1,234 research outputs found

    Program Pemberdayaan Desa (Studi Kasus Ued-sp Dharma Bakti Desa Gabung Makmur Kabupaten Siak)

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    Village Empowerment Program The program is aimed to review penangulangan Accelerate Poverty through Economic Empowerment UED-SP WITH provision Against Pemanfaat / or rural communities What do loans for a review of the business, Institutional Capacity and Empowerment AT village UED-SP. to review meujudkan Village Community Development The participatory and self-reliant. Of Research Singer substance is to determine the extent of development review UED-SP Dharma Bakti And The agency encourages empowerment hearts IN Village Community Economic businesses.Concept Theory The researchers use is empowerment Economic empowerment Institutional Capacity Productive And UED-SP Dharma Bakti. Methods used hearts singer research is qualitative descriptive WITH data collection instruments include Interview, Observation and Data Documents UED-SP Dharma Bakti.Research results show that the singer their taxable income through Empowerment Program Fund revolves UED-SP Dharma Bakti, the empowerment of society and Institutional capacity is increasing. ON refund arrears OR Loans Still experiencing congestion due to lack of training and mentoring Against USE Loan funds UED-SP Dharma Bakti. In addition to ITU, socioeconomic factors Pemanfaat The majority is Farmers, mostly oil, the price of palm fruit bunches (FFB) The fluaktif and social conditions laiinnya Opt Against Giving effect of economic business development Pemanfaat And Institutions UED-SP Dharma Bakti

    A search for rapidly pulsating hot subdwarf stars in the GALEX survey

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    NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) provided near- and far-UV observations for approximately 77 percent of the sky over a ten-year period; however, the data reduction pipeline initially only released single NUV and FUV images to the community. The recently released Python module gPhoton changes this, allowing calibrated time-series aperture photometry to be extracted easily from the raw GALEX data set. Here we use gPhoton to generate light curves for all hot subdwarf B (sdB) stars that were observed by GALEX, with the intention of identifying short-period, p-mode pulsations. We find that the spacecraft's short visit durations, uneven gaps between visits, and dither pattern make the detection of hot subdwarf pulsations difficult. Nonetheless, we detect UV variations in four previously known pulsating targets and report their UV pulsation amplitudes and frequencies. Additionally, we find that several other sdB targets not previously known to vary show promising signals in their periodograms. Using optical follow-up photometry with the Skynet Robotic Telescope Network, we confirm p-mode pulsations in one of these targets, LAMOST J082517.99+113106.3, and report it as the most recent addition to the sdBVr class of variable stars.Comment: 11 Pages, 8 Figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The GALEX View of "Boyajian's Star" (KIC 8462852)

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    The enigmatic star KIC 8462852, informally known as "Boyajian's Star", has exhibited unexplained variability from both short timescale (days) dimming events, and years-long fading in the Kepler mission. No single physical mechanism has successfully explained these observations to date. Here we investigate the ultraviolet variability of KIC 8462852 on a range of timescales using data from the GALEX mission that occurred contemporaneously with the Kepler mission. The wide wavelength baseline between the Kepler and GALEX data provides a unique constraint on the nature of the variability. Using 1600 seconds of photon-counting data from four GALEX visits spread over 70 days in 2011, we find no coherent NUV variability in the system on 10-100 second or months timescales. Comparing the integrated flux from these 2011 visits to the 2012 NUV flux published in the GALEX-CAUSE Kepler survey, we find a 3% decrease in brightness for KIC 8462852. We find this level of variability is significant, but not necessarily unusual for stars of similar spectral type in the GALEX data. This decrease coincides with the secular optical fading reported by Montet & Simon (2016). We find the multi-wavelength variability is somewhat inconsistent with typical interstellar dust absorption, but instead favors a RV_V = 5.0 ±\pm 0.9 reddening law potentially from circumstellar dust.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, ApJ Accepte

    High Spectral Resolution Measurement of the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich Effect Null with Z-Spec

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    The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect spectrum crosses through a null where ΔT_CMB = 0 near Îœ_0 = 217 GHz. In a cluster of galaxies, Îœ0 can be shifted from the canonical thermal SZ effect value by corrections to the SZ effect scattering due to the properties of the inter-cluster medium. We have measured the SZ effect in the hot galaxy cluster RX J 1347.5 – 1145 with Z-Spec, an R ~ 300 grating spectrometer sensitive between 185 and 305 GHz. These data comprise a high spectral resolution measurement around the null of the SZ effect and clearly exhibit the transition from negative to positive ΔT_CMB over the Z-Spec band. The SZ null position is measured to be Îœ_0 = 225.8 ± 2.5(stat.) ± 1.2(sys.) GHz, which differs from the canonical null frequency by 3.0σ and is evidence for modifications to the canonical thermal SZ effect shape. Assuming the measured shift in Îœ0 is due only to relativistic corrections to the SZ spectrum, we place the limit kT_e = 17.1 ± 5.3 keV from the zero-point measurement alone. By simulating the response of the instrument to the sky, we are able to generate likelihood functions in {y_0, T_e, v_pec} space. For v_pec = 0 km s^(–1), we measure the best-fitting SZ model to be y_0 = 4.6^(+0.6)_(–0.9) × 10^(–4), T_e, 0 = 15.2^(+12)_(–7.4) keV. When v pec is allowed to vary, a most probable value of v_pec = + 450 ± 810 km s^(–1) is found

    Perceptions of nurses on TB with HIV adherence counselling skills in a health sub-district, Cape Town: A qualitative study

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    People living with HIV (PLHIV) co-infected with Tuberculosis (TB) account for one in three HIV-related deaths. Retention in care and adherence to medication remain key behaviours that PLHIV co-infected with TB must adopt to achieve better health outcomes. Nevertheless, TB with HIV adherence-counselling services provided by nurses designed to enhance these behaviours remain inadequate. Additionally, limited information is found in the literature on the perceptions of nurses regarding their TB with HIV adherence counselling skills pertaining to PLHIV co-infected with TB
