8 research outputs found

    Analysis of Current Threats to Ships from 2019 to 2022 in Selected Regions

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    International maritime security is of paramount importance to the maritime sector, particularly seafarers. The perception and importance of maritime security have evolved and are the subject of ongoing analysis. The concept of maritime security is closely linked to potential threats that may pose a danger to crews, ships, or the cargoes they carry. These threats are also subject to change over time. Different types of threats can have different implications for maritime security. Currently, the greatest threats to the world merchant fleet come from pirate attacks, armed robbery, terrorism, and military operations in certain maritime regions. These threats vary in nature, frequency, and motivation in different parts of the world, and so there are certain areas that are particularly vulnerable to such threats. This paper provides an analysis of maritime security from the perspective of piracy, armed robbery, and maritime terrorism by analysing individual attacks in different regions from 2019 to 2022. Each reported attack is broken down into various characteristics. Recurring characteristics in different and unrelated attacks are observed. This results in a pattern from which specific recommendations characteristic of individual regions are derived. The recommendations are subject to the dynamics of changes in international maritime security and should be actively modified and adapted accordingly

    In-orbit satellite testing system simulation

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    Rad opisuje rjeÅ”enje za simulaciju IOT sustava tj. sustava za testiranje satelita u orbiti. Rad definira osnovne pojmove vezane uz satelitsku tehnologiju, uključujući vrste orbita i vrste satelita koji kruže po njima te za Å”to se pojedine orbite i sateliti koriste, opisuje se uloga komunikacijskih satelita te se daje prikaz tipične satelitske komunikacije podijeljene na segmente komunikacije. Posebna pažnja obraća se na korisni teret satelita i zemaljsku stanicu te se opisuje njihova uloga u tipičnom, postojećem, IOT sustavu. Iznosi se potreba za sustavom simulacije IOT sustava te se definiraju entiteti IOT sustava koji se simuliraju, a koji koriste simulaciju. Predlažu se zahtjevi za izgradnju sustava simulacije, opravdava odabir tehnologija na kojima je temeljen te se daje prikaz arhitekture takvog sustava uz naglasak na doprinos koji takav sustav donosi te unaprjeđenja koja su moguća.The thesis addresses the In-orbit Satellite Testing (IOT) System simulation. It defines basic concepts related to space/satellite technology such as types of orbits and satellites using them, describes the usage of specific orbits and satellites and includes description of typical satellite communication network divided into specific segments. Special attention is put on role of satellite payload and earth station in the typical, existing IOT system. The need for a simulation of such a system is introduced along with the definition of its entities, the ones that are simulated and the others that use the simulation. The requirements for designing such a system are proposed along with the arguments for choosing specific technologies. The architecture of the simulation system is described, including new concepts and possible improvements it introduces

    In-orbit satellite testing system simulation

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    Rad opisuje rjeÅ”enje za simulaciju IOT sustava tj. sustava za testiranje satelita u orbiti. Rad definira osnovne pojmove vezane uz satelitsku tehnologiju, uključujući vrste orbita i vrste satelita koji kruže po njima te za Å”to se pojedine orbite i sateliti koriste, opisuje se uloga komunikacijskih satelita te se daje prikaz tipične satelitske komunikacije podijeljene na segmente komunikacije. Posebna pažnja obraća se na korisni teret satelita i zemaljsku stanicu te se opisuje njihova uloga u tipičnom, postojećem, IOT sustavu. Iznosi se potreba za sustavom simulacije IOT sustava te se definiraju entiteti IOT sustava koji se simuliraju, a koji koriste simulaciju. Predlažu se zahtjevi za izgradnju sustava simulacije, opravdava odabir tehnologija na kojima je temeljen te se daje prikaz arhitekture takvog sustava uz naglasak na doprinos koji takav sustav donosi te unaprjeđenja koja su moguća.The thesis addresses the In-orbit Satellite Testing (IOT) System simulation. It defines basic concepts related to space/satellite technology such as types of orbits and satellites using them, describes the usage of specific orbits and satellites and includes description of typical satellite communication network divided into specific segments. Special attention is put on role of satellite payload and earth station in the typical, existing IOT system. The need for a simulation of such a system is introduced along with the definition of its entities, the ones that are simulated and the others that use the simulation. The requirements for designing such a system are proposed along with the arguments for choosing specific technologies. The architecture of the simulation system is described, including new concepts and possible improvements it introduces

    Maneuvering with twin engine vessel

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    Ovim će se radom obraditi tema manevriranja dvovijčanim brodovima. Na početku će se priložiti kratko upoznavanje sa čimbenicima koji utječu na plovidbu, a zatim sama definicija dvovijčanih brodova i naposljetku njihova komparacija s obzirom na posebnosti u manevriranju. Manevriranje brodom se u najÅ”irem smislu promatra kao upravljanje brodom s ciljem izbjegavanja sudara ili udara. Ipak, ispravnije je reći kako je manevriranje vjeÅ”tina koja iziskuje veliko iskustvo, a upotrebljava se prilikom veza, sidrenja, pristajanja uz obalu/uređeno pristaniÅ”te ili gat i u nekim drugim specifičnim situacijama. Specifični slučajevi tj. izvanredne situacije mogu biti manevriranje prilikom požara na brodu, prodor vode, tegljenje ili pak plovidba po nevremenu i olujnom moru. Za vjeÅ”to manevriranje potrebno je dobro teoretsko znanje o manevarskim sposobnostima broda te o čimbenicima koji na njega utječu. Za uspjeÅ”no manevriranje nužno je poznavati te čimbenike bili oni vanjski kao Å”to su utjecaj struje, vjetra i plitke vode ili unutraÅ”nji kao utjecaj vijaka, kormila ili veznih konopa. Cilj ovog rada je upoznati se s osobinama različitih dvovijčanih brodova. U konačnici, zaključak će biti rezerviran za koncizan osvrt na cjelokupnu temu u cilju iznoÅ”enja mojih stavova o tome koji je tip dvovijčanog broda najučinkovitiji s aspekta manevarskih sposobnosti.This paper will address the issue of maneuvering twin-propeller vessels. At the beginning, a brief introduction of the factors influencing navigation will be attached, followed by the very definition of twin-propeller ships and finally their comparison with regard to the peculiarities of the maneuvering itself. Maneuvering a vessel in the broadest sense is seen as steering a ship with the objective of avoiding collision or impact. However, it is more correct to say that maneuvering is a skill that requires a lot of experience, and is used when mooring, anchoring, docking along the shore / regulated pier or pier and in some other specific situations. Specific cases, i.e. emergencies, can be maneuvering in the event of a fire on a ship, water intrusion, towing or sailing in severe weather and stormy seas. Skillful maneuvering requires good theoretical knowledge of the ship's maneuverability and the factors that affect it. For successful maneuvering, it is necessary to know these factors, whether they are "external" such as the influence of electricity, wind and shallow water or "internal" as the influence of screws, rudders or connecting ropes. The aim of this paper is to get acquainted with the characteristics of various two-propelled ships. Ultimately, the conclusion will be reserved for a concise review of the whole topic in order to introduce my opinion on which type of twin-propeller ship is most effective in terms of maneuverability

    Maneuvering with twin engine vessel

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    Ovim će se radom obraditi tema manevriranja dvovijčanim brodovima. Na početku će se priložiti kratko upoznavanje sa čimbenicima koji utječu na plovidbu, a zatim sama definicija dvovijčanih brodova i naposljetku njihova komparacija s obzirom na posebnosti u manevriranju. Manevriranje brodom se u najÅ”irem smislu promatra kao upravljanje brodom s ciljem izbjegavanja sudara ili udara. Ipak, ispravnije je reći kako je manevriranje vjeÅ”tina koja iziskuje veliko iskustvo, a upotrebljava se prilikom veza, sidrenja, pristajanja uz obalu/uređeno pristaniÅ”te ili gat i u nekim drugim specifičnim situacijama. Specifični slučajevi tj. izvanredne situacije mogu biti manevriranje prilikom požara na brodu, prodor vode, tegljenje ili pak plovidba po nevremenu i olujnom moru. Za vjeÅ”to manevriranje potrebno je dobro teoretsko znanje o manevarskim sposobnostima broda te o čimbenicima koji na njega utječu. Za uspjeÅ”no manevriranje nužno je poznavati te čimbenike bili oni vanjski kao Å”to su utjecaj struje, vjetra i plitke vode ili unutraÅ”nji kao utjecaj vijaka, kormila ili veznih konopa. Cilj ovog rada je upoznati se s osobinama različitih dvovijčanih brodova. U konačnici, zaključak će biti rezerviran za koncizan osvrt na cjelokupnu temu u cilju iznoÅ”enja mojih stavova o tome koji je tip dvovijčanog broda najučinkovitiji s aspekta manevarskih sposobnosti.This paper will address the issue of maneuvering twin-propeller vessels. At the beginning, a brief introduction of the factors influencing navigation will be attached, followed by the very definition of twin-propeller ships and finally their comparison with regard to the peculiarities of the maneuvering itself. Maneuvering a vessel in the broadest sense is seen as steering a ship with the objective of avoiding collision or impact. However, it is more correct to say that maneuvering is a skill that requires a lot of experience, and is used when mooring, anchoring, docking along the shore / regulated pier or pier and in some other specific situations. Specific cases, i.e. emergencies, can be maneuvering in the event of a fire on a ship, water intrusion, towing or sailing in severe weather and stormy seas. Skillful maneuvering requires good theoretical knowledge of the ship's maneuverability and the factors that affect it. For successful maneuvering, it is necessary to know these factors, whether they are "external" such as the influence of electricity, wind and shallow water or "internal" as the influence of screws, rudders or connecting ropes. The aim of this paper is to get acquainted with the characteristics of various two-propelled ships. Ultimately, the conclusion will be reserved for a concise review of the whole topic in order to introduce my opinion on which type of twin-propeller ship is most effective in terms of maneuverability

    Maneuvering with twin engine vessel

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    Ovim će se radom obraditi tema manevriranja dvovijčanim brodovima. Na početku će se priložiti kratko upoznavanje sa čimbenicima koji utječu na plovidbu, a zatim sama definicija dvovijčanih brodova i naposljetku njihova komparacija s obzirom na posebnosti u manevriranju. Manevriranje brodom se u najÅ”irem smislu promatra kao upravljanje brodom s ciljem izbjegavanja sudara ili udara. Ipak, ispravnije je reći kako je manevriranje vjeÅ”tina koja iziskuje veliko iskustvo, a upotrebljava se prilikom veza, sidrenja, pristajanja uz obalu/uređeno pristaniÅ”te ili gat i u nekim drugim specifičnim situacijama. Specifični slučajevi tj. izvanredne situacije mogu biti manevriranje prilikom požara na brodu, prodor vode, tegljenje ili pak plovidba po nevremenu i olujnom moru. Za vjeÅ”to manevriranje potrebno je dobro teoretsko znanje o manevarskim sposobnostima broda te o čimbenicima koji na njega utječu. Za uspjeÅ”no manevriranje nužno je poznavati te čimbenike bili oni vanjski kao Å”to su utjecaj struje, vjetra i plitke vode ili unutraÅ”nji kao utjecaj vijaka, kormila ili veznih konopa. Cilj ovog rada je upoznati se s osobinama različitih dvovijčanih brodova. U konačnici, zaključak će biti rezerviran za koncizan osvrt na cjelokupnu temu u cilju iznoÅ”enja mojih stavova o tome koji je tip dvovijčanog broda najučinkovitiji s aspekta manevarskih sposobnosti.This paper will address the issue of maneuvering twin-propeller vessels. At the beginning, a brief introduction of the factors influencing navigation will be attached, followed by the very definition of twin-propeller ships and finally their comparison with regard to the peculiarities of the maneuvering itself. Maneuvering a vessel in the broadest sense is seen as steering a ship with the objective of avoiding collision or impact. However, it is more correct to say that maneuvering is a skill that requires a lot of experience, and is used when mooring, anchoring, docking along the shore / regulated pier or pier and in some other specific situations. Specific cases, i.e. emergencies, can be maneuvering in the event of a fire on a ship, water intrusion, towing or sailing in severe weather and stormy seas. Skillful maneuvering requires good theoretical knowledge of the ship's maneuverability and the factors that affect it. For successful maneuvering, it is necessary to know these factors, whether they are "external" such as the influence of electricity, wind and shallow water or "internal" as the influence of screws, rudders or connecting ropes. The aim of this paper is to get acquainted with the characteristics of various two-propelled ships. Ultimately, the conclusion will be reserved for a concise review of the whole topic in order to introduce my opinion on which type of twin-propeller ship is most effective in terms of maneuverability

    In-orbit satellite testing system simulation

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    Rad opisuje rjeÅ”enje za simulaciju IOT sustava tj. sustava za testiranje satelita u orbiti. Rad definira osnovne pojmove vezane uz satelitsku tehnologiju, uključujući vrste orbita i vrste satelita koji kruže po njima te za Å”to se pojedine orbite i sateliti koriste, opisuje se uloga komunikacijskih satelita te se daje prikaz tipične satelitske komunikacije podijeljene na segmente komunikacije. Posebna pažnja obraća se na korisni teret satelita i zemaljsku stanicu te se opisuje njihova uloga u tipičnom, postojećem, IOT sustavu. Iznosi se potreba za sustavom simulacije IOT sustava te se definiraju entiteti IOT sustava koji se simuliraju, a koji koriste simulaciju. Predlažu se zahtjevi za izgradnju sustava simulacije, opravdava odabir tehnologija na kojima je temeljen te se daje prikaz arhitekture takvog sustava uz naglasak na doprinos koji takav sustav donosi te unaprjeđenja koja su moguća.The thesis addresses the In-orbit Satellite Testing (IOT) System simulation. It defines basic concepts related to space/satellite technology such as types of orbits and satellites using them, describes the usage of specific orbits and satellites and includes description of typical satellite communication network divided into specific segments. Special attention is put on role of satellite payload and earth station in the typical, existing IOT system. The need for a simulation of such a system is introduced along with the definition of its entities, the ones that are simulated and the others that use the simulation. The requirements for designing such a system are proposed along with the arguments for choosing specific technologies. The architecture of the simulation system is described, including new concepts and possible improvements it introduces