37 research outputs found


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    In this paper, innovations in the field of automatic control systems with fuzzy controllers have been considered. After a short introduction on fuzzy controllers, four different ways of a defuzzification process were introduced, and verified on the simulation of nuclear reactor fuzzy controller. The default Matlab fuzzy toolbox solution is timely most demanding, while two solutions based on the defuzzification on trapezoidal fuzzy numbers have the advantage in the process of crisp numbers calculation. Also, a solution based on the determination of the line dividing the obtained polygon into two parts of equal areas is presented.

    Genotyping, antibiotics resistance and examination of virulence factors of clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Utvrđivanje potencijalnih korelacija, između fenotipskih karakteristika (osetljivost na različite klase antibiotika, ekspresija različitih klasa β-laktamaza, učestalost serotipova, proizvodnja pigmenata i stvaranje biofilma) i genotipskih obrazaca kliničkih izolata Pseudomonas aeruginosa različitog porekla, predstavljalo je glavni cilj ovog rada. Tokom dve faze istraživanja, ispitano je 147 kliničkih izolata, od kojih je najveći procenat dobijen iz briseva rana (66%) i urino-kultura (10,9%). Polivalentne serogrupe PMA i PMF, kao i monovalentni serotipovi P1, P6 i P11 bili su najzastupljeniji, dok je najveći procenat izolata bio očekivano netipabilan. Istovremena produkcija oba pigmenta karakterisala je najveći broj izolata, dok su oni sa serotipovima P1, P6 i P11 produkovali više pioverdina nego piocijanina. Sposobnost formiranja biofilma imalo je 77,66% kliničkih izolata, a najizraženija je utvrđena za izolate iz urinokultura i sputuma. Najveći stepen osetljivosti utvrđen je za kolistin, aztreonam, karbapeneme i piperacilin/tazobaktam, dok je izraženija otpornost prikazana prema aminoglikozidima i fluorohinolonima. Višestruku otpornost na tri ili više klasa antibiotika je pokazalo 30,9% izolata iz druge faze istraživanjaje, a skoro polovina je eksprimirala β-laktamaze proširenog spektra, karbapenemaze i metalo-β-laktamaze. RAPD272 PCR analiza pokazala se kao najbolja tehnika koja je izdvojila najveći broj klastera sa ujednačenim obrascima, ističući izraženu heterogenost izolata iste vrste. Korelacija između genetičkih obrazaca i fenotipskih karakteristika nije ustanovljena, ukazujući na potrebu za novim molekularnim metodama u ovom delu Srbije u cilju otkrivanja potencijalnih veza među njima i na izraženu rezistenciju koja se poslednjih godina uvećava.Determining potential correlations between phenotypic characteristics (sensitivity to different classes of antibiotics, expression of different β-lactamases classes, frequency of serotypes, pigment and biofilm production) and genotypic patterns of clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from different origins was the main goal of this study. Study itself was splitted into two phases, a total of 147 clinical isolates were examined, out of which the largest percentage were from wound swabs (66%) and urine cultures (10.9%). Polyvalent serogroups PMA and PMF, as well as monovalent serotypes P1, P6 and P11 were the most represented, while the highest percentage of isolates was atypical. Simultaneous production of both pigments characterized the most of isolates, while those with serotypes P1, P6 and P11 produced more pyoverdine than pyocyanin. Even 77.66% of clinical isolates had the ability to form a biofilm, and the most pronounced was found for isolates from urine cultures and sputum. The highest susceptibility was found for colistin, aztreonam, carbapenems and piperacillin/tazobactam, while more pronounced resistance was shown onto aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones. Multiple resistances, up to three or more antibiotics classes, were shown by 30.9% of isolates from the second study phase, and almost half of them expressed broad-spectrum β-lactamases, carbapenemases and metallo-β-lactamases. RAPD272 PCR analysis proved to be the best technique that singled out the largest number of clusters with uniform patterns, emphasizing the pronounced heterogeneity of isolates of the same species. The correlation between genetic patterns and phenotypic characteristics has not been established, indicating the need for new molecular methods in this part of Serbia to discover potential links between them and on the pronounced resistance, which has increased in recent years


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    Industry 4.0 has a huge impact on the entire social system. The speed, scope and impact of the changes it brings have an exponential trend. The biggest impact is related to the industry and industrial development. Full digitalization and automation of production is expected, i.e. networking of smart digital devices with products, machines, tools, robots and people. For the realization of such complex tasks, it is necessary to have adequate human resources. In the changes brought by I4.0, the engineering of smart products and services, i.e. the education of development engineers, has a very important role.The social and industrial transformations dictated by the fourth industrial revolution also define new trends in the education of development engineers. Development engineers are expected to be comprehensively educated and trained to work in interdisciplinary project teams, in order to create new intelligent and networked products through creativity, innovation and fascinating technique.The paper presents the development of education through the epochs of industrial development and presents trends and challenges related to the education 4.0. Special attention is paid to the education of development engineers and the relevant competencies they need to have in order to meet the tasks and expectations in modern conditions


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    Environmental conditions can have a crucial impact on the functioning of laboratory equipment. Electric components are sensitive to the influence of certain environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, vibrations, etc. Environmental factors should, therefore, be monitored to avoid their negative influence on the system and potential faults and failures they could cause. Unlike the traditional approaches which required the presence of special staff to monitor environmental factors and react if they are poor, the rise of the Internet of Things enhanced the application of intelligent solutions where human factor is not necessary. In this paper, research on data analysis, preprocessing and intelligent classification of environmental conditions has been conducted. The data was collected by sensors connected to Raspberry Pi. The applied monitoring system setup enabled long-distance monitoring of laboratory conditions through the internet and full applicability of fundamental IoT concepts. Since data preparation is an important step in the process of designing machine learning models, the collected data was analyzed and preprocessed in Python. Intelligent classification of environmental conditions was performed using machine learning models k-Nearest Neighbors and Random Forest. Grid search was used for model selection, and the performances of k-Nearest Neighbors and Random Forest machine learning models were compared. Experimental results show that these machine learning models can be successfully used for intelligent classification of environmental conditions


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    A new class of cascade digital orthogonal filters of the Malmquist type based on bilinear transformation for mapping poles to zeroes and vice versa is presented in this paper. In a way, it is a generalization of the majority of the classical orthogonal filters and some newly designed filters as well. These filters are orthogonal with respect to the generalized inner product which is actually a generalization of the classical inner product. Outputs of these filters are obtained by using polynomials orthogonal with respect to the new inner product. The main quality of these filters is that they are parametric adaptive. The filter with six sections is practically realized in the Laboratory for Modeling, Simulation and Control Systems. Performances of the designed filter are proved on modeling and identification of the system for differential pulse code modulation. Real response and response from the proposed filter are compared with regard to the chosen criteria function. Also, a comparative analysis of the proposed filter with some existing filters is performed

    Implementation models for energy recovery measures of existing kindergarten facilities in Serbia

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    Ulaganja u izgradnju novih vrtića su na nezavidnoj razini u Srbiji. S druge strane, postojeći objekti su zastarjeli, devastirani i ne ispunjavaju važeće propise, posebice u pogledu energetske učinkovitosti. Boravak djece u takvim objektima predstavlja značajan društveni problem te je stoga neophodna obnova ovih objekata. U radu su prikazane mjere energetske oporabe i metode za njihovu provedbu u okviru sveobuhvatne revitalizacije postojećih dječjih vrtića. Kroz studiju slučaja, provedena je analiza energetske i troškovne učinkovitosti za tri paketa mjera, a rezultati su prezentirani i diskutirani. Navedene su prednosti primijenjene metode, kao i potencijalna područja provedbi rezultata. Osim toga, dane su neke preporuke za buduća istraživanja, i naglašena su ograničenja u primjeni dobivenih rezultata.Investments in the construction of new kindergartens are at a low level in Serbia. On the other hand, the existing facilities are outdated, devastated and do not meet current regulations, especially in terms of energy efficiency. The attendance of children in such facilities represents a significant social issue and therefore, the refurbishment of these structures is necessary. This paper presents measures for energy recovery and methods of their implementation within the framework of a comprehensive revitalization of the existing kindergartens. Through a case study, an analysis of energy efficiency and cost effectiveness for three sets of measures has been conducted, the findings of which are presented and discussed. The advantages of the applied methods are listed, as well as the potential areas for the implementation of the results. In addition, some recommendations for the future research are given and the limitations in the application of the obtained results are emphasized

    Anamorfne krivulje indeksa staništa mezijske bukve (Fagus × taurica Popl.) u području Žagubica, istočna Srbija

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    Data on average age and height of dominant moesian beech trees from 109 temporary sample plots were used to establish anamorphic site index curves (SI) calculated from seven growth functions (Chapman-Richards, Korf, Korsun, Hosfeld IV, Todorović, Schumacher and Prodan). The base age for calculation of SI was 100 (SI100). The guide curve method was applied. For the evaluation of the models, statistical as well as visual examinations were considered. The results showed that all the applied models had a relatively high coefficient of determination (R2) value, indicating that the models accounted for more than 65% of the variation in the dominant height, which can be considered as large effects. Korsun’s function shows the best overall statistics, which makes this model the most suitable for the construction of anamorphic site index curves for the study area.The obtained results are of importance for effective decision making in forest management planning, forest policy, and ecology in Serbia. Namely, regarding the relatively large sample and well-distributed sample units per age and site classes as well as the source of data (temporary sample plots), the developed site index curves and the method of stratifying the sites according to their productivity were performed for the first time in Serbia. Future studies should be performed in order to expand the knowledge on the dominant beech height-age relationships in the studied region using another well-known procedure of site index construction – polymorphic site index curves and stem analysis data.Dosadašnja istraživanja i njihovi rezultati u čistim i mješovitim sastojinama mezijske bukve na različitim staništima, kao najrasprostranjenije i najvažnije vrste drveća u Srbiji, nisu dovoljna za potpuno sagledavanje i sistematizaciju staništa i sastojina prema trenutnoj i potencijalnoj razini proizvodnosti (Vučković i Stajić 2005). Postoji više različitih načina utvrđivanja potencijalne proizvodnosti staništa. U tom kontekstu, visina stabala je generalno prihvaćena kao najznačajniji indikator proizvodnosti staništa. S obzirom na to, potencijalna proizvodnost staništa najčešće se utvrđuje preko stanišnog indeksa (eng. site index – SI) koji se određuje kao iznos dominantne visine sastojine u određenoj starosti (Monserud 1984; Sterba and Monserud,1993; Bravo and Montero 2001; Gadow 2002; Skovskaard and Vanclay 2008; Pretzsch 2009; Zlatanov et al. 2012; Bontemps and Bouriaud 2014; Kitikidou et al. 2015).Usprkos velikom značenju evaluacije proizvodnog potencijala staništa za gospodarenje šumama, istraživanja proizvodnosti staništa u vidu stanišnih indeksa nisu intenzivno provođena u Srbiji, ali i u cijeloj regiji zemalja s prostora bivše države Jugoslavije (s izuzetkom Slovenije). U šumarstvu Srbije klasifikacija staništa prema proizvodnosti provodi se pomoću tzv. bonitetnih visinskih grafikona, koji predstavljaju izjednačenu ovisnost visine o prsnom promjeru i bonitetu staništa u obliku visinskih krivulja. Broj izjednačenih linija visina u ovisnosti o prsnom promjeru predstavlja broj bonitetnih razreda, ujedno i broj nizova obujma u tarifama, koji se određuju prema potrebi (Banković and Pantić 2006). U cilju poboljšanja postojećeg sustava klasifikacije staništa prema proizvodnosti, njegove usklađenosti s dominantnim načinom klasifikacije staništa po proizvodnosti i kreiranja mogućnosti za usporedbu dobivenih rezultata s rezultatima ocjene proizvodnog potencijala staništa bukve u Europi, neophodno je definirati krivulje stanišnih indeksa (eng. site index curves) za ovu vrstu drveća. Stoga, cilj istraživanja je (1) modeliranje odnosa visine i starosti dominantnih stabala bukve i (2) konstrukcija anamorfnih krivulja stanišnih indeksa za bukvu na području Žagubice u istočnoj Srbiji.Istraživanje je provedeno u bukovim jednodobnim sastojinama u području Žagubice (oko 15 000 ha ukupne površine pod šumom). Nadmorska visina je od 650 do 1250 m. Prosječna godišnja temperatura i količina oborina iznose 9,8 °C i 682 mm. Za utvrđivanje stanišnih indeksa korišteni su podaci o starosti i visinama dominantnih stabala sa 109 subjektivno odabranih privremenih kružnih pokusnih ploha (u cilju pokrivanja cjelokupnog raspona stanišnih uvjeta i dobnih razreda), veličine 500 m2. Na svakoj plohi je utvrđena prosječna starost i srednja visina 10% najdebljih stabala. Izmjereni podaci o visinama u različitim starostima upotrijebljeni su za dobivanje prosječne krivulje rasta u visinu (metoda vodeće krivulje, eng. guide-curve method). Prosječna krivulja visinskog rasta je modelirana pomoću 7 različitih funkcija rasta (Tablica 2). Temeljna starost za izračun SI iznosi 100 godina (SI100). Kriteriji za odabir najboljeg modela bili su sljedeći: koeficijent determinacije, suma kvadrata relativnih odstupanja i relativna prosječna kvadratna greška (%). Odgovarajućim procedurama dobivene su tzv. anamorfne krivulje stanišnih indeksa.Prvi dobiveni rezultati provedene analize pokazuju da primijenjeni modeli imaju relativno visoke koeficijente determinacije, ukazujući na to da objašnjavaju više od 65% varijacije u dominantnim visinama, što se prema kriterijima Cohena (1986) može smatrati kao veliki učinak. Između ostalih, modeli Korsuna i Schumachera pokazuju najbolje ukupne statističke značajke. Ipak, Korsunov model je preliminarno izabran za kalkulacije stanišnih indeksa zbog nešto boljih statističkih indikatora. U cilju dodatne ocjene primjenjivosti Korsunove funkcije i ostalih modela, konstruirane su i grafički predstavljene prosječne krivulje visinskog rasta (Slika 1). Korsunova se funkcija pokazala kao najbolja s obzirom na promatrane statističke indikatore i po praćenju tijekova rasta, pa je definitivno izabrana kao model za konstrukciju seta anamorfnih krivulja stanišnih indeksa (Slika 2).Ovaj rad ima veliko značenje za šumarski sektor u Srbiji i bukvu kao dominantnu vrstu. U izvjesnom smislu, imajući u vidu veliki uzorak s dobro distribuiranim jedinicama unutar različitih starosti i stanišnih razreda, ovo istraživanje je prvo obimno istraživanje proizvodnosti bukovih staništa. Uz to, primijenjena metoda stratifikacije staništa prema proizvodnosti je po prvi puta provedena na bazi stanišnih indeksa dobivenih s privremenih pokusnih ploha. Dobivena saznanja imaju praktičnu primjenjivost u okviru gospodarenja šumama, kao temelj za donošenje odluka na polju planiranja, šumarske politike i ekologije. Naravno, potrebno je provoditi daljnja istraživanja u cilju proširivanja baze podataka i saznanja o odnosu između dominantnih visina i starosti u bukovim sastojinama u proučavanom području, kao i pristupiti konstrukciji polimofrnih krivulja stanišnih indeksa. Na taj način polimorfne krivulje stanišnih indeksa bile bi takođe vrlo korisne i u određivanju odgovarajućih uzgojnih tretmana, općoj klasifikaciji staništa s obzirom na njihovu kvalitetu i za implementaciju načela potrajnog gospodarenja šumama

    Uticaj procesnih parametara na transesterifikaciju kukuruznog ulja na bazno promovisanoj γ - alumini kao heterogenom katalizatoru

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    Due to the frequent use of fossil fuels, which has negative effects on the environment, there is a need to find a new, environmentally acceptable replacements for fossil fuels. One of the possible replacement is the inclusion of green technologies, in order to obtain the type of fuel that would be acceptable from an environmental and economic point of view. Biodiesel represents renewable and less toxic substituent for fossil fuels, which consists of esters of higher fatty acids and depending on the environmental conditions, can be manufactured from various types of oils, both plant and animal origin. Since corn is one of the most cultivated plants in Serbia, the research included the transesterification reaction of corn oil on a heterogeneous catalyst. The paper examined the activity of heterogeneous base catalyst (CaO/γ-Al2O3) and the influence of various parameters on the conversion of corn oil. From the optimization of process parameters, it was found that the optimal conditions for transesterification of corn oil to 25% CaO/γ-Al2O3: molar ratio of methanol to oil 1:12; stirring speed 900rpm; reflux temperature of the methanol; reaction time of 6 hours; the amount of catalyst in the reaction of 5wt.%.Zbog sve učestalijeg korišćenja fosilnih goriva, koja imaju nepoželjne efekte na životnu sredinu, postoji potreba za pronalaženjem nove, ekološki prihvatljive zamene za fosilna goriva. Jednu od mogućih zamena predstavlja uključivanje zelenih tehnologija radi dobijanja vrste goriva koje bi bilo prihvatljivo sa ekološkog i ekonomskog aspekta. Bidizel predstavlja obnovljiv i manje toksičan substituent za fosilna goriva, koji se sastoji od estara viših masnih kiselina i u zavisnosti od podnevlja, može se proizvoditi od različitih vrsta ulja, kako biljnog, tako i životinjskog porekla. Obzirom da je kukuruz jedna od najviše gajenih vrsta biljaka u Srbiji, istraživanja su obuhvatila reakciju transesterifikacije kukuruznog ulja na heterogenom katalizatoru. U radu je ispitivana aktivnost heterogenog baznog katalizatora (CaO/γ-Al2O3) kao i uticaj različitih parametara na konverziju kukuruznog ulja. Optimizacijom procesnih parametara je ustanovljeno da su optimalni uslovi za transesterifikaciju kukuruznog ulja na 25% CaO/γ-Al2O3: Molarni odnos metanola prema ulju 1:12; brzina mešanja 900rpm; temperatura reakcije refluks metanola; vreme reakcije 6 sati; količina katalizatora u reakciji 5%


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    Abstract. At the time of changing economic circumstances, adaptation and conversion of historic structures is an increasingly popular approach. Some historical buildings are very suitable for the revitalization into the modern hotels. The paper analyzes the relationship of the hotel, the city and its architectural heritage, as well as some of the factors that led to the eruption of alternative models of hotels, shown through a series of successful solutions. Many challenges of hotel design in historic buildings are listed and corresponding solutions are offered. Some methodological directions are indicated, and certain guidelines and principles for further activities in this field are formulated. In conclusion their applicability in practice is discussed, and certain disadvantages and limitations are listed.Key words: historic building, hotel, adaptation, revitalization, architecture, design


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    This paper presents an innovative project “Implementation of Modern Intelligent Control Methods within the Study Module Control Systems” which is selected to be financed by Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. The project is part of a public call for projects “Development of Higher Education” and it will be realized during a school year 2018/2019. In this paper, the main goals of the project are presented and project activities and expected results are defined. Finally, three courses which are selected to be innovated through the project activities are presented in the terms of lecture topics and teaching methods