2,097 research outputs found

    Healthy Nutrition

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    Many costly and disabling conditions - cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases - are linked by common preventable risk factors. Tobacco use, prolonged, unhealthy nutrition, physical inactivity, and excessive alcohol use are major causes and risk factors for these conditions. The ongoing nutritional transition expressed through increased consumption of high fat and high salt food products will contribute to the rising burden of heart disease, stroke, obesity and diabetes. Changes in activity patterns as a consequence of the rise of motorised transport, sedentary leisure time activities such as television watching will lead to physical inactivity in all but the poorest populations. Many diseases can be prevented, yet health care systems do not make the best use of their available resources to support this process. All too often, health care workers fail to seize patient interactions as opportunities to inform patients about health promotion and disease prevention strategies. Nutrition is an input to and foundation for health and development. Interaction of infection and malnutrition is well-documented. Better nutrition means stronger immune systems, less illness and better health. Healthy children learn better. Healthy people are stronger, are more productive and more able to create opportunities to gradually break the cycles of both poverty and hunger in a sustainable way. Better nutrition is a prime entry point to ending poverty and a milestone to achieving better quality of life

    Coupling fluid and solid domains in modeling drug transport within tumor

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    Development of a feasible model for transport within complex vasculature network and tissue remains a challenge. Such a model is particularly important when considering drug transport within tumor environment. A drug used to cure the cancer is first transported through blood vessels, then it attaches to the vessel endothelium and faces biological barriers in the vessel wall to reach cancerous cells. We have developed a model for convective-diffusive drug transport which is simple and computationally efficient. One of the challenges was to couple fluid domain within blood vessels and solid domain of the tumor microenvironment. We have introduced fictitious 1D finite elements which appropriately take into account transport characteristics of the vessel walls. These characteristics include leakage and permeability of the walls. In evaluating wall permeability of a drug, we implemented our hierarchical multiscale methodology which couples molecular dynamics (MD) and continuum FE model. A numerical homogenization procedure was employed to obtain equivalent continuum transport parameters which account for interaction on molecular level between drug and solid components of the wall microstructure. Also, a possibility of using equivalent continuum transport models for capillary beds is investigated in order to further simplify and increase efficiency for the overall model of tumor. As a numerical example, we calculate transport through a capillary bed to illustrate applicability of our methodology


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    In this work we present computational model for intraocular drug transport using coupled convective-diffusive equations. Model can simulate drug transport using either injection or by state of the art implant devices. We are using Navier-Stokes equation for fluid flow in vitreous humor, and composite smeared finite element (CSFE) for convection in rest of the eye and also for diffusion within the whole model. CSFE takes into account blood vessel properties, such as hydraulic and diffusive components. User interface tool CAD for pre- and post- processing is constructed which enables generation of geometries for patient specific purposes. Computational model provides results in a form convenient for investigation of effects of the drugs on different diseases, such as diabetic macular edema, uveitis, etc. This computational platform has potentials to become a powerful tool for optimization of therapies and simulation of different drugs.Publishe

    Uticaj matriksa na određivanje antiparazitika HPLC metodom

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    Tečna hromatografija visokih performansi (HPLC, tečna hromatografija pod visokim pritiskom) je oblik kolonske hromatografije koji se često koristi u analitičkoj hemiji. HPLC se koristi za razdvajanje komponenti iz smese na osnovu hemijskih interakcija između supstance koja se analizira i stacionarne faze u koloni. Princip rada HPLC-a je forsiranje prolaska analizirane supstance (ili smeše) kroz kolonu (cev napunjenu materijalom sitnih čestica, a time i velike površine) pumpanjem tečnosti (mobilna faza) pod visokim pritiskom kroz kolonu. Unosi se mala zapremina uzorka u tok mobilne faze i na osnovu specifičnih hemijskih i fizičkih interakcija, dolazi do različitog zadržavanja komponenata smeše. Vreme zadržavanja zavisi od prirode supstance koja se analizira, stacionarne faze i sastava mobilne faze. Vreme za koje se supstanca eluira (dođe do kraja kolone) naziva se retenciono vreme i one je karakteristično za određenu supstancu. Korištenje visokog pritiska povećava linearnu brzinu i daje komponentama manje vremena za zadržavanje, što poboljšava rezoluciju hromatograma. Koriste se uobičajeni rastvarači, čisti ili u bilo kojoj kombinaciji (npr. voda, metanol, organski rastvarači, itd). Voda može sadržavati i neki pufer, kako bi se poboljšalo razdvajanje. Moguće je koristiti i gradijentno eluiranje, što podrazumeva promenu sastava mobilne faze u toku eluiranja. Uređaj za HPLC se sastoji od sledećih komponenata: rezervoar mobilne faze, pumpe i injektora. Detektor ima važnu ulogu da određivanja komponenti koje izlaze iz kolone nakon eluiranja. Detektor generiše električni signal koji je proporcionalan intenzitetu neke osobine mobilne faze ili supstance koja se eluira. Tipovi detektora u HPLC-u su: UV-VIS detektor, fluorescentni detektor, elektrohemijski detektor, detektor indeksa loma i maseni spektrometar (MS). Uticaj matrixa uzorka koji se analizra ima veliki uticaj na izlazne analiticke rezultate. Kako bi se eliminisao uticaj matrixa pozeljno je uraditi kalibraciju kroz matrix, na blank uzorku koji ne sadrzi analite od interesa (Olives, 2006). U našoj studiji smo ukazali na značaj kalibracije kroz matrix, kako bismo neutralisali negov nepovoljan uticaj na rezultat. S tim ciljem je urađena i analiza uzoraka mesa ribe koja je spajkovana sa razlicitim koncentracijama parazitika. Uzorci su ekstrahovani sa acetonitrilom u prisustvu soli, anhidrovanog magnezijum sulfata i natrijum acetate. Kvantifikacija prečišenog ekstrakta je urađena na Thermo HPLC-u, sa UV detektorom. Na osnovu sprovedenog ispitivanja utvrđeno je da procenat recovery kod kalibracije kroz matrix se krece u opsegu od 75-95 % a u slučaju kalibracije sa standardima kreće se u opsegu od 40-55%. Zbog značaja praćenja parazitika u mesu ribe neophodno je optimizovati uslove analize s ciljem dobijanja pouzdanih rezultata i pračenja kvaliteta proizvoda

    Uticaj uklanjanja prvih serija izdanaka na vegetativni rast, prinos i kvalitet ploda kupine (Rubus fruticosus L.)

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    Paper presents results of the effect of removing the first flush primocanes on vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of blackberry cultivar ‘Čačanska Bestrna’. Primocanes were removed on a single (10 of May) or double (10 of May and 1 of June) occasions. Removing the first flush primocanes had impact on number of fruiting branches developed in current year on floricanes, but no on their length. It was observed that treatments with removing primocanes had significantly higher yield per bush and per unit area. Increasing of yields was ranged from 11.4% (removal of primocanes twice) to 15.1% (removal of primocanes once). Fruit weight and soluble solids content in the blackberry fruits were not significantly different under the influence of various term of the removal of the first flush of primocanes. The aforementioned pomotechnical measure has significantly influenced the properties of newly developed blackberry primocanes.U radu su prikazani rezultati uticaja uklanjanja prvih serija izdanaka na vegetativni rast, prinos i kvalitet ploda kupine sorte ‘Čačanska bestrna’. Izdanci su uklanjani u jedan (10. maja) ili dva navrata (10. maja i 1. juna). Uklanjanje je uticalo na broj rodnih grančica razvijenih u tekućoj godini na dvogodišnjem izdanku kupine, ali ne i na njihovu dužinu. Prinos po žbunu i jedinici površine je bio značajno veći u varijantama uklanjanja prvih serija izdanaka nego kada oni nisu uklanjani. Povećanje prinosa se kretalo od 11,4% (uklanjanje izdanaka dva puta) pa do 15,1% (uklanjanje izdanaka jednom). Masa ploda i sadržaj rastvorljive suve materije u plodovima se nisu značajno razlikovali pod uticajem različitih varijanti uklanjanja prvih serija izdanaka kod kupine. Uklanjanje prvih serija izdanaka u toku vegetacije je značajno uticalo na osobine novorazvijenih izdanaka kupine

    Healthy Nutrition

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    Many costly and disabling conditions - cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases - are linked by common preventable risk factors. Tobacco use, prolonged, unhealthy nutrition, physical inactivity, and excessive alcohol use are major causes and risk factors for these conditions. The ongoing nutritional transition expressed through increased consumption of high fat and high salt food products will contribute to the rising burden of heart disease, stroke, obesity and diabetes. Changes in activity patterns as a consequence of the rise of motorised transport, sedentary leisure time activities such as television watching will lead to physical inactivity in all but the poorest populations. Many diseases can be prevented, yet health care systems do not make the best use of their available resources to support this process. All too often, health care workers fail to seize patient interactions as opportunities to inform patients about health promotion and disease prevention strategies. Nutrition is an input to and foundation for health and development. Interaction of infection and malnutrition is well-documented. Better nutrition means stronger immune systems, less illness and better health. Healthy children learn better. Healthy people are stronger, are more productive and more able to create opportunities to gradually break the cycles of both poverty and hunger in a sustainable way. Better nutrition is a prime entry point to ending poverty and a milestone to achieving better quality of life