2,587 research outputs found

    Decorin transfection induces proteomic and phenotypic modulation in breast cancer cells 8701-BC

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    Decorin is a prototype member of the small leucine-rich proteoglycan family widely distributed in the extracellular matrices of many connective tissues, where it has been shown to play multiple important roles in the matrix assembly process, as well as in some cellular activities. A major interest for decorin function concerns its role in tumorigenesis, as growth-inhibitor of different neoplastic cells, and potential antimetastatic agent. The aim of our research was to investigate wide-ranged effects of transgenic decorin on breast cancer cells. To this purpose we utilized the well-characterized 8701-BC cell line, isolated from a ductal infiltrating carcinoma of the breast, and two derived decorin-transfected clones, respectively, synthesizing full decorin proteoglycan or its protein core. The responses to the ectopic decorin production were examined by studying morphological changes, cell proliferation rates, and proteome modulation. The results revealed new important antioncogenic potentialities, likely exerted by decorin through a variety of distinct biochemical pathways. Major effects included the downregulation of several potential breast cancer biomarkers, the reduction of membrane ruffling, and the increase of cell-cell adhesiveness. These results disclose original aspects related to the reversion of malignant traits of a prototype of breast cancer cells induced by decorin. They also raise additional interest for the postulated clinical application of decori

    Retrospective Proteomic Screening of 100 Breast Cancer Tissues

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    The present investigation has been conducted on one hundred tissue fragments of breast cancer, collected and immediately cryopreserved following the surgical resection. The specimens were selected from patients with invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast, the most frequent and potentially aggressive type of mammary cancer, with the objective to increase the knowledge of breast cancer molecular markers potentially useful for clinical applications. The proteomic screening; by 2D-IPG and mass spectrometry; allowed us to identify two main classes of protein clusters: proteins expressed ubiquitously at high levels in all patients; and proteins expressed sporadically among the same patients. Within the group of ubiquitous proteins, glycolytic enzymes and proteins with anti-apoptotic activity were predominant. Among the sporadic ones, proteins involved in cell motility, molecular chaperones and proteins involved in the detoxification appeared prevalent. The data of the present study indicates that the primary tumor growth is reasonably supported by concurrent events: the inhibition of apoptosis and stimulation of cellular proliferation, and the increased expression of glycolytic enzymes with multiple functions. The second phase of the evolution of the tumor can be prematurely scheduled by the occasional presence of proteins involved in cell motility and in the defenses of the oxidative stress. We suggest that this approach on large-scale 2D-IPG proteomics of breast cancer is currently a valid tool that offers the opportunity to evaluate on the same assay the presence and recurrence of individual proteins, their isoforms and short forms, to be proposed as prognostic indicators and susceptibility to metastasis in patients operated on for invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast

    Production of monoclonal antibodies to Grapevine virus D and contribution to the study of its aetiological role in grapevine diseases

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    Six stable hybridoma cell lines secreting monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to Grapevine virus D (GVD) were obtained by fusing spleen cells of immunized BALB/c mice with mouse myeloma cell line Sp 2/0-Ag 14, In ELISA all MAbs detected the virus in Nicotiana leaf extracts or cortical shavings from mature grapevine canes, The use of a polyclonal antiserum for coating plates and of monoclonal antibodies and antimouse-conjugated antibodies for antigen detection, gave highly efficient and reproducible results for identification of GVD in field-grown grapevines. The reliability of the ELISA kit was confirmed by GVD-transmission tests to herbaceous hosts, using in vitro explants as inoculum, 223 vines affected by one or more of the 4 syndroms of the rugose wood complex (Kober stem grooving, Corky bark, LN stem grooving and Rupestris stem pitting) were tested in ELISA for the detection of Grapevine virus A (GVA), Grapevine virus B (GVB) and GVD and by Western blot for the detection of Grapevine rupestris stem pitting associated virus (GRSPaV). The possible cause-effect relationship between GVA and KSG, GVB and Co, and GRSPaV and RSP was confirmed, but no consistent association was found between GVD and any of the 4 above syndromes, Intriguingly, a reduction in the expression of stem pitting symptoms in V. rupestris (from 90 % to 75 %) and of stem grooving symptoms in Kober 5BB (from 95 % to 70 %) was observed when vitiviruses and GRSPaV were contemporarily present in the same indicator. Preliminary data of a survey involving 676 grapevine samples showed a high incidence (31 %) of GVD, regardless of the geographical origin of samples.

    Timing performance of a double layer diamond detector

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    In order to improve the time precision of detectors based on diamonds sensors we have built a detector with two scCVD layers connected in parallel to the same amplifier. This work describes the design and the first measurements of such a prototype performed on a particle beam at CERN. With this different configuration we have obtained an improvement larger than a factor of 1.6-1.7 for the timing precision of the measurement when compared to a one layer scCVD diamond detector.Peer reviewe

    Relationship and patterns of distribution among grapevine viroids from California and Europe

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    Analyses of California and European grapevine sources indicated a ubiquitous occurrence of viroids in these materials. Hybridization results indicated sequence homology to both GV-1 and GV-3 for viroids of varieties grown in California as well as from European sources. Wine and rootstock varieties contained a greater proportion of the more common GV-1 plus GV-3 viroid profile, whereas the table varieties contained a larger proportion of the relatively unusual viroid profile of GV-1, -2, and-3. An unexpected divergence of four viroid profiles emerged in the rootstock species. These profiles were 1) Gv-1, -2, and -3, 2) GV-1 plus GV-3, 3) GV-3, and 4) viroid-free. V. californica was the only grapevine analyzed which was found to be viroid-free

    Large-scale proteomic identification of S100 proteins in breast cancer tissues

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Attempts to reduce morbidity and mortality in breast cancer is based on efforts to identify novel biomarkers to support prognosis and therapeutic choices. The present study has focussed on S100 proteins as a potentially promising group of markers in cancer development and progression. One reason of interest in this family of proteins is because the majority of the S100 genes are clustered on a region of human chromosome 1q21 that is prone to genomic rearrangements. Moreover, there is increasing evidence that S100 proteins are often up-regulated in many cancers, including breast, and this is frequently associated with tumour progression.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Samples of breast cancer tissues were obtained during surgical intervention, according to the bioethical recommendations, and cryo-preserved until used. Tissue extracts were submitted to proteomic preparations for 2D-IPG. Protein identification was performed by N-terminal sequencing and/or peptide mass finger printing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The majority of the detected S100 proteins were absent, or present at very low levels, in the non-tumoral tissues adjacent to the primary tumor. This finding strengthens the role of S100 proteins as putative biomarkers. The proteomic screening of 100 cryo-preserved breast cancer tissues showed that some proteins were ubiquitously expressed in almost all patients while others appeared more sporadic. Most, if not all, of the detected S100 members appeared reciprocally correlated. Finally, from the perspective of biomarkers establishment, a promising finding was the observation that patients which developed distant metastases after a three year follow-up showed a general tendency of higher S100 protein expression, compared to the disease-free group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This article reports for the first time the comparative proteomic screening of several S100 protein members among a large group of breast cancer patients. The results obtained strongly support the hypothesis that a significant deregulation of multiple S100 protein members is associated with breast cancer progression, and suggest that these proteins might act as potential prognostic factors for patient stratification. We propose that this may offer a significant contribution to the knowledge and clinical applications of the S100 protein family to breast cancer.</p

    Next-generation sequencing and metagenomic analysis advances plant virus diagnosis and discovery

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    The advent of next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies dramatically advanced our ability to comprehensively investigate diseases of unknown etiology and expedited the entire process of virus discovery, identification, viral genome sequencing and, subsequently, the development of routine assays for new viral pathogens. Unlike traditional techniques, these novel approaches require no preliminary knowledge of the suspected virus(es). Currently, the RNA-Seq approach has been widely used to identify new viruses in infected plants, by analyzing virus-derived small interfering RNA populations, single- and double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules extracted from infected plants. The method generates sequence in an unbiased fashion, likely allowing to detect all viruses that are present in a sample. We applied the Illumina NGS, coupled with metagenomic analysis, to generate large sequence dataset in different woody crops affected by diseases of unknown origin or infected with uncharacterized viruses or new strains. This approach allowed the identification of five novel viral species and, in addition, the sequencing of the whole genome of several viruses and viroids infecting Citrus spp., Prunus spp., grapes, fig, hazelnut, olive, persimmon and mulberry. Combined analysis of the datasets generated by using either siRNA fractions and dsRNA templates, enhanced the characterization of the whole virus-derived sequences in the infected tissues. Furthermore, profiling small RNAs from virus-infected plants led to a better understanding of host-plant response to virus and viroid infections in perennial plants. A general bioinformatic pipeline and an experimental validation strategy were developed and its application illustrated

    Disturbances in groundwater chemical parameters related to seismic and volcanic activity in Kamchatka (Russia)

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    International audienceStarting from 1992 geochemical data are being collected with a mean sampling frequency of three days in the form of the pH value and of the most common ions and gases in the groundwater in one deep well located in Petropavlovsk, the capital city of Kamchatka (Russia). On 1 January 1996 a strong eruption started from the Karymsky volcano, that is located about 100km far from the well, in the north-northeastern direction. At the same time, a large earthquake (M=6.9) occurred in the Karymsky area. On 5 December 1997 a very large earthquake (M=7.7) occurred offshore, at a distance of 350km from the well and towards the same direction. The analysis of the geochemical data shows clear variations in the raw temporal trends on both cases. For the first event, a clear premonitory phase appeared; for the second one, some pre-seismic variations could be revealed but permanent modifications of the chemistry of the water subsequent to the earthquake are very clear. In both cases the feature of the geochemical variations is consistent with an afflux of new water in the aquifer connected with the well and with an escape of the Carbon dioxide gas from the ground in different directions. A schematic model able to justify such a phenomenology and the connections of the geochemical variations with the previous tectonic activities is proposed

    Differential occurrence of S100A7 in breast cancer tissues: A proteomic-based investigation

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    PURPOSE: The present study reports for the first time a large-scale proteomic screening of the occurrence, subcellular localization and relative quantification of the S100A7 protein among a group of 100 patients, clinically grouped for the diagnosis of infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC). EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: To this purpose, the methods of differential proteomics, Western blotting, and immunohistochemistry were used. RESULTS: The identity of two isoforms of the protein was assessed by mass spectrometry and immunologically confirmed. Moreover, we proved by immunocytochemical applications the exclusive localization of the protein within the neoplastic cells. The correlation of S100A7 expression levels with the collective profile of cancer patients' proteomics predicted functional interactions, distinct for the two isoforms. The S100A7b isoform was significantly correlated with specific protein clusters (calcium binding, signaling and cell motion, heat shock and folding) and intercrossing pathways (antioxidant, metabolic and apoptotic pathways), while the more acidic isoform was correlated with a narrow number of proteins mainly unrelated to the b isoform. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This study is the first proteomic-based report on S100A7 in a large series of IDC patients. The correlation with in silico data may significantly contribute the knowledge of possible pathways for S100A7, providing novel insights into the mechanism of action of this protein. We suggest that each S100A7 isoform is involved in critical phases of the breast cancer growth and progression, probably through interaction with different partner proteins

    Test of Ultra Fast Silicon Detectors for the TOTEM upgrade project

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    This paper describes the performance of a prototype timing detector, based on 50 mu m thick Ultra Fast Silicon Detector, as measured in a beam test using a 180 GeV/c momentum pion beam. The dependence of the time precision on the pixel capacitance and bias voltage is investigated in this paper. A timing precision from 30 ps to 100 ps (RMS), depending on the pixel capacitance, has been measured at a bias voltage of 180 V.Peer reviewe