210 research outputs found

    Functional capability of the cardiovascular system in alcoholics

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    Provedeno je kliničko ispitivanje funkcionalne sposobnosti kardiovaskularnog sistema u dvije skupine muškaraca, 49 alkoholičara i 37 nealkoholičara prosječne životne dobi od 53 godine u fazi apstinencije. Svi ispitanici su podvrgnuti testu fizičkog opterećenja na pokretnom sagu »Viagraf«. Planirano je maksimalno opterećenje predviđeno za njihovu dob, a prema frekvenciji pulsa u jednoj minuti. Prije, u toku i nakon testa opterećenja praćene su varijable: frekvencija akcije srca, vrijednosti arterijskog tlaka, potrošnja kisika u ml/kg/min, izvršen rad u vatima ili kilopondmetrima u minuti, te metabolički ekvivalent i minute hoda, uz simultano snimanje elektrokardiograma u 12 odvoda prije i na kraju svakog stupnja postignutog opterećenja, kao i nakon opterećenja. Funkcionalna sposobnost kardiovaskularnog sistema mjerena indirektnom potrošnjom kisika u opterećenju, kao i na osnovi izvršenog stupnja fizičkog rada, nije bila statistički značajno različita među ispitivanim skupinama. U toku testa opterećenja u skupu alkoholičara statistički značajno je viša frekvencija akcije srca u minuti nego u skupini »nealkoholičara«. Maksimalni sistolički i dijastolički arterijski tlak u toku opterećenja značajno je viši u skupini alkoholičara nego u skupini »nealkoholičara«. Prema tome alkoholičari u fizičkom opterećenju vjerojatno imaju povećan rizik od poremećaja i bolesti srca.A clinical investigation of the functional capability of the cardiovascular system was carried out in two groups of male subjects - 49 alcoholics and 37 non-alcoholics - with an average age of 53 years during a phase of abstinence. All subjects were tested by means of exercise test on the »Viagraf«, the maximum exercise having been planned according to age and pulse rate in one minute. Before, during and after exercise test the following variables were checked: heart rate, arterial pressure, oxygen consumption in ml/kg/min, work achieved in watts or kilopond-metres in minutes, and the metabolic equivalent and minutes of walking. with simultaneous recording of the electrocardiogram in 12 leads, before and at the end of each exercise level achieved, as well as after exercise. The functional capability of the cardiovascular system, measured by indirect oxygen consumption during exercise test and on the basis of the level of physical work achieved, was not statistically significantly different between the investigated groups. During exercise test heart rate per minute was statistically significantly higher tin the group of alcoholics than in the group of non-alcoholics. The maximum systolic and diastolic arterial pressure during exercise test were significantly higher in the group of alcoholics than in the group of non-alcoholics. It is concluded that alcoholics are probably at a greater risk than non-alcoholics from disturbances in cardiac action and heart diseases during physical exercise

    Functional capability of the cardiovascular system in alcoholics

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    Provedeno je kliničko ispitivanje funkcionalne sposobnosti kardiovaskularnog sistema u dvije skupine muškaraca, 49 alkoholičara i 37 nealkoholičara prosječne životne dobi od 53 godine u fazi apstinencije. Svi ispitanici su podvrgnuti testu fizičkog opterećenja na pokretnom sagu »Viagraf«. Planirano je maksimalno opterećenje predviđeno za njihovu dob, a prema frekvenciji pulsa u jednoj minuti. Prije, u toku i nakon testa opterećenja praćene su varijable: frekvencija akcije srca, vrijednosti arterijskog tlaka, potrošnja kisika u ml/kg/min, izvršen rad u vatima ili kilopondmetrima u minuti, te metabolički ekvivalent i minute hoda, uz simultano snimanje elektro-kardiograma u 12 odvoda prije i na kraju svakog ,stupnja postignutog opterećenja, kao i nakon opterećenja. Funkcionalna sposobnost kardiovaskularnog sistema mjerena indirektnom potrošnjom kisika u opterećenju, kao i na osnovi izvršenog stupnja fizičkog rada, nije bila statistički značajno različita među ispitivanim skupinama. U toku testa opterećenja u skupini alkoholičara statistički značajno je viša frekvencija akcije srca u minuti nego u skupini »nealkoholičara«. Maksimalni sistolički i dijastolički arterijski tlak u toku opterećenja značajno je viši u skupini alkoholičara nego u skupini »nealkoholičara«. Prema tome alkoholičari u fizičkom opterećenju vjerojatno imaju povećan rizik od poremećaja i bolesti srca.A clinical investigation of the functional capability of the cardiovascular system was carried out ln two groups of male subjects - 49 alcoholics and 37 non-alcoholics - with an average age of 53 years during a phase of abstinence. All subjects were tested by means of exercise test on the »Viagraf«, the maximum exercise having been planned according to age and pulse rate in one minute. Before, during and after exercise test the following variables were checked: heart rate, arterial pressure, oxygen consumption in ml/kg/min, work achieved in watts or kilopond-metres in minutes, and the metabolic equivalent and minutes of walking, with simultaneous recording of the electrocardiogram m 12 leads, before and at the end of each exercise level achieved, as well as after exercise. The functional capability of the cardiovascular system, measured by indirect oxygen consumption during exercise test and on the basis of the level of physical work achieved, was not statistically significantly different between the investigated groups. During exercise test heart rate per minute was statistically significantly higher tin the group of alcoholics than in the group of non-alcoholics. The maximum systo1ic and diastolic arterial pressure during exercise test were significantly higher .in the group of alcoholics than in the group of non-alcoholics. It is concluded that alcoholics are probably at a greater risk than non-alcoholics from disturbances in cardiac action and heart diseases during physical exercise

    Anthriscus sylvestris—Noxious Weed or Sustainable Source of Bioactive Lignans?

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    Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. (Apiaceae), commonly known as wild chervil, has gained scientific interest owing to its diverse phytochemical profile and potential therapeutic applications. The plant, despite being categorized as a noxious weed, is traditionally used in treating various conditions like headaches, dressing wounds, and as a tonic, antitussive, antipyretic, analgesic, and diuretic. Its pharmacological importance stems from containing diverse bioactive lignans, especially aryltetralins and dibenzylbutyrolactones. One of the main compounds of A. sylvestris, deoxypodophyllotoxin, among its wide-ranging effects, including antitumor, antiproliferative, antiplatelet aggregation, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and insecticidal properties, serves as a pivotal precursor to epipodophyllotoxin, crucial in the semisynthesis of cytostatic agents like etoposide and teniposide. The main starting compound for these anticancer medicines was podophyllotoxin, intensively isolated from Sinopodophyllum hexandrum, now listed as an endangered species due to overexploitation. Since new species are being investigated as potential sources, A. sylvestris emerges as a highly promising candidate owing to its abundant lignan content. This review summarizes the current knowledge on A. sylvestris, investigating its biological and morphological characteristics, and pharmacological properties. Emphasizing the biological activities and structure–activity relationship, this review underscores its therapeutic potential, thus encouraging further exploration and utilization of this valuable plant resource

    Comparação entre cinco métodos para avaliação de susceptibilidade à oxacilina em cepas de Staphylococcus aureus isoladas de pacientes com fibrose cística

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    Staphylococcus aureus resistentes à oxacilina (MRSA) são, atualmente, um problema global. Pacientes com fibrose cística (FC) são frequentemente colonizados e infectados por MRSA. A realização de testes de susceptibilidade acurados é extremamente importante para o manejo da terapia antimicrobiana nesses indivíduos. Nesse estudo, realizamos comparação entre as acurácias de diversos testes de susceptibilidade à oxacilina, em cepas de S. aureus isoladas de pacientes com fibrose cística, tanto sensíveis como resistentes à oxacilina, com diferentes tipos de SCCmec, e utilizando a detecção do gene mecA como método padrão. A sensibilidade e a especificidade do disco de oxacilina, do Etest, e da placa de agar screening com oxacilina foram de 100%. A sensibilidade do disco de cefoxitina foi 85%, com especificidade de 100%. Em cepas clinicamente relevantes, a utilização combinada de mais de um método deveria ser considerada.Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are now a worldwide problem. Cystic fibrosis (CF) patients are commonly colonized and infected by MRSA. Accurate oxacillin susceptibility testing is mandatory for the adequate management of these patients. We performed a comparison of the accuracy of different tests in CF isolates, including methicillin-susceptible S. aureus and MRSA with different SCCmec types, and using the mecA gene as the gold-standard. The sensitivity and specificity of oxacillin disc, Etest, and oxacillin agar screening plate were 100%. Sensitivity of the cefoxitin disc was 85% and specificity was 100%. For clinically relevant isolates, laboratories may consider the use of a combination of two phenotypic methods

    The influence of circumnuclear environment on the radio emission from TDE jets

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    Dozens of stellar tidal disruption events (TDEs) have been identified at optical, UV and X-ray wavelengths. A small fraction of these, most notably Swift J1644+57, produce radio synchrotron emission, consistent with a powerful, relativistic jet shocking the surrounding circumnuclear gas. The dearth of similar non-thermal radio emission in the majority of TDEs may imply that powerful jet formation is intrinsically rare, or that the conditions in galactic nuclei are typically unfavourable for producing a detectable signal. Here we explore the latter possibility by constraining the radial profile of the gas density encountered by a TDE jet using a one-dimensional model for the circumnuclear medium which includes mass and energy input from a stellar population. Near the jet Sedov radius of radius of 10^18 cm, we find gas densities in the range of n18 ∼ 0.1-1000 cm^−3 across a wide range of plausible star formation histories. Using one- and two-dimensional relativistic hydrodynamical simulations, we calculate the synchrotron radio light curves of TDE jets (as viewed both on and off-axis) across the allowed range of density profiles. We find that bright radio emission would be produced across the plausible range of nuclear gas densities by jets as powerful as Swift J1644+57, and we quantify the relationship between the radio luminosity and jet energy. We use existing radio detections and upper limits to constrain the energy distribution of TDE jets. Radio follow-up observations several months to several years after the TDE candidate will strongly constrain the energetics of any relativistic flow

    Central Asia: hotspot in the worldwide HIV epidemic

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    The HIV epidemic in central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan) has accelerated since 2000. This expansion in the epidemic is largely attributable to escalating injection drug use, reflecting central Asia's geographic position along major drug trafficking routes. Although up to 75% of cumulative HIV cases have been among injection drug users (IDUs) so far, HIV infections are increasing in other population groups, including female sex workers and their clients, prisoners, and migrants. Among IDUs, risky injecting practices are highly prevalent, and the intersecting epidemic of sexually transmitted infections, particularly syphilis, highlights the potential for sexual transmission of HIV to bridging populations. Few HIV cases in children have been reported so far, with most resulting from nosocomial outbreaks in hospital settings. Some recent progress has been made towards scaling-up prevention, treatment, and care services, including harm reduction for IDUs, although key challenges remain

    Consensus definition of advance care planning in dementia: A 33-country Delphi study.

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    Existing advance care planning (ACP) definitional frameworks apply to individuals with decision-making capacity. We aimed to conceptualize ACP for dementia in terms of its definition and issues that deserve particular attention. Delphi study with phases: (A) adaptation of a generic ACP framework by a task force of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC); (B) four online surveys by 107 experts from 33 countries, September 2021 to June 2022; (C) approval by the EAPC board. ACP in dementia was defined as a communication process adapted to the person's capacity, which includes, and is continued with, family if available. We identified pragmatic boundaries regarding participation and time (i.e., current or end-of-life care). Three interrelated issues that deserve particular attention were capacity, family, and engagement and communication. A communication and relationship-centered definitional framework of ACP in dementia evolved through international consensus supporting inclusiveness of persons with dementia and their family. This article offers a consensus definitional framework of advance care planning in dementia. The definition covers all stages of capacity and includes family caregivers. Particularly important are (1) capacity, (2) family, (3) engagement, and communication. Fluctuating capacity was visualized in relation to roles and engaging stakeholders