencia ha ido aumentando hasta alcanzar en 1994, valores de 183.6 casos por millón de habitantes. Las vías de transmisión más importantes son: adictos a drogas vía parenteral (59%), transmisión heterosexual (21%) y transmisión homosexual (12%). Conclusiones: La incidencia está disminuyendo en los últimos años, fundamentalmente debida a los avances en la terapia antirretroviral. Esta disminución se observa en todas las vías de transmisión. El mayor número de casos en hombres (79%) que en mujeres, se debe, sobretodo por la transmisión en relaciones homosexuales y al uso de drogas por vía parenteral mayoritario en varones. No obstante, el porcentaje de mujeres está aumentando, debido a que a partir de 1994 la segunda vía de transmisión pasa a ser las relaciones heterosexuales en lugar de las homosexuales.Background: To analyse incidence of AIDS in Spain, by Autonomous Communities, transmission rules and sex. Methods: Epidemiological study, descriptive, of morbidity by AIDS in Spain from 1981 to 1998. We calculate incidence rate like indicator sanitary of morbidity by AIDS. Results: Since AIDS appeared in Spain in 1981, incidence rate of AIDS in Spain has been increasing until 1994, value 183.6 cases per million of habitants. The rules of transmission more important are: parenteral in addicted to drugs (59%), heterosexual (21%) and homosexual (12%). Conclusions: Incidence has decreasing in the last years, because the new treatment of retroviral drugs. Men are most important infection (79%) than women; this is due to transmission homosexual and addicted to parenteral drugs that were more important in men. Since 1994 the second transmission rule is heterosexual transmission which is higher than homosexual

    Plasmas and Controlled Nuclear Fusion

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    Contains reports on three research projects.U. S. Atomic Energy Commission (Contract AT(11-1)-3070

    Mitral regurgitation due to caseous calcification of the mitral annulus: two case reports

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    Caseous calcification is a rare variant of mitral annular calcification, occurring in about 0.06% of echocardiographic studies performed. It is usually a benign lesion, but it should be differentiated by abscess and tumors. Echocardiography is the most sensitive method to identify caseous calcification which appears typically as a round, calcified mass with an echo-lucent, liquid-like inner part

    Collective oscillations of two colliding Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Two 87Rb condensates (F=2, m_f=2 and m_f=1) are produced in highly displaced harmonic traps and the collective dynamical behaviour is investigated. The mutual interaction between the two condensates is evidenced in the center-of-mass oscillations as a frequency shift of 6.4(3)%. Calculations based on a mean-field theory well describe the observed effects of periodical collisions both on the center-of-mass motion and on the shape oscillations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, revtex - revised versio