19 research outputs found

    Efficacy assessment of early rehabilitation after surgical repair of acute aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage

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    Uvod: Subarahnoidalno krvarenje (SAH) predstavlja iznenadan prodor krvi u subarahnoidalni prostor i jedna je od najdramatičnijih cerebralnih disfunkcija, a nastaje apoplektiformno, najčešće usled rupture aneurizmatskog proširenja arterijskog krvnog suda. Glavni simptom je glavobolja. Brojne su komplikacije i to neurološke (reruptura, vazospazam, hidrocefalus, epi napadi) i somatske komplikacije (plućni edem, srčane aritmije, poremećaj elektrolita, teških krvarenja iz gastrointestinalnog trakta, najčešće želuca) i dr. Nakon postavljanja dijagnoze, kauzalni vid lečenja je isključivanje aneurizme iz cirkulacije i to hirurškim ili endovaskularnim pristupom. Termin za hiruršku intervenciju može biti akutni, u prvih 72 h od rupture aneurizme. Istraživanja kada je potrebno i bezbedno započeti sa ranom rehabilitacijom i vertikalizacijom, praktično nema. Cilj ovog istraživanja je uspostavljanje što bezbednijeg rehabilitacionog programa sa vertikalizacijom za bolesnike koji su operisani od subarahnoidalnog aneurizmalnog krvarenja u akutnom terminu. Metod: Studija je bila tipa randomizovanog kliničkog ogleda. Ispitivanje se sprovodilo na Klinici za neurohirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije i to u periodu od 1. VI 2013. do 1. VI 2015. Studija je odobrena od Etičkog komiteta Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. U studiju su bili uključeni bolesnici Klinike za neurohirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije kojima je postavljena klinička dijagoza SAH, a koji su operisani u akutnom terminu tj. u prva tri dana od rupture aneurizme tj. ataka, a koji su preoperativno pripadali I, II ili III gradusu, bez obzira na lokalizaciju aneurizme. Obuhvatala je šezdeset pet bolesnika koji su operisani nakon rupture aneurizme u akutnom terminu i to podeljeni u grupu I (N= 34) koji su ranu rehabilitaciju sa vertikalizacijom započeli 2-5 dana od krvarenaj i grupu II (N= 31) koji su ranu rehabilitaciju odmah započeli ali vertikalizovani oko 12- og dana od krvarenja. Kod svih bolesnika smo pratili: rane komplikacije, vazospazam, ishemiju kao i procenu motornog stanja bolesnika. Ispitivali smo depresiju (Zung skalom), anksioznost (Zung skalom), kognitivni status, Mini mental testom (MMSE test), vršili procenu funkcionalnosti skalom za procenu funkcionalne nezavisnosti (FIM), kvalitet života (WHOQOL-BREF) i to na otpustu, mesec i tri meseca nakon operacije...Introduction: The term subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) refers to sudden extravasation of blood into the subarachnoid space. As one of the most dramatic cerebral dysfunctions, it occurs suddenly, in most cases as a result of a ruptured arterial aneurism. The most common symptom of SAH is severe headache, often called thunderclap headache. A subarachnoid hemorrhage can have many complications, both neurological (a re-rupture of the aneurysm, vasospasm, hydrocephalus and epileptic seizures) and somatic (pulmonary edema, arrhythmia, electrolyte disturbances, and severe bleeding in the digestive tract, usually the stomach). After a positive diagnosis of SAH, patients receive causal treatment, i.e. the aneurysm is excluded from the blood flow using either the surgical or endovascular approach. A surgical procedure may be performed in the acute phase, within the first 72 hours after the ruptured aneurysm. To date, virtually no studies have been carried out into when it is preferred and safe to initiate early rehabilitation and verticalization. The aim of this study was to develop a safe rehabilitation and verticalization protocol for patients who have undergone surgical repair of acute SAH. Methods: The study was a randomized, clinical experimental design. It was carried out in the Neurosurgery Clinic of the Clinical Center of Serbia between June 2013 and June 2015. The investigation was approved by the Ethics Committee of the School of Medicine, University of Belgrade. All subjects were patients in the Neurosurgery Clinic of the Clinical Center of Serbia who had been diagnosed with SAH and undergone surgery in the acute phase of this life-threatening condition (i.e. within the first 3 days after aneurysm rupture; clinical status before surgery classified as grade I, II or III regardless of aneurysm location). These sixty-five subjects were evaluated in two groups. Group 1 (n=34) started early rehabilitation and verticalization on Days 2-5 post-bleeding, whereas Group 2 (n=31) started early rehabilitation immediately post-surgery and verticalization was initiated approximately Day 12 post-bleeding. All patients were monitored for early complications, vasospasm and ischemia; their motor status was assessed as well. Depression and anxiety (using the Zung scales), cognitive status (using the Mini-Mental State Examination) functional status (using the Functional Independence Measure or the FIM instrument) as well as quality of life (using the WHOQOL BREF scale) were assessed at discharge and at 1 and 3 months post-surgery..


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    Environmental conditions can have a crucial impact on the functioning of laboratory equipment. Electric components are sensitive to the influence of certain environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, vibrations, etc. Environmental factors should, therefore, be monitored to avoid their negative influence on the system and potential faults and failures they could cause. Unlike the traditional approaches which required the presence of special staff to monitor environmental factors and react if they are poor, the rise of the Internet of Things enhanced the application of intelligent solutions where human factor is not necessary. In this paper, research on data analysis, preprocessing and intelligent classification of environmental conditions has been conducted. The data was collected by sensors connected to Raspberry Pi. The applied monitoring system setup enabled long-distance monitoring of laboratory conditions through the internet and full applicability of fundamental IoT concepts. Since data preparation is an important step in the process of designing machine learning models, the collected data was analyzed and preprocessed in Python. Intelligent classification of environmental conditions was performed using machine learning models k-Nearest Neighbors and Random Forest. Grid search was used for model selection, and the performances of k-Nearest Neighbors and Random Forest machine learning models were compared. Experimental results show that these machine learning models can be successfully used for intelligent classification of environmental conditions

    Effect of acute experimental aluminum poisoning on hematologic parameters

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    Having in mind the presence of aluminum in industry, as well as in households, we wanted to define changes in the number of erythrocytes and aluminum content in the plasma and erythrocytes following acute aluminum poisoning under experimental conditions. The experiment involved gerbils which received intraperitoneally aluminum chloride solution at a dose of 3.7g per kg of body mass. The experimental group was sacrificed after 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours from the beginning of the experiment by cardiac punction or by abdominal artery punction. The control group was treated with saline, only. The number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin concentration were considerably reduced with respect to the control group, most likely as the result of cell membrane changes and reduced life cycle of erythrocytes. During the experiment, aluminum content in the plasma was increased in the first and second day of the experiment, it started to decline on the third day, while on the fourth day it returned to its original value, which proves again the existence of a special mechanism of "clearance" of aluminum in plasma

    Modified eggshell catalyst for transesterification of sunflower oil: The effects of catalyst loading on FAMEs content

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    Modified highly active CaO catalyst (ESCHC-600) derived from waste chicken eggshells were prepared and used in the transesterification of sunflower oil. Eggshells were subjected to calcination-hydration-calcination (CHC) cycles described in detail previously [1]. After CHC treatments, highly active CaO was obtained, which indicates its great potential for biodiesel synthesis. The transesterification reaction was carried out in a batch reactor at 60 ºC, methanol to oil molar ratio of 12:1, and different catalyst concentrations ranging from 2 to 8 wt%. Fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) content was determined by the HPLC analytical technique. The highest triacylglycerols (TAGs) conversion to FAMEs was achieved at a catalyst loading of 4 wt% (Fig. 1a). A further increase in catalyst loading (> 4 wt%) led to a decrease in TAGs conversion. The higher catalyst loadings (6 and 8 wt%) limited mass transfer of the TAGs and reaction products (FAMEs, DAGs and MAGs) due to the higher reaction mixture density and viscosity of the complex multiphase system. Compared to raw eggshell calcined at 900 ºC (ES-900) (Fig. 1b), the synthesized ESCHC-600 catalyst showed a higher activity, which could be attributed to a more favourable pore structure of CHC treated catalyst and better availability of the active sites.Conference of the Young Chemists of Serbia, Belgrade, 2nd November 201

    Lajm neuroborelioza

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    Lyme borreliosis (LB) is a multisystemic zoonotic disease which in humans can involve the skin, joints, heart and/or nervous system. In this study a total of 11 patients with clinical manifestations have been assessed at the Institute for Occupational Health. Evaluation of the patients was done in order to determine their working capability and further professional orientation. Patients were of different gender, age, education and profession. They fulfilled at least two of the three criteria: tick infestation data (epidemiological criteria), central and/or peripheral neurological symptoms (clinical criteria) and a positive serological finding. Diagnosis was done upon classical clinical criteria: electromyeloneurography (EMNG) analysis, neurological impairments, electroencephalography (EEG), computer tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). IgM and IgG antibodies against B. burgdorferi were determined by commercial ELISA kits. IgM antibodies were recorded in the serum of 4 (44.4%) and IgG in 6 (66.7%) patients. Electro-myeloneurography findings of the upper and lower limbs were positive in 5 (83.3%), electroencephalography in 4 (66.6%) of the 6 observed patients and CT was positive in 4 (36.4%) of the 5 observed patients. The study has established that in patients with neuroborreliosis (NB) the capability to carry out intellectual tasks, as well as responsible duties is impaired due to poor memory. Patients suffering from peripheral neuropathies are not fit to withstand longterm walks, weight lifting and carrying or any other form of physical stress.Lajm borelioza je multisistemsko oboljenje, iz grupe zoonoza koje kod ljudi može zahvatiti kožu, zglobove, srce i/ili nervni sistem. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 11 bolesnika sa kliničkim manifestacijama neuroborelioze koji su ispitivani u Institutu za medicinu rada Srbije u cilju ocene radne sposobnosti i dalje profesionalne orijentacije. Ispitani su bolesnici različite starosti, pola, nivoa obrazovanja i različitih zanimanja koji su ispunili minimalno dva od tri kriterijuma i to: podatak o ubodu krpelja (epidemiološki kriterijum), ispoljavanje centralnih i/ili, perifernih neuroloških simptoma (klinički kriterijum) i pozitivan serološki nalaz. Dijagnoza neuroborelioze je postavljena na osnovu klasičnih kliničkih kriterijuma: neurološ kih ispada, analize elektro-mioneurografije (EMNG), elektroencefalografije (EEG), kompjuterske tomografije (CT) i/ili magnetne rezonance (MRI). Ispitivanje prisustva antitela IgM i IgG klase u krvnom serumu prema B. burgdorferi vršeno je komercijalnim ELISA testom. Antitela IgM klase registrovana su u serumu četiri (44,4%), dok su IgG antitela registrovana kod 6 (66,7%) ispitanih pacijenata. Nalaz elektro-mioneurografije gornjih i donjih ekstremiteta je bio pozitivan kod pet (83,3%), nalaz elektroencefalografije kod četiri (66,6%) od šest ispitanih pacijenata, dok je nalaz CT bio pozitivan kod 4 (36,4%) od pet ispitanih pacijenata. Sprovedenim ispitivanjem je utvrđeno da je kod bolesnika sa razvijenom neuroboreliozom smanjena sposobnost za bilo koju vrstu intelektualnog rada, kao i za poslove koji su povezani sa moralnom i materijalnom odgovornošću zbog problema sa pamćenjem. Kod bolesnika sa perifernim neuropatijama postoji nesposobnost za poslove koji uključuju dugotrajno stajanje i hodanje, dizanje i nošenje tereta, kao i bilo koju vrstu fizičkog rada

    Conifers as green renewable inhibitors for steel acid cleaning

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    While traditional corrosion inhibitors are quite effective at protecting metal, they also pollute the environment. Since conifers are renewable plants, there has been a lot of interest in using plant extracts as green corrosion inhibitors [1,2]. They fit industry standards and make excellent raw materials for corrosion inhibitors. However, because of the high dosage and unclear composition of these corrosion inhibitors, they have not been successfully used in industry. In this work black pine (Pinus nigra, PN) and Pančić spruce essential oils were synthesized from fresh needles, which were further tested as a mixture of green organic substances that inhibit steel corrosion. In addition, the active substances of black pine essential oil (α-pinene, β-pinene, and caryophyllene) were tested under the same conditions and their effect on the corrosion rate was compared with the effect of black pine essential oil. The influence of phytochemicals (bornyl-acetate, borneol, and camphene) on the effectiveness of the essential oil of Pančić's spruce, as well as on the adsorption on steel, was evaluated by theoretical and surface methods. Through experiments and theoretical calculation, the corrosion inhibition effect of these inhibitors on steel was studied in 1 M HCl solution at 25 C. The optimal inhibitor concentration as well as the time of immersion were assessed by Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. It has been demonstrated that all inhibitors become more effective over time. At the same concentration of 80 ppm, the most prevalent component of the PN essential oil, α-pinene, demonstrated a poorer corrosion prevention efficacy than β-caryophyllene, that reached 96% inhibition efficiency. Both PN and Pančić essential oil were mixed types of inhibitors with prevalent influence on the inhibition of the cathodic reaction, as shown by polarization measurements. SEM and XPS analysis confirmed the presence of borneol and bornyl-acetate, along with non-soluble oxides that formed a protective film on metal surface. Binding mechanism of the Pančić essential oil inhibitor molecules was resolved with the analysis of the projected density of states [3]. The theoretical calculations [4] indicated that some of the phytochemicals in Pančić essential oil bond to the steel by chemisorption (bornyl-acetate and borneol) while others by physisorption (camphene). This has also been confirmed by values of adsorption free energy determined from Langmuir Isotherm

    The impact of socioeconomic factors on quality of life and functional impairment in patients treated for oropharyngeal carcinoma

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    Uvod/Cilj. Incidencija orofaringealnih karcinoma se povećavala tokom poslednje decenije, a epidemiologija promenila sa pojavom humanog papiloma virusa (HPV) kao bitnog faktora rizika od ovih karcinoma. Potrebno je ustanoviti bolje terapeutske izbore za specifične grupe bolesnika koji se leče od orofaringealnog karcinoma. Cilj ove studije bio je da se procene kvalitet života i funkcionalne performanse, kao i uticaj različitih demografskih faktora, stadijuma bolesti i tipa terapija na te parametre kod bolesnika sa orofaringealnim karcinomom kod kojih je postignuta uspešna lokoregionalna kontrola, godinu dana posle sprovedene terapije. Metode. Studija je uključila 87 bolesnika koji su odgovorili na upitnike o kvalitetu života i funkcionalnim performansama: European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality-of Life-Questionnaire-C30 - EORTC QLQ-C30), European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of-Life Questionnaire-Head and Neck 35 (EORTC QLQ-H&N35) i Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS), 12 do 14 meseci posle završenog onkološkog tretmana. Rezultati. Specifične grupe bolesnika značajno su se razlikovale u skorovima na upitnicima za kvalitet života posle lečenja. Faktori koji su bili povezani sa slabijim rezultatima su bili ženski pol, život bez partnera, nivo obrazovanja, zaposlenost i HPV status. Zaključak. Kliničari bi trebali da uzmu u obzir socioekonomske faktore i HPV status u planiranju postoperativnog oporavka kod bolesnika lečenih od orofaringealnog karcinoma. Pol bolesnika, nivo obrazovanja i zaposlenost su faktori koji nose određen nivo rizika koji je povezan sa nižim nivoom kvaliteta života kod ovih bolesnika.Backround/Aim. Considering the distinct increase in the incidence of oropharyngeal cancer over oral cavity cancers and changing epidemiology with human papilloma virus (HPV) infection emerging as an important risk factor, there is a need to establish better treatment choices in specific groups of patients with oropharyngeal cancer. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life (QOL) and functional performance and the impact of different demographical data, stage of disease, and treatment type on these parameters in patients with oropharyngeal cancer with successfully achieved locoregional control a year after the treatment. Methods. Study included 87 patients who underwent QOL and functional impairment assessment 12 to 14 months after finished oncological treatment with the following questionnaires: the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality-of Life-Questionnaire-C30 (EORTC QLQ-C30), European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of-Life Questionnaire-Head and Neck 35 (EORTC QLQ-H&N35) and the Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS). Results. Specific groups of patients had significantly different post-treatment QOL scores. The factors associated with the worse QOL scores were female gender, not being in a partnership, level of education and HPV status. Conclusion. Clinicians should consider socioeconomic factors and HPV status in planning the recovery after treatment of patients with oropharyngeal carcinoma. Gender, education level and employment are the variables that form a certain risk profiles associated with the lower QOL

    Peptides and their constituents as steel corrosion inhibitors: an experimental and theoretical approach

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    Ekološki prihvatljivi inhibitori privlače pažnju mnogih istraživača zbog povoljnih svojstava: biorazgradivost, netoksičnost, dostupnost i obnovljivost. U njih spadaju i amonokiseline (AK), kao sastojci od vitalnog značaja za sva živa bića. U radu je ispitan inhibitorski efekat nekoliko AK na čeliku u 1 M HCl: tri samostalne AK, glicin, glutaminska kiselina i cistein; smeša ove tri AK, kao i njihov dipeptid (glicin i glutaminska kiselina) i tripeptid glutation (glicin, glutaminska kiselina i cistein). Inhibitorska efikasnot AK je određena elektrohemijskim merenjima. Meren je ugao kvašenja površine čelika sa adsorbovanim inhibitorom, energija veza inhibitora i supstrata je određivana XPS metodom, a topografija AFM. Razlike u vezivanju inhibitora za supstrat su analizirane teorijskim proračunima.Green eco-friendly inhibitors have become very popular due to their remarkable properties such as biodegradability, environmental acceptability, safety, availability, and renewability. Amino acids (ACs) are one of them, as constituents of vital importance for all living beings. Several AC systems were examined in this study as steel inhibitors in 1 M HCl solution: three ACs separately, glycine, glutamic acid and cysteine; their mixture, as well as their dipeptide (glycine and glutamic acid) and tripeptide glutathione (glycine, glutamic acid and cysteine). Their inhibition efficiency was evaluated and compared by electrochemical methods. The steel surface with adsorbed inhibitor was analyzed by contact angle measurements, AFM and XPS. The intrinsic differences in adsorption between these green inhibitors were analyzed by theoretical calculations

    Inhibicija korozije ugljeničnog čelika u 1 M HCl pomoću ekološki prihvatljivog inhibitora (Pančićeva omorika): kombinovanje eksperimentalnih i teorijskih metoda

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    Etarsko ulje Pančićeve omorike analizirano je gasnom hromatografijom u kombinaciji sa masenom spektrometrijom (GC/MS). Eektrohemijska merenja su pokazala da u koncentaciji od 200 ppm ovaj zeleni inhibitor smanjuje brzinu korozije čelika sa značajnom efikasnošću od 93 % nakon 4 h. Polarizaciona mjerenja su pokazala da je etarsko ulje inhibitor mešovitog tipa. Inhibirana i neinhibirana površina čelika je analizirana skenirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM), i merenjem kontaktnog ugla. Adsorpcija organskih aktivnih supstanci na površini čelika prati Lengmirovu adsorpcionu izotermu i rendgenska fotoelektronska spektroskopija (XPS) je pružila dublji uvid u mehanizam inhibicije korozije. Eksperimentalne studije su upotpunjene teorijskim proračunima.Picea omorika essential oil was analyzed by gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Electrochemical measurements showed that this green inhibitor reduces the corrosion rate of steel with a significant efficiency of 93% after 4 h at a concentration of 200 ppm. Polarization measurements showed that the essential oil is a mixed type inhibitor. The inhibited and non-inhibited surface of the steel was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and contact angle measurements. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) provided a deeper insight into the mechanism of corrosion inhibition. The adsorption of organic active substances on the steel surface follows the Langmire adsorption isotherm. Experimental studies were completed with the theoretical studies

    Efficacy assessment of early rehabilitation after surgical repair of acute aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage

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    Uvod: Subarahnoidalno krvarenje (SAH) predstavlja iznenadan prodor krvi u subarahnoidalni prostor i jedna je od najdramatičnijih cerebralnih disfunkcija, a nastaje apoplektiformno, najčešće usled rupture aneurizmatskog proširenja arterijskog krvnog suda. Glavni simptom je glavobolja. Brojne su komplikacije i to neurološke (reruptura, vazospazam, hidrocefalus, epi napadi) i somatske komplikacije (plućni edem, srčane aritmije, poremećaj elektrolita, teških krvarenja iz gastrointestinalnog trakta, najčešće želuca) i dr. Nakon postavljanja dijagnoze, kauzalni vid lečenja je isključivanje aneurizme iz cirkulacije i to hirurškim ili endovaskularnim pristupom. Termin za hiruršku intervenciju može biti akutni, u prvih 72 h od rupture aneurizme. Istraživanja kada je potrebno i bezbedno započeti sa ranom rehabilitacijom i vertikalizacijom, praktično nema. Cilj ovog istraživanja je uspostavljanje što bezbednijeg rehabilitacionog programa sa vertikalizacijom za bolesnike koji su operisani od subarahnoidalnog aneurizmalnog krvarenja u akutnom terminu. Metod: Studija je bila tipa randomizovanog kliničkog ogleda. Ispitivanje se sprovodilo na Klinici za neurohirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije i to u periodu od 1. VI 2013. do 1. VI 2015. Studija je odobrena od Etičkog komiteta Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. U studiju su bili uključeni bolesnici Klinike za neurohirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije kojima je postavljena klinička dijagoza SAH, a koji su operisani u akutnom terminu tj. u prva tri dana od rupture aneurizme tj. ataka, a koji su preoperativno pripadali I, II ili III gradusu, bez obzira na lokalizaciju aneurizme. Obuhvatala je šezdeset pet bolesnika koji su operisani nakon rupture aneurizme u akutnom terminu i to podeljeni u grupu I (N= 34) koji su ranu rehabilitaciju sa vertikalizacijom započeli 2-5 dana od krvarenaj i grupu II (N= 31) koji su ranu rehabilitaciju odmah započeli ali vertikalizovani oko 12- og dana od krvarenja. Kod svih bolesnika smo pratili: rane komplikacije, vazospazam, ishemiju kao i procenu motornog stanja bolesnika. Ispitivali smo depresiju (Zung skalom), anksioznost (Zung skalom), kognitivni status, Mini mental testom (MMSE test), vršili procenu funkcionalnosti skalom za procenu funkcionalne nezavisnosti (FIM), kvalitet života (WHOQOL-BREF) i to na otpustu, mesec i tri meseca nakon operacije...Introduction: The term subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) refers to sudden extravasation of blood into the subarachnoid space. As one of the most dramatic cerebral dysfunctions, it occurs suddenly, in most cases as a result of a ruptured arterial aneurism. The most common symptom of SAH is severe headache, often called thunderclap headache. A subarachnoid hemorrhage can have many complications, both neurological (a re-rupture of the aneurysm, vasospasm, hydrocephalus and epileptic seizures) and somatic (pulmonary edema, arrhythmia, electrolyte disturbances, and severe bleeding in the digestive tract, usually the stomach). After a positive diagnosis of SAH, patients receive causal treatment, i.e. the aneurysm is excluded from the blood flow using either the surgical or endovascular approach. A surgical procedure may be performed in the acute phase, within the first 72 hours after the ruptured aneurysm. To date, virtually no studies have been carried out into when it is preferred and safe to initiate early rehabilitation and verticalization. The aim of this study was to develop a safe rehabilitation and verticalization protocol for patients who have undergone surgical repair of acute SAH. Methods: The study was a randomized, clinical experimental design. It was carried out in the Neurosurgery Clinic of the Clinical Center of Serbia between June 2013 and June 2015. The investigation was approved by the Ethics Committee of the School of Medicine, University of Belgrade. All subjects were patients in the Neurosurgery Clinic of the Clinical Center of Serbia who had been diagnosed with SAH and undergone surgery in the acute phase of this life-threatening condition (i.e. within the first 3 days after aneurysm rupture; clinical status before surgery classified as grade I, II or III regardless of aneurysm location). These sixty-five subjects were evaluated in two groups. Group 1 (n=34) started early rehabilitation and verticalization on Days 2-5 post-bleeding, whereas Group 2 (n=31) started early rehabilitation immediately post-surgery and verticalization was initiated approximately Day 12 post-bleeding. All patients were monitored for early complications, vasospasm and ischemia; their motor status was assessed as well. Depression and anxiety (using the Zung scales), cognitive status (using the Mini-Mental State Examination) functional status (using the Functional Independence Measure or the FIM instrument) as well as quality of life (using the WHOQOL BREF scale) were assessed at discharge and at 1 and 3 months post-surgery..