39 research outputs found

    Ocena pomoloških osobina novijih sorti borovnice (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) pomoću multivarijacione analize

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    During three years we investigate the main phenological and pomological properties of four highbush bluebery in Cacak ecological conditions. Results showed significant variation of properties evaluated among cultivars and years with inconsistent behavior of cultivars in some seasons. The highest bunch weight and berry number per bunch had cv. Reka, whereas the lovest valuaes was found in Ozarkblue and Nui, respectively. The highest berry weight had cvs. Ozarkblue in 2011 and Nui in 2012, respectivelz, whereas diferences in 2014 were not significant. The highest and similar soluble solids content had berries of cvs. Ozarkblue and Reka in 2012, and Reka i Duke in 2014, respectively, whereas differences among cultivars were not significant. The lowest soluble solids content had cv. Nui. Statisticaly significant correlations among blueberry properties evaluated were not determined. The prinicipal component analyisi (PCA) can be served as confidental model for segregation or grouping cultivars with the most favourable phenological and pomological properties.Tokom tri godine, ispitivane su najznačajnije fenološke i pomološe osobine četiri sorte visokožbunaste borovnice u ekološkim uslovima Čačka. Rezultati su pokazali značajna variranja ovih osobina između sorti i godina ispitivanja, uz nedosledno ponašanje sorti u pojedinim sezonama. Najveću masu grozda i broj bobica po grozdu imala je sorta Reka, a najmanje vrednosti su utvrđene kod sorti Ozarkblue, odnosno Nui. Najveću masu bobica imala je sorta Ozarkblue u 2011. godini, odnosno Nui u 2012., dok razlike u 2014. godini nisu bile značajne. Najveći i sličan sadržaj rastvorljive suve materije (RSM) imale su bobice sorti Ozarkblue i Reka u 2012. godini, odnosno Reka i Duke u 2014., dok razlike između sorti u 2011. nisu bile značajne. Najmanji sadržaj RSM je imala sorta Nui. Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne korelacije između ispitivanih osobina borovnice. Analiza najznačajnijih komponenti (PCA) može poslužiti kao pouzdan model za izdvajanje ili grupisanje sorti sa najpovoljnijim fenološkim i pomološkim osobinama

    Неки атрибути вегетативног раста, приноса и квалитета плода кајсије (Prunus armeniaca L.) у зависности од сорте и подлоге

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    From 2011 to 2016, the influence of three rootstocks (Myrobalan seedlings, St. Julien A, Pumiselect®) on the tree vigour, precocity, yield and external fruit quality (fruit and stone weight, flesh rate and fruit shape) at the three genotypes of apricot [‘Novosadska rodna’ (‘NR’), ‘NS-4’, ‘NS-6’] was investigated. Results showed that rootstocks were not affected tree growth of genotypes, but changed their yield, cumulative yield and yield efficiency, except for ‘NR’ and ‘NS-4’. Pumiselect® conditioned better values for investigated parameters in comparison with Myrobalan and St. Julien A, respectively. Differences in tree vigour and productivity parameters among genotypes were not significant. As far as the fruit physical properties, the rootstocks caused variation of their weight in all genotypes, flesh rate in ‘NR’ and ‘NS-6’ and fruit shape (sphericity) in ‘NS-4’ and ‘NS-6’. In the most cases, the fruits of genotypes on Pumiselect® and St. Julien A had higher fruit weight and flesh rate in relation to the Myrobalan. Myrobalan, partially Pumiselect®, have contributed to the increase sphericity values. The influence of rootstocks on stone weight was not significant. As for as the genotypes, they are influenced variation of fruit and stone weight, but did not affect the values of flesh rate and sphericity, respectively. 'NR' had the highest fruit weight, whereas the highest stone weight had 'NR' and ‘NS-4’. ‘NS-6’ had the lowest fruit and stone weight.У периоду од 2011. до 2016. године испитиван је утицај три подлоге (сејанац Џанарике, St. Julien A, Pumiselect®) на бујност стабла, прородевање, принос и спољашњи квалитет плода (маса плода и коштице, рандман мезокарпа и облик плода) код три генотипа кајсије [‘Новосадска родна’ (‘НР’), ‘НС-4’, ‘НС-6’]. Резултати су показали да подлоге нису утицале на бујност стабала генотипова, али су мењале њихов принос, кумулативни принос и коефицијент родности, осим код ‘НР’ и ‘НС-4’. Pumiselect® је условио боље вредности испитиваних параматера у поређењу са Џанариком и St. Julien A. Није било значајних разлика у бујности стабла и параметрима продуктивности између генотипова. Што се тиче физичких особина плода, подлоге су изазвале варирање његове масе код свих генотипова, рандмана мезокарпа код ‘НР’ и ‘НС-6’ и облика плода код ‘НС-4’ и ‘НС-6’. У већини случајева, плодови генотипова на Pumiselect® и St. Julien A су имали већу масу плода и рандман меса у односу на Џанарику. Џанарика, делимично и Pumiselect®, су утицали на повећање вредности сферичности. Утицај подлога на масу коштице није био значајан. Што се тиче генотипова, они су утицали на варирање масе плода и коштице, али нису утицали на вредности рандмана меса и сферичности. ‘НР’ је имала највећу масу плода, док су највећу масу коштице имали ‘НР’ и ‘НС-4’. ‘НС-6’ је имао најмању масу плода и коштице

    Принос и квалитет плода новијих домаћих и иностраних сорти кајсије (Prunus armeniaca L.)

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    The work presents results related to the phenology of flowering and fruit maturity, initial bearing, yield and fruit quality of 18 newly-bred apricot cultivars - two domestic and 16 foreign ones compared to the ‘Hungarian Best’ (control) in the second year after planting in ecological conditions of Čačak. All the traits examined were with variable features and cultivar dependent. Although the vegetation of the year 2017 was very climatic unfavorable, a good initial bearing was observed, but also the important yield of most cultivars in the second year after planting; the highest was in cvs. ‘Farclo’, ‘Betinka’ and ‘Roxana’. The highest fruit weight had cvs. ‘Roxana’ and ‘Wonder Cot’ and the smallest ‘Fardao’ and ‘Betinka’, respectively. Fruits of cvs. ‘Kecs-psar’, ‘Candela’ and ‘Farclo’ were the richest in the soluble solids content, while the poorest were in the fruits of cv. ‘Precoce de Tyrinthe’.У раду су приказани резултати који се односе на фенологију цветања и зрења плода, иницијалну родност, принос и квалитет плода 18 новијих сорти кајсије – две домаће и 16 иностраних поређених са ‘Мађарском најбољом’ (контрола) у другој години по садњи у еколошким условима Чачка. Испитиване особине су биле варијабилног карактера и сортно зависне. Иако је вегетациона 2017. година била климатски веома неповољна, остварена је различита бујност али и значајна родност већине сорти у другој години по садњи, највећа у cvs. ‘Farclo’, ‘Betinka’ и ‘Roxana’. Највећу масу плода имале су cvs. ‘Roxana’ и ‘Wonder Cot’, а најмању ‘Fardao’ и ‘Betinka’. Плодови cvs. ‘Kecs-psar’, ‘Candela’ и ‘Farclo’ су били најбогатији у садржају растворљиве суве материје (РСМ), док су најсиромашнији били плодови cv. ‘Precoce de Tyrinthe’

    Pomološke i proizvodne osobine nekih novijih sorti šljive

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    Plum assortment in Serbia is dominated by old autochthonous cultivars, well-known cultivar ‘Stanley’ and cultivars named and released in Fruit Research Institute, Čačak such as: ‘Čačanska lepotica’, ‘Čačanska rodna’, ‘Čačanska rana’ and ‘Čačanska najbolja’. In order to fulfill different demands of fresh fruit market and achieve better results in modern plum production, it is necessary, among other things, to introduce new cultivars. Before introduction of new cultivars in orchards, significant evaluation of these cultivars in environmental conditions of region they are being introduced is required. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the most importand pomological and productive traits of six introduced plum cultivars: ‘Hanita’, ‘Jojo’, ‘Jubileum’, ‘Presenta’, ‘Tegera’ and ‘Valor’. The most important phenological (flowering and ripening time), and morphometric traits (fruit and stone weight, fruit dimensions and flash percentage), as well as tree vigour (trunk cross section area) and cropping potential (yield per tree and yield efficiency) were evaluated. Flowering phenofase in all examined cultivars lasted during the second decade of april, whereby flowering abundance was estimated as very good. The largest fruit weight, and fruit dimensions (height, width and thickness) were determined in ‘Valor’, whereas the largest stone weight and tree vigour were determined in ‘Jubileum’. The largest flesh percentage was found in cultivars ‘Jojo’, ‘Tegera’ and ‘Valor’. Cultivars ‘Presenta’ and ‘Jojo’ had largest yield per tree, while ‘Jojo’ had the highest yield efficiency.U sortimentu šljive u Srbiji dominiraju stare, authtone sorte, dobro poznata sorta ‘Stanley’ i sorte stvorene u Institutu za voćarstvo, Čačak, pre svih ‘Čačanska lepotica’, ‘Čačanska rodna’, ‘Čačanska rana’ i ‘Čačanska najbolja’. Da bi se zadovoljili različiti zahtevi tržišta i postigli što bolji rezultati u savremenoj proizvodnji šljive, neophodno je, između ostalog, introdukovati nove sorte. Pre uvođenja u proizvodnju, ove sorte zahtevaju značajno ispitivanje u ekološkim uslovima regiona u koji se introdukuju. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispitaju najznačajnije pomološke i proizvodne osobine šest introdukovanih sorti šljive: ‘Hanita’, ‘Jojo’, ‘Jubileum’, ‘Presenta’, ‘Tegera’ i ‘Valor’. Ispitivane su najznačajnije fenološke (fenofaza cvetanja i sazrevanja plodova) i morfometrijske osobine (masa i dimenzije ploda, masa koštice i randman mezokarpa ploda), kao i bujnost (površina poprečnog preseka debla) i rodnost (prinos po stablu i koeficijent rodnosti). Fenofaza cvetanja je kod svih ispitivanih sorti trajala tokom druge dekade aprila u obe ispitivane godine, pri čemu je obilnost cvetanja ocenjena kao veoma dobra. Najveća masa, visina, širina i debljina ploda su utvrđeni kod sorte ‘Valor’, dok su najveća masa koštice i bujnost stabla utvrđeni kod sorte ‘Jubileum’. Najveći randman ploda imale su sorte ‘Jojo’, ‘Tegera’ i ‘Valor’. Sorte ‘Presenta’ i ‘Jojo’ su imale najveći prinos po stablu, dok je sorta ‘Jojo’ imala i najveći koeficijent rodnosti

    Biološko-pomološke osobine autohtonih sorti šljive u agroekološkim uslovima Čačka

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    This study was carried out to determine basic biological and pomological traits of eight ex situ autochthonous plum cultivars (‘Belošljiva Ljubić’, ‘Bugarka’, ‘Cerovački piskavac’, ‘Crnošljiva’, ‘Crvena ranka’, ‘Dragačevka’, ‘Papračanka’ and ‘Petrovača’) during two consecutive years (2015 and 2016). Examination included investigation of the main phenological properties (flowering and ripening time), morphometrical (fruit and stone weight and flesh percentage) and sensorial properties of fruit (fruit scin and flesh colour, flesh firmness and stone adherence), as well as vigour (trunk cross sectional area) and cropping potential (yield per tree and yield efficiency). Studied plum cultivars flowered from the end of the first to the mid of the third decade of April and ripened during the third decade of July and the first and the second decade of August. The highest vigour and yield per tree was found in cultivar ‘Dragačevka’, while the highest yield efficiency was observed in cultivar ‘Cerovački piskavac’. Cultivar ‘Belošljiva Ljubić’ had the highest values of fruit and stone weight. The highest velue of flesh percentage was observed in cultivar ‘Dragačevka’. Dark-blue fruit skin colour was dominant, while flesh colour varied from yellowish green to yellow. Flesh was medium firm to firm and non adherent, semi adherent or adherent to the stone.Ispitivanja obuhvaćena ovim radom su sprovedena sa ciljem determinacije najvažnijih biološko-pomoloških osobina osam autohtonih sorti šljive (Belošljiva Ljubić, Bugarka, Cerovački piskavac, Crnošljiva, Crvena ranka, Dragačevka, Papračanka i Petrovača) u ex situ uslovima tokom 2015. i 2016. godine. Proučavane su najznačajnije fenološke osobine (fenofaze cvetanja i sazrevanja plodova), morfometrijske (masa ploda i koštice, randman mezokarpa ploda) i senzorne osobine ploda (boja pokožice i mezokarpa ploda, čvrstina mezokarpa i stepen prijanjanja koštice), kao i bujnost (površina poprečnog preseka debla) i rodnost (prinos po stablu i koeficijent rodnosti). Proučavani genotipovi šljive su cvetali od kraja prve do sredine treće dekade aprila, a sazrevali tokom treće dekade jula i prve i druge dekade avgusta. Najvećom bujnošću i najvišim prinosom po stablu se odlikovala sorta Dragačevka, dok je najviši indeks rodnosti utvrđen kod sorte Cerovački piskavac. Najveća masa ploda i koštice su utvrđene kod sorte Belošljiva Ljubić, a najveći randman mezokarpa ploda kod sorte Dragačevka. Dominirala je tamno plava boja pokožice ploda. Mezokarp ploda je bio žute ili žuto-zelene boje, srednje čvrst do čvrst, dok je koštica bila slobodna, delimično slobodna ili je u potpunosti prijanjala za mezokarp ploda

    Ageism: Does it Exist Among Children?

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    Ageism is stereotyping and prejudice against individuals or groups because of their age. Robert Butler first used it in 1969, to express a systematic stereotyping and discrimination against elderly people. Available data appears to confirm that attitudes of children to the old age differ from that of adults. The study population consisted of 162 subjects (56 school children, 48 nurses and 58 elderly patients). Each subject in the survey was asked to respond to the following three questions: Question #1: “Is the old age unattractive ?”; Question #2: “How old is an old man? Question #3: “What should you do to have a long life (what is good for longevity)? The majority of polled children (33) gave positive statements about ageing in their responses to the first item, while most of the nurses gave condition answers, like: “It is not unattractive if you are healthy”. Elderly subjects made up a group with the majority of negative responses (in percentage), as only 33% of them answered that old age is not unattractive. All three groups of subjects demonstrated a good knowledge of what is considered good for longevity, and had a generally positive health attitude. Our results indicate that majority of children have positive perception and attitude about old age, which leads us to conclusion that ageism is adopted later in life

    Three-dimensional biomechanical model of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in the semi-circular canal

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    Benigna paroksizmalna pozicijska vrtoglavica (BPPV) je najčešći poremećaj vestibularnog sustava koji uzrokuju bazofilne čestice u polukružnom kanalu. Trodimenzijski biomehanički model SCC je opisan s potpunom 3D interakcijom fluid-struktura, čestica, zidova, deformacije kupule i endolimfnog strujanja fluida. Prikazan je model SCC s parametarskim definiranim dimenzijama i trodimenzijskim 3D rekonstrukcijama određenog pacijenta. Korištene su pune Navier-Stokes jednadžbe s jednadžbama kontinuiteta opisuje tok fluida dok je Arbitrary-Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulacija korištena za gibanje mreže. Korištena je interakcija fluid-struktura za spajanje tekućine s deformacijom kupule. Primijenjen je algoritam za praćenje čestica. Korištene su različite veličine i broj čestica sa svojom punom interakcijom između sebe, zida i deformacije kupule. Raspodjela brzina, smičnog naprezanja i sila od strane endolimfe je prikazana kao parametar za jedan SCC kao i za tri SCC od određenog pacijenta. Svi modeli se koriste u korelaciji s istim eksperimentalnim protokolima s pokretima glave i gibanjem očiju - nystagmus. Puna interakcija fluid-struktura, čestica otoconia, zidova, deformacije kupula i endolimfnog fluida u tri dimenzije dat će više detalja za razumijevanje patologije specifičnog pacijenta u standardnoj kliničkoj dijagnostici i proceduri terapije za BPPV.Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is one of the most common vestibular disorders occuring due to the presence of basophilic particles in the semicircular canals (SCC). Three-dimensional biomechanical model of the SCC is described with full 3D fluid-structure interaction of particles, wall, cupula deformation and endolymph fluid flow. The model of the SCC with parametric defined dimension and fully 3D three SCC from patient specific 3D reconstruction is presented. Navier-Stokes equations with continuity equations described fluid flow while Arbitrary-Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulation is used for mesh motion. Fluid-structure interaction for fluid coupling with cupula deformation is used. Particle tracking algorithm has been used for particle motion. Different size and number of particles with their full interaction between themselves, wall and cupula deformation are used. Velocity distribution, shear stress and force from endolymph side are presented for parametric one SCC and patient specific three SCC. All the models are used for correlation with the same experimental protocols with head moving and nystagmus eye tracking. Full fluid-structure interaction of otoconia particles, wall, cupula deflection and endolymph flow in three-dimension give more details and understanding of the pathology of the specific patient in standard clinical diagnostic and therapy procedure for BPPV

    Noviji rezultati oplemenjivanja voćaka u Institutu za voćarstvo, Čačak

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    The Fruit Research Institute Čačak has seventy years long tradition in breeding of continental fruit species. The continual multi-disciplinary scientific and research work conducted so far has resulted in the releasing of 41 different cultivars. In addition to the named and released cultivars, for promising candidate cultivars have been selected (three plums and one peach) and entered for releasing, while there is also a large number of promising genotypes that are currently under intense evaluation. The paper presents an overview of the most significant biological and productive characteristic of the 12 new cultivars of pome and stone fruits, including seven plum cultivars (Boranka, Timočanka, Zlatka, Nada, Mildora, Krina and Pozna plava), two pear cultivars (Julijana and Anđelija) and three sour cherry cultivars (Sofija, Nevena and Iskra).Institut za voćarstvo, Čačak ima sedamdeset godina dugu tradiciju oplemenjivačkog rada na stvaranju novih sorti kontinentalnih vrsta voćaka. Do sada je kao rezultat kontinuiranog, multidisciplinarnog naučnoistraživačkog rada priznata 41 sorta različitih vrsta voćaka. Pored priznatih sorti, izdvojene su četiri kandidat sorte (tri šljive i jedna breskve) koje su u postupku priznavanja, kao i veliki broj perspektivnih genotipova koji se intenzivno proučavaju. U radu je prikazan pregled najznačajnijih bioloških i proizvodnih osobina 12 novije priznatih sorti jabučastih i koštičavih vrsta voćaka, i to: sedam sorti šljive (Boranka, Timočanka, Zlatka, Nada, Mildora, Krina i Pozna plava), dve sorte kruške (Julijana i Anđelija) i tri sorte višnje (Sofija, Nevena i Iskra)

    Sex and age differences and outcomes in acute coronary syndromes

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    Background: There is conflicting information about sex differences in presentation, treatment, and outcome after acute coronary syndromes (ACS) in the era of reperfusion therapy and percutaneous coronary intervention. The aim of this study was to examine presentation, acute therapy, and outcomes of men and women with ACS with special emphasis on their relationship with younger age ( lt = 65 years). Methods: From January 2010 to June 2015, we enrolled 5140 patients from 3 primary PCI capable hospitals. Patients were registered according to the International Survey of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Transitional Countries (ISACS-TC) registry protocol (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01218776). The primary outcome was the incidence of in-hospital mortality. Results: The study population was constituted by 2876 patients younger than 65 years and 2294 patients older. Women were older than men in both the young (56.2 +/- 6.6 vs. 54.1 +/- 7.4) and old (74.9 +/- 6.4 vs. 73.6 +/- 6.0) age groups. There were 3421 (66.2%) patients with ST elevation ACS (STE-ACS) and 1719 (33.8%) patients without ST elevation ACS (NSTE-ACS). In STE-ACS, the percentage of patients who failed to receive reperfusion was higher in women than in men either in the young (21.7% vs. 15.8%) than in the elderly (35.2% vs. 29.6%). There was a significant higher mortality in women in the younger age group (age-adjusted OR 1.52, 95% CI: 1.01-2.29), but there was no sex difference in the older group (age-adjusted OR 1.10, 95% CI: 0.87-1.41). Significantly sex differences in mortality were not seen in NSTE-ACS patients. Conclusions: In-hospital mortality from ACS is not different between older men and women. A higher short-term mortality can be seen only in women with STEMI and age of 65 or less