477 research outputs found

    Polarized photons in radiative muon capture

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    We discuss the measurement of polarized photons arising from radiative muon capture. The spectrum of left circularly polarized photons or equivalently the circular polarization of the photons emitted in radiative muon capture on hydrogen is quite sensitive to the strength of the induced pseudoscalar coupling constant gPg_P. A measurement of either of these quantities, although very difficult, might be sufficient to resolve the present puzzle resulting from the disagreement between the theoretical prediction for gPg_P and the results of a recent experiment. This sensitivity results from the absence of left-handed radiation from the muon line and from the fact that the leading parts of the radiation from the hadronic lines, as determined from the chiral power counting rules of heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory, all contain pion poles.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Domain regime in two-dimensional disordered vortex matter

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    A detailed numerical study of the real space configuration of vortices in disordered superconductors using 2D London-Langevin model is presented. The magnetic field BB is varied between 0 and Bc2B_{c2} for various pinning strengths Δ\Delta. For weak pinning, an inhomogeneous disordered vortex matter is observed, in which the topologically ordered vortex lattice survives in large domains. The majority of the dislocations in this state are confined to the grain boundaries/domain walls. Such quasi-ordered configurations are observed in the intermediate fields, and we refer it as the domain regime (DR). The DR is distinct from the low-field and the high-fields amorphous regimes which are characterized by a homogeneous distribution of defects over the entire system. Analysis of the real space configuration suggests domain wall roughening as a possible mechanism for the crossover from the DR to the high-field amorphous regime. The DR also shows a sharp crossover to the high temperature vortex liquid phase. The domain size distribution and the roughness exponent of the lattice in the DR are also calculated. The results are compared with some of the recent Bitter decoration experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    A Model of Fermion Masses and Flavor Mixings with Family Symmetry SU(3)U(1)SU(3)\otimes U(1)

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    The family symmetry SU(3)U(1)SU(3)\otimes U(1) is proposed to solve flavor problems about fermion masses and flavor mixings. It's breaking is implemented by some flavon fields at the high-energy scale. In addition a discrete group Z2Z_{2} is introduced to generate tiny neutrino masses, which is broken by a real singlet scalar field at the middle-energy scale. The low-energy effective theory is elegantly obtained after all of super-heavy fermions are integrated out and decoupling. All the fermion mass matrices are regularly characterized by four fundamental matrices and thirteen parameters. The model can perfectly fit and account for all the current experimental data about the fermion masses and flavor mixings, in particular, it finely predicts the first generation quark masses and the values of θ13l\theta^{\,l}_{13} and JCPlJ_{CP}^{\,l} in neutrino physics. All of the results are promising to be tested in the future experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, to make a few of corrections to the old version. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1011.457

    Subsurface Flows in and Around Active Regions with Rotating and Non-rotating Sunspots

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    The temporal variation of the horizontal velocity in subsurface layers beneath three different types of active regions is studied using the technique of ring diagrams. In this study, we select active regions (ARs) 10923, 10930, 10935 from three consecutive Carrington rotations: AR 10930 contains a fast-rotating sunspot in a strong emerging active region while other two have non-rotating sunspots with emerging flux in AR 10923 and decaying flux in AR 10935. The depth range covered is from the surface to about 12 Mm. In order to minimize the influence of systematic effects, the selection of active and quiet regions is made so that these were observed at the same heliographic locations on the solar disk. We find a significant variation in both components of the horizontal velocity in active regions as compared to quiet regions. The magnitude is higher in emerging-flux regions than in the decaying-flux region, in agreement with earlier findings. Further, we clearly see a significant temporal variation in depth profiles of both zonal and meridional flow components in AR 10930, with the variation in the zonal component being more pronounced. We also notice a significant influence of the plasma motion in areas closest to the rotating sunspot in AR 10930 while areas surrounding the non-rotating sunspots in all three cases are least affected by the presence of the active region in their neighborhood.Comment: Solar Physics (in press), includes 11 figure

    Topological Defects, Orientational Order, and Depinning of the Electron Solid in a Random Potential

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    We report on the results of molecular dynamics simulation (MD) studies of the classical two-dimensional electron crystal in the presence disorder. Our study is motivated by recent experiments on this system in modulation doped semiconductor systems in very strong magnetic fields, where the magnetic length is much smaller than the average interelectron spacing a0a_0, as well as by recent studies of electrons on the surface of helium. We investigate the low temperature state of this system using a simulated annealing method. We find that the low temperature state of the system always has isolated dislocations, even at the weakest disorder levels investigated. We also find evidence for a transition from a hexatic glass to an isotropic glass as the disorder is increased. The former is characterized by quasi-long range orientational order, and the absence of disclination defects in the low temperature state, and the latter by short range orientational order and the presence of these defects. The threshold electric field is also studied as a function of the disorder strength, and is shown to have a characteristic signature of the transition. Finally, the qualitative behavior of the electron flow in the depinned state is shown to change continuously from an elastic flow to a channel-like, plastic flow as the disorder strength is increased.Comment: 31 pages, RevTex 3.0, 15 figures upon request, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B., HAF94MD

    High-contrast imaging constraints on gas giant planet formation - The Herbig Ae/Be star opportunity

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    Planet formation studies are often focused on solar-type stars, implicitly considering our Sun as reference point. This approach overlooks, however, that Herbig Ae/Be stars are in some sense much better targets to study planet formation processes empirically, with their disks generally being larger, brighter and simply easier to observe across a large wavelength range. In addition, massive gas giant planets have been found on wide orbits around early type stars, triggering the question if these objects did indeed form there and, if so, by what process. In the following I briefly review what we currently know about the occurrence rate of planets around intermediate mass stars, before discussing recent results from Herbig Ae/Be stars in the context of planet formation. The main emphasis is put on spatially resolved polarized light images of potentially planet forming disks and how these images - in combination with other data - can be used to empirically constrain (parts of) the planet formation process. Of particular interest are two objects, HD100546 and HD169142, where, in addition to intriguing morphological structures in the disks, direct observational evidence for (very) young planets has been reported. I conclude with an outlook, what further progress we can expect in the very near future with the next generation of high-contrast imagers at 8-m class telescopes and their synergies with ALMA.Comment: Accepted by Astrophysics and Space Science as invited short review in special issue about Herbig Ae/Be stars; 12 pages incl. 5 figures, 2 tables and reference

    Computer simulation of the sheath and the adjacent plasma in the presence of a plasma source

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    A model is constructed allowing computer simulations of the near-wall area of a planar plasma sheet in conditions where the steady state of the plasma is supported by the production of charged particles in a region removed from the wall. Calculations have revealed variation in the energy distribution of the electrons in both time and spatially over the sheet width (cooling the electronic component) due to absorption of fast electrons at the walls bounding the plasma volume. It is shown that the plasma density profile across the sheet width has an abrupt decrease at the boundary of the region of plasma regulation. Thus the standard concepts of the potential and plasma density distributions in the sheath and presheath based on the assumption of a stable energy distribution for the electrons in the presheath yields inaccurate results for the plasma sheet where the ionization source is remote from the wall

    The antigen-specific CD8+ T cell repertoire in unimmunized mice includes memory phenotype cells bearing markers of homeostatic expansion

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    Memory T cells exhibit superior responses to pathogens and tumors compared with their naive counterparts. Memory is typically generated via an immune response to a foreign antigen, but functional memory T cells can also be produced from naive cells by homeostatic mechanisms. Using a recently developed method, we studied CD8 T cells, which are specific for model (ovalbumin) and viral (HSV, vaccinia) antigens, in unimmunized mice and found a subpopulation bearing markers of memory cells. Based on their phenotypic markers and by their presence in germ-free mice, these preexisting memory-like CD44hi CD8 T cells are likely to arise via physiological homeostatic proliferation rather than a response to environmental microbes. These antigen-inexperienced memory phenotype CD8 T cells display several functions that distinguish them from their CD44lo counterparts, including a rapid initiation of proliferation after T cell stimulation and rapid IFN-γ production after exposure to proinflammatory cytokines. Collectively, these data indicate that the unprimed antigen-specific CD8 T cell repertoire contains antigen-inexperienced cells that display phenotypic and functional traits of memory cells

    Machine Learning Framework to Identify Individuals at Risk of Rapid Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis : From the PARADIGM Registry

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    Background Rapid coronary plaque progression (RPP) is associated with incident cardiovascular events. To date, no method exists for the identification of individuals at risk of RPP at a single point in time. This study integrated coronary computed tomography angiography-determined qualitative and quantitative plaque features within a machine learning (ML) framework to determine its performance for predicting RPP. Methods and Results Qualitative and quantitative coronary computed tomography angiography plaque characterization was performed in 1083 patients who underwent serial coronary computed tomography angiography from the PARADIGM (Progression of Atherosclerotic Plaque Determined by Computed Tomographic Angiography Imaging) registry. RPP was defined as an annual progression of percentage atheroma volume 651.0%. We employed the following ML models: model 1, clinical variables; model 2, model 1 plus qualitative plaque features; model 3, model 2 plus quantitative plaque features. ML models were compared with the atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk score, Duke coronary artery disease score, and a logistic regression statistical model. 224 patients (21%) were identified as RPP. Feature selection in ML identifies that quantitative computed tomography variables were higher-ranking features, followed by qualitative computed tomography variables and clinical/laboratory variables. ML model 3 exhibited the highest discriminatory performance to identify individuals who would experience RPP when compared with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk score, the other ML models, and the statistical model (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve in ML model 3, 0.83 [95% CI 0.78-0.89], versus atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk score, 0.60 [0.52-0.67]; Duke coronary artery disease score, 0.74 [0.68-0.79]; ML model 1, 0.62 [0.55-0.69]; ML model 2, 0.73 [0.67-0.80]; all P<0.001; statistical model, 0.81 [0.75-0.87], P=0.128). Conclusions Based on a ML framework, quantitative atherosclerosis characterization has been shown to be the most important feature when compared with clinical, laboratory, and qualitative measures in identifying patients at risk of RPP