10 research outputs found

    Mehanizmi i parametri tranzijenata i oscilacija indukcionih procesa zakasnele fluorescencije hlorofila u pobuđenoj tilakoidnoj membrani intaktnog lista kukuruza

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    The intact leaves of four maize hybrids: ZP 360, ZP 46A, Zp 633 i ZP 704 and two maize inbred lines ZPR 70ž i Oh 43, tolerant and resistant to the impact of increased and high temperatures and drought were observed in the present study. The improved, non-invasive photosynthetic-fluorescence method was applied in studying of complex delayed chlorophyll fluorescence induction processes that were resolved into transients: A, B, C, D and E in which instabilities, fluctuations and oscillations can occur. The interrelationship between transients and oscillations of the delayed chlorophyll fluorescence induction processes occurred in the intact leaves of maize inbreds and hybrids that were grown in the green-house under conditions of different air drought, impacts of temperatures and the water deficit in the medium, when their thylakoid membranes had been excited and significant structural and functional changes had occurred. The existence of transients: A, B, C, D and E of delayed chlorophyll fluorescence induction processes was determined. The time and physico-chemical parameters of these transients were presented. The mechanisms of their generation were explained. The properties of oscillatory performances of delayed chlorophyll fluorescence induction processes were determined. The conditions under which instable state and fluctuations occurred and oscillations were established in the excited thylakoid membrane of the intact leaf of maize inbreds and hybrids were presented. The hypothesis on the mechanism of establishing of oscillations and their interrelation with transients of delayed chlorophyll fluorescence induction processes was presented.Razloženi indukcioni procesi zakasnele fluorescencije (ZF) hlorofila na tranzijente: A, B, C, D i E nastaju kada se segment intaktnog lista linija i hibrida kukuruza drži u mračnoj komori fosforoskopa znatno kraće vreme (30 s ā‰¤ Ļ„ ā‰¤ 240 s), pre njegovog intermitentnog osvetljavanja sa belom svetloŔću. Tranzijente indukcionih procesa: A, B, C, D i E karakteriÅ”u njihovi vremenski parametri: tA, tB, tC, tD i tE, promena intenziteta tranzijenata, parametri i mehanizmi njihovog nastajanja. Razloženi indukcioni procesi ZF hlorofila intaktnog lista linija i hibrida kukuruza na tranzijente: A, B, C, D i E praćeni su pojavom i različitim nivoima vrednosti energije aktivacije (Ea, kJ/mol) koje odgovaraju različitim kritičnim temperaturama faznih prelaza u pobuđenoj tilakoidnoj membrani. Mehanizmi nastajanja tranzijenata indukcionih procesa: A, B, C, D i E imaju dve prirode. Tranzijenti A i B su fizičke, a tranzijenti: C, D i E su hemijske prirode. Pokazano je da nastajanje tranzijenata: B, C, D i E istovremeno prati uspostavljanje oscilacija indukcionih procesa ZF hlorofila. Po naÅ”oj hipotezi, međuzavisnost tranzijenata i oscilacija indukcionih procesa ZF hlorofila dovode se u neraskidivu vezu. Oscilovanje indukcionih procesa ZF hlororfila objaÅ”njava se strukturnim i funkcionalnim promenama u pobuđenoj tilakoidnoj membrani intaktnog lista linija i hibrida kukuruza koji su gajeni u uslovima vazduÅ”ne suÅ”e, povećanih temperatura i deficita vode u podlozi

    Muscle strength measurement of pelvic floor in women by vaginal dynamometer

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    Introduction The pelvic floor is made of a mutually connected system that consists of muscles, connecting tissue and nerve components. Damage to any of these elements creates dysfunction which is exerted through stress, urinary incontinence, prolapse of genital organs and faecal incontinence. Objective The primary aim of this study was to present the possibility of objective assessment of pelvic floor muscle force in healthy and sick women using a newly designed instrument, the vaginal dynamometer, as well as to establish the correlation between the values of pelvic floor muscle force obtained by the vaginal dynamometer and digital palpation method. Methods The study included 90 female patients, age 20-58 years. One group of respondents was made of healthy women (who gave birth, and those who have not given birth), while the other one consisted of sick women (who suffered from incontinence or prolapse of genital organs, operated on or not). The pelvic floor muscle strength of every woman was measured with a newly-constructed device for measuring and monitoring of the pelvic floor muscle force in women, the vaginal dynamometer. Then it was compared with the valid clinical digital palpation (palpation with two fingers) based on the scale for measuring muscle contractions with the digital palpation - the digital pelvic assessment rating scale. The vaginal dynamometer consists of a redesigned speculum which is inserted into the vagina and a sensor for measuring the force. Results Statistically significant linear correlation was found in the values of the measured muscle force with the vaginal dynamometer and ratings produced by digital palpation (r=0.92; p<0.001). Mean value of the muscle force of the healthy women measured by the vaginal dynamometer was 1.44Ā±0.38 daN and that value of the sick women was 0.78Ā±0.31 daN (t=8.89 for df=88; p<0.001). Mean value of the ratings produced by digital palpation in healthy women was 4.10 (95% of trust limits 3.83- 4.37), while the value in sick women was 2.41 (95% of trust limits 2.10-4.16) (Z=-6.38; p<0.001). Conclusion The vaginal dynamometer has been presented as an attempt to overcome the limitations of the previously presented techniques for muscle force measurement. The application of the vaginal dynamometer in clinical practice makes objective and numerical assessment of pelvic floor muscle force possible, independent of the subjective assessment of the examiner. The usage of this instrument enables not only the diagnostics of women's pelvic floor muscle problem, but also the objective monitoring of rehabilitation gynecological medicine results

    Spectrofluorimetric Analysis of Synthetic and isolated lignin from Omorika

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    Lignin is the one of the main constituitive polymers of the plant cell wall that protect plant cell from different kond of stress. Lignin precursors, the plenolic alcohols, belong to the group of phenylpropanoid compounds. Fluorescence spectroscopy is a sensitive tool for structural and kinetic studies of macromolecule. Fluorescence is an intrinsic property of lignin. We compare fluorescence data from sintetic lignin and lignin isolated from the neeedles of coniferous tree omorika. Mathematical analysis as well as comparison of the excitation and emission spectra show that fluorescence emission spectra of lignin and lignin model-compounds originate from the distrinct fluorophores

    Physical therapy in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence

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    Introduction. Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is an involuntary release of urine through the urethra during the increase of abdominal pressure in the absence of m. detrusor contraction. The exercise of pelvic floor muscles is recommended as the first line of cure. It is the least invasive and the only method without any undesirable side effects, which leads to either improvement or complete cure of SUI in 80-85% of cases. Objective. The aim of this study was to establish whether the strengthening of pelvic floor muscles using proprioceptive neural facilitation (PNF) spiral dynamic technique was more efficient in comparison to classical Kegel exercise. Methods. The research was carried out at the Centre for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Clinical Centre Kragujevac. Sixty-six female patients with the symptoms of SUI were monitored in the period of two years. Thirty-four patients did pelvic floor muscle exercises twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, with 15-20 contractions. Thirty-two patients used PNF spiral dynamic technique for strengthening pelvic floor muscles. The patients who used the spiral dynamic technique also did some exercises from the program; they exercised twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, following the prescribed schedule. Treatment outcome was assessed by measuring the pelvic floor muscles by a vaginal dynamometer. Results. The values of the pelvic floor muscle force that were measured using the vaginal dynamometer in both examined groups (PNF spiral dynamic technique or Kegel exercise) were statistically significantly higher after the implemented exercise program (t-test; p=0.000). No statistically significant difference in pelvic floor muscle values was found between the patients who applied PNF spiral dynamic technique and those who did Kegel exercise either before or after the exercise (two-factor analysis of variance with repeated measurements, factor of exercise type; p=0.899). Conclusion. Strengthening of pelvic floor muscles by exercises results in a significant increase of pelvic floor muscle strength and reduction of SUI symptoms, regardless of the used exercise program, PNF spiral dynamic technique or Kegel exercise program

    Odnos indeksa boje infuzorija iz buraga i pokazatelja plodnosti kod krava HolŔtajn frizijske rase

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    The goal of our paper was to investigate how the rumen infusoria ecosystem stability, determined by infusoria color index by Lugol solution staining affects reproduction parameters of Holstein-Friesian cows. The results point out that infusoria system stability has vice versa influence on open days and insemination index. The decrease of infusoria color leads to longer service period and negatively affects fertility. Accumulation of energy and nutrients in infusoria affects insemination index since we observed the decrease of insemination index to be in the correlation with infusoria coloring index increase. Infusoria coloring index by Lugol stain can be used for rapid determination of rumen ecosystem. Future investigations should determine the correlation between rumen infusoria chemical composition and reproductive parameters in dairy cows.Zadatak naÅ”eg rada je bio da se prouči kako stabilnost ekosistema infuzorija u buragu krava, određena pomoću indeksa obojenosti infuzorija Lugolovim rastvorom joda, utiče na reproduktivne pokazatelje kod holÅ”tajn-frizijskih krava. Rezultati ukazuju da stabilnost sitema infuzorija određena preko jodnog indeksa obojenosti Lugolovim rastvorom ima recipročan uticaj na servis period i indeks osemenjavanja. Smanjenje indeksa obojenosti infuzorija dovodi do produženja servis perioda, a time i negativno utiče na plodnost. Snabdevenost infuzorija energijom i hranljivim materijama utiče na indeks osemenjavanja, jer je smanjenje indeksa osemenjavanja u korelaciji sa povećanjem indeks prebojenosti infuzorija. Indeks obojenosti infuzorija Lugolovim rastvorom se može koristiti za brzo određivanje stanja ekosistema buraga. Naredna istraživanja bi trebalo da ustanove povezanost hemijskog sastava infuzorija buraga i reproduktivnih pokazatelja visoko mlečnih krava


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    The effects on cellulose orientation and purity of two different methods for cell wall isolation from maize stems were investigated by using fluorescence-detected linear dichroism (FDLD) microscopy technique. Image analysis has shown that treatment with sulfuric acid have provided better results than previously applied method for cell wall isolation including enzymatic treatment

    Nondestructive optical method for plant overall health evaluation

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    In vivo measurements of the optical properties of plant leaves, by spectrophotometric methods, could potentially provide very useful information for the assessment of the plantā€™s health. This paper describes a novel experimental set-up that enables continuous measurements of the optical reflection and transmission coefficients of broad-leaved plants. The optical spectral characteristics of leaves, in the broad wavelength range, are often a discussed topic in the scientific literature. Nevertheless, to the best of our knowledge, the real-time spectral analyses of the leaf havenā€™t been reported so far. Monitoring the evolution of the plant activity in real-time has resulted in the graph of the spectral Circadian rhythm as a function of time. The set-up was tested on Phaseolus vulgaris and the results of the measurements are presented and discussed