17 research outputs found

    Application of geographic information system in hunting ground habitat factors evaluation in Hunting tourism

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    Услови који владају у одређеном станишту дивљачи (ловишту) зависе од многих фактора. Ти фактори су храна, вода, тло, вегетација, мир у ловишту, клима и др. Основни предуслов одрживог газдовања ловиштем је и адекватна оцена свих фактора. То се ради у поступку бонитирања на основу чега се даље раде пројекције капацитета ловишта. У основи ове докторске дисертације је да у процес бонитирања укључи географске информационе системе. То подразумева приказ новог метода бонитирања који би користио ГИС. У оквиру дисертације је приказана методологија методе бонитирања применом ГИС-а, као и његова примена у истраживаном подручју - равничарском ловишту „Капетански рит“ Кањижа. На крају су презентовани резултати о анализи и оцени сваког од фактора, као и о могућој примениприликом утврђивања капацитета ловишта.Uslovi koji vladaju u određenom staništu divljači (lovištu) zavise od mnogih faktora. Ti faktori su hrana, voda, tlo, vegetacija, mir u lovištu, klima i dr. Osnovni preduslov održivog gazdovanja lovištem je i adekvatna ocena svih faktora. To se radi u postupku bonitiranja na osnovu čega se dalje rade projekcije kapaciteta lovišta. U osnovi ove doktorske disertacije je da u proces bonitiranja uključi geografske informacione sisteme. To podrazumeva prikaz novog metoda bonitiranja koji bi koristio GIS. U okviru disertacije je prikazana metodologija metode bonitiranja primenom GIS-a, kao i njegova primena u istraživanom području - ravničarskom lovištu „Kapetanski rit“ Kanjiža. Na kraju su prezentovani rezultati o analizi i oceni svakog od faktora, kao i o mogućoj primeniprilikom utvrđivanja kapaciteta lovišta.Game habitat quality depends on numerous natural and human-induced conditions. Recent researches have determined that available food, land cover, human  disturbance, topography and climatic factors are essential factors. Its analysis is necessary for sustainable management of natural areas, including hunting grounds as game habitat. Hunting is an activity that is closely associated with forestry, water management, agriculture, tourism, etc. GIS is widely applied in the above-mentioned  activities and therefore in the field of hunting. Past practice has shown that the classical methods for evaluating habitat factors involve a lot of subjectivity and often leads to unrealistic determination of hunting ground capacity. The aim of this dissertation is to assess evaluation of the essential factors fordetermination the capacity of hunting ground. Instead of the classical analyses, project proposes assessment of this factor using Geographic Information System (GIS) which have never been used for this purpose in hunting ground before. Researched area was hunting ground “Kapetanski rit” – Kanjiža, Serbia. Comparing classical methods for evaluating habitat factors and use of GIS for this purposes, obtained results indicate to adventages of new imrpoved GIS methodology

    Utjecaj cijepljenja protiv bjesnoće na dinamiku populacija lisice (Vulpes vulpes) i zeca običnog (Lepus europaeus) u Vojvodini, Republika Srbija

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    Certain aspects of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes Linnaeus, 1758) and brown hare (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778) population dynamics in the Autonomous Province Vojvodina (Serbia) were analysed on the basis of the available data from 1978-2015. Red fox culling was taken into account as a factor affecting the abundance of brown hares. In that period, during regulated hunts a total of 399,976 foxes were culled and the annual average was 10,526 (SD = 2985). Brown hare spring counts showed fluctuations during the research period and showed a declining trend in the number of individuals. The red fox was selected for the study as the most abundant predator in this area, having the most impact on brown hares. Also, in 2010 a nationwide vaccination campaign against rabies was conducted, leading to an increase in the numbers of red foxes. However, while this led to a rise in the numbers of red foxes, the cull remained nearly the same in the following years. Analysis of the relationship between the numbers of brown hare and the red fox cull in 1978-2009 and 2010-2015 showed a significant difference in their ratio. This study shows that the numbers of red fox increased significantly following the rabies vaccination. Consequently, this is a significant factor that is affecting the brown hare population. Also, it is evident that the red fox cull needs to be increased in order to maintain the natural balance.Na temelju raspoloživih podataka iz 1978. do 2015. u Autonomnoj pokrajini Vojvodini (Republika Srbija) analizirana je dinamika populacija lisice (Vulpes vulpes linneus, 1758) i zeca običnog (Lepus europaeus Pallas, 1778). U obzir je uzet odstrel lisice kao čimbenika koji utječe na brojnost zečeva. U tom je razdoblju tijekom redovnih lovova odstrijeljeno ukupno 399 976 lisica, a godišnji prosjek iznosi 10 526 (SD = 2985). Podaci proljetnog prebrojavanja zečeva pokazuju fluktuacije tijekom istraživačkog razdoblja i trend opadanja njihova broja. za istraživanje je odabrana lisica kao najbrojniji grabežljivac na ovom području, s najviše utjecaja na zeca običnog. Također, tijekom 2010. godine provedeno je cijepljenje protiv bjesnoće diljem zemlje, što je dovelo do porasta broja lisica. No dok je broj lisica porastao, u sljedećim je godinama odstrel ostao gotovo jednak. Analize odnosa između zeca običnoga i lisice od 1978. do 2009. i od 2010. do 2015. pokazuju znakovitu razliku. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da je broj lisica znatno povećan nakon kampanje cijepljenja protiv bjesnoće. Slijedom toga ovo je važan čimbenik koji utječe i na populaciju zeca. Također, očito je da se odstrel lisica mora povećati kako bi se održala prirodna ravnoteža

    The significance of egg shell color on the pheasant hatching production results

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    Based on studies carried out in 2011, on the impact of genetic factors on hatching and vitality of pheasant chicks and young, a strong causal relation has been confirmed between the egg shell color and certain production parameters, such as the embryonic death rate. A model was based on determining egg shell color for 420 eggs. Shell color of eggs obtained in aviaries is very versatile and can be expressed in almost 25 color tones. All these nuances are embedded in the seven basic tones. The result shows that embryonic death rate is 85% for lime skim eggs, 50% for lime spots eggs, 50% for green eggs, 30% for blue-green eggs, 25% for dark grey eggs, 25% for brown eggs and 20% for light brown eggs. Results of this study were applied to one of the biggest pheasant farm in Serbia, “Ristovača” in Bač. The total number of examined eggs was 216,188 of which 191,240 were fertilized, and 24,948 had dead embryos. Thus the total number of hatched pheasant chicks was 155,690. The eggs were classified by their color and related to their hatchability status. When total number of eggs (216,188) was used with above mentioned parameters, almost the same results (155,763) were obtained, confirming the correctness of the obtained results. Keywords: Pheasant, egg shell color, fertility, embryonic death rate

    Ekološki prihvatljiva tehnologija za proizvodnju gelnih premaza i protivpožarnih materijala koristeći bio-obnovljive i otpadne materijale

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    Razvijena je inovativna tehnologija za proizvodnju gelnih premaza i materijala koji smanjuju zapaljivost na bazi nezasićenih poliestarskih smola (eng. Unsaturated polyester resins-UPR). Ovi materijali su sintetisani iz sirovina dobijenih iz otpadnog poli(etilen) tereftalata (PET) i bio-obnovljivih izvora. Ovaj proces čine tri faze: (I) sinteza hidroksilnih, karboksilnih i vinilnih termalnih monomera kao i anhidrida maleinske kiseline na bio-osnovi iz 5-hidroksimetilfurfurala (HMF) i levulinske kiseline; proizvodi sa termalnim hidroksilnim grupama, zasnovani su na otpadnom PET-u i karboksil, hidroksil i vinil termalnom fosfatnom estru kraft lignina; (II) sinteza bio-UPR smola koristeći proizvode iz prve faze i vinil derivate iz HMF-a i kraft lignina kao vezujućeg agensa za UPR smole; (III) homogenizacija UPR smola sa aditivima (dispergatori, pigmenti, punioci i aditivi sintetisani u prvoj fazi) da bi dobili gelni premaz i sjedinili ga sa usporivačem plamena (derivati fosfatnog estra lignina) i proizveli protiv požarni materijal. Predstavljene tehnologije poštuju ekološke standarde kao i principe zelene i cirkularne ekonomije. Dobijeni proizvodi mogu se primeniti u raznim industrijama (građevinarstvo, rudarstvo, prerada polimera itd.)ARCA 2020, 18th International Innovation Exhibitio

    Homocysteine Concentration in the Serum of Dogs Naturally Infected with Leishmania Spp. – Association with the Stage of the Disease, Therapy, and Clinical Pathology Data

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    Progressive tissue injury in canine leishmaniosis (CL) is related to the deposition of immune complexes, which induces vasculitis and leads to endothelial dysfunction. Homocysteine (Hcy) increase may worsen endothelial dysfunction, but data concerning its concentration in different CL stages and links to the acute phase response and oxidative stress are missing. We compared Hcy levels between dogs with mild (N=24) and moderate CL without treatment (N=17) and treated with anti-Leishmania drugs and vitamin B supplements (N=9). Dogs with moderate CL, regardless of therapy administration, had more distinct clinical signs, lower erythron values, and a higher level of acute-phase proteins (APPs), IgG against Leishmania spp., urea and creatinine, than dogs with mild CL. Hcy values did not differ between stages, but treated dogs had the lowest levels of Hcy. An inverse relationship existed between Hcy and the CL stage, therapy, levels of IgG, and clinical pathology data. The only positive relationship existed between Hcy and the erythron state. The disease stage and therapeutic intervention were not related to the oxidative stress level, except in the case of paraoxonase-1/ Hcy ratio, indicating favorable conditions for antioxidative defense in treated dogs. In conclusion, changes in Hcy levels indicated its possible involvement with endothelial dysfunction and inverse relationship to tissue injury evaluated by APPs. Finally, Hcy might be an early marker of favorable conditions for endothelium recovery in C

    The effect of natural and human-induced habitat conditions on number of roe deer: case study of Vojvodina, Serbia

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    Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) have greatly expanded in both distribution and abundanceduring the last few decades, and are the most abundant cervids in Europe today. The aim of this paper is to determine the factors that have the most considerable impact on roe deer numbers in the Vojvodina region (North Serbia). Environmental (area in ha, total area of forest and total area of meadows and pastures in hunting ground) and anthropogenic (number of registered hunters, number of hunting sections, number of gamekeepers and roads in km on 1,000 ha) factors had been shown to influence the number of roe deer in Vojvodina region. A multiple regression analysis was carried out as the main statistical approach. The mapping of certain parameters was done using ArcGIS 9.2 software in order to establish the relation between the roe deer population and the different environmental and anthropogenic conditions. The results signify that the roe deer number dependency in the Vojvodina region is a very complex and multi-factorial phenomenon, strongly influenced by human induced modifications


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    Savjetovanje je u organizaciji Grupacije oplemenjivača bilja Gospodarskog interesnog udruženja za sjemenarstvo „Hrvatsko sjeme“ u suradnji s Hrvatskim agronomskim društvom održano 24. rujna 2008. godine u prostorijama Zavoda za sjemenarstvo i rasadničarstvo u Osijeku. Skup je okupio eminentne osobe iz područja oplemenjivanja, sjemenarstva i marketinga sjemenom

    Value of Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra L.) Trophies as a Part of Hunting Tourism Offer in the National Park Tara (Serbia)

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    Chamois dispersion and population in Serbia today is relatively small in contrast to many suitable habitats across the country. One of the last stable populations can be found in the Tara Mountain. It is also one of the last places in Serbia where hunting tourists can hunt chamois. Considering that, it can be said that Tara chamois population can represent an important attracting factor for hunting tourists, both domestic and foreign. This paper analyses the significance of this population on the increase of variety of hunting tourism offer on Tara Mountain, but also in Serbia. Also, the values of trophies realized through hunting tourism are analyzed in terms of keeping track of the demand, but also as a way to monitor the population so it remains preserved in the future

    Film Tourism: A Contemporary Resource for Promoting Serbia

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    Studies of the relationships between film, TV and tourism are relatively new, and in development mainly since the early 1990s. Leisure activities such as watching films as well as traveling are ways to escape. Both provide temporary relief from the real world. Contemporary tourism industry itself is very competitive and many new destinations are trying to attract the tourists to their destinations. Film can provide knowledge of certain aspects of the country such as nature, culture and people which result in the construction of the attitudes towards the country. An interest in the nation and its positive image can eventually lead to an actual visit to the country. Serbia offers a range of scenery that can serve diverse location needs from villages to rivers, mountains and forests. The country’s unique architecture from Ottoman and Habsburg to Socialist period structures and from Roman and Medieval to contemporary urban is offering rich, distinct backdrops for a variety of productions. This paper investigates the film tourism phenomenon by reviewing previous research and practices (in several countries, including Serbia) to highlight the benefits of film in promoting tourist products