218 research outputs found

    Assessment of the relevancy of educational programs for parenting

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    U naukama o vaspitanju, porodica se može istraživati kao vaspitni kontekst u kome odrastaju i razvijaju se svi njeni članovi, ali i kao polje za obrazovnu intervenciju kojom se vaspitni kontekst porodice može razvijati i unapređivati. Posmatrajući je i sa jedne i sa druge strane, u ovom istraživanju pažnju smo usmerili na obrazovne intervencije u porodični sistem i procene različitih aktera obrazovne intervencije o njihovoj relevantnosti. Namera nam je bila da naučno istražimo kako treba koncipirati i kreirati obrazovne programe za roditeljstvo i ko treba da učestvuje u procesu njihovog kreiranja, kako bi programi na najbolji način unosili u porodicu snagu potrebnu za unapređenje roditeljstva i vaspitne funkcije porodice. U našem radu smo istraživali mogućnost razvoja multimodalnog pristupa kreiranju obrazovnih programa za roditeljstvo. Ovaj pristup obuhvata dva ključna procesa. Prvi je proces kreiranja potencijalnog modela obrazovnog programa za roditeljstvo u kome su polazište glavne premise savremenih teorijskih modela sagledavanja porodičnog vaspitanja i roditeljstva kao društvenog, grupnog i ličnog fenomena, sistemskog pristupa porodici i razvojne porodične teorije. Drugi je proces procenjivanja relevantnosti tako kreiranog modela obrazovnog programa za roditeljstvo od strane ključnih aktera ovog procesa. Na taj način je učešće u procenjivanju i kreiranju obrazovnih programa za roditeljstvo omogućeno relevantnim akterima ovog procesa: stručnjacima, roditeljima i deci. Procenjivanje teorijskog modela obrazovnog programa za roditeljstvo otkriva relevantnost ponuđenih sadržaja, sa jedne strane, a sa druge uvodi ključne korisnike programa kao njegove kreatore. Cilj teorijsko-empirijskog istraživanja jeste naučna deskripcija i koncepcija modela i utvrđivanje sličnosti i razlika u proceni relevantnosti kreiranog modela obrazovnog programa za roditeljstvo od strane stručnjaka, roditelja i dece. Istraživanje je teorijsko-empirijske prirode, a po metodu primenjenom u prikupljanju, obradi i interpretaciji podataka spada u red 1 neeksperimentalnog deskriptivnog istraživanja. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja kreirani su instrumenti – Skale procene relevantnosti kreiranog modela obrazovnog programa za roditeljstvo, u cilju dobijanja podataka o proceni relevantnosti sadržaja ponuđenog modela obrazovnog programa, od strane stručnjaka, roditelja i dece...In the educational sciences family can be researched as educational context where all of her members grow and develop. Family can also be researched as a field for educational intervention through which educational context can be developed and improved. Looking at family from both sides, in this research we focused our attention on educational intervention into the family system and assessment of the various actors of educational intervention on their relevance. Our intention was to research how educational programs for parenting should be conceptualized and designed and who should be involved in that process so that programs could, in the best way, bring into the family the strenght needed for the parenthood improvement and improvement of educational function of family. In our study we researched the possibility of development of multi-modal approach to the design of educational programs for parenting. This approach involves two key processes. The first one is the process of creation of potencial model of educational program for parenting starting from the main premises of the contemporary theoretical models of parenthood as a social, group and individual phenomenon, systemic approach to family and developmental family theory. The second one is the assessment process of relevance of designed model of educational program for parenting, by key actors in this process. Thus, participation in the creation of educational programs for parenting is enabled to all actors in the process: professionals, parents and children. On the one hand the assesment of the theorethical model of educational program for parenting reveals the relevance of the offered content, and on the other hand introduces key users of the program as its makers. The aim of this theorethical-empirical research is scientific description and conception of the model discovery of similarity and differences in the assessment of relevancy of designed educational program for parenting among experts, parents and childrens. This is a theoretical-empirical research, and by method used in data collection, processing and interpretation, it belongs to non-experimental descriptive research. For the needs of this research the follow instruments were designed: Scales for 3 assessment of relevancy of designed educational program for parenting, in order to obtain data on the assessment of relevancy of offered content topics of educational program, by experts, parents and children..

    Assessment of the relevancy of educational programs for parenting

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    У наукама о васпитању, породица се може истраживати као васпитни контекст у коме одрастају и развијају се сви њени чланови, али и као поље за образовну интервенцију којом се васпитни контекст породице може развијати и унапређивати. Посматрајући је и са једне и са друге стране, у овом истраживању пажњу смо усмерили на образовне интервенције у породични систем и процене различитих актера образовне интервенције о њиховој релевантности. Намера нам је била да научно истражимо како треба конципирати и креирати образовне програме за родитељство и ко треба да учествује у процесу њиховог креирања, како би програми на најбољи начин уносили у породицу снагу потребну за унапређење родитељства и васпитне функције породице. У нашем раду смо истраживали могућност развоја мултимодалног приступа креирању образовних програма за родитељство. Овај приступ обухвата два кључна процеса. Први је процес креирања потенцијалног модела образовног програма за родитељство у коме су полазиште главне премисе савремених теоријских модела сагледавања породичног васпитања и родитељства као друштвеног, групног и личног феномена, системског приступа породици и развојне породичне теорије. Други је процес процењивања релевантности тако креираног модела образовног програма за родитељство од стране кључних актера овог процеса. На тај начин је учешће у процењивању и креирању образовних програма за родитељство омогућено релевантним актерима овог процеса: стручњацима, родитељима и деци. Процењивање теоријског модела образовног програма за родитељство открива релевантност понуђених садржаја, са једне стране, а са друге уводи кључне кориснике програма као његове креаторе. Циљ теоријско-емпиријског истраживања јесте научна дескрипција и концепција модела и утврђивање сличности и разлика у процени релевантности креираног модела образовног програма за родитељство од стране стручњака, родитеља и деце. Истраживање је теоријско-емпиријске природе, а по методу примењеном у прикупљању, обради и интерпретацији података спада у ред 1 неексперименталног дескриптивног истраживања. За потребе овог истраживања креирани су инструменти – Скале процене релевантности креираног модела образовног програма за родитељство, у циљу добијања података о процени релевантности садржаја понуђеног модела образовног програма, од стране стручњака, родитеља и деце...In the educational sciences family can be researched as educational context where all of her members grow and develop. Family can also be researched as a field for educational intervention through which educational context can be developed and improved. Looking at family from both sides, in this research we focused our attention on educational intervention into the family system and assessment of the various actors of educational intervention on their relevance. Our intention was to research how educational programs for parenting should be conceptualized and designed and who should be involved in that process so that programs could, in the best way, bring into the family the strenght needed for the parenthood improvement and improvement of educational function of family. In our study we researched the possibility of development of multi-modal approach to the design of educational programs for parenting. This approach involves two key processes. The first one is the process of creation of potencial model of educational program for parenting starting from the main premises of the contemporary theoretical models of parenthood as a social, group and individual phenomenon, systemic approach to family and developmental family theory. The second one is the assessment process of relevance of designed model of educational program for parenting, by key actors in this process. Thus, participation in the creation of educational programs for parenting is enabled to all actors in the process: professionals, parents and children. On the one hand the assesment of the theorethical model of educational program for parenting reveals the relevance of the offered content, and on the other hand introduces key users of the program as its makers. The aim of this theorethical-empirical research is scientific description and conception of the model discovery of similarity and differences in the assessment of relevancy of designed educational program for parenting among experts, parents and childrens. This is a theoretical-empirical research, and by method used in data collection, processing and interpretation, it belongs to non-experimental descriptive research. For the needs of this research the follow instruments were designed: Scales for 3 assessment of relevancy of designed educational program for parenting, in order to obtain data on the assessment of relevancy of offered content topics of educational program, by experts, parents and children..

    The role of mTOR and MAPK signaling pathways in resistance of thyroid carcinoma to chemotherapy.

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    Kаrcinomi štitаste žlezde su nаjčešći mаligniteti endokrinog sistemа. Klаsifikаcijа ovih mаlignitetа je izvršenа nа osnovu njihovih histopаtoloških kаrаkteristikа nа pаpilаrni, folikulаrni medulаrni i аnаplаstični kаrcinom (ATC). Većinа karcinoma štitаste žlezde je dobro diferencirаnа i imа odličnu prognozu (pаpilаrni i folikulаrni), dok аnаplаstični kаrcinom predstаvljа аgresivni tip sа izrаzito lošom prognozom uprkos rаzličitim terаpijskim pristupimа u njegovom lečenju. Promene u PI3K/AKT/mTOR i RAS/MAPK/ERK signаlnim putevima su karakteristične za nastanak karcinoma štitaste žlezde, koji su urođeno rezistentni na klasičnu hemioterapiju. Upravo promene u аktivnosti PI3K/AKT/mTOR i RAS/MAPK/ERK signаlnih putevа mogu dovesti i do rezistencije nа klаsične hemioterаpeutike. Još jedan od mogućih uzroka neuspehа hemioterаpije je i pojаvа višestruke (engl. multi-drug, MDR) rezistencije. Najčešći uzrok MDR-a je povišena ekspresija P-gp i BCRP transportnih pumpi. Cilj ove studije je bio ispitivanje uloge ključnih komponenti PI3K/AKT/mTOR i RAS/MAPK/ERK signаlnih putevа u pаtogenezi i rezistenciji ATC. Analizirane su promene na genskom i proteinskom nivou u uzorcima pаcijenаtа obolelih od ovog tipa kаrcinomа, kao i efekat inhibicije komponenti signalnih puteva kod humanih ATC ćelijskih linija. Pored toga, ispitana je i uloga P-gp i BCRP pumpi u rezistenciji ATC. Pokazano je da su i PI3K/AKT/mTOR i RAS/MAPK/ERK signаlni putevi važni za genezu ATC, kao i da se pritom međusobno isključuju. NRAS onkogen i p53 tumor supresor su izmenjeni u ispitivanim tumorskim uzorcima sa visokom učestalošću. Najčešće je izmenjen NRAS gen što ukazuje na njegovu ključnu ulogu u razvoju ATC. Sve otkrivene mutacije u NRAS genu i dve mutacije u p53 genu su po prvi put prijavljene kod ATC. In vitro studije su pokazale da se inhibicijom komponenti RAS/MAPK/ERK i PI3K/AKT/mTOR signalnih puteva povećava senzitivnost humanih ATC ćelija na klasičnu hemioterapiju. Najefikasnijim se pokazao dvostruki mTOR inhibitor AZD2014, kako u pojedinačnim tretmanima tako i u kombinaciji sa paklitakselom (PTX) i doksorubicinom (DOX). Imunohistohemijska analiza P-gp i BCRP pumpi pokazala je njihovo značajno prisustvo kod ATC pacijenata što ukazuje na učešće ovih proteina u rezistenciji ATC. Sortiranjem ATC ćelija sa smanjenom akumulacijom rodamina 123 (Rho123), poznatog P-gp supstrata, uspostavljena je nova ATC ćelijska linija. Na taj način, dobijen je model koji više odgovara fenotipu uočenom kod ATC pacijenata nego komercijalne ATC ćelijske linije korišćene u ovoj studiji.. Na ovom modelu je ispitana efikasnost kombinovanog tretmanadvostrukim mTOR inhibitorom AZD2014 i PTX-om. Pokazano je da AZD2014 ne samo da povećava osetljivost ATC ćelija na PTX, već u kombinaciji sa ovim citostatikom efikasno inhibira i migraciju i invaziju ATC ćelija. Imajući u vidu da su rezistentnost i invazivnost ATC glavni uzroci loše prognoze, terapija kombinacijom dvostrukog mTOR inhibitora i PTX-a bi mogla doprineti efikasnijem lečenju pacijenata obolelih od ovog karcinoma.Thyroid carcinoma is the most common malignancy of the endocrine system. Thyroid malignancies are classified according to their histopathological characteristic as papillary, follicular, medullary and anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC). Most thyroid malignancies (papillary thyroid carcinoma and follicular thyroid carcinoma) are well differentiated and have favorable prognosis. On the other hand, ATC is one of the most aggressive human cancers, with an intrinsic resistance and dismal prognosis despite various therapeutic modalities. Changes in components of RAS/MAPK/ERK and PI3K/AKT/mTORpathways are common in thyroid cancer genesis which are resistant to classic chemotherapy agents. Changes in the activity of RAS/MAPK/ERK and PI3K/AKT/mTORsignaling pathways can lead to drug resistance. Besides these changes, possible cause of chemotherapy resistance is also multi-drug resistance (MDR). The most common cause of MDR is high expression of P-gp and BCRP proteins. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the key components of RAS/MAPK/ERK and PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathways in the pathogenesis and chemoresistance of ATC. We analyzed gene and protein changes in set of ATC patient samples. We also investigated the role of inhibition of RAS/MAPK/ERK and PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathways in ATC chemosensitization using human ATC cell lines. The role of P-gp and BCRP proteins in ATC chemoresistance was also investigated. Analysis of alterations in RAS/MAPK/ERK and PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathways in ATC patients indicated that both pathways cooperate in the development of ATC. Our results revealed a negative correlation between the activity of RAS/MAPK/ERK and PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathways in the samples of ATC patients. NRAS oncogene and p53 tumor suppressor are mutated with high frequency in our set of ATC samples. NRAS is dominantly mutated gene, indicating the importance of this gene in ATC development. All detected mutations in NRAS gene, and two mutations in p53 gene, have never been reported in ATC genesis before. In vitro results suggest that the inhibition of either RAS/MAPK/ERK or PI3K/AKT/mTOR components may confer sensitivity of ATC cells to classic chemotherapeutics. Treatment with dual mTOR inhibitor, AZD2014, alone or in combination with paclitaxel (PTX) or doxorubicin (DOX) was shown to be the most effective. Immunohistochemical analysis showed high P-gp and BCRP expression in our ATC samples, which indicates the role of these proteins in ATC chemoresistance. We sorted ATC cells with the low Rhodamin123 (Rho123) accumulation which is substrate of P-gp protein and established new ATC cell line. In this way we obtained in vitro model system more similar to the patients’ phenotype, then comercial ATC cell lines used in this study. We investigated the potential of dual mTOR inhibitor, AZD2014 combined with PTX to sensitize this new ATC cell line. It was showed that treatment with AZD2014 not only sensitizes ATC cells to PTX, but also combined with this cytostatic, efficiently inhibits ATC cell migration and invasion. Taking into account that chemoresistance and invasiveness of ATC are the main causes of poor outcome, the application of dual mTOR inhibitor combined with PTX, seems to be a logical therapeutic strategy for patients with ATC

    The application of systematic approach (in) to studying family functioning in educational sciences

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    Rad predstavlja pokušaj sagledavanja multifunkcionalnosti sistemskog pristupa porodici u razumevanju porodičnog funkcionisanja u naukama o vaspitanju. Sistemski pristup proučavanju porodičnog funkcionisanja u naukama u vaspitanju uvodi nov okvir posmatranja kako vaspitne stvarnosti porodice, tako i mogućnosti obrazovne intervencije na plan njenog funkcionisanja. On omogućava da se vaspitna stvarnost porodice sagledava kao živi, dinamički odnos različitih razvojnih dimenzija porodičnog funkcionisanja koji usmeravaju pravac razvoja kako članova porodice, tako i porodičnog sistema u celini. Razvojnost tih dimenzija porodičnog funkcionisanja ukazuje na njihovu vaspitljivost. S druge strane, ovakav pristup porodici u naukama o vaspitanju otvara prostor obrazovanju kao najmoćnijem sredstvu vaspitanja i obliku podrške porodici iz meta sistema da utiče na usmeravanje tog pravca ka napredovanju i rastu porodice i svih njenih članova.This paper represents an attempt to take into account multifunctional character of the systematic approach to the family in understanding family functioning in Educational Sciences. The systematic approach to the study of family functioning in Educational sciences introduces new framework for observation of family educational reality, but also the possibilities for educational intervention to its functioning plan. It provides opportunity for educational reality to be seen as a living, dynamic relationship between different development dimensions of family functioning - the relationship which focuses the direction of development of the family members and family system as a whole. The possibility to develop these dimensions of the family functioning indicates their possibility to be changed by educational intervention. On the other hand, this approach to family in Educational sciences creates the space for the education, the most powerful mean of upbringing and meta-system form of support to the family, to influence the focus of that direction towards improvement and growth of the family and all its members.

    Prevalence and characteristics of endometrial polyps in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding

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    Background/Aim. The prevalence of endometrial polyps (EPs) in the general female population is about 24%. Abnormal uterine bleeding is frequently the presenting symptom of EPs. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and characteristics of EPs in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding. Methods. The prevalence and characteristics of EPs were investigated in 961 patients with abnormal uterine bleeding who underwent dilatation and curettage between January and December 2006. Regarding histopathological features of EPs (presence of atypical hyperplasia or endometrial carcinoma), patients were divided into two groups: group A - patients who had EPs and EPs with hyperplasia without atypia (n = 204) and group B - patients who had EPs with atypical hyperplasia and EPs with carcinoma (n = 7). Results. In 211 (21.94%) patients EPs were found with abnormal uterine bleeding. Histopathologically, there were 175 (82.94%) EPs, 29 (13.74%) EPs with hyperplasia without atypia, 5 (2.37%) EPs with atypical hyperplasia, and 2 (0.95%) EPs with endometrial carcinoma. Contrary to the patients with EPs and EPs with hyperplasia without atypia (group A), patients who had EPs with atypical hyperplasia and EPs with carcinoma (group B) were older (p < 0.05), and more commonly postmenopausal (p < 0.05) and with hypertension (p < 0.05), all of statistical significance. Conclusion. The prevalence of endometrial polyps in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding according to our data was 21.95%. Atypical hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma were rarely confined to a polyp. Older age, postmenopausal period and hypertension may increase the risk of premalignant and malignant changes in endometrial polyps

    Memorable Food: Fighting Age-Related Neurodegeneration by Precision Nutrition

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    Healthcare systems worldwide are seriously challenged by a rising prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs), which mostly, but not exclusively, affect the ever-growing population of the elderly. The most known neurodegenerative diseases are Alzheimer's (AD) and Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, but some viral infections of the brain and traumatic brain injury may also cause NDD. Typical for NDD are the malfunctioning of neurons and their irreversible loss, which often progress irreversibly to dementia and ultimately to death. Numerous factors are involved in the pathogenesis of NDD: genetic variability, epigenetic changes, extent of oxidative/nitrosative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and DNA damage. The complex interplay of all the above-mentioned factors may be a fingerprint of neurodegeneration, with different diseases being affected to different extents by particular factors. There is a voluminous body of evidence showing the benefits of regular exercise to brain health and cognitive functions. Moreover, the importance of a healthy diet, balanced in macro- and micro-nutrients, in preventing neurodegeneration and slowing down a progression to full-blown disease is evident. Individuals affected by NDD almost inevitably have low-grade inflammation and anomalies in lipid metabolism. Metabolic and lipid profiles in NDD can be improved by the Mediterranean diet. Many studies have associated the Mediterranean diet with a decreased risk of dementia and AD, but a cause-and-effect relationship has not been deduced. Studies with caloric restriction showed neuroprotective effects in animal models, but the results in humans are inconsistent. The pathologies of NDD are complex and there is a great inter-individual (epi)genetic variance within any population. Furthermore, the gut microbiome, being deeply involved in nutrient uptake and lipid metabolism, also represents a pillar of the gut microbiome–brain axis and is linked with the pathogenesis of NDD. Numerous studies on the role of different micronutrients (omega-3 fatty acids, bioactive polyphenols from fruit and medicinal plants) in the prevention, prediction, and treatment of NDD have been conducted, but we are still far away from a personalized diet plan for individual NDD patients. For this to be realized, large-scale cohorts that would include the precise monitoring of food intake, mapping of genetic variants, epigenetic data, microbiome studies, and metabolome, lipidome, and transcriptome data are needed

    Attitudes of high school students towards gender equality in the field of job market

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    Ravnopravnost polova odnosi se na isti status žena i muškaraca i na obezbeđivanje jednakih uslova i jednom i drugom polu za realizaciju svih potencijala kako bi mogli da doprinesu sveukupnom razvoju društva i sebe kao jedinke. Polna ravnopravnost, kao i drugi ključni činioci demokratskog društva, poput obrazovanja o miru, privatne i javne odgovornosti građana, poštovanja različitosti ili uspostavljanja interkulturalnih odnosa, zapravo je jedan od ciljeva koje bi vaspitno-obrazovni sistem trebalo da ostvari, što je moguće ukoliko je on neraskidivo povezan sa vaspitno-obrazovnom praksom. Mi ćemo se u ovom radu baviti ispitivanjem stavova učenika prema ravnopravnosti polova u oblasti tržišta rada i pokušaćemo da utvrdimo da li su određene socio-demografske karakteristike učenika povezane sa njihovim stavom prema ovoj dimenziji ravnopravnosti polova. Za ovakav pristup problemu odlučili smo se zbog činjenice da se na osnovu poznavanja stavova prema određenim pitanjima može, iako ne sa potpunom sigurnošću, predvideti ponašanje ljudi, i zbog činjenice da škola, kao jedan od agensa socijalizacije, ima potencijal da na kreativan način radi na polju ravnopravnosti polova, pri čemu je neophodno da taj svoj rad bazira i na rezultatima ispitivanja stavova učenika prema ovom pitanju.Equality of genders refers to the same status of women and men and this refers to the obtaining equal conditions for both genders for realisation all the potentials so that they can contribute to the whole development of society and themselves as individuals. Gender equality, as well as other key factors of democratic society, such as education about peace public and private responsibilities of the citizens, respecting differences or creating intercultural relations is in fact one of the aims which a pedagogical-educational system should realise, and this is possible if it is thoroughly connected with the pedagogical-educational praxis. In this paper, we are studying attitudes of students towards gender equality in the field of job market and we shall try to determine if certain socio-demographic characteristics of students are connected with their attitudes towards this dimension of gender equality. We chose this approach to the problem because of the fact that based on the attitudes of certain issues we can, although not for sure, foresee behaviour of people and because of the fact that a school, as one of the factors of socialisation has the potential to creatively work in the field of gender equality, and it is necessary to base its work on the results of the studied attitude of students towards the issues

    Computer aided system for segmentation and visualization of microcalcifications in digital mammograms

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    Two methods for segmentation and visualization of microcalcifications in digital or digitized mammograms are described. First method is based on modern mathematical morphology, while the second one uses the multifractal approach. In the first method, by using an appropriate combination of some morphological operations, high local contrast enhancement, followed by significant suppression of background tissue, irrespective of its radiology density, is obtained. By iterative procedure, this method highly emphasizes only small bright details, possible microcalcifications. In a multifractal approach, from initial mammogram image, a corresponding multifractal "images" are created, from which a radiologist has a freedom to change the level of segmentation. An appropriate user friendly computer aided visualization (CAV) system with embedded two methods is realized. The interactive approach enables the physician to control the level and the quality of segmentation. Suggested methods were tested through mammograms from MIAS database as a gold standard, and from clinical praxis, using digitized films and digital images from full field digital mammograph

    Work-Based Learning for Higher Level VET Provision

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    In this paper we reflect about work based learning as learning about work, learning at work and learning through work. The acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences through action-based or reflective learning in a vocational or occupational context is Work-based Learning (WBL) and is often seen as a strong energy for developing workplace skills and promoting productivity of the labour force. It is directly linked to the mission of Vocational Education and Training (VET) to help learners acquire knowledge, skills and competences which are essential in working life. Realising the potential of WBL requires companies and trainees to engage in WBL that effectively increases productivity. Creating opportunities for high-quality WBL lies at the heart of current European education and training policies. Efforts are needed to invest in expanding the offer of apprenticeships and traineeships in countries where opportunities for this type of learning remain very limited. This paper will try to show one view on understanding benefits of WBL and present why it is important to companies to provide high-quality WBL. Regional project “Master 5” is aimed to support the development and visibility of higher VET opportunities through regional partnerships between learning providers, business and social partners with a particular focus on needs for higher level VET skills at sectoral level. The specific objective is to design and implement new training framework based on WBL for higher level VET provision in craftsmanship to provide skills needs on the regional labour market, thus following the New Skills Agenda. The idea is that the major impact on both learners and business will be increased attractiveness and recognition of master craftsman vocations as providing access to employment and career advancement, as well as enabling further learning and progression to higher education based on strong WBL-basis. Views of companies participated in research in project “Master 5” will be shown in this paper as one example

    Životna sposobnost i vigor semena različitih inbred linija kukuruza tretiranih neonikotinoidima

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effects of different neonicotinoid seed treatments on viability and vigour of maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines. The trial included three maize inbred lines (207 x 312/5 DNS, 7-1 NS, and 312/5 DNS) treated with recommended doses of three commercial formulations of systemic insecticides (Poncho 600-FS, Gaucho 600-FS, and Cruiser 350-FS). Generally, formulation Gaucho 600-FS can be considered the most harmful regarding the impact on the reduction of germination in all tested maize inbred lines. A significant reduction of germination in maize inbred line 7-1 NS was observed after seed treatment with Cruiser 350-FS, using the standard germination test and cold test. A significant increase in seedlings root and shoot growth of maize inbred line 312/5 DNS treated with Poncho 600-FS and Cruiser 350-FS was noted using the cold test.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj različitih tretmana semena neonikotinoidima na životnu sposobnost i vigor semena inbred (Zea mays L.) linija kukuruza. Eksperimentalni objekti su bile tri različite inbred linije kukuruza (207 x 312/5 DNS, 7-1 NS i 312/5 DNS) tretirane sa tri komercijalne formulacije (Poncho 600-FS, Gaucho 600-FS i Cruiser 350-FS) u preporučenim dozama. Generalno se Gaucho 600-FS može smatrati štetnim pošto utiče na smanjenje klijavosti semena kod svih ispitivanih inbred linija. Značajno smanjenje klijavosti semena inbred linije 7-1 NS primećeno je nakon tretmana sa Cruiser 350-FS kod standarnog testa klijavosti i hladnog testa. Značajan porast korena i nadzemnog dela izdanaka inbred linije 312/5 DNS tretirane formulacijama Poncho 600-FS i Cruiser 350-FS je uočen primenom hladnog testa