21,302 research outputs found

    Feedback local optimality principle applied to rocket vertical landing VTVL

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    Vertical landing is becoming popular in the last fifteen years, a technology known under the acronym VTVL, Vertical Takeoff and Vertical Landing [1,2]. The interest in such landing technology is dictated by possible cost reductions [3,4], that impose spaceship’s recycling. The rockets are not generally de- signed to perform landing operations, rather their design is aimed at takeoff operations, guaranteeing a very high forward acceleration to gain the velocity needed to escape the gravitational force. In this paper a new control method based on Feedback Local Optimality Principle, named FLOP is applied to the rocket landing problem. The FLOP belongs to a special class of optimal controllers, developed by the mechatronic and vehicle dynamics lab of Sapienza, named Variational Feedback Controllers - VFC, that are part of an ongoing research and are recently applied in different field: nonlinear system [5], marine and terrestrial autonomous vehicles [6,7,8], multi agents interactions and vibration control [9, 10]. The paper is devoted to show the robustness of the nonlinear controlled system, comparing the performances with the LQR, one of the most acknowledged methods in optimal control

    Dynamical Self-assembly during Colloidal Droplet Evaporation Studied by in situ Small Angle X-ray Scattering

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    The nucleation and growth kinetics of highly ordered nanocrystal superlattices during the evaporation of nanocrystal colloidal droplets was elucidated by in situ time resolved small-angle x-ray scattering. We demonstrated for the first time that evaporation kinetics can affect the dimensionality of the superlattices. The formation of two-dimensional nanocrystal superlattices at the liquid-air interface of the droplet has an exponential growth kinetics that originates from interface "crushing".Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Dust-grain processing in circumbinary discs around evolved binaries. The RV Tauri spectral twins RU Cen and AC Her

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    Context: We study the structure and evolution of circumstellar discs around evolved binaries and their impact on the evolution of the central system. Aims: To study in detail the binary nature of RUCen and ACHer, as well as the structure and mineralogy of the circumstellar environment. Methods: We combine multi-wavelength observations with a 2D radiative transfer study. Our radial velocity program studies the central stars, while our Spitzer spectra and broad-band SEDs are used to constrain mineralogy, grain sizes and physical structure of the circumstellar environment. Results: We determine the orbital elements of RUCen showing that the orbit is highly eccentric with a rather long period of 1500 days. The infrared spectra of both objects are very similar and the spectral dust features are dominated by Mg-rich crystalline silicates. The small peak-to-continuum ratios are interpreted as being due to large grains. Our model contains two components with a cold midplain dominated by large grains, and the near- and mid-IR which is dominated by the emission of smaller silicates. The infrared excess is well modelled assuming a hydrostatic passive irradiated disc. The profile-fitting of the dust resonances shows that the grains must be very irregular. Conclusions: These two prototypical RVTauri pulsators with circumstellar dust are binaries where the dust is trapped in a stable disc. The mineralogy and grain sizes show that the dust is highly processed, both in crystallinity and grain size. The cool crystals show that either radial mixing is very efficient and/or that the thermal history at grain formation has been very different from that in outflows. The physical processes governing the structure of these discs are similar to those observed in protoplanetary discs around young stellar objects.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication by A&

    The lunar phases of dust grains orbiting Fomalhaut

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    Optical images of the nearby star Fomalhaut show a ring of dust orbiting the central star. This dust is in many respects expected to be similar to the zodiacal dust in the solar system. The ring displays a clear brightness asymmetry, attributed to asymmetric scattering of the central starlight by the circumstellar dust grains. Recent measurements show that the bright side of the Fomalhaut ring is oriented away from us. This implies that the grains in this system scatter most of the light in the backward direction, in sharp contrast to the forward-scattering nature of the grains in the solar system. In this letter, we show that grains considerably larger than those dominating the solar system zodiacal dust cloud provide a natural explanation for the apparent backward scattering behavior. In fact, we see the phases of the dust grains in the same way as we can observe the phases of the Moon and other large solar system bodies. We outline how the theory of the scattering behavior of planetesimals can be used to explain the Fomalhaut dust properties. This indicates that the Fomalhaut dust ring is dominated by very large grains. The material orbiting Fomalhaut, which is at the transition between dust and planetesimals, can, with respect to their optical behavior, best be described as micro-asteroids.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Spectroscopic diagnostic for the mineralogy of large dust grains

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    We examine the thermal infrared spectra of large dust grains of different chemical composition and mineralogy. Strong resonances in the optical properties result in detectable spectral structure even when the grain is much larger than the wavelength at which it radiates. We apply this to the thermal infrared spectra of compact amorphous and crystalline silicates. The weak resonances of amorphous silicates at 9.7 and 18 micron virtually disappear for grains larger than about 10 micron. In contrast, the strong resonances of crystalline silicates produce emission dips in the infrared spectra of large grains; these emission dips are shifted in wavelength compared to the emission peaks commonly seen in small crystalline silicate grains. We discuss the effect of a fluffy or compact grain structure on the infrared emission spectra of large grains, and apply our theory to the dust shell surrounding Vega.Comment: Submitted to A&A Letter

    The composition and size distribution of the dust in the coma of comet Hale-Bopp

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    We discuss the composition and size distribution of the dust in the coma of comet Hale-Bopp. We do this by fitting simultaneously the infrared emission spectrum measured by the infrared space observatory (ISO) and the measured degree of linear polarization of scattered light at various phase angles and 12 different wavelengths. The effects of particle shape on the modeled optical properties of the dust grains are taken into account. We constrain our fit by forcing the abundances of the major rock forming chemical elements to be solar. The infrared spectrum at long wavelengths reveals that large grains are needed in order to fit the spectral slope. The size and shape distribution we employ allows us to estimate the sizes of the crystalline silicates. The ratios of the strength of various forsterite features show that the crystalline silicate grains in Hale-Bopp must be submicron sized. We exclude the presence of large crystalline silicate grains in the coma. Because of this lack of large crystalline grains combined with the fact that we do need large amorphous grains to fit the emission spectrum at long wavelengths, we need only approximately 4% of crystalline silicates by mass. After correcting for possible hidden crystalline material included in large amorphous grains, our best estimate of the total mass fraction of crystalline material is approximately 7.5%, significantly lower than deduced in previous studies in which the typical derived crystallinity is 20-30%. The implications of this on the possible origin and evolution of the comet are discussed. The crystallinity we observe in Hale-Bopp is consistent with the production of crystalline silicates in the inner solar system by thermal annealing and subsequent radial mixing to the comet forming region.Comment: Accepted for publication in Icaru

    SU(2) gluon propagator on a coarse anisotropic lattice

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    We calculated the SU(2) gluon propagator in Landau gauge on an anisotropic coarse lattice with the improved action. The standard and the improved scheme are used to fix the gauge in this work. Even on the coarse lattice the lattice gluon propagator can be well described by a function of the continuous momentum. The effect of the improved gauge fixing scheme is found not to be apparent. Based on the Marenzoni's model, the mass scale and the anomalous dimension are extracted and can be reasonably extrapolated to the continuum limit with the values α0.3\alpha\sim 0.3 and M600MeVM\sim 600MeV. We also extract the physical anisotropy ξ\xi from the gluon propagator due to the explicit ξ\xi dependence of the gluon propagator.Comment: LaTeX, 14 pages including 4 ps figure

    The color dependent morphology of the post-AGB star HD161796

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    Context. Many protoplanetary nebulae show strong asymmetries in their surrounding shell, pointing to asymmetries during the mass loss phase. Questions concerning the origin and the onset of deviations from spherical symmetry are important for our understanding of the evolution of these objects. Here we focus on the circumstellar shell of the post-AGB star HD 161796. Aims. We aim at detecting signatures of an aspherical outflow, as well as to derive the properties of it. Methods. We use the imaging polarimeter ExPo (the extreme polarimeter), a visitor instrument at the William Herschel Telescope, to accurately image the dust shell surrounding HD 161796 in various wavelength filters. Imaging polarimetry allows us to separate the faint, polarized, light from circumstellar material from the bright, unpolarized, light from the central star. Results. The shell around HD 161796 is highly aspherical. A clear signature of an equatorial density enhancement can be seen. This structure is optically thick at short wavelengths and changes its appearance to optically thin at longer wavelengths. In the classification of the two different appearances of planetary nebulae from HST images it changes from being classified as DUPLEX at short wavelengths to SOLE at longer wavelengths. This strengthens the interpretation that these two appearances are manifestations of the same physical structure. Furthermore, we find that the central star is hotter than often assumed and the relatively high observed reddening is due to circumstellar rather than interstellar extinction.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The problematically short superwind of OH/IR stars - Probing the outflow with the 69 {\mu}m spectral band of forsterite

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    Spectra of OH/IR stars show prominent spectral bands of crystalline olivine (Mg(22x)_{(2-2x)}Fe(2x)_{(2x)}SiO4_{4}). To learn more about the timescale of the outflows of OH/IR stars, we study the spectral band of crystalline olivine at 69 {\mu}m. The 69 {\mu}m band is of interest because its width and peak wavelength position are sensitive to the grain temperature and to the exact composition of the crystalline olivine. With Herschel/PACS, we observed the 69 {\mu}m band in the outflow of 14 OH/IR stars. By comparing the crystalline olivine features of our sample with those of model spectra, we determined the size of the outflow and its crystalline olivine abundance. The temperature indicated by the observed 69 {\mu}m bands can only be reproduced by models with a geometrically compact superwind (RSWR_{\rm{SW}}\lesssim 2500 AU = 1400 R_{*}).This means that the superwind started less than 1200 years ago (assuming an outflow velocity of 10 km/s). The small amount of mass lost in one superwind and the high progenitor mass of the OH/IR stars introduce a mass loss and thus evolutionary problem for these objects, which has not yet been understood.Comment: Accepted by A&