60 research outputs found

    Students' health habits and availability of primary prevention of arterial hypertension in the student population

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    Uvod: Zdravstvene navike predstavljaju način života, obično se uspostavljaju tokom rane mladosti i mogu se menjati tokom života. Na zdravstvene navike utiču zdravstveno stanje, stavovi pojedinca i zdravstveno ponašanje. Promenom rizičnog ponašanja kroz primarnu prevenciju može se smanjiti rizik od nastanka mnogih bolesti i prerane smrti u kasnijem periodu. Zdravi stilovi života obuhvataju dobro izbalansiranu i zdravu ishranu, svakodnevno vežbanje, odgovarajuću dužinu i kvalitet sna, pravilno upravljanje stresom, odsustvo upotrebe duvanskih proizvoda, alkoholnih pića i pića koja sadrže kofein. Nacionalni program prevencije, lečenja i kontrole kardiovaskularnih bolesti u Republici Srbiji do 2020. godine kao jednu od mera prevencije hipertenzije naveo je pored promena stilova života i ponašanja, bolju informisanost, edukaciju i podizanje nivoa svesti o povećanom riziku za razvoj hipertenzije, što je moguće postići istraživanjima ponašanja u vezi sa zdravstvenim navikama. Neophodno je posvetiti posebnu pažnju promociji zdravlja među populacijom studenata, jer dokazi ukazuju da su ponašanja i životni stilovi mladih problematični, a period studiranja kritičan za zdravstveni život mladih, jer se mnogi studenti suočavaju sa brojnim izazovima, naročito vezanim za promene u društvenoj i životnoj sredini. Prevalenca arterijske hipertenzije u populaciji odraslih u Republici Srbiji iznosi 33,2%, a poznato je da se arterijska hipertenzija može javiti i kod mladih osoba. Faktori rizika koji dovode do nastanka arterijske hipertenzije mogu biti ireverzibilni faktori rizika, kao što su: telesna građa, pol, uzrast, pozitivna porodična anamneza, genetska predispozicija. Potencijalno reverzibilni faktori rizika su gojaznost, upotreba duvanskih proizvoda, konzumacija alkohola, prekomeran unos soli, neadekvatne nutritivne navike, nedovoljna fizička aktivnost, materijalni status, nizak nivo informisanosti i obrazovanja. Ciljevi istraživanja su bili da se : (i) Ispita prevalenca određenih zdravstvenih navika u studenskoj populaciji i razlike u prevalenci u odnosu na način studiranja, studijski program, godinu studija i pol, kao reverzibilnih faktora koji doprinose nastanku arterijske hipertenzije; (ii) Istraži prevalenca upotrebe duvanskih proizvoda i ispitaju stavovi studenata u vezi sa njihovom upotrebom; (iii) Ispita zastupljenost određenih kategorija izračunatih kardiovaskularnih skorova u studentskoj populaciji u odnosu na socio-demografske karakteristike i odabrane zdravstvene navike; (iv) Ispitaju stavovi studenata u vezi sa uslugama javnog zdravlja u primarnoj prevenciji koje mogu biti dostupne u studentskim domovima. Metode i materijali: Sprovedene su tri studije preseka sa četiri namenski kreirana upitnika. Prva studija preseka (prevalencije) je uključila studente 30 fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, sa ukupno 5% studenata upisanih 2013/14 godine na svakom od fakulteta. Sprovedena su dva uzorkovanja sa dva upitnika, tokom 2015 i 2016. godine...Introduction: Health habits are a way of life. They are usually established during early youth and can change throughout life. Health habits are influenced by health condition, health behavior and attitudes of an individual. By changing risky behavior through primary prevention, numerous diseases and premature death occurrence can be reduced in the later period. A healthy lifestyle includes a well-balanced and healthy diet, daily exercise, adequate length and quality of sleep, proper stress management, and not consuming tobacco, alcohol and caffeinated beverages. The National Programme for Prevention, Treatment and Control of Cardiovascular Diseases in the Republic of Serbia until 2020, as one of the measures for the prevention of hypertension, stated, in addition to changes in lifestyle and behavior, better information, education and raising awareness of the increased risk of hypertension, which could be achieved by behavioral research related to health habits. It is necessary to pay special attention to the promotion of health among student population, because the evidence indicates that their behavior and youth lifestyles are problematic, while the period of studying is critical for youngsters’ health because many students face numerous challenges especially those related to social and environmental changes. The prevalence of arterial hypertension in the adult population in the Republic of Serbia is 33.2%, and it is known that arterial hypertension can also occur in young people. The risk factors leading to arterial hypertension can be irreversible, such as body structure, gender, age, positive family anamnesis and genetic predisposition. Potentially reversible risk factors are obesity, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, excessive salt intake, inadequate nutritional habits, insufficient physical activity, material status, low level of information and education. Aim: The objectives of the research were: (i) To examine the prevalence of certain health habits in the student population and to identify the differences in the prevalence of certain health habits in relation to the model of studying, study programme, the year of studying and gender, as reversible factors contributing to the development of arterial hypertension; (ii) To examine the prevalence of tobacco use and students' attitudes towards them; (iii) To examine the prevalence of certain categories of calculated cardiovascular scores in the student population in relation to socio-demographic characteristics and selected health habits; (iv) To examine students' attitudes toward public health services in primary prevention that may be available in dormitories. Methods and materials: Three cross-sectional studies with four purpose-created questionnaires were conducted. The first cross-sectional study (the study of prevalence) included students from 30 faculties of the University of Belgrade, with a total of 5% of students enrolled in the year 2013/14 at each of the included faculties. Two samplings with two questionnaires were conducted, during the years 2015 and 2016..

    Podrška u odvikanju od pušenja ‐ nova ili stara uloga farmaceuta

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    Pharmacies are the most represented health institutions in a community. Some of their numerous benefits for public health activities are longer working hours and possibility to get advice without making an appointment (1). An increasing number of countries has recently become actively involved in the promotion of public health services in pharmacies. A review of the papers shows that pharmacists feel more comfortable in providing drug- related than public health-related services. In the United Kingdom, smoking cessation activities are the most common public health activity of pharmacists (2). Smoking is a difficult form of addiction. Quitting smoking is a big challenge. Many states allow pharmacists to initiate therapy or assess the success of cessation and monitor for adverse reactions. According to pharmacy students in Serbia, the pharmacy is a place where public health services should be provided (98.7%), while 59.7% of respondents believe that smoking cessation services should also be implemented there. The general public (80.3%) strongly agrees that public health activities should be an integral part of pharmacy services. The general population supports the smoking cessation service in the percentage of 36.7%, while pharmacists support it in 49.2%. The views of pharmacy students, the general public and pharmacists point to a positive attitude towards the new and modern model of pharmacists, which certainly includes public health services. Before the pilot implementation of these pharmaceutical services in pharmacies, the main obstacles should be identified and overcome.Apoteke su najzastupljenije zdravstvene ustanove u jednom društvu. Neke od njiihovih brojnih prednosti u vezi sa javnim zdravljem su duže radno vreme i mogućnost dobijanja saveta bez prethodnog zakazivanja posete, u skorije vreme se sve veći broj zemalja aktivno uključuje u promociju javno-zdravstvenih usluga u apotekama (1). Kroz pregled radova prikazano je da se farmaceuti lagodnije osećaju prilikom pružanja usluga u vezi sa lekovima, nego sa javnim zdravljem. U Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu su aktivnosti usmerene ka odvikavanju od pušenja najučestalija javno-zdravstvena aktivnost farmaceuta (2). Pušenje predstavlja težak oblik zavisnosti. Prestanak pušenja je veliki izazov. Mnoge države dozvoljavaju farmaceutima da započnu terapiju ili procenjuju uspeh prestanka i nadgledaju neželjene reakcije. Prema stavovima studenata farmacije u Srbiji, apoteka jeste mesto gde treba da se pruža javno-zdravstvena usluga (98,7%), dok 59,7% ispitanika smatra da je tamo potrebno uvesti i uslugu odvikavanja od pušenja. Opšta javnost (80,3%) veoma se slaže da bi javno-zdravstvene aktivnosti trebalo da budu sastavni deo apotekarskih usluga. Uslugu odvikavanja od pušenja opšta populacija podržava u procentu od 36,7%, dok je farmaceuti podržavaju u 49,2%. Mišljenja studenata farmacije, opšte javnosti i farmaceuta ukazuju na pozitvan stav o novom i modernom modelu farmaceuta, koji svakako uključuje usluge javnog zdravlja. Pre pilot implementacije ovih farmaceutskih usluga u apoteke, potrebno je identifikovati i otkloniti glavne prepreke.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Bibijana“ – losion za negu ruku

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    Sima T. Joanović was born in Saravola today’s Romania and graduated in pharmacy in Budapest in 1898. After graduating, he worked in Timisoara for a short time. He camed soon to town of Debeljača and bought the pharmacy "At the Cross" from the pharmacist Ambrozy Sándór, which had been working successfully for more than two decades before that. Sima built a new business and residential building on the then Elisabeth Square and moved the pharmacy into it. He has written articles in cosmetics and perfumery in professional journals. He published his works "What every perfumer should know" in the Pharmaceutical Herald, which helped his colleagues in their work in the field of cosmetics. The pharmacy was widely known for its cosmetic and perfumery products (1). The first product that made this pharmacy famous "Bibijana" appeared as early as 1905, a non-greasy single-phase lotion based on glycerol, which in a record short time, as printed on the instructions for use, brought even the roughest hand skin in perfect condition. Labels in Hungarian and Serbian were printed for this lotion, which is packed in characteristic 50 ml bottles. The composition of the lotion included: glycerol, ethanol, laurelchery water and perfume in alkaline aqueous solution (2). The lotion was received with great enthusiasm by the people. It was the first product that was made in bulk. Thanks to the "Bibijana" lotion, the pharmacy became more and more famous, but the other products in the pharmacy were also more and more in demand.Sima T. Joanović rođen je u Saravoli (današnja Rumunija), diplomirao je farmaciju u Budimpešti 1898. godine. Nakon diplomiranja kratko vreme radio je u Temišvaru. Ubrzo dolazi u Debeljaču i kupuje od apotekara Ambrozi Šandora apoteku „Kod krsta“ koja je pre toga uspešno radila više od dve decenije. Izgradio je novu poslovno stambenu zgradu na tadašnjem Jelisavetinom trgu i u nju je preselio apoteku. U stručnim časopisima pisao je članke iz kozmetike i parfimerije. U Farmaceutskom glasniku izašao je niz njegovih radova „Šta treba da zna svaki parfimer“ čime je pomagao kolegama u radu u oblasti kozmetike. Apoteka je nadaleko bila veoma poznata po kozmetičkim i parfimerijskim proizvodima (1). Prvi proizvod koji je ovu apoteku učinio poznatom „Bibijana“ pojavio se već 1905. godine nemasni jednofazni losion na bazi glicerola koji je u rekordno kratkom roku, kako je odštampano na uputstvu za upotrebu, i najgrublju kožu ruku dovodio u besprekorno stanje. Za ovaj losion koji je pakovan u karakterističnim bočicama od 50 ml štampane su signature na mađarskom i srpskom jeziku. U sastav losiona ulazili su: glicerol, etanol, voda lovorvišnje i parfem u alkalnom vodenom rastvoru (2). Losion je sa velikim oduševljenjem prihvaćen u narodu i predstavljao je prvi proizvod koji je pravljen na veliko. Zahvaljujući losionu „Bibijana“, apoteka je postajala sve poznatija, ali i ostali proizvodi u apoteci su bivali sve traženiji.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Prehrambene arome i esencije iz apoteke Joanović

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    Sima T. Joanović was born in Saravola and graduated in pharmacy in Budapest. From Timisoara, where he worked for a short time, he came to town of Debeljača and bought a pharmacy from Ambrosy Sándór, which was located in the building of the old municipality. He moved the pharmacy to a new residential and business building on the then Elisabeth Square. In addition to the highly developed semi-industrial production of galenic, cosmetic and perfumery preparations, food aromas and essences were also produced in the pharmacy, which was not the case with other pharmacies (1). The essences were made in a galenic laboratory from 1910 to 1945. These food essences and flavors are sold wholesale and retail in consumer goods stores as well as cash on delivery. The pharmacy was especially known for the production of essences for various types of rum, brandy, liqueur and flavors for non-alcoholic beverages (2). Of the rum essences, the essences for Jamaica, Kingston and Demara rum were especially famous. Essences for making cold-processed were in great demand. Essences for making liqueurs were a sought-after item, the pharmacy produced a whole range of different essences. From the flavors for making non-alcoholic refreshing drinks the pharmacy produced lemon, orange, strawberry, raspberry, kabeza, pineapple, etc. The pharmacy printed instructions for making food products using these essences and flavors that were distributed to consumers. These instructions were thrown out of the plane as a special attraction at the famous large fairs that are still held in town of Debeljača.Sima T. Joanović kupio je apoteku od Ambrozi Šandora koja se nalazila u zgradi stare opštine u Debeljači. U apoteci su pored veoma razvijene polu-industrijske proizvodnje galenskih, kozmetičkih i parfimerijskih preparata izrađivane i prehrambene arome i esencije što nije bio slučaj sa drugim apotekama (1). Esencije su izrađivane u galenskoj laboratoriji od 1910 do 1945. godine. Ove prehrambene esencije i arome su prodavane na veliko i malo u prodavnicama robe široke potrošnje kao i pouzećem. Apoteka je naročito bila poznata po proizvodnji esencija za različite vrste ruma, rakija, likera i aroma za bezalkoholna osvežavajuća pića (2). Od rum esencija naročito su bile poznate esencije za Jamaika, Kingston i Demara rum. Veoma su bile tražene esencije za izradu rakija hladnim postupkom. Esencije za izradu likera bile su traženi artikal, apoteka je proizvodila čitavu paletu različitih esencija. Od aroma za izradu bezalkoholnih osvežavajućih pića apoteka je proizvodila limun, narandžu, jagodu, malinu, kabezu, ananas i dr. Apoteka je štampala i uputstva za izradu prehrambenih proizvoda korišćenjem ovih esencija i aroma koje su deljene potrošačima. Ova uputstva su kao posebna atrakcija izbacivana iz aviona na poznatim velikim vašarima koji se još uvek održavaju u Debeljači.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Znanje i stavovi studenata farmacije u vezi sa virusom hepatitisa B

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    Nowdays, many viral infections have become a major burden on public health. Hepatitis B is a potentially fatal disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), which can be prevented by immunization (1). Therefore, the aim of the research was to assess the knowledge and attitudes of pharmacy students at the University of Belgrade regarding HBV. Two prospective cross-sectional studies were conducted during 2017. and 2022. using a purpose-built questionnaire. 583 students participated in the research, of which 300 in 2017. and 283 in 2022. Female students accounted for 77% vs 80%. 24% vs 20% knew which types of hepatitis exist, while 25% vs 35% believe that they received the vaccine at birth. 97% vs 98% think that as future health professionals they should have knowledge about the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, including HBV, while 18% vs 16% think they already acquired that knowledge. 57% vs 58% would vaccinate against HBV. A quarter of the respondents in 2017. and a fifth in 2022. believe that knowledge they acquired at the faculty about the transmission of HBV infection is adequate. The obtained results show that the knowledge of pharmacy students about HBV decreased in 2022. compared to 2017. although the faculty increases importance on this topic. Increased number of students who would vaccinate against HBV is encouraging. Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize the importance about risk, prevention and increase awareness of vaccination benefits for pharmacy students.Već ina svetske populacije pati od mnogih virusnih infekcija, koje su postale veliki teret za javno zdravlje. Hepatitis B je potencijalno fatalna bolest uzrokovana virusom hepatitisa B (HBV), koja se može sprečiti imunizacijom (1). S toga je cilj rada bio procena znanja i stavova studenata farmacije, Farmaceutskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu o HBV. Sprovedene su dve prospektivne studije preseka tokom 2017. i 2022. godine, pomoću namenski kreiranog upitnika. U istraživanju je učestvovalo ukupno 583 studenata, 300 studenata 2017. i 283 studenta 2022. godine. Studenti ženskog pola su činili 77% tj. 80% ispitanika. 24% odnosno 20% znalo je koje vrste hepatitisa postoje, dok 25% tj. 35% smatra da je vakcinu primilo na rođenju. 97% odnosno 98% smatra da kao budući zdravstveni radnici treba da imaju znanja o prevenciji polno prenosivih infekcija, poput HBV, dok 18% tj. 16% smatra da to znanje već poseduje. Osim toga, nešto više od polovine ispitanika (57% vs 58%) bi se vakcinisalo protiv HBV. Četvrtina ispitanika 2017. odnosno petina 2022. smatra da je znanje koje je steklo na fakultetu o prenosu infekcije HBV adekvatno. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da se znanje studenata farmacije o HBV smanjilo 2022. godine u odnosu na 2017. iako se na fakultetu pridaje sve veći značaj ovoj temi. Međutim, ohrabrujuće je povećanje broja studenata koji bi se vakcinisao protiv HBV. S toga potrebno je dodatno naglasiti značaj edukacije studenata farmacije o merama rizika i prevencije, ali i povećati svest o prednostima vakcinacije.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Faktori rizika za razvoj hipertenzije u vezi sa navikama u ishrani studenata Univerziteta u Beogradu

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    The aim of the study was to determine the presence of risk factors for developing hypertension in the University of Belgrade student population whose faculties do not provide the opportunity to learn about these factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted during November and December 2015 at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Faculty of Electric Engineering and the Faculty of Law. The respondents filled in a questionnaire, which was approved by the Ethics Committee for bio-medical research from the Faculty of Pharmacy. The study included 487 students. 56.7% were male students. Most of the respondents studied Law (210), followed by Mechanical Engineering (168) and Electrical Engineering (109). 75.8% of respondents consumed salty snacks, while 34.5% of them changed their habits of consuming snacks during the examination period. Fish was consumed less than once a week by 39.8% of the respondents, whereas 19.9% of them consumed candies every day. 63.9% consumed fast food. Energy drinks were not consumed by the majority (52.2%), while 22.4% only consumed them before an exam. The research results indicated the presence of reversible risk factors in the examined student population. In order to prevent the development of hypertension in the elderly population and reduce the number of risk factors present, it is necessary to develop educational programs for proper diet and adequate intake of food groups.Cilj studije bio je utvrđivanje zastupljenosti faktora rizika za razvoj hipertenzije u vezi sa ishranom u populaciji studenata Univerziteta u Beogradu. Ispitivan je unos soli i navike u ishrani kao reverzibilni faktori rizika. Sprovedena je anketna studija preseka sa namenski kreiranim upitnikom tokom novembra i decembra 2015. godine na Mašinskom, Pravnom i Elektrotehničkom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, koji u okviru studijskog programa ne uče studente o ovim faktorima. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 487 studenata, najviše sa Pravnog fakulteta (210), zatim sa Mašinskog (168) i najmanje sa Elektrotehničkog fakulteta (109). Malo više je bilo studenata muškog pola (56,7%). Slane grickalice konzumira 75,8% ispitanika, a kod 34,5% ispitanika navike u konzumiranju grickalica se menjaju tokom ispitnog roka. Ribu manje od jednom nedeljno uzima čak 39,8% ispitanika, a 19,9% ispitanika svakodnevno konzumira slatkiše. Više od polovine ispitanika (63,9%) konzumira brzu hranu. Energetska pića uglavnom ne konzumiraju (52,2%), a 22,4% konzumira samo pred ispit. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na zastupljenost reverzibilnih faktora rizika kod ispitivane studentske populacije. Kako bi se sprečio razvoj hipertenzije u starijem životnom dobu i smanjio broj prisutnih faktora rizika neophodno je razvijanje edukativnih programa o pravilnoj ishrani i adekvatnom unosu namirnica

    Emotional Intelligence and Perceived Stress in Pharmacists Completing Post-Graduate Specialization Programs: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: Emotional Intelligence (EI) has been recognized by the International Pharmaceutical Federation as a required competency for a pharmacist. This study aimed to compare EI and Perceived Stress (PS) levels in pharmacists who completed the post-graduate specialization program (the Case), and pharmacists who started the program (the Control group). Materials and Methods: Validated instruments measuring EI and PS were distributed online to participating postgraduates or alumni. All complete responses were analyzed; data from participants who had undergone previous EI training were excluded. Comparing the groups, additional EI domains’ subanalysis and their correlations with PS were made. Results: The overall response rate was 67.8%. There was no expected difference between the groups either in EI or in the PS levels, and the overall population reached means of 119.30±12.92 and 17.25±6.46, respectively. The highest EI levels were found in sales and marketing professionals in the pharmaceutical industry and the lowest in clinical pharmacy practitioners. EI and PS were highly negatively correlated (r=-0,543), thus indicating that developing EI may have protective effects against stress. Subanalysis revealed the highest potential for stress-protective effects in the Emotional Self-Management and Emotional Self-Control subdomains (r=-0,528, r=-0,457, respectively). Conclusion: Given the expanded importance of EI development in pharmacy practice, the results of the study could be a basis for the specialization and continuing pharmacist education program creators to evaluate the curricula and propose changes in the methodologies, contents, and approaches in work to meet development needs of post-graduate pharmacists better. Further research should confirm the findings of the EI subanalysis

    Etika u savremenoj farmaceutskoj praksi

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    Introduction: According to legal provisions and moral and ethical principles, pharmacists are required to contribute to improving the level and quality of health care services of their professional duties. Modern pharmaceutical practice in a community pharmacy setting presumes a pharmacist faced to many situations, when is required to see the right decisions to concern for the welfare of the patient. It carries a new kind of professional expectations and obligations, but may produce serious conflicts and ethical dilemmas as well. Objective: To describe the importance of professional ethics and knowledge of ethical codes, ethical principles and moral principles by pharmacists, and the ways of making decisions in situations where pharmacists encounter to the ethical problems in terms of contemporary pharmacy practice. Content analysis was performed and ethical problems solving was analyzed. Methods: We used a descriptive approach with desk research method of reviewing available data from different sources and literature. Results: Data from the literature say about the legal interpretation of the ethical problems in practice and poor knowledge of the codes by pharmacists. By the analysis of codes, four basic principles were established: beneficence, safety, justice and autonomy. In ethical situations, pharmacists are in the state of moral anxiety based on agitation and moral conflict. There are several ways of making moral decisions. Conclusion: It is necessary to educate pharmacists in terms of knowledge of ethical codes and making distinctions with legal problems. It is necessary to develop an awareness of the importance of professional ethics and how to improve the moral decision-making.Uvod: Farmaceuti su dužni da doprinesu poboljšanju nivoa zdravstvene zaštite i poboljšanju kvaliteta zdravstvenih usluga obavljajući svoje profesionalne zadatke u skladu sa zakonskim propisima, ali i moralnim načelima i etičkim principima. U javnoj apoteci, farmaceut se suočava sa velikim brojem situacija u kojima je potrebno da odluči šta je ispravno, u cilju staranja za dobrobit pacijenta, što donosi sa sobom i nova očekivanja i obaveze u profesionalnom smislu, a što bi moglo da prouzrokuje ozbiljne konflikte i etičke dileme. Cilj: Prikazati značaj profesionalne etike i poznavanja etičkih kodeksa, etičkih principa i moralnih načela od strane farmaceuta, kao i načine donošenja odluka u situacijama kada se farmaceuti suoče sa etičkim problemom u uslovima savremene farmaceutske prakse. Specifični ciljevi su: sadržajna analiza etičkih kodeksa i razmatranje načina prevazilaženja etičkih problema u farmaceutskoj praksi. Metod: Ovo je deskriptivno istraživanje u kome se koristi metoda desk analize sekundarnih podataka. Rezultati: Podaci iz literature govore o pravnom tumačenju etičkih problema u praksi i slabom poznavanju kodeksa od strane farmaceuta. Analizom kodeksa utvrđeno je postojanje 4 osnovna principa: dobročinstvo, neškodljivost, pravičnosti autonomija. U etičkim situacijama farmaceuti se nalaze u stanju moralne uznemirenosti u čijoj osnovi je anksioznost i moralni konflikt. Postoji više načina donošenja moralne odluke. Zaključak: Potrebno je edukovati farmaceute, razviti svest o značaju profesionalne etike i unaprediti način donošenja moralne odluke

    Razvoj bolničke apotekarske prakse u Specijalnoj bolnici za bolesti zavisnosti

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    The Special Hospital for Addiction Diseases (SBBZ) received the status of a secondary level health care institution and reference center for addiction diseases in 2007. The turning points in the development of the pharmacy service in SBBZ in the previous 60 years are presented, by applying the method of historical analysis for the period from 1958 until today. The dispensary for the treatment of alcoholics and the fight against alcoholism was founded in 1958 in Belgrade, and a hospital pharmacy within the Clinical Department for Alcoholism started operating there. For the next four decades, it grew into the Institute for Alcoholism (1968), the Institute for Alcoholism and Drug Addiction in 1973, and in 1980 changed its name to the Institute for Addiction Diseases. This health institution is part of the OOUR Clinic for Psychiatry and Neurology (1987), which was one of the working organizations of the Clinical Hospital Center "Dr Dragisa Misovic-Dedinje". The Institute for Addiction Diseases was founded in 1992, separated from the KBC and has been operating as the SBBZ since 2007 (1). With the independence of the hospital, the hospital pharmacy organizationally belonged to the laboratory and the hospital pharmaceutical activity was performed by only one pharmacist (2). It can be concluded that the transformation of the health institution had little impact on the work of the hospital pharmacy service because at all turning points there was always a pharmacist as the only professional, a holder of a job in a hospital pharmacy.Specijalna bolnica za bolesti zavisnosti (SBBZ) dobija status ustanove sekundarnog nivoa zdravstvene zaštite i referentnog centra za bolesti zavisnosti 2007. godine. Obavlja delatnosti iz oblasti: psihijatrije, neurologije, interne medicine, biohemijsko-toksikološke dijagnostike, farmaceutske delatnosti, psihologije, specijalne pedagogije, socijalne zaštite. Prikazane su prelomne tačke u razvoju apotekarske službe u SBBZ u prethodnih 60 godina, primenom metode istorijske analize za period od 1958.godine do danas. Dispanzer za lečenje alkoholičara i borbu protiv alkoholizma osnovan je 1958. godine u Beogradu i u njemu počinje sa radom bolnička apoteka u sklopu Kliničkog odeljenja za alkoholizam. Narednih četiri decenije prerasta u Institut za alkoholizam (1968. god.), “Institut za alkoholizam i narkomaniju” 1973. godine, a 1980. godine menja naziv u Zavod za bolesti zavisnosti. Ova zdravstvena ustanova ulazi u sastav OOUR-a Klinika za psihijatriju i neurologiju (1987.god.), koja je bila jedna od radnih organizacija Kliničko-bolničkog centra “Dr Dragiša Mišović- Dedinje”. Zavod za bolesti zavisnosti je osnovan 1992. godine, izdvojio se iz KBC i od 2007. godine radi kao SBBZ (1). Osamostaljivanjem bolnice, bolnička apoteka je organizaciono pripala laboratoriji i bolničku farmaceutsku delatnost je obavljao samo jedan farmaceut (2). Broj zaposlenih se menjao ali ne u srazmeri sa obimom poslova u bolničkoj apoteci, da bi mnogo kasnije, 2020. godine bolnička apoteka postala izdvojena, samostalna organizaciona jedinica sa zaposlenim 1 specijalistom farmacije i 1 farmaceutskim tehničarom. Može se zaključiti da je transformacija zdravstvene ustanove imala malog uticaja na rad bolničke apotekarske službe jer je u svim prelomnim tačkama uvek postojao farmaceut kao jedino stručno lice, nosilac poslova u bolničkoj apoteci.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    The importance of motivation for achieving goals: a greater number of voluntary blood donors

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    Uvod: Dobrovoljno davanje krvi (DDK) igra ključnu ulogu u obezbeđivanju zaliha krvi za medicinske potrebe. Međutim, od perioda Covida svedočimo opadajućim stopama dobrovoljnih davalaca krvi. Jedna od najvažnijih tema u menadžmentu jeste motivacija, a motivacioni faktori predstavljaju sredstva koja pojedinca podstiču na delovanje ka određenom cilju. Ciljevi: (i) Proceniti iskustva i stavove studenata farmacije u vezi sa DDK; (ii) Identifikovati fizičke i psihološke prepreke koje sprečavaju, kao i motive koji pokreću studente da postanu dobrovoljni davaoci krvi; Metode: Među studentima farmacije Farmaceutskog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu sprovedena je studija preseka u 2022. godini. Namenski kreiran upitnik korišćen je za prikupljanje primarnih podataka. Rezultati: Učestvovalo je 127 ispitanika, većinom ženskog pola (81,1%). Dobrovoljnih davaoca krvi bilo je 40,2%. Pozitivan stav prema DDK imalo je 93,7%. Kao prepreke za nedavanje krvi 35,4% se izjasnilo da je to zbog medicinskih razloga, a 18,9% strah od krvi I igle. Humanost je bila ključna motivacija za DDK. Zaključak: Edukacija i promotivne aktivnosti mogu povećati motivaciju studenata farmacije za DDK. Analiza motivacije je ključna za unapređenje regrutovanja i zadržavanja dobrovoljnih davalaca krvi. Važno je kontinuirano raditi na očuvanju zaliha krvi i podizanju svesti o DDK među studentima.Introduction: Voluntary blood donation (VBD) plays a key role in providing blood supplies for medical needs. However, since the Covid period we are witnessing declining rates of voluntary blood donors. One of the most important topics in management is motivation, and motivational factors are means that encourage an individual to act towards a certain goal. Objectives: (i) Assess experiences and attitudes of pharmacy students regarding VBD; (ii) Identify the physical and psychological obstacles that prevent, as well as the motives that drive students to become voluntary blood donors; Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among pharmacy students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade in 2022. A purpose-built questionnaire was used to collect primary data. Results: 127 respondents participated, mostly female (81.1%). There were 40.2% of voluntary blood donors. 93.7% had a positive attitude towards DDK. As obstacles for not donating blood, 35.4% stated that it was due to medical reasons, and 18.9% said that it was fear of blood and needles. Humanity was a key motivation for VBD. Conclusion: Education and promotional activities can increase pharmacy students' motivation for VBD. Analysis of motivation is key to improving the recruitment and retention of voluntary blood donors. It is important to continuously work on preserving blood supplies and raising awareness about VBD among students.VII Nacionalna naučno–stručna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem, „Trendovi u poslovanju 2023“, 29. septembar 2023, Kruševac, Sapoštenje štampano u celost