130 research outputs found

    LL キョウシツ デノ エイゴ ハツオン シドウ ニ カンスル オボエガキ

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    Since October in 1999,I have benn engaged in teaching English Phonetics at Tokyo jogakkan Junior College.This course is designed as part of English education ..

    Long run communication support based on diagnostic symptom to the eruption as key roles of volcanologists toward sleeping giant - Case studies from Bandai, Usu and Azores

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    Volcanic eruptions can occur after decades-centuries long dormancy as has been seen from the recent examples: Mount St. Helens 1980, Pinatubo 1991, Unzen 1991, Soufrière Hills volcano 1995, Chaitén 2008, and Eyjafjallajökull 2010. Bandai volcano, NE Japan experienced a large scale sector collapse in 1888 which killed 477 people. We study how this catastrophic event is looked back by scientists, government and the local people. During the recent decades, the cultural and educational activities led by the Bandai Volcano Eruption Memorial Museum play an important role in disseminating hazard knowledge to the local people. Many outreach activities have been carried out at schools and/or in the volcano as well as the delivery of the volcanic hazard map. The regional headquarters of JMA in Sendai is in charge of monitoring 18 active volcanoes in Tohoku district. The area has not experienced major eruptions for long time, however the high potentiality for the large-scale eruption above VEI 4-5 is remarked such as Chokai B.C. 466 and Towada 915. The last four eruption crisis of Usu volcano, northern Japan were advised always by a couple of geophysicists and volcanologists through face-to-face communication with local town officers and the residents. Fogo volcano, Azores, shows 452 years of eruption dormancy whereas the recent geophysical studies have revealed repeated intrusion episodes during the last decades. We study how the information flows from scientific community to the public in case of volcanic crisis. It is a very challenging task how to deal with sleeping giants. Facilitating awareness of volcanic risks by maintaining long run communication among scientists, local authority and residents/tourists is the key for mitigating large volcanic hazards with low probabilities. Scientific support should be aimed at building community where “the local residents could make their own contingency and evacuation plans (Surono, 2013)”

    Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic Hepatectomy for Primary Clear Cell Hepatocellular Carcinoma of the Liver

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    We report a case of primary clear cell hepatocellular carcinoma of the liver (PCCCL) for which we performed hand-assisted laparoscopic hepatectomy. A 71-year-old female with hepatitis C infection and diabetes mellitus was admitted to our department for a hepatic tumor with gallstone. Abdominal computed tomography revealed a tumor 25 mm in diameter on the surface in segment 5 of the liver. The imaging results suggested small hepatocellular carcinoma located on the surface in segment 5 of the liver, and we performed laparoscopic surgery aiming at a minimally invasive procedure. We performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy and hand-assisted laparoscopic hepatectomy. Histopathological findings showed moderately differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma, and as the proportion of clear cells was 75%, the tumor was diagnosed as PCCCL. This is the first report of hand-assisted laparoscopic hepatectomy for PCCCL. Laparoscopic hepatectomy is a useful minimally invasive surgical procedure when the tumor is located on the surface of the liver

    A Case of Long Partial Response to Combination Therapy of Bevacizumab and Capecitabine for Liver Metastases of Rectal Cancer

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    A 69-year-old female visited our department with a diagnosis of rectosigmoid cancer and multiple hepatic metastases (stage IV). Abdominal CT revealed multiple metastatic lesions in the bilateral lobes of the liver. The primary lesion was considered to be resectable, and high anterior resection of the rectum was performed. After the operation, 6 courses of therapy with bevacizumab (BV) and modified FOLFOX6 were performed. CT showed a partial response, and tumor marker levels became normal. After a total of 11 courses of this therapy, grade 3 peripheral neuropathy developed, and the therapy was changed to BV and capecitabine (Cape). After 6 courses of this therapy, CT showed the maintenance of partial response, and tumor marker levels were also within the normal range. BV and Cape therapy may be useful not only for reducing peripheral neuropathy, but also as a maintenance therapy in patients requiring the suspension of oxaliplatin administration due to peripheral neuropathy

    Surgical Laparotomy for Repeated Delayed Arterial Hemorrhage after Pancreaticoduodenectomy

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    Postpancreatectomy hemorrhage is one of the major life-threatening complications of pancreatic surgery. Radiological intervention is used as a first-line approach for the initial treatment of late arterial hemorrhage. However, rehemorrhage has a high risk for mortality, and it is undecided which urgent intervention provides optimal management for rehemorrhage. We experienced a successful surgical laparotomy for the repeated delayed arterial hemorrhage caused by a pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) for chronic pancreatitis. A 57-year-old man had undergone PD with pancreaticogastrostomy for tumor-forming pancreatitis with possible pancreatic cancer. A delayed massive hemorrhage from the drain developed 11 days after surgery. Although angiography was done, the bleeding site was not clearly detected. Therefore, urgent surgical laparotomy was performed. Arterial bleeding was detected from the stump of the gastroduodenal artery. Surgical ligation, using the suture technique, was performed for hemostasis, and a closed drain was placed in the area due to drainage of pancreatic juice and an abscess. However, rehemorrhage from the drain developed 7 days after the initial hemorrhage. Relaparotomy was performed immediately. The surgical ligation and compression hemostasis with absorbable hemostatic cotton was done. After relaparotomy for rehemorrhage, there was no hemorrhage or fatal hepatic failure. He left our hospital 64 days after initial surgery. Surgical laparotomy is one of the feasible procedures for hemostasis of a massive arterial hemorrhage. Proper blood vessel ligation is necessary for reliable hemostasis and proper drainage of pancreatic juice and abscesses to prevent hemorrhage

    Internal structures of a subaerial dacite cryptodome at Usu volcano, Hokkaido, Japan

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    A partly eroded, subaerial, dacite cryptodome at Showa-Shinzan, Usu volcano, Hokkaido, Japan, displays its internal structures, and provides an excellent opportunity to study contact relationship between cryptodome and overlying sediment. The margin of the cryptodome comprises two facies: inner coherent dacite and outer dacite breccia. The coherent dacite facies is ~5 m in the exposed section, and consists of homogeneous or weakly flow-banded, feldspar-phyric dacite. The dacite breccia facies envelope the coherent dacite facies, and is 4-5 m thick. The breccia is monomictic, non-stratified and consists of angular dacite clasts up to 15 cm across in a cogenetic matrix. The overlying sediment directly covers the dacite breccia facies, and comprises reddish-brown, fluvial deposit. The dacite breccia formed by fracturing of coherent dacite in response to cooling contraction, and shearing of the fractured dacite due to movement of the growing cryptodome.特集 : 「2003年度実施の地域との共同研究の報告


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    We experienced 7 cases of Stress facture of Spinous Processes of lower Cervical Vertebra in "T" surgical hospital. One case was caused by a traffic accident, 3 were caused from work. Out of these 7 cases, 1 was caused by golf swing and 2 were caused by combination of golf swing and work. We fixed Cervical vertebra 3 month by cervical orthosis and the prognosis was favorable